why isn't anybody talking about Daz 4.22?

in The Commons
How is it? any major bugs?
The "fast asset loading" is very tempting, but since almost all Daz past updates had catastrophic bugs and errors, making the trade off not worth it, I'm really afraid history will repeat itself with this new update.
And not having a roll back option certainly isn’t helping, I can only hope to find out from someone who downloaded and tried
Usually it is better to wait a few weeks until the impatient ones have tested it first
That, and it looks as though you have to be logged in to Daz Connect to enjoy oneof the main touted benefits, the instant meta updating. And it's unclear whether or not it will overwrite user meta, which leaves me to wonder if Lost & Found will ever clear out. And on the templates video, it looks like I'll be seeing lots of advertizing in my Studio as well. It makes me wonder if the intent is to wean people off of DIM, or at least give its users a lesser experience. I hope not.
Usually that's my approach, but that "fast asset loading" is too tempting,
But then I remember the horror experience I had with 4.21 update by the time it first released, it destroyed all my metadata, I ended up re-download all my contents and reset my working environment which took me almost a week just to get things back the way it was.
really hope roll back to last version is an option, don't know why it never materialized
Discussion of bugs is usually in here - https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/601796/daz-studio-pro-beta-version-4-22-0-1-updated#latest
Better to wait for more time, especially this time... If you wanna experience 'fast asset loading' which's been already there for nearly a year, go for installing a Public Build.
...well a "no-go" here as I'm still on WIndows 7
Should still work, except for Iray rendering and dForce as there are no 5xx drivers for W7
Well I'm ready to give it a try but DIM says it's already installed which looks like a bug (reported in the DIM sticky), so not sure what happens if I try to install it.
DIM shows the name associated with the SKU (updated when you login) not with the package that was installed. The name associated with the SKU changed which is why you are seeing that.
There is no rollback option, or support. Keep a copy of your program downloads, and any dependent plugins. You can install older versions with DIM offline by copying the relevant packages into the download folder. Uninstall the current version and the older one will become Ready To Install.
As always, I'll wait a month or two and then probably take the plunge.
The eternal question: Does GenX still work? Any other assets that may stop working?
"Official" Ghost Lights, yay! But correct me if I'm wrong, the old Ghost Lights (from before the IRAY update) not only were invisible but they also behaved differently regarding specular reflections? I wonder if these new Ghost Lights also behave that way? It doesn't look like it in the youtube video, but I can't be sure.
OK, thanks. I would call that a reporting bug then.
No need for DAZ connect.
Make sure to have the latest NV GPU driver installed.
First reaction: Renders look slightly more saturated.
Can't see any difference tbh. But most of all I definitely do not see the slightest improvement in loading times, if anything they appear to be even worse.
Edit: Turns out I was VERY wrong. Loading the same (complex) character from my avatar from an HDD into an empty scene in a freshly started DAZ Studio: 1:43 minute under 4.21, 1:08 under 4.22
Just tested it out.
What I don't like is that there is no way to disable the ad on the right and the store tab in the new template dialog.
An Ad in DS? What an unacceptable waste of screen space.
I've written a DS version manager (Windows) which makes it simple to backup as well as restore (to the DIM Downloads folder) any version including plugins. Just need to do the annoying part, writing the documention.
Sadly, that seems to be the new standard in software design, make every (useless) feature as large as possible and fill everything with (usless) decorations, oddly enough because people are using tablets and smart phones...
...none at all I'm running a special security version of the last driver for W7 that support Iray which leaves me at 4.21.0,5. Not going to go back to glacially long render times and still trying to work out the reason dForce keeps crashing my display driver when using the Titan-X to run sims (thoise are glacially slow as well on the CPU).
With living costs continuing to head upwards (will also have to deal with a rent, utilitiy, and transit fare increase at the beginning of the new year on a fixed income) it pretty much has come down to needing a small windfall to upgrade my system to W11 standards.
Also not thrilled about the news that MS will introduce an AI assistant in W11 (already uploaded to those on the Windows Insider development track)..
Like, what could go wrong?.
Sounds Like they took a cue from Micrrosoft.
I was brave this time and installed it right away. My scripts, favorites, products, toolbar, custom workspace and metadata... are all there. So that's a good start! I worked online for the last year and a half, so I can't tell the difference between be connected or not anymore.
For me the new AI generative fill AD in Photoshop is waaay more annoying than this one.Cheers.
I just installed 4.22, loaded a G8.1F dev load, and it was substantially faster than in previous versions, and that's even with duplicate formulas that I haven't bothered resolving.
Updated Nvidia drivers too so maybe not DAZ 4.22 fault but now I can't render the same scene twice without it falling back to CPU mode unless I restart DAZ. Seems like it worse at freeing up GPU memory after rendering an image.
I installed the update and opened a file I'd been working on all day. Update used over 10gb of Gpu, 35gb ram. Uninstalled it and reinstalled previous version, GPU back to 7.9Gb, RAM 27Gb. Will stick with previous version.
About 4½ minute to load a random G8F here (570 installed). Don't recall exactly how long it used to take but I think it was a couple of minutes longer.
How do back up 4.21 so if this is breaks i still have it to work with?
Also can the ad be removed?
Stop the presses. G8 aniblocks are now butter-smooth and realtime in the viewport.
Just go to you IM package Download folder , as per your OS, backup IM00013176-02_DAZStudio421Win64bit.zip first. Then open DIM, check if there's any updated plugin package pushed to you in Ready to Download tab, then backup the plugin packages as well.
Ads cannot be removed for the time being. You don't have to use new 'New...' dialogue if you don't like it. Create a new empty scene, save it and create a custom action for it. Then assign shortcut Ctrl + N to the action.
Is there anyway to bypass or turn off the advertisements? I feel like I get spammed enough with email, mail, tv, etc. Could do with a little less of it please.
They're stuffing ads into Studio? Well, installing this version just went from "maybe" to "not a chance".
Daz likes to follow the principle: "The product matures with the customer". Something, such as the new shop, is presented with great fanfare and then needs months to function halfway. So if you can't afford to become a beta (gamma, delta, etc.) tester at the drop of a hat, you should take your time. I do. Also, I don't like the Daz Connect thing.