G8F/M Pose Transfer to G9



  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,379
    edited October 2022

    richardandtracy said:

    Can you actually get G9/V9 to render in 4.10? That would be amazing if it works.



    Skins a bit Glossy but it works !!!

    G9 Iray 1.png
    3810 x 1026 - 853K
    Post edited by Bunyip02 on
  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,379
    edited October 2022

    After playing with a few Surfaces settings

    G9 Iray 2.png
    3800 x 1026 - 874K
    Post edited by Bunyip02 on
  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,531
    edited October 2022

    Wee. I imagine using the Uber shader instead would cure the reflection issue. I'm almost as amazed by this as I was to find [Glamorous]V3 (left) could still be used in DS4.10 after the last time I'd used her was in DS0.8-ish:



    Post edited by richardandtracy on
  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 3,975

    richardandtracy said:

    Can you actually get G9/V9 to render in 4.10? That would be amazing if it works.




    I'm using 4.15 ,and playing with G9 ,I think that it's mostly the new shader that doesn't work below 4.21 ,which doesn't bother me cause I switch all the textures to 3DL ...... but thank you very much for your scripts !!

  • Nice work, Thanks !!!

  • JoltrastJoltrast Posts: 199

    Amazing! Thank you so much!

  • ms_artms_art Posts: 25
    edited October 2022

    This is terrific - thank you so much for your generosity in sharing the script!! I was also able to use genesis 3 poses on genesis 9 with the free script that Jay (WP Guru) talks about in this youtube video: 

    Thanks again..much appreciated!

    EDITED - sorry, I just re-read what I wrote, and I realize that I wasn't clear at all (updating so that anyone reading this later understands). I should have said that I FIRST used the script that WP Guru talks about to convert G3 pose to G8 and THEN used the G8 to G9 script that you provided. 

    I'll blame it on a lack of caffeine. ;o)


    Post edited by ms_art on
  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,531
    edited October 2022

    Very interesting way of doing it. Thanks, I hadn't seen it before. I think I'll download that myself.

    It is something that will work with a 1:1 correlation of bones between generations & the same names used in each. Unfortunately I don't think that it can work between G8 & G9. The reason being: G8 has an Abdomen Lower, and G9 has a Spine 1 (and so on up the torso). DS tries to apply the pose to the bone stated - Abdomen Lower - doesn't find it, the information disappears into the aether and DS moves onto the next bone in the pose file. This bone pose information is entirely lost, so cannot be adjusted to the correct position by adding a fixed angular value to the bone.  It is only when bone names match across the generations that this idea works without information loss, and as a result I think it will only work uni- or bi-directionally between G3 & G8.

    It was a stunningly clever idea to come up with though. In the case of most of these things, it's the idea of how to do what you want that is the nearly impossible thing.

    I was prodded into thinking about Pose Transfer scripts when I was converting a set of very old V3 poses to G8F and I accidentally applied the next pose onto G8F instead of the reference V3 figure. I realised that some bits of the pose had worked & some failed, and wanted to understand why. It turned out the bits that had worked properly (or nearly properly barring a zero offset) had the same bone names, and the bits that didn't work were showing the rotations due to the previous pose where they were unaffected by the application of the new pose. So I had the eureka moment where I realised information was being lost due to different bone names. OK, I know I'm slow, but I got there in the end. This was the image from that event that started me scripting pose transfers. Glamorous Vickie 3 on the right with the pose I was expecting, and a G8F version of FWSA's G3 Noosha on the left with the remains of the previous pose and the bit of the V3 pose that sucessfully applied to G8F.



    Post edited by richardandtracy on
  • ms_artms_art Posts: 25
    edited October 2022

    richardandtracy said:

    Very interesting way of doing it. Thanks, I hadn't seen it before. I think I'll download that myself.

    It is something that will work with a 1:1 correlation of bones between generations & the same names used in each. Unfortunately it cannot work between G8 & G9. The reason being: G8 has an Abdomen Lower, and G9 has a Spine 1 (and so on up the torso). DS tries to apply the pose to the bone stated - Abdomen Lower - doesn't find it, the information disappears into the aether and DS moves onto the next bone in the pose file. This bone pose information is entirely lost, so cannot be adjusted to the correct position by adding a fixed angular value to the bone.  It is only when bone names match across the generations that this works without information loss, and as a result will only work uni- or bi-directionally between G3 & G8.

    It was a stunningly clever idea to come up with though. In the case of most of these things, it's the idea of how to do what you want that is the nearly impossible thing.



    Oh interesting..it's nice to actually understand why something works/doesn't work. Thanks for the detailed explanation, Richard!   

    Luckily for us, you had your eureka moment. My goodness though..that G8F looks downright frightening like that. lol

    Post edited by ms_art on
  • Lookie what I found ....


  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,531
    edited October 2022

    Thanks Catherine. I honestly hadn't realised it was so hard to use that a tutorial was needed. wink

    Have to admit to being a bit chuffed. Oh, and it passed the 1000 downloads on Rendo last night, which amounted to 6 days after approval. I'm more than a little amazed.



    Post edited by richardandtracy on
  • I didn't think it was complicated either but somebody must have. Maybe language barriers. I can't post another link where I found it available for download too. Let's just say it is popular ALL around the world! And they do not all speak English.

  • Err.

    I think I need a few moments in headless chicken mode.



  • I happened to come across the tutorial via YouTube and am just grateful that you wrote it, Richard. It works well even with yoga poses.

  • TugpsxTugpsx Posts: 737

    Thanks again @richardandtracy

  • jonascsjonascs Posts: 35

    richardandtracy said:


    Have to admit to being a bit chuffed. Oh, and it passed the 1000 downloads on Rendo last night, which amounted to 6 days after approval. I'm more than a little amazed.



    Consider that +1000 thanks!

    Well done, and thanks!

  • RoobarbRoobarb Posts: 18

    Thanks for this. It also works when taking a G3 pose into G8 (I use a G3 to G8 dial to fix the pose on G8) - with that applied your script takes that corrected pose successfully from G8 onto G9. That's awesome!

  • Thank you!:)


  • Wonderful work as always. Tested & works incredibly well. Any chance for earlier generations (G3F, G2F, G1, V4, V3) to G9, like you did for G8?

  • Gaah! G3->G9 will be a very simple matter. I'm committed to a G8F->G1, and should do a G9->G8F/M after that. I have been surprised at the number of V4<->G8F interest, so should probably do an each way there. And G1/G2.. seems to be less interest there so they would come after V4. And V3... I know there are still cherished V3 assets, but beyond being cherished, are they used much? Not sure. I shall see how much energy I can summon up. I also have a bridge prop I want to finish.
  • Thanks, Richard. No worries. No rush.

  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957
    edited November 2022

    @richardandtracy - I've just got the official DAZ G3,8 to G9 pose converter and it is easy to use but it doesn't do something that your script does:

    I have the Fancy Cocktails poses for G8F which apply a pose to the G8/1F figure and "puts" the prop cocktail drink glass in the figure's hand. Now, when I try to use these poses on the G9 figure with the official script all I get is an error message. On the other hand your script works as it should, it just doesn't put the prop in the G9's hand, which is really a minor quibble. winkyesheart

    Thought you and others would like to know that... smiley




    G8 to G9 conver w prop.png
    580 x 750 - 605K
    Post edited by AOBB on
  • The converter doesn't work for me at all. I was still able to set the default for shortcut or script.

    Now I have selected a G9 figure and a G8 script. Then I want to start the converter and always get the message:

    "Please select only one pose preset in Content Library or Smart Content."

    I do not know what I'm doing wrong.

  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957
    edited November 2022

    @fred.l - I presume you mean Richard's script.

    Have you put into the scene the G8F figure (it didn't work with the G8M for me - I apply male poses to the G8F to pass them onto the G9) and applied the desired pose to it? You should have the G9 figure in the scene too (of course). Select in the scene tab window G8's and G9's hip nodes. Then run Richard's script. Works like a charm for me. Hope this helps!

    Post edited by AOBB on
  • Thanks AOBB. I am mildly confused by what the cocktail glass pose must be then. I would have expected it to be a wearable preset with the glass parented to the hand. As those bone names ...

    Ahh. [Sorry, thinking as I was typing, bad thing to do.]

    Maybe that's the root of it. Did you apply the heirarchical wearable prop (and that's what I assume it must be) to G9? If that's what you did, it may be why it didn't work properly. G9 has 'Metacarpals' in place of G8's 'Carpals' and that might be enough to throw the wearable preset off. If that wasn't how you did it, I cannot imagine what's going on here, or why the paid for item would throw an error.

    I wonder if the pose in the paid-for script is being applied by re-naming parts of the body with G8 names, and then re-naming them back to the original name afterwards. That could actually work as a way of doing it with G3/G8 to G9. The script start could check to see the generation figure name, and have a pause to allow the user re-set the generation radiobuttons if the script has chosen the wrong character generation for the pose before it does the transfer. There are many, many ways to do this particular job, and I'm not sure which is best. I did it the way I did because the steps were very simple and someone with a minimum of scripting experience and ability could understand. Basically, I'm a total scripting novice and get it done using the brute ignorance & force method by the repeated application of a very limited set of basic commands (analagous to using a file as your only tool to make a rifle, it's possible and people have done it, but there may just be a better way!).



  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957

    @richardandtracy - I have simply selected the hip bones in both figures and then ran your script with the result as depicted above. Is there any way (proper node to pick) that would put the glass in G9's hand too? That would be awesome! Anyway, please know that I'm not nitpicking at all. I am very grateful for your script - no matter how you made it work. smiley

  • fred.l said:

    The converter doesn't work for me at all. I was still able to set the default for shortcut or script.

    Now I have selected a G9 figure and a G8 script. Then I want to start the converter and always get the message:

    "Please select only one pose preset in Content Library or Smart Content."

    I do not know what I'm doing wrong.

    fred.I, the script is in effect a pose 'copy & paste', it takes the pose on the identified G8 character & puts it on the identified G9 character. I just want the hip identified as it ensures the character gets selected - if it's in a group and you select the group root item or you select some clothes, things  can go a bit wrong and the wrong figure is used as the source or destination.

    It all gets down to the fact there must be at least two characters in the scene, a G8 and a G9. Apply the pose to G8, then transfer it to G9 using my script.



  • SkelchSkelch Posts: 275

    Thank you so much what an amazing time saver this is going to be used alot. 

  • AOBB said:

    .... Is there any way (proper node to pick) that would put the glass in G9's hand too? That would be awesome! ...

    Actually I'm sure there is. At the moment I'm also absolutely certain I don't have the faintest idea how to do it. It would involve changing the prop's parent to the equivalent bone on the recipient figure and having the same rotations & translations from the bone. Same could be done with any parented prop, such as rings, piercings etc. Could do it by node duplication (leaving the original figure alone) or just moving it across, depriving the original character of their stuff. I'm sure it could be done with clothes/other attached figures (eg armpit hair, hair,, eyebrows etc) too, but.. G8 attached figures fitting to G9 needs a bit more than just a translation/rotation & change of parent.

    Right. I will put it on my 'To Do' list as it seems an interesting idea. However it will be at the bottom of the list, because it's going to take a lot of research, trial, error & learning, but mostly error. While the documentation on scripting is much, much better than the documentation for any other part of DS, it's significantly worse than the documentation I got with my Borland C++ Builder 1 programming suite in the year 2000 on the front of the PC Plus magazine. Real shame, because that documentation was so comprehensive that I was able to teach myself basic C++ and the Windows API with no additional information, to the extent I wrote a modeller in 2004 that I am still using, adapting and improving 18 years later.




  • AOBBAOBB Posts: 957

    Sounds like a deal! smiley 

    I suspect it is not a simple matter either, because when "autofitting" clothes with buttons (for example) from a G8 figure to G9, the buttons just vanish into thin air. I suspect if it was an easy fix, autofit would be able to take care of those details by now... 


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