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@Hylas: Are there rules for how often or regularly you have to post in your own thread?
I am asking because i was actually thinking of starting one in order to try to motivate me to spend much more time on a single render for better results, but i am slow AND impatient
. I would also post the steps towards my finished render, so not so interesting for the community but it may help me a lot.
There are no rules about how often you have to post (I regularly let mine fall back a few pages and then drag it back up) and if you post WIP's you might get useful feedback or encouragement
@Hylas: Great, many thanks!
Joining late ... was busy elsewhere the last couple of days. A modest effort featuring Mada and Oso items. dForce Ranch Outfit and Oso Dog Fur on the dog.
I would like a simple "Gallery" localhost / dreamweaver self contained in DAZ Studio that I could publish / unpublish in the online DAZ Gallery just be checkmarks for each render in the "localhost" DAZ Studio contained Gallery.
When not in the Carrara board I just wander around the forums and poke in and have a look at stuff that piques my interest... and post Carrara renders kinda like a dog marking it's territory.
But just waiting for @Socratease to post again about the millennium cow.
Much appreciated
Yeah - that's why I stopped posting/visting here. It just sounds like an echo chamber of people complaining about everything which is exhausting to read.
<*sigh*> Were we ever that young?
-- Walt Sterdan
There is no issue with reasonable criticism - it is unreasonable criticism, or thread hijacking, or cruelty to dead equines that get posts removed. Not liking soemthing is fine, though it isn't useful to jump into a PA's thread to say so. Explaining why something is not a good match for what it aims to be is fine, as long as it goes with an acceptance that the PA or artist may be happy with that (or at least, not able to fix it in this case). Pointing out actual bugs (or trying to figure out f soemthing is a bug) are fine. But casting aspersions on people's intelligence or parentage are not fine.
Yes, but it isn't something that needs a special post in every bundle thread, still less multiple posts. It is a matter of due proportion.
Very nice :D looks like a walk in the English countryside
Thanks for
ing me RAMWolff... I was beginning to think no one read my post. That's another hard thing for me with forums... posting... and getting no replys. Sometimes I feel like I'm invisible. lol
I think it would be great if Daz had a dedicated marketing person to be in the forums answeing questions and getting us excited about future products and updates or just joining in the chat like moderators sometimes do. Sometimes we just want to know that we are heard, that the powers that be are listening.
The same with PAs. Everyone is always happy to hear what PAs have to say and it could be more personal than the commercial forums like the way Mada shares her interest in VR or Oso talked about his earlier jobs. I'm even interested in hearing the PA's complaints about us lol. I'm curious to hear their point of view. I think it's great when we all get a bit more personal I think when we relate more as people, not just customers and sellers, it makes things more interesting and makes the forums a more fun place to be.
Not replying doesn't mean your post didn't get read and got a smile from me - I went off to look for your Challenge Threads instead of replying. Keep on posting, people are reading :)
THIS is what I've been trying to say already a number of times, so I very much agree. Negativity stems from frustration of being ignored.
Well, looking through my gallery, I find that while I've mixed and matched some of your stuff, I've never actually used a full outfit at once, so I've gone and thrown something together quickly with Urban Ballerina:
Gallery Link
Well, it's hard to deny the efficiency advantages of Caprotti valvegear at speed (particular the later "British Caprotti" refinement in the 1950s), with the full steam charge being delivered rapidly at the start of the cylinder stroke, rather than slowly over the entire stroke.
71000 Duke of Gloucester has, after the shortcomings of its original construction (note: construction, not design) were corrected in preservation, come to again and again beat speed and efficiency records that were set decades earlier - fair testament to the advantages of the design. Clearing Shap Summit at 53 mph with 13 heavily loaded coaches is
As far as the primary disadvantages of poppet valvegear, those have generally been seen being more complicated to manufacture (often also requiring a different blastpipe as well because of the fierce exhaust), the fact it was only fitted in small test batches (making them semi-unique examples that were more hassle to maintain than a class of unified design) and in some cases the metallurgy of the time didn't hold up to the stresses of operation - the original Lentz valvegear on 2001 Cock o' The North was eventually removed because for such reasons. (Although new build 2007 Prince of Wales will revert to the poppet valvegear, which could be interesting from the perspective of how many other optimisations have been made to the design - the locomotive certainly has the potential to prove more powerful than the Duke).
And there's some argument that other designs admitting the steam more slowly might however improve traction on standing starts. Little experimentation seems to have taken place from the perspective of how poppet valvegear would have benefited freight locomotives.
I suppose though that if you're looking at steam locomotives as they now generally are - a tourist attraction - then one can argue that things like exterior Walschaerts valvegear have that appealing and somewhat hypnotic look to them, like clockwork with all those moving parts. (Not that I dislike things like Great Western designs and their interior valvegear - they often make up for it in the way of interesting pops, pings and things like pannier tanks bouncing their way up hills.)
Well, prefacing this with the detail that the SR is my least favourtite design-wise of the Big Four, Bulleid obviously had something of a record of ultimately unsuccessful attempts at innovation (such as the 4DD double decker coaches where you were subjected to the smell of other passengers' feet, and the Leader locomotive that half-roasted its crew). His chain driven valvegear was, aside from being prone to problems in the first place, hard to access, and it's no surprise that most of his Pacifics were rebuilt to a more conventional design.
In fairness, his tenure was largely during wartime and the austerity period afterwards, so some of what he did was driven by cost issues - and he had some notable successes despite that. His boiler design on the Pacifics is generally regarded as excellent, able to generate considerable power on mediocre coal (although, admittedly, at often high fuel consumption).
Thank you Mada... I DO know that in my heart but it still doesn't help when I wake up... sign in to Daz forums... and hunt to see if anyone has replied to my chat... only to find no one has. Like I said... hardest thing for me with forums. :)
Oh.. and here is my Challenge and Song, Music, Story, Poem Inspiration thread linkies... ENJOY...
ALL are welcome to join me/us!
Your welcome. I post here and there are RARELY I get a reply. If I post an image about 99% of the time I don't get any likes or anything so it's what it is! LOL
Llola Lane,
Our paths haven't crossed but I do drop into the Art Studio threads that you sponsor.
There has been a lot of talk about negativity turning people away. For me, as Daz sits at the intersection of computers and art, it boils down -- no names needed -- to the Tech Blowhards on one hand, and the Art Snobs on the other. Apart from that, the lack of responses to one's input can be a turn off too. Sadly there's nothing in the TOS that stipulates against these sorts of behavior.
(+! or "like" button? Maybe having that Forum feature will lover the barrier to giving some form of feedback.)
On a positive note, I do want to commend folks such as yourself who've done a great service to the Forum. Your positivity, the immediacy and relevance of your responses, and your inclusivity draws people into discussions. We don't feel like grown up kids engaged in parallel play; instead we're part of a community. There are others I can think of as well who bring the same kind of enthusiasim to the Daz Forums. No need for names as I'm sure we know who they are.
Over here the PRR tried poppets onf its duplex drive locomotives, but eventually switched back to a more conventional valve setup. one of the most widely used valve gear setups in the US was the Baker gear setup.
@Matt_Castle: Your gallery link led me to a oops page. i hope this is correct:
ETA: in my eyes it is truly exeptional!
Excellent idea!
5764 cetainly riding a bit rough there, although it has a fair load to pull. Looks like maybe the leaf springs are a bit weakened, unless it's worn rails? Must be quite uncomfortable for the crew.
Since people are psting pictures I'll post a couple of mine, although this is a model I soldered together from a nickel silver kit and not a 3D model ( I would pay good money for a DAZ compatible GWR 517 class loco ). Please excuse the paintwork on my model, it's getting a bit worn due to handling, also I haven't yet got around to fitting the ashpan etc.
Sweet:)) [looks for like button]
Whoops! Messed up which parts of the link I needed to keep. Should now hopefully be fixed.
I figured out a method a while back that can convert most G8 assets to fit the centaur body instead, and I have been routinely abusing that ever since.
It's not actually at all unusual for pannier tanks to "waddle" under heavy load. (There's a reason the 5700 featured in Awdry's Railway Series has the nickname "Duck"). Even the monsters that are 9Fs can visibly flex if worked hard enough. (You can see it's in time with the wheel rotation, so it's not just uneven track).
It's just a natural consequence of the fact that the power stroke is alternately from one cylinder then the other (and indeed, also in alternating directions); the forces across the chassis keep changing, and even steel frames will twist somewhat if you put enough force on them.
While Eardington bank isn't all that steep (1 in 100, or 1%, depending on how you prefer it stated), it is still quite a demanding climb because of a 5mph speed restriction just before the bottom of the bank, so locomotives are expected to accelerate back up to the 25mph line speed up that gradient.
I'd say that would be a bit niche... but then there is actually a model of 5764 on Renderosity. (DryJack has clearly been to the Severn Valley Railway, as there's also a 5164).
I had some fun scaling those down a while back:
Gallery Link
(And yes, as far as pedantry, I did use a correct 1:76 scale for OO gauge).
Nice render. I have bought most of DryJacks models, although I really must use them in a render. I wish he would do a horsebox, I'm suprised he hasn't since it could appeal to both 3D UK railway and horse lovers ( assuming it had opening doors ).. I can imagine some great scenes of a horse being led into or out of a horsebox, although I freely admit my interests are rather niche, like the 517. Also although he has a model of a private owner 7 plank there don't seem to be any alternative textures, again I suppose wanting area appropriate PO wagon liveries is somewhat niche.
Being a Northerner I suppose I would be more likely to build LMS or LNER models, but when I got started there were not too many reference books with detailed information on locos and rolling stock. Jim Russell was one of the first UK authors produce comprensive photo albums, so since the books were GWR that's the way I went.
I have great respect for the guys like Peter Denny and John Allen who built models with very little trade support.
Weird... for me feels it exactly the opposite.
That reminded me of days past I have a Hornby Dublo 3 rail set with tank engine :)
I did this 3d render using the City of Truro model and took the view from inside the tunnel and my first thought was it would be something you would see in the Railway Modeller magazine :)
Click on image for full size.