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Well Russia is a big country..
Well I'm at work and I'm not allowed to be browsing forums or watching Youtube. I have to keep telling my boss that the internet won't watch itself.
If they did that to me, I would have to start working remotely, even when it would mean end of "all you can drink", bad tasting but free coffee
Lately I haven't participated as much because I've been really busy and whenever I normally would get a chance to look at the forums, lately the places I'm at have crappy internet reception so I can barely load the forums before I lose my signal strength or I loose patience waiting for the page to load... that's a service issue, not a DAZ issue... but a couple months ago the forum were acting up and I was constantly getting gateway errors, couldn't upload images, was getting logged out, interface issues, there was a weird character limit issue and my lights would flicker if I mentioned subsurface scattering... the last one was probably an electroethereal poltergeist which was probably not a forum issue, but the others made me less inclined to bother to post anything because it was a drag... for me now, things seem to have been fixed, at least on this end, but I could see where that would be annoying for some people where they might get fed up and take a longer break.
I've been here for a number of years and have seen a lot of forum problems including "The Great Forum Transfer of 2012 or Whenever The Hell It Was" (that's the official name in case you were wondering)... it seems like every time there is some big or extended forum issue, I do notice that when things "go back to normal" (or some semblance of usability) it takes a while for forum activity to get back to normal... I've also noticed in some cases, it appears adjacent to those timelines that some people go missing and never return... it could be coincidence, or it could be people just get fed up and find other stuff to do or they decide go out and get some fresh air and walk in the park and end up getting eaten by a bear...
I feel the last one is probably pretty likely, because a lot of people disappear at the same time those "Chonkiest Bear Contests" occur around Fat Bear Week... I don't know if that's DAZ's fault or the National Park Service or forum members who slathered themselves in salmon gravy before going on that walk, but I do notice after persistent forum problems, some people do disappear for extended periods if they return at all...
And then there are some policy and store issues that may have contributed too... I know a lot of people were really pissed about a certain new form of content with the three letter acronym that was introduced a while back which is fairly controversial and a bunch of people were really pissed about a certain type of new licensing addition...
It could be stuff like that... I dunno... I'm not as Force sensitive as I used to be after my Midichlorian count was reduced by getting Covid, so it's hard to say... I have felt great upheaval in the Force lately, but I've also been eating White Castle burgers more often and Force upheaval and bad gas are often similar...
I hope it's just part of the wonky forums cycle and people that may have been eaten by bears were only slightly eaten and get better and after a while they come back, and it's not cumulative community erosion taking its toll...
That would be pretty unfortunate, since the forums are a huge part of the trouble shooting and guidance/teaching part of the whole DAZ ecosystem.
We are often told nobody at the top floors of DAZ reads the forums, so what community members say, love or get pissed about or may or may not have issues with is irrelevant because nobody anyone might be hoping will hear these complaints or concerns is going to be reading them, so if you have an issue with nouveau fancy tomatoes or you can't post an image of your render issue, that's a you issue that's best solved by filing a ticket where applicable, otherwise you are just screeching to the choir.
Which I think in itself is kind of discouraging... if I ran a small company that made plastic novelty roaches and had a forum, regardless of how big or small RoachCo was or became, I'd want know what people were saying, regardless of how much salt I took their comments with... it seems kinda good top flooring to know and even to pop in from time to time to say something encouraging or acknowledging... I would feel that the people buying my plastic roaches might feel I'm too aloof or detached from something they really enjoy and feel less inclined to care about it themselves because it might trivialize the plasticness of the artificial roaches... even if it those plastic roaches were something I just made on a lark or got involved in strictly as a form of employment, and it was making a small amount of income, it would seem to me to that even if there was the most minimal of communities involved, there would be some inherent connection to seeming to have a personal connection/interest and retaining customers or growing that user base...
But as far as anyone knows, me included, I never went to any sort of important school with clingy plants growing on the walls, so what the hell do I know about stuff like that... especially if I have a poor Midichlorian count now... well, at least I still have my Spidey Senses... honestly though, being covered in spiders get itchy after a while, so who knows how long I'm keeping with that... besides it doesn't help divine people's overall moods and satisfaction... actually aside from giving spiders a place to nest, I don't really know a point for it at all...
Well, I've got that to think about now... I should probably go out into the woods and shake off all these spiders and hope there are no displaced chonky bears looking for someone wearing salmon scented cologne (don't judge, it was cheap and the bottle looks like a fish).
Anyway, hopefully this is just a temporary thing and not a long term downward trend...
The participation issue, not me smelling like lox... it's a big bottle and I don't throw out anything ever.
Well... that's all.
Never really been a big poster here with daz. Sometimes I lurk to read a thread. In the 4 years or so that I've been using daz, made a small number of posts. Other places I have made a lot more.
My boss does this new working remotely. He goes home and does nothing other than send me emails and teams messages which I ignore while doing both our jobs. It's an interesting system and I'd like to try it but they won't let me hire a truck to take all the equiptment home.
Being addicted to bad tasting free coffee, I have insisted on keeping my desktop with 3 monitors instead of accepting a laptop
The head of IT and me, we are from different generations and have quite different views on how to set up a computer, so he will never allow me to use my home rig for working remotely.
Same. My boss loves to tell me that the company doesn't pay me to browse forums and watch youtube and I have to scream this at all 350 of my employees when I catch them on their phones, LOL
Wow, we never browsed or shopped on the internet at any place I've ever worked. We could get out but none of us dared to get pulled into that time sink on company time or property. I can remember coworkers getting escorted out for daring to read a newspaper at their desk. We did use company intranet for proprietary docs, CM, and such.
What is one to do when the browser based application one uses for doing ones work keeps spinning the circle for 3-5 minutes whenever one hits enter?
I have asked for manual crank, but I don't think they understood my point.
As for me, every 10 years or so I lose interest and take a break for a couple years. You could say I lose my mojo. I'm headed there now. I bought a lot last couple of sales, but lately the offerings in the store are just not striking my fancy. I feel that the best days for this hobby might be behind us, but who's to say ;). I thought I could stick around until DS 5, but that looks less and less likely as it's been years since we've heard anything and I don't have the stamina to stick around a few more years to find out. LOL
What are we expecting in DS 5 that has people so eager to get it? You are right; it has been so long since it was officially talked about, I have completely forgotten what the hype was. I remember a blurb about Omniverse a few months ago, but I have no inkling how that would apply to anything I do.
I'm expecting the frustration of nothing working anymore - Shaders scripts etc and having to buy them all over again when and if they are updated.
Omniverse matters if you have a modern RTX card from NIVIDIA.
you can have effectively “Realtime”rendering in the viewport at the same quality you see from a fully cooked Iray render from Daz studio.
I think Omniverse is the onlly thing actually touted so far; as a Mac user I'm looking forward to giving Filament a solid run for its money as I'm currently using OpenGl when I do animation; as well, Mac users have been told D|S 5 will use Apple's Metal for "some things" and DAZ was hoping to have it run native on Apple Silicon, but that was over two years ago (when they had a bare-bones pre-Beta working), so who knows what their goal post is now... or for next year... or the year after...
On the plus side, I stopped doing my usual DAZ assets purchasing when the pre-Beta was cancelled – thinking I'd wait to see what DAZ Studio 5 actually bought to the table – and I've saved enough in the last two years to be able to pick up a higher-end Windows system, should I ever decide to go to the blue side...
-- Walt Sterdan
Plug-ins will break, though we don't know whether (where the developers are still alive and active) there will be updates, and how much if anything they will cost - probably because they won't know how much work will be involved until they see how the SDK changes. Scripts will not necessarily break, I don't believe it is like the move from DS 2 to DS 3 where the engine supplied as part of the Qt framework changed, but of course SDK changes may mean that some scripts need at least a degree of refactoring - again, what will be updated and whether it will be free will no doubt depend in part on how much effort is required. Shaders sould probably be a fairly safe bet, assuming we still get the same render engines, though I am of course in no position to be certain.
We were told, and I would have expected anyway, that DS4's latest version will remain available so we would have the option of using that for many purposes (tools that create, modify, or convert content), then sending the finished result to DS 5 to use the new features.
Funny thing about plugins though there are other brilliant coders out there probably chomping at the bit to get their turn to make money and amaze us all. After we lost Dimension 3d for both Poser and DS Ken1171 jumped in and has a plethora of scripts for Poser 12 on up. Sure we have to buy them and I realize allot of us are on budgets but if there are improvements to functionality and what not might be worth it. I've bought MOST of Ken's plugins and scripts for Poser and they work every bit as well as Dimention 3d and any other vendor that's passed away or quit the business.
Plugins would probably be more involved and more seamless to the software...more functional and likely faster. I'd like to be able to change the size of the text like others have mentioned (I'm not getting any younger and I've been at this 3D thing for a few decades and I'm old I'd like more modern features and they have released some, but I'm sure others are probably impossible on the version of QT that DS is probably at right now. Early on in this 3D experiment, we used to get lots of animals, which we almost never get anymore in favor of similar FEMALE base figures with similar outfits to what we've gotten over the years. Actually, the outfits have gotten more ridiculous and less "normal" over the years. And if we do get animals, they pale in quality to the human figures, which might be ok for some, but not for me. I guess I'm just getting bored :) It happens, and it's happened with me personally before more than once. I have other hobbies besides this one, so it's not like I can't keep myself occupied, so I'm not demanding anything from the company. I'll just concentrate on other things :)
Thank you for that concise understandable summary.
Now I am interested in it.
I'm interested, too, but admittedly a bit wary about the generalized marketing jargon:
I'll keep an open mind until we actually see it in action (specifically, how well it handles mat conversion).
- Greg
Entirely possible, for sure, but would we want to bet on someone swooping in and creating new plug-in to replace one lost to us? There are already 3DL plug-ins that are falling by the wayside (eg. pwSketch, pwToon, pwEffect) with no one picking up the challenge.
For that matter, a brilliant coder could pop in and write a rendering plug-in that would allow users without Nvidia cards (Windows and Mac uses alike) to let DAZ Studio use AMD's ProRender engine with their non-Nvidia GPUs, yet no one has stepped up for years. I'd pay big bucks for a 64-bit Mimic replacement plug-in.
I suspect that those brilliant coders would rather spend time working on Blender code than DAZ, but I'd love to be wrong.
-- Walt Sterdan
I suppose it depends on the company and industry but either we're handling stuff and head down or stuff is handled and we're watching cat videos. Met the new CEO and entourage the other day, I was eating a bacon sandwich while making a new desktop background from recent photos of my small herd of cats. He didn't blink.
I have to be careful because my boss now thinks I want to build him a high end PC to run DS.
I tried to get mobile use banned after the, 'I love you babe,' text I got the other evening from a male colleague, but no, we're a progressive company and young sugardumplings IS kind of cute...
Yeah, my excitiement over DS is pretty much gone. I really doubt I'm going to upgrade to 5 unless it includes a huge decrease in render time, but I'm not about to rebuy all the stuff I've already purchased. The only thing keeping me around at all is the fact I have so much invested in this program, thousands of dollars worth of content. There is no way I can just let it go.
Other hobbies also keep me busy. I do both FDM and resin 3D printing and am also learning music synthesis which can turn expensive. I just picked up a small desktop synth for $165 that will hold me for quite awhile, and several soft synths that work just as well as hardware, other than no tactile feel, knob turning, which is actually a huge part of the deal. Kobs and light very important
I'm always amazed when I hear retired people worried about or complaining about filling their time. Like you, I'm retired and my biggest problem isn't finding something to do but in choosing *which* thing I should do now.
-- Walt Sterdan
Exactly. I'm full plate all the time. I have a friend that just mopes about what to do with no work. I keep telling him to get a hobby, go fishing, something, play cards, start a bingo tournament
I also go out shooting photos, walking, camping, hit the librairies and museums, go to concerts if I can afford, and there's always a good documentary on TV. Read books too
same, house and garden alone could keep me busy
I have 6 keyboards, drum machine, mixer and a microphone to wail into too plus music software
no wonder the foruums are so quiet, we're busy
I do like coming here though. its part of my coffee routine but sometimes extends when I'm lazy. I need to try singing. I always describe myself as monotone. I have a mic, 1 keyboard. I use Reaper Daw, still learning that. I'm into too much stuff so it takes me forever to learn stuff.
The worst likely case is having to rebuy plug-ins, and possibly some scripts - but I would hope for some free updates, and some upfgrade pricing. Content I would expect to work - why would Daz not make sure that, possible glitches due to iray updates aside, content continued to work?