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I only have 7 OSO3D products, but I find them unusual and creative. Here is a little showcase of renders of those products that I own. OSO Elder is fun to blend into other characters. The Alienator that was part of the OSO Alien Scenery product was so fantastic, I bought the Pro version when Totte released it.
Have to agree, I think there's more negativity in The Commons than necessary.
I think the Art Forum has a better vibe but I wish it was a little more lively there. Come on over y'all, comment on some work and start your own threads!
I also really like the Render Your Buys thread, super happy about that, I hope it will stick around and become an ongoing staple. And I think Appreciate new releases was a good idea, if I do say so myself.
Oso's stuff is fun, here's an old non artistic render heh
I'm not active on any other forums myself. I want positive energy in my life, so I create. I write and I'm a writer trying to learn art. (I am totally not an artist.
) These forums have been a great place to search for answers to questions I have (yes, one uses google "site" to get proper results) and when I can't find what I'm looking for, I open a thread and as often as not, someone, or multiple someones, pop in with suggestions or answers. As I've gained more confidence, I've joined in a bit more on the social side, notably those of us ... er ... enabling others to go buy stuff. But seriously, as subject-related forums go, this is a pretty decent one, and I for one am hopeful that it can continue to be a decent one. Like others, I suspect issues like the notifications being broken certainly didn't help, and like others, I wish the gallery had more features and traffic - that's largely my outlet for posting my stuff as I evolve and learn this product. But I'm here and plan to stay a while and hope the rest of you do too.
A lot of the negative mood comes from how things are said rather than what is said. Many complaints and frustrations are valid, but they can be expressed in ways that don't come off as outright rude or combative. There are quite a few vendors here who help with issues or products that are not even their own, and spend the time to teach skills. They don't have to do that, and we should be hugely appreciative of that help, not making a toxic environment with endless hissy fits.
I don't get the price complaints at all. I think the constant sales have spoiled people. I sometimes feel as if I'm robbing vendors. Let's not forget that for some of them, this is their primary or only source of income. Their food costs, utilities, etc. have increased the same as everyone else's. They deserve a raise too. I spent 3 decades in an industry where I created things, most of them custom items, and I can tell you the vast majority of people do not value an artist's time, neither the time put into creating a product nor the time spent learning the skill, researching, acquiring resources, making promos, etc. It can be quite maddening and disheartening.
What's funny about Oso Elder is that originally I was trying to make a craggy old cultist and expanded it once I saw how well it mixed.
And while it's fun as undead or creepy folks, I think it's more broadly useful as a mixer.
I have over 200 items by @Mada going all the way back to the Fairytale bundle with the three pigs, wolf, and fairytale giant. I attach an image I did with a more recent product, the caballero western outfit. I have 18 products by @Oso3d. Some of my Oso3d content like the shader blender and the magic effects get used more often than I can identify by quickly scanning my recent images - sorry.
On forum use, attitude, negativity, etc, my personal view is there needs to be balance. Sometimes I have something negative to say. Sometimes I have something positive to say. I want to be able to express both. When reading forum posts by others, there is a distinction between (a) constructive criticism, (b) frustrated venting, and (c) mere trolling. I welcome both (a) and (b).
Great image- that was one of my favourite outfits to work on :D Thanks!
...good point.
My mornings are usually taken up with staying informed and being (as I usually put it) a "concerned citizen", As of late, it has been going into the early afternoon and sometimes (like today) even later.
Even though I've stepped over the line from time to time, I'm perfectly fine with the rule as yes such discussion can get very ugly and disruptive as I've seen elsewhere.
I have been doing a lot of YouTube shorts lately though I hate the format myself
(apparently I am the only person who watches YT on a 50" TV not a phone)
so am going to work my way through a few outfits starting with
she is wearing a G2F bandana and hair combo because I was too impatient to simulate a hair too and autofited ones follow
I have the male counterpart I might do next
this is an early frame, animations take a while
...agreed, the reissuing of the same content/characters over and over from generation to generation has become less an incentive to shop. and has not supred discussion like it used to
I've stopped with G8 (haven't bothered with 8.1 either because of the UV change) Indeed the virtual "plethora" of G8 items (G8 lasting longer than Vicky 4) has generated a vast library of related content as the cost of adopting another generation is just to much these days. I also haven't seen much that impresses me that I already cannot do with G3 and G8.
As to trying to get help on issues it can be frustrating . Sometimes I can find the what I need by Googling the issue with a reference to Daz3D as the forum search here is a disaster (for one it doesn't allow filtering by "literal strings" so you end up getting a tonne of hits that you have to manually sift through comment by comment). I also haven't bothered much with the galleries either as I just don't care for the format (it sort of feels like Daz's version of DA). In the old Monthly Galleries, you had to submit your best effort to get it accepted which I felt raised the bar (there was also a little remuneration involved as well as an added incentive).
. ..hmmm, I keep hearing that bit about the television licence in the voice of John Cleese for some reason.
I like the forums, and I'm back now in the art studio. Real life intervened for a while.
The reason I stopped posting was because of the image issue.
fun image - the skeleton heads and bones are a nice touch :D very nice
Agreed... don't even bother asking a question... no one sees it to answer it. :(
At least I get answers when I post something here at Daz ;)
is this
while called a dungeon I thought it passes as a hallway in a pirate cove village
...several years ago one of my roleplay game groups tried to move their forum to Discord and it ended up in a disaster. Fortunately they kept the old FB page alive at the time which I could access from my PC at home or Notebook.
Personally, I dislike reading anything of length on a phone. I like having a full page that actually formats like text on a book page rather than a long skinny block or stream of text you have to keep scrolling to read (almost makes me dizzy sometimes). Having a real full sized keyboard instead of that tiny digital substitute (a real bother for someone with dyslexia and severe arthritis like myself) makes things so much easier as well. I
like to joke that I create new languages or security codes if I try use my thimbs to text like everyone else does.
Well... I haven't read ALL the responses to this thread... but I would say it is a success! 4 pages and counting. Nice to see some new peeps here too. I'm wavin' to everyone who doesn't know me... Pleasure to mee'chas :)
I am throughout the forums in various threads... Remembering my mother always said "if you can't say anything nice... then don't say anything at all"... I try and stay positive with everything I say. It is so hard to be misunderstood... We have various peeps from different countries and what may be inoffensive to me may offend another. After thousands of years... lanugage is still a barrier that can cause conflict.
When I first started working with Daz it took me almost a year to brave the forums. There were a LOT of positive peeps back then who have since passed away :( I would hope they are smiling down on us to keep encouraging each other.
Be well one and all... Feel free to join my Challenge Threads... ALL are welcome!
I think I forgot most of what I wanted to say as my brain got derailed looking at barbult's render collection (Nikolai running with the rats, Gengis Khan in naval officer outfit, and mostly the lion and sheep in Australia were the biggest culprits - fun to look at and imagine how you came up with those...
Then I got derailed looking for what items I had of Mada's. Lots it seems. And what a beautiful collection of outfits!
I have plenty of favorites there, but one of my earliest favorites was the Sighni outfit with the Celtic textures by Sarsa. I used it in the cover art for a Celtic styled instrumental track I composed. (Cuimhní Cinn translates as Memories.)
That's great - I love the soft look - Sighni outfit was one of my favourites too, once I got past the rigging lol
Poppet valves and as an aside the Steam loco Valve Pilot device for starters?
I like the DAZ forums for the artist community feeling and the art shared and yes, to feel more normal in my DAZ addiction by hanging out with other DAZ addicts...
Though I like the gallery and made lots of lovely friends through the gallery space, I more actively follow the forums and only sporadically find the energy for the gallery. There's always more of a community vibe in the forums because people get to say more and share things within context. It's nice to have that.
Though we have the Art Studio and a few render threads, I still feel that a lot of people are maybe shy about sharing their renders, or feel maybe that they're not seen much anyway, so why bother? I'm sure in reality that lots of people enjoy seeing the renders everyone shares, I know I do, but it's hard to know without a means to give quick feedback (like emoji responses in Discord which work really well for that). Leaving comments for everything is not remotely possible time-wise.
Also, I think render threads set up by DAZ for various sales, and more PA specific render threads etc. would be fun and make people feel like they have permission to just share. It should be easy to do and invite more people to engage. The DAZ+ sale contest thread is always so enjoyable for that reason (and would be even without prizes and such). Next to shopping, using the stuff we bought and seeing what everyone does with their buys seems like it would be the most interesting.
As such, I'm enjoying the "Render your buys" thread a lot and hope people keep trying out their buys and sharing their renders (and not feel shy about it). It's really great to see what everyone's doing, use our shiny new things and find even more stuff to get...
There's been a decline for sure but it's not just here where that's happened. I've never been super active but if something intesting comes along I'll post. It's just that a lot of my posts are the last posts in whatever topic I post in and that really makes me not want to post.
That won't happen here!
they did close it but we got it back
need to keep it active apparently so I am posting the occasional render
and not seen him or many others
You make beautiful music, and the use of Daz stuff in the music video is stellar. It's obvious you're a talented composer and recordist. You're possibly too young for this, but were you ever at back in the day?