
  • vosvos Posts: 337
    edited September 2015

    @ adbc  very nice ,beautiful colours&mood. 

    Post edited by vos on
  • vosvos Posts: 337

    My First one.

    Space Tunnel 

    Tunnel is 1 terrain ,Fig.credits  too Matcreator .Images  Earth and  stars  from NASA


    tunnel 2 2015.jpg
    960 x 720 - 288K
  • Tim82Tim82 Posts: 859

    im seeing some really nice renders in here so far.... nice work smiley

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,538

    StuartB - great Moon lander render.

    mtnmen - great idea with the tortoise and the hare. Reminds me of the book "Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid" by Douglas R. Hofstadter.

    adbc - great panoramic render.

    vos - that's a cool space tunnel.

  • StuartBStuartB Posts: 596

    Thanks Horo.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115
    edited September 2015

    Thank you Horo and vos for your comment.

    @ vos : great space tunnel.

    Post edited by adbc on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,389

    Thanks for the nice comments

    Great entries from Mtnmen, Adbc and Vos

  • @adbc: Beautiful Render.

    @vos: Great Space Tunnel. Very nice SiFi image.

    My second entry:

    So close yet so far away


    so close yet so far away.jpg
    1600 x 1200 - 1M
  • mtnmenmtnmen Posts: 444

    Thanks for the great comments...

    Now, Horo... I found your reference to GEB ... really amazing... I had to look up the book... and I tried to understand the synopsis/concept of the book... I wish I had discovered the book back in '79... when I was reading the likes of Carlos Castenada & Thaddeus Golas, and juicing over Escher drawings asI f irst discovered them... and Bach and his fugues have always sent me into mental madala visuals... In truth I haven't read a book like this in decades... Thank you so much for re-opening my mind up to concepts I used to consider on a daily basis...

    @adbc... I love your image of Stairs... I've been looking at it for awhile and it continues to pull my focus in multiple directions... I like the multidimensional "feel"  I feel that I'm being bent as I study the right  side of the image..  Very cool...

    @vos... I love your Space Tunnel....a lot of depth and reflection that draws you in... all the way... very nice


    I'm very much enjoying all the really interesting and different approachs to the theme... 

  • vivienvivien Posts: 184
    edited September 2015

    adbc  -  Very nice panorama, I like the colors and reflection

    vos - cool tunnel,  the eye catching material really draws you in .

    Drachenlords - Clever 2nd entry, don't envy him at all.

    Modelled with Bryce primitives.This is my first entry called

    Don't leave.... Wait for me

    Symbolizing the distance unfortunately found within some families.


    1200 x 600 - 37K
    Post edited by vivien on
  • vosvos Posts: 337

    @ drachenlords  Great  scene,perfect title too .love  the water,clouds,and sharkes ,Wonderful work. 

    @vivien. Funny image,cute penguins  ,cool sky .

    Thanks all for the comments on my image. 


  • vosvos Posts: 337

    Second one

    Distance between lines and colours

    360 degree panoramic projection .

    abs lijn kleur september 2015.jpg
    1200 x 900 - 263K
  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    mermaid010, drachenlords, mtnmen, vivien : thanks for your kind comments.

    @drachenlords : 2nd entry is another nice interpretation of the subject, 

    @vivien : great  Bryce modeling, beautiful image

    @vos : 2nd entry is attractive in a mysterious way

  • Good theme, with many possibilities.

    And, great Artworks I can see here... I'm looking forward to many more beautiful Images.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,538
    edited September 2015

    drachenlords - great idea, an unlucky situation, excellent render.

    vivien - great models, beautiful and funny render for a rather sad problem.

    vos - outstanding panoramic render and a very interesting idea.

    My first entry (taking the theme literally):
    Title: Pointing

    The pointing alien figure is Michael 3 and he points to the Large Magellanic Cloud 163,000 Light Years away from where he stands and where he claims to come from. Backdrop, light and specular exclusively from the HDRI that I faked from a full night sky LDRI panorama in less than 2 days. Credits ESO/S. Brunier.

    1600 x 1067 - 567K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • StuartBStuartB Posts: 596

    Nice image Horo. Reminds me of the movie "Mission To Mars" With Gary Sinise,Tim Robbins and Don Cheadle.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,895
    edited September 2015

    More wonderful entries!

    Really like the hare and tortoise idea; well done mtnmen!

    Very nice take on the theme by adbc with the panoramic render.

    @vos: Space tunnel looks very good and the abstract is interesting too, though I prefer the space tunnel.

    @drachenlords: add more sharks and he may walk over their backs to the shore!

    @vivien: extremely cute, but also very harsh. Very nice take on the theme.

    @Horo: Great render, I can feel the distance!

    Here is my first attempt.

    Rocks are from Estevez. Birds from the well-known set (they are bald eagles, I think). Just a simple tree. The 'starfield' I made is much less perfect and spectacular as that by Horo. I faked it by using a volumetric sky slab with 'dots' as starting point. I tried various versions and liked the one with limited number of  'stars' best.

    Title: Still some distance to climb......

    distance to climb.jpg
    1434 x 695 - 495K
    Post edited by Hansmar on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,538
    edited September 2015

    StuartB - thank you.

    Hansmar - thank you. great render from you. Interesting idea for the stars.

    Second entry:
    Title: Distance in Calculus
    (writing - tables - slide rule - cell phone)

    Distance in Calculus

    Cell phone from the Internet; brand made in EleFont, display images from the Internet
    Table is Logs to Base 10, Log(x) for x=1.00 to 9.99; image from the Internet
    Handwritings images from the Internet; made to terrain
    Slide rule model made myself, calculation shown: 4 x PI = 12.57
    Backdrop photograph from a rock face made myself
    Comuter screen shining through from the HDRI
    Lit by the az-day HDRI made myself, and the Sun

    1600 x 936 - 554K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • mtnmenmtnmen Posts: 444 close yet so far away... What a drag... but a great image...

    @vivian... don't leave...wait for me.. very cute (sad) image.. Guess this sort of thing happens all the time...

    @vos... distance between lines and colors... Great image... love,it...

    @horo...pointing... very far in the distance... nice image... distance in calculus very neat idea.. how far we have come ... and the sliderule... an amazing tool that I jus never got at all... but it was fun sliding the parts back and forth...


    Here is my second entry

    Title: Too Close for Comfort

    This image is my rendition showing the distance from my front yard to the continuing -to-burn Rough Fire here in California... 3000 firefighters from all over the country and even from as far a New Zealand have been battling the blaze since it was started by a lightening strike on July 31st...  We have been seeing massive smoke plumes beyond the ridge on a daily basis... and the air quality is horrible with, at times, ash covering everything outside...
    Last week the southern edge of the fire as it approached McKinsey Ridge and the nearby Giant Sequoias, was contained as we watched tanker after tanker drop red flame retardant along the McKinsey ridge where in better times we would watch hang gliders...  because the fire was contained at this location, the evacuation orders for our area were pulled... thankfully...

    Bryce Tree Objects
    Bryce terrains
    1 cube for smoke in the air
    Bryce stones and spheres
    2 radial lights
    1 sphere fill light


    distance from the Rough FireCROPPED.jpg
    960 x 575 - 505K
  • mtnmenmtnmen Posts: 444

    @hansmar... somehow I missed your image... That is a great distance to climb..Phew!

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,895

    @Horo: Thanks. No surprise that you come with a mathematical render; I guess mathematics is your strenght. Very well constructed. Beautiful slide ruler. The computer screen does not shine through very well; if you hadn't pointed it out, I would not have seen it.

    @mtnmen: Thanks. I think the missing of images is related to the forum software. I sometimes notice new images that have been made before my comment after I have submitted a comment too. Must be horribel to be in the area not too far from such a huge fire! I think the smoke in your render is a bit too 'solid'. Perhaps you can play with volumetric smoke textures a bit more. And maybe use a cylinder or inverted cone as the starting point?

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Hansmar : thank you for your comment.

    @horo : pointing : wonderful scene displaying a feeling of big distance and distance in calculus : very accurate !

    @Hansmar : The rocks, the sky gives the feeling of a long (distant) way to go 

    @mtnmen : too close for comfort : indeed !

  • vivienvivien Posts: 184

    vos - Thank you , I like the design of your second entry.  was it modelled in Bryce?

    abdc - Thank you

    Horo - That is certainly some vast distance. Great work on the background. And your second one is brilliant. you have put a lot of thought and work into it.... I like it

    Hansmar - Thanks , very nice render from you, the dotty sky turned out well.

    mtnmen - Thank you..... Too close for comfort.... I know exactly how you feel,  A few times we have gone to the aid of our friends who's property borders a nature reserve here in Australia.... With the car packed, the hoses attached to the house... seating all night watching the flames on the ridge, hoping the wind will not turn. and waiting for evacuation notice....Glad to hear everything is OK.

  • My work schedule didn't allow me enough time to finish this to my satisfaction, but if I don't post it now, I never will...

    Distant Hearts

    Distant Hearts.jpg
    1366 x 650 - 191K
  • @ Vivien: Great image and very sweet penguins.
    @ Vos: interesting abstract image.
    @ Horo: The first image is a beautiful scifi theme, the second looks like a photograph. Both fantastic Renders
    @ The rock seems as if he is almost touching the stars. Great idea.
    @ Lord Gantor: Not satisfied? I think it's great!

  • The Neyr river running through the city center.  Altitude:  22,000 feet.



    Aerial view 2.jpg
    1750 x 900 - 926K
  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,895

    @adbc and drachenlords: Thanks. And, of course, that was the intention (great distance and almost touching the stars)!

    @vivien: Thanks.

    @drachenlords: I like your interpretation. Something like that came into my mind too.

    @ManOfSteel: Welcome! That is a ice way to show distance, indeed!

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,538
    edited September 2015

    mtnmen - thank you. Working with a slide rule used to be a habit, now I have to scratch my head how I can do a simple multiplication with it. Very nice entry from you. Yeah, there are distances that can be long but are too short nevertheless. We had a couple of fires hereabouts, too. Spectacular but quite unsettling, you never know when the wind turns. Smoke is a bit tricky to get it right. Below left the photograph and right what I came up with a dozen years ago.


    Hansmar - thank you. Yes, the computer screen is to faint to really make it obvious.

    adbc - thank you.

    vivien - thank you.

    Lord Ganthor - good idea, nicely done.

    ManOfSteel - great render from above.

    800 x 300 - 49K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • vosvos Posts: 337

    @Horo- Pointing beautiful image-  Distance in Calculus  fantastic ,looks like a photo.

    @ Hansmar -Still some distance to climb.  what a view you will have on the top of the rocks,very nice  image, 

    @mtnmen -Too Close for Comfort. nice one. 

    @ Lord Ganthor -Distant Hearts .Beautiful image,great poses too. 

    @ManOfSteel - Great idea and image. 


    @ vivien -  question   I like the design of your second entry.  was it modelled in Bryce?

    Yes but not  by  me . Created by Colin Swift (2004)


  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    @ Lord Ganthor : a very good idea and a nice image

    @ManOfSteel : outstanding view from above

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