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Love it RawArt! Love it love it!!!
Wow, that's good. Is the hut some kind of morph?
Yeah...that is G8M under there....I was messing around with some extreme morphing to see what would work and what wouldnt.....this guy pushed the limits
and thanx Totte
Very interesting.
Wow, awesome as always RawArt
here are some Hero and Villan concepts for SW:Forever Knight
Not bad
This is awesome! Is this something we can do without HD morphs, or do you have to be a vendor to be able to make morphs like this? I have ZBrush and do some morphing at base res, but this is obviously not that lol
HD morphs will allow more sculpted detail, it does not give you more options as to the kind of morphs you make. You can go extreme with base res morphs then add details in other ways. It is all about how the character maker approaches their concept. (don't want this thread to turn into another HD morph debate.....the ability to make HD morphs or will in no way limit a product makers creativity...just their approach)
Oh no I get it, not going that direction... let me rephrase. This is awesome, and I meant to as "How did you do that?". I was wondering if it's something I would be able to make with consumer tools at my disposal... I'm sorry for the confusion.
Ok...sorry if I overreacted....cuz thats a topic that I forever smack my head about when I see it in the forums LOL
As for if it "can" be done...sure...but it takes alot of patience. When you get that extreme...things no longer play nicely and everything has to be tweaked.
This is my last question, I promise! I wanted to know HOW you did this Hut picture, specifically? If you dont' want to say, that's cool, but I'd like to try to do whatever you did here because I have a feeling it's something I've not done before, and your results are amazing!
WOW! Just wow in every way. Nicely done! I've been backburnering some ideas for a Chiss render of my own, and am also getting ready to commit to some Aurra Sing ideas too. I love your coloring here. Nice work in every aspect @melissastjames!
haha....thats not an easy answer. I made the morphs, modelled a tail....rigged it all together....painted the textures...then posed the shot, set up the lights and rendered...then post worked it all in photoshop
LOL Fair enough... I probably should have figured as much from how complicated it looked just from the picture. I guess I'm stuck because you have "Posed the shot" AFTER things like making the morphs, and I can make something like this, but because of how I'm exporting out a high poly model to take into ZBrush I end up with an OBJ, so I have to pose it out FIRST, which ends up being hit or miss because I have to guess where things will fall and then "pose" it in ZBrush after the fact.
I was just trying to figure out what you did with regards to the morphs because I can't figure out how to end up with a high-poly and poseable figure in DAZ.
THank you very much for all of your responses and attention, you do amazing work and I'm a superfan! Have a good one!
Glad you like her!
This is a concept for a bounty hunter ship. Inspired by the Razor Crest in the Mandalorian. Unlike the Crest, this puppy has 5 engines.
Impressive TK
Thank you sir.
The goal of the following is to offer useful feedback, of the sort I'd often wish I'd get myself. I'm not trying to be hurtful, just to higlight areas where this design doesn't quite gel for me.
In terms of the modelling, it's impressive. Certainly far better than I could do, although that may be damning with faint praise - I'm not very good at modelling my own self.
In terms of design, that angle makes it hard to see exactly what's going on. However, my gut reaction is "the scale is wrong." The large glazed area on the top looks, to me, like a fighter canopy. This is reinforced by the nose being entirely solid, and the forward guns being so huge. Yes, I know, applying the notion of rational physics to Star Wars is futile, but there are a number of traits that the original trilogy established and have mostly been followed throughout the franchise. One of these is that space craft weapons are actually fairly small. The only official OT ship that has large guns relative to its size is an X-Wing, and even they are very small in diametre. Thus, this feels like you took a fighter design and simply made it bigger.
What I would do - and for me, at least, this would involve frankensteining because I'm not a modeller - is turn the upper glazed portion into hull, and then make the nose into a canopy, probably by stealing one off a TIE, since it's that shape. Then I'd delete those battleship sized guns, and replace them with something [i]at most[/i] the size of a Y-Wing's guns. Actually, stealling the top guns off a Y-Wing (which are based on .303 or 7.62mm machineguns) and mounting two or even four on either side would look good [i]and[/i] make sense for a bounty hunter. Those tops guns are generally recognised as ion cannons, after all, and isn't a bounty hunter most interested in capture? Even on a kill warrant, who wants to be picking through debris for a body part to prove your quarry was aboard when you blew the thing up?
Smaller notes: the sensor dish being right on the centre-line is more symetrical than Star Wars usually is, although there's plenty of support for that if moving it is hard. The vertical stabilisers at the back are, I think, unknown in official ships. And again, the dorsal gun is huge. Not so much that it makes me think the ship is smaller than you want it to be, but big enough that I'm wondering why a bounty hunter needs guns big enough to hurt a frigate.
Again, this is all meant as feedback, not insult, and of course reflects my personal aesthetic. If you disagree with what I've said, well, it's your design for your art, and you should do what feels right to [i]you[/i].
Thank you for the feedback. I never have a problem with constructive critque.
In a role-playing campaign I was playing in, alas put on hold by the pandemic, I was seeking a new character for - well, complex reasons. The story niche that really needed to be filled was "guy with ship." The "good at talking" role was also a bit weak. So I decided I wanted to play Bruce Wayne. Not Batman, Bruce - stupidly rich public figure with a steady stream of supermodels on his arm. (Yes of course there's a lot of wish-fufilment going on there! :D ) The GM went for it, and has done an amazing job of building stories where my character can contribute - but can't just buy the party out of trouble, either.
As noted, the character - Erron Hadaai Vendiion - is meant to be "the guy with the ship." However, as a billionaire he needed a special ship. I'm very fond of the Gozanti cruiser design, and so Erron's ship, The Black Tulip, is a custom built Gozanti outfitted as a luxury yacht. It has a crew of 8 (two shifts plus Captain and Engineer - our setting is that most travel times are a few ours, not days, so two shifts is enough), "staff quarters" for 8 more people (currently 3 Stewards, Erron's Valet, and Erron's 3 bodyguards); and passenger quarters for 4, plus Erron's suite. And it has a pool. Because of course it has a pool. The weapons suite was of course never installed - this is a yacht, not a gunship - but it does have two weapon mounts holding twin TIE Fighter guns; these are covered by retractable domes. In-character, the domes are to protect the weapons from exposure when they aren't needed and to improve the overall aesthetics of the ship; out-of-character, the domes were a way to just not have to bother making the guns look good.
Erron doesn't like to land the Tulip unless he has too - re-entry musses up the paint - so he has two lighters, sublight-only shuttles. One is outfitted for passengers, the other as a cargo vessel.
The pictures below are rendered using Iray. The models are STLs downloaded from, converted to OBJs in Blender, given a simple UV Map in UVMapper, and then different material zones defined using the Geometry Editor in Studio. The "textures" are mostly just shaders - I leant especially heavily on Tom2099's "DAZ Iray car related 'megapack'" over at ShareCG. Originally the Tulip was pure chrome - but it was so reflective, you couldn't see it! It just disappeared into the background. So I repainted her silver instead.
Pretty good concept. I would consider bringing the shuttles closer to the bottom of the ship. I realize there is no drag in space, but I keep thinking about that. Also, the shuttles seem super exposed to attack. Just my 2 cents for what it's worth. What game are your playing? Is it a commercial RPG or did you guys make it from scratch?
The docking tubes are designed for TIEs, so they have to be that long to accomodate the radiator wings. Out of character, they're still that long on the Tulip because the model I converted had an "in" option and an "out" option and I wasn't willing to hack up the geometry to make an intermediate length. In character, they're that long because they're "off the rack" and Erron - who is a business man and politician, not a Naval officer - didn't even think of it being a problem if he got attacked. In combat, the Tulip's captain just jettisons the lighters. They're moderately expensive - we've actually had to establish the price, because some Imperials on a backwater world desperately short of transport were trying to conscript them - but Erron's income is just under a million credits a month. The cargo lighter is worth about 200k and the passenger lighter 1.2 million (mostly for the fancy ass carpet and exotic hardwood furniture) so he'd notice that cost, but can afford it if he has to. I try hard not to have everything work out perfect, and the fact that he might have to abandon 1.5 million credits worth of shuttles that he owns merely for his ego is one of those oversights I deliberately left in once I'd noticed it.
As for "no drag in space," I personally subscribe to the notion that the Star Wars universe has "ether" in space, rather than pure vaccum, which is why the ships all manouvre like they're aircraft.
Rules wise, we've adaped Twilight: 2013. That the official 3rd edition of Twilight: 2000, the classic post-nuclear-war game from the late 80s. The background section is pretty awful, but the rules themselves are a good fit for a more grounded story. We're going for more of a "Rogue One" tone than "New Hope," so rules written to capture the feel of a firefight in the Afghan hills work very well. (For a more action-heroic game, I'd recommend Hollow Earth Expedition. The game itself is based on 1930s pulp-action stories, so there's some baggage in the setting, but the rules are quick and light and easily adapted to pretty much any setting.)
Ohhhhh, Ok i had to start it..
I'm drooling all over my keyboard right now,
What he said
Would you prefer we sacrifice small digital creatures on an altar in your name, or send money? You rock!
please make this in poser bformat too
poser format too please
can we get these for m4 and v4 too please