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So, do you prefer Caprotti, or conventional slide valves? Also what are your views of Bulleids spam cans, they did tend to suffer from oil leaks.
I only wish everything didn't get lumped in the commons
many other forums have off topic sections with an obvious name and description
such as Off Topic
social, whatever Hivewire calls it but I cannot reach the site and forgot
I believe there used to be an off topic forum, posting in there was slightly less safe than jumping into a bear pit, or shouting "Mint sauce" at a flock of sheep.
Could go into the NFTs section, plenty of room in there
It isn't keeping you and me out, but if one is knee deep in muddy trenches trying to stay alive, it may have an effect...
The user base in the countries involved is not small, and if one considers the age and the gender of of those users, one may understand.
But those get closed so fast
Exactly! However, I'm all for a sub-forum for OT stuff
These forums are almost the only place I have been participating in during the last 13 years and one reason are the moderators and the TOS, although I have received my share of slaps on the wrist too.
Some 10-15 years ago one could see how the forums in general started being more about bashing other posters instead of having discussions and helping others and that was when I got out.
A quick and one would think easy solution... except implementing it would no doubt break something else.
-- Walt Sterdan
The forums used to be a place where people would excitedly show others the cool things they were doing with new products.
Now it's mainly complaining about prices, unrelenting negativity about everything, and... it really makes me sad. I only occasionally look in The Commons for topics that might relate to my products. Only bright spot is some of the enthusiastic stuff for UltraScenery in the Commercial subforum.
The problem with negativity in an online space is that it generally snowballs, because a lot of people will get turned off and just stop looking at forums, other than perhaps technical or help areas. Best solution is for everyone to think twice about how they present and post on the forum.
Are you saying something welcoming and encouraging, or bitter and angry?
I feel like there's just less to talk about, compared to a decade ago. There's no competition in the Daz market other than AI. The app wars of 10 years ago are dead and buried, and so is all of the conversation it generated. There are no new figures from other stores or programs to compare against the Daz figures. Named figures are churned out by the dozen instead of being an occassional treat to look forward to.
And there's just less general "under the hood" talk.
Traditional forums also seem to be abandoned for more phone-friendly things like Discord. Which is a shame, because Discord chats are so chaotic.
People that want to vent about some real or percieved injustice are going to want an audience, so they will tend to post in whichever part of the forum has the most traffic.
I have to agree with that..if new users see constant complaints on how bad things are then they're going to move on and not post in here but find a community elsewhere on discord or one of the social media sites and eventually the community keeps on shrinking smaller and smaller. I loved posting and helping people - but the relentless negativity is a real deterrant on how often I WANT to post.
In my opinion, most of the negativity is result of DAZ not communicating with their customer base. Correct me if I'm wrong...
Now, can we have a proper argument, please
I've seen people jumping ship for Discord in other forums, too. And I agree that it's a shame.
What kind of community do you want? What would make users stick around? What would make people want to participate? What can you post that's actually positive :) anything?
Well, art?
239 of 392 items left I should be able to find something too
never had any issues with your products, only with a 3 letter abbreviation
It's all around, hiding in various threads, old and new. It's in the gallery, but you can't really access anything in there. So, sorry, go look for your self;) Art is what has made me stick around, not my art in particular, I'm just a dabbler, but I follow what people do in here best I can, and learn something every day. Collecting stuff is not my thing but I can understand it to a degree.
Great - post away - I would love to see :)
Since this is a forum why not start a forum thread with your images? If what you like is art then push that to the hilt - enthusiasm about a subject is what draws people and that is how we build back a community again :) Just my 2 cents.
edit : and yes I practice what I preach - my passion is VR, and art in VR - and I have a thread about it.
He does post regularly in this thread; the thread is almost 100% positive and the people there are always helpful:
Perfect thanks for the link :)
There are some threads that are fun, helpful, and active. I like AOBB's Classic Hollywood Stars threads in the Freebies where she shows progress renders of her 30s to 50s Hollywood Stars freebies. She is working on a significant number of them for Genesis 9. They are recognizable to a classic Hollywood film fan immediately, myself, not so much, only the ones that still were still getting press in the 70s - 90s.
I used to do XBox game testing (I was an independent contractor working at Microsoft). We were pretty much the very very very bottom of things, mostly kids straight out of college (or just finishing college). I was a bunch older, because I just needed a fun part time gig.
The big part of the job was bug testing, and writing up tickets about various issues.
But the thing is... we were BOTTOM RUNG. And nobody likes to be corrected.
So I'm chatting with this guy, right out of college. And I mention how ... you know, these programmers, a lot of them aren't even within Microsoft, they are in other companies. They feel very passionately about their work. And we are just some random schmos sending in tickets... so the critical thing is to be very tactful about how we write our comments and reports and feedback.
The kid looks at me, 'Oh, so they want us to LIE.'
At which point I just smiled thinly and shut up, because I'm not his team lead/boss.
As a Daz PA, when I get feedback about stuff I need to fix in my products... you can't help but bristle. How DARE SOMEONE QUESTION MY MAGNIFICENCE!! Intellectually I know they are doing me a favor, this makes for better work. But emotional screaming monkey brain doesn't like it.
So one thing they often do is they are sure to be positive, upbeat, mention something they like about the product, even if it's vague. Just part of the process of smoothing communication and work.
Being positive, tactful, and upbeat isn't lying or duplicitous. This sort of thing fosters a healthy community.
I have 127 Mada products, according to the store. Here are some used in renders, although I wouldn't go so far as to call them "art". Some are just experiments and technical challenges - can I make that fit another generation, can I make that fit another gender, how will it look with shaders, I'm testing this hair; I need to clothe the model with something nice, etc.
oh my lol - that is fantastic :D Thank you for posting @Barbult
Hm I seem to have two products less than you, might have to do something about it;)