Show Us Your Bryce Renders Part 11
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Tim82, adbc, Hansmar and Rieke77 - thanks very much.
Awesome landscape, Horo the lighting and textures work great
Thank you mermaid.
Terrains derived from Mars MOLA DEM, from left to right Arsia Mons, Pavonis Mons, Ascraeus Mons and in the background on a second terrain Olympus Mons. The hole is a booleaned terrain. The Mars Rover is from Daz 3D, sky and ambient light from the Golden Lighting.
very cool :)
Very nice render Horo
Horo : excellent image.
Tim82, mermaid and adbc - thank you.
@ Horo - awesome image. The hole (from a booleaned terrain) is very interesting for me.
Rieke77 - thank you. You know, you set the main terrain to positive, create another one, flip it over (X or Z), set it to negative, then group the two. Adjusting the negative terrain (for the hole) can be a bit fiddly.
@ Horo
Thank you so much for this tip.
And here is my first quick test with 2 terrains and a hole.
Rieke - I'm impressed - awesome render, well done
Rieke77 - now that's cool. You learn fast.
@ mermaid010 and Horo - thank you very much for your kind comments!
@Rieke77, very nicely done for your first try!!! :)
Horo: Very good Mars scene. Wonderful lighting.
Rieke77: Very nice result. You can set the negative terrain to the same or another texture as the positive one. That will change the way it looks too.
I reworked an recent scene with stormy sky over a city made from a landscape (stacked). In both cases I used self-made lenses in front of the camera.
Follow-up on another old render. I deleted the girl in the render en focused on the ghost from the grave. Both with self-made lenses in front of the camera.
The lens in the second on is made in Hexagon from a sphere. But, in contrast with the one in Bryce, it is not a true sphere, but made of polygons. I used too little, therefore a strange serrated effect occurs, But now it looks like the ghost is holding a shield that shows the ghost itself in kind of a Droste effect. I kind of like it.
@ Tim82 - thank you very much.
@ Hansmar - thank you very much for the tip and your kind comment.
I like both city images and your self-made lenses also.
Hansmar - all awesome superb renders, I love them.
Inspired by your work with lens I tried something too. The ground is 50 % reflected and two planes with 50 % Transparency and Reflection and a lens on the camera and the Alien Room Hdri and Regular Render. The only difference in both renders is the object in the center. I was surprised that both renders are similar yet different, one grainier than the other. Without the object the render was very grainy. The last is the 2nd one rendered at 36rpp TA enabled.
Rieke77 : well done !
Hansmar : great city renders, the 2nd one is my favourite. The ghost from the grave : very special effect.
mermaid : excellent renders, beautiful colours.
Hansmar - the city looks great, cool "mirrorball" effect. The ghost renders are also very good and the lens effect very interesting.
mermaid - very cool abstracts, look amazing.
@mermaid, love the abstract, great job :)
@ Hansmar - the ghost renders are very cool.
@ mermaid010 - very beautiful abstract renders
@ adbc - thanks a lot
Thanks everyone for the nice comments
been awhile brycians... bryce forever! heh.
so yeah, still plugging away at my fantasy project... ive been busy... but still, taking WAY too long... for my part in it.
inline pictures should by more intuitive be now, i had to look up how to it again... hope i did it right...
anyways i thought id thow up some renders made for my d&d fantasy map and model work, less about bryce skill and more about better rendering than sketchups vanilla, and using what little of bryce i know.
viola! early concept of a remote realm with uneasy relations with a winged fire breathing... something-or-others...
my first 3d stab at a 3d dragon, my take on a traditional red d&d one... of course, reimagined and remused into a more prolific beast grunt variant. think genius kongdrake.
More. Of Khaeorr...
Graeabitha (Grabbing Great Green Bite Hag) are a family of Spaeeshia that resemble gaunt green giantess humanoids with long wirely frames that hide maeystrial charged maeulgadense muscle power and natural supernatural biform shifting, whose eating of sentients, grants them more power.
Graeabitha are mostly of moral dread, though most societies know of emergent virtuous groups coming into number and power, to rival thier dread kin and to assert themselves as a tradable culture to tolerate when virtuous civilization meet them, though these are still contended in recognition to most Order.
Graeabitha look like weird wild green giantess wrestler witches, and most are at secret war with any nearby encroaching societies, and most use thier considerably undetectable wild green magics, usually only possible to detect with kind magics, to infiltrate settlements and wreak chaos, sometimes for profit.
Graeabitha are like some oaeothorb ANNIS, though 3x more powerful (life dam only - 30% mres, +5ft ht/+10tht/dam added), can "true shapechange to nearby ally" as a FORMIDABLE (6lv) 3x a day, mostly taking on human norm forms as disguise, and IS human form size over half the time, for "truth" requirements.
Graeabitha have ancestry with cannibalistic giants and witches, and is why they need to eat humanoids to maintain most magic, specifically a meat diet to be of "significant sentient origin", meaning "a few people" a month (d4+1), which ironically, makes societies a cursed need for them to keep thier magic powers.
Graeabitha, in the eyes of Order, are usually considered Tresspassers, Risky Roamers to be expelled and/or Invaders Too Dangerous to negotiate with/Subdue or destroy on sight, yet there are the Graeirbfa
Graeirbva are Maeatronus Praeomationists, meaning any compatable humanoid male they share certain time and touch with, yields enough shared energy to create another Graeabitha like most humanoid female pregnancies, yet details are guarded, and are only known to involve extra ritual and a
Graeabitha bloodlines are at war with themselves, as the older cultures,Graeirbfa (Great Grab-Green Grief-Girl Assassin) refuse to embrace virtueous civilizations, newer bloodlines, such as the Graeirbfre (Great Grab-Green Grief-Girl Free-friend-Empath) altered accidentally and exposed to virtue, are now at odds with them.
Graeabitha bloodlines, in thier Graeabitha Bloodwar , call themselves cultural racial names when addressing eachother in conflict, as the Graeirbfa call the Graeirbfre "Saeverede Sisters", and the Graeirbfre call the Graeirbfa (Saenielde Sisters), yet this internal dialog has made it into thier outside monikers with Paeactaar
Graeabitha bloodlines, in thier Graeabitha Bloodwar , know outsiders call their historic conflict, Graeirbfa Graeenviling (Green Envy Anvil Villaining), a Spaeeshia civil war of morals, that separated the race into two, the Graeirbfre (Free) and the Graeirbfa (Fallen-assassin), yet tend to contend its perspective.
Graeabitha bloodlines
Graeirbfa (Great Grab-Green Grief-Girl Assassin) - considered the laecendric (legend central dread nature) line , with a central mental cultural stance of aggressive independence that requires cold covert hard conflict - permanent standoff with nearly all unlike them (morals - intents)
Graeirbfre (Great Grab-Green Grief-Girl Free-friend-Empath) - considered and contended as the "new true"-"cursed worse" line , with a central mental cultural stance of independent empathic tendencies that promote them as a new respectable race - especially at odds with thier "saenilae sisters" (morals - intents)
due to maeorphual field exposure and seeing the advantages of good local world order, and are now in talks of first treaties.
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