Show Us Your Bryce Renders Pa…
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Show Us Your Bryce Renders Part 11
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Horo : excellent terrains.
Slepalex : thanks. I did what you suggested. It looks better, I think.
I also replaced the cruise ship with a dhow, like Hansmar suggested, just to see what difference it makes.
Horo: nice experimenting with the landscape. Looks very good.
adbc: The first one already looks beter. But, I prefer the second one, because the dhow fits more into the picture, in my point of view. However, you wanted a picture of a cruise and then, of course the first one is more appropriate. Also, I kep thinking the cruise ship is too small. You can check whether the size is OK by putting it in the same place (or very close) as the buildings. If you have the size correct there, compared to the buildings, it will be correct at sea as well.
Hansmar : thanks. I did that and to me the vessel has the same height as the buildings. I really did not want a picture with a cruise ship, at first I could not find a junk, you gave me the idea of a dhow and yes it fits better with the picture and personally I like the second one as well.
adbc - thank you. The ship looks better but I think the dhow is better suited. I also often struggle with the size of things.
Hansmar - thank you.
@ Horo - wonderful terrain and I like the lake.
@ adbc - both renders are great, but my favorite ist the second image.
Horo - very nice experiments, the last one is it a sort of partial anaglyph, just the center bit behind the lake.
Adbc - both versions are nice but I like the one with dhow better.
Horo very nice terrains and experiment it worked out well
adbc I like the second one the best ,,,much improved composition
puddles ..playing with light prob a bit too much.... not really looking for realism in the render
waters edge
Lhaeoorr of Khaeorr
Fraeuugg (fraeaung utility guard galleon) are a uncommon fraeaung (free far flung) golem patrol craft, popular with older remote cultures who have had contact with early gnome trade fleets of 3600 B.P. , when those fleets peppered the world with hyvaeaance craft and gaeuoloids to prepare for future ages of prophesized doom.
Fraeuugg are armed and armored oaectrial amped (8+) Maeystikoil powered warwagons, 80 ft long, 30 ft wide, and 40 ft tall, armed with (4) 40 ft claesparri defense light and manuever arms, yet most formidible is its double barreled log of seeking Laeonglista turret, of 1-4 mile range, and continual reforming munitions.
Fraeuugg usually come with Eaexceltric NaeavaGolm and 4 Clever Raefoargo (reforging far repair golem ) and double thick crystaeeliak portals (80% MR)
Fraeuugg (Heavy Patrol Craft)
Capacity - 30 ft cube - 20 people max, half of largers. Overhead nets may hold more or modded hulls can double, foregoing standard armor structures.
Vaeitiqua (Vital Quanta) - 1000-4000 +500
Defense Density - (AC -2) +20% MR PR -20 Damage reduction
Maeystikoil ranges
8 day range before needing a day "rest", like most myaestacoil and gaeuoloid power maeaeshials.
myaestacoil winding and new charges - needed for "extra" charges, knotted coils, burnt coils, snapped coils, and or, every month.
myaestacoil "dormantize" if unused for 1-4 days, as most gaeuoloid power maeaeshials do.
myaestacoil in question are DELUXE (+4) with 40 charges max a day, recharging at +4 a day, and normal movement is 10 charges a day.
Rieke77 - thank you.
mermaid - thank you. I haven't noticed the anaglyph effect but it is indeed there - though it accidental because of the colour combinations I used to filter each version. The goal was to confirm that the "normal" part in the foreground is indeed the same.
spuddy - thank you. Puddles looks quite fine, just the part in the sun looks a bit garish. Waters edge looks quite nice.
cyberjym - welcome to this forum. Interesting models, self-made?
Horo, Rieke77, mermaid, Spuddy : thank you.
Cyberjym : cool renders.
Spuddy - both your renders are nice.
Cyberjym - Interesting models
Thanks Horo knocked it back a tad really going for that blown out sun look
Thanks mermaid010
Thanks mermaid010
Spuddy - the difference must be very slight, because I don't see a difference between both versions
Experimenting with Horo’s Specular to TA Light method which he mentioned on page 27, some examples
spuddy - looks better but now the shadowy parts are a bit on the dark side, if I may say so (if you like it: the artist is always right). There are several means to brighten up the shadowy parts: a radial without shadow at the camera position would be the easiest but not the best, a Distant Light at the opposite position of the sun (sort of a second sun, but fainter), a Sphere Dome light surrounding the scene, an HDRI (there are a few that come with Bryce but you can generate one from the sky directly in the Sky Lab - disable the visible sun to do it). Very bad ideas: reduce the shadow intensity of the sun (it's a global control and is applied to all light sources), set the Sky Dome colour in the Sky Lab to white (best is keep it black, it's a radial at the zenith that does not cast shadows and does not light vertical faces), apply Ambience to the material and that's probably the worst you can do. If you're in the mood, try them all to see what happens. Oh, and you can render it premium with True Ambience (TA) but you need a high Rays per pixel setting and the render may take a while.
mermaid - great results, the first is very nicely and evenly lit, the second with the lights inside looks almost as glowing, the third is a bit on the bright side but nice as well.
@ spuddy - Puddles and Water edges looking very nice
@ cyberjym - cool models
@ mermaid010 - your examples with Horo’s Specular to TA Light method are so great.
Thanks Horo and Rieke
Spuddy : I see a very small difference in the lighting, nice image.
mermaid : excellent examples.
Thanks Adbc
Spuddy: the puddles do not convince me very much. The right side is good, but the left side indeed a bit dark. But also the water on the left puddles looks too oily to my linking. But the Waters edge is very good!
Cyberjym: wonderful creature you made. And the Maeystikoil ranges look very interesting too.
mermaid010: good experimenting with light. I like the middle one best, because of the colours and the shininess.
Thanks Hansmar
Double stacked terrain from Terrain Stacking with materials from Grand Mountains, a cloud slab and an HDRI for the sky and ambient light from the Sky Toolbox, key light by the sun.
Horo: That is a really fantastic realistic mountain render!
@ Horo - what an fantastic mountain image!
cyberjym.... interesting models I can appreciate the work put into them
Thanks Reike77 thanks adbc thanks Horo for lighting info
Hansmar..Thanks for your honest comment.... on other forums i am known for just saying it as I see it it's really the only way to help
I have taken on board what has been said and adjusted things a little
playing around with things
Horo...really fine mountain I especially like the lighting
am I right to assume the terrains are generated by another software outside Bryce for use within Bryce?
Mermaid010 ...Great experimenting lovely effects