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yikes, that's not good. I'll monitor the situation and hold off for now. Thanks.
I don't know that I'm all that more cynical than anyone else in this thread, just a bit older and bitterer maybe :P Nonetheless, this is good and useful information, thank you!
Windows explorer and other apps are more responsive while rendering but rendering also slower. GPU (RTX3070) runs a few degrees cooler when rendering. GPU RAM usage worse. Overall I really wish I had a backup of old version to restore.
Not an early adopter, especially with software, so I will get around to installing this in a year or so, LOL I am still on 4.15 with the 4.21 beta, no rush for me, especially if I have to use connect or allow ads.
If you've been using recent beta releases then no, I'm getting exactly the same speed with the scene from the benchmark thread.
With a 40 series card I was getting about 17% quicker benchmark scene renders in the beta versions over the normal release version.
my speed increase about that with my new system on 4.21. its a 4080. I expected more coming from a 2070 super.
I don't. That would only encourage them to continue avoiding putting out a manual that is nearing a decade out of date as it's clearly labeled for DAZ Studio 4.6, and as such doesn't even mention most of the major features that have been added since 2006.... you know, little inconsequential things like Iray, d-Force, all the figures since Genesis 2... and barely alludes to most of what was introduced with DAZ Studio 4, since that version in itself was basically a slightly altered version of the manual for DS 3.
Seriously, how can DAZ not know that one of the single biggest barriers to getting more customers is the fact that their manual isn't even close to accurate? I used to recommend DAZ to people all the time, but after a dozen of them all basically said that they gave up due to the complete lack of easy to use documentation, I stopped shilling.
Please, DAZ, can't you spend a little of the money you blow on daily website re-designs and unneeded gimmicks like trying to place ads on user's Studio screens and do something that actually needs improvement? - "Each opening of the New Scene dialog will attempt to retrieve 'current' notification data."
We are told that "testAccess.tmp" is a temporary file that is created and then immediately deleted to test whether or not a directory within a mapped content directory is modifiable by the user (the user has permissions to create/delete files). This has absolutely nothing to do with notifications, and it is testing your ability (or not) to save new assets.
Well if I had designed it I would consider it a bug, and fix it.
I'm aware of that, but I had more or less finished writing the program when they announced that. Besides the DIM changelog says it's an "experimental" feature which can mean anything, so now that it's written anyway I can just as well release it.
I check the store shop page almost everyday. As a matter of fact I have it book marked in my browser. I don't need to see it again in the DS program (see attached photo).
No, it will be free. But if people feel for donating, there is an option on the site.
I'm not much for selling anything at DAZ anyway, after I tried a couple of years ago. They said "we'll take a look at it" but I've never heard from them since. Having to wait for months for a reponse which AFAIK is normal in this context is one thing, but IMO (and particularly because they take so long to respond) it's disrespectful if they don't respond at all. People may sit there waiting for months never getting an answer anyway (I know I'm not the only one this has happened to) during which time they could have sold it themselves or in some other store.
The new advertising is only on the new scene dialogue. It's a partial screen window that people might have open for a few seconds when loading a fresh scene. Daz have made it a bit larger than it needed to be to fit in some advertising. It is not unduly interfering with the functionality of said window. It does not take in any way from the screen real-estate in the standard workspace. It's not flashing at the user while they're trying to do something else. It's not forcing them to click through it before they can use the program. It's a few thumbnails from the store front and (right now) a reminder about Daz's latest FREE tutorial - in a program that is funded by the sale of content.
People are presenting this as if it is highly annoying or intrusive.
It is not.
Regarding the advert, when I'm in Daz Studio, I'm ready to make art. I want a streamlined workflow and I don't want to get distracted with more sales or content. (I already have Daz3d minimized in a bunch of browser windows, haha.) I'm disappointed to hear there's an embedded ad that can't be opted out.
If it's hard to roll back to the previous Studio version, or installers for older versions aren't provided (!), I'll definitely stick to 4.21 for now.
Thanks to all in this thread for letting the rest of us know your experiences!
Wow, I thought people saying there was ads in DS now was some kinda new forum joke. I hate it. It's one of the reasons I never bothered with buying another stupid tablet after my first one died, stupid ads in every "app" was annoying as hell.
I can't see what all the fuss is about. If you don't press "file/new", you won't see it. And, I would imagine, if you don't connect daz to the internet, the window will never change content.
Doesn't bother me seeing an advertisement for when I open uo a new image. Much quicker at loading images - which is good.
Couldn't resist, sorry
#6 is obviously ghost feature to go with the ghost lights :P
I had to go looking for it.
It is only on the "New Scene" dialogue, and at least with the way I have DS set up, the only way I get that to appear is if I deliberately go to "File" -> "New". If I had instead done what I normally do when I want to start over with a fresh scene and restarted DS (which also clears up any Iray memory usage, so is just a better option in general), I wouldn't have seen it.
This new version of DS has significant new features. Faster asset loading, emissive volumes and a more powerful ghost light system are things people have been asking for for ages. And people are going to boycott it because Daz have one window that you almost never use where a small portion of it reminds them that there's a free lighting tutorial on Youtube?
Talk about throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
There is no guarantee that it will always be like this, though. How can you be so sure that they will stop there and never, ever, ever alter the deal? Have we not learned this important lesson from Lando?
Thus no, I do not accept this, and everybody needs to speak up now. We ALREADY have such easy access to the store. Daz Studio already has plenty of links that will open your web browser to the store. You have to create an account for this store just to get Daz Studio in the first place.
So far I'm not seeing any reason to upgrade. I'm not a regular user of iRay rendering as it takes way too long on my laptop. I'll stick to 3Delight until they decide to get rid of that. Otherwise 4.21 is fine.
If the advertising continues to be as it currently is and not slow down my workflow or encroach on my standard workspace, I definitely prefer Daz taking a strategy of trying to build up their core business (remembering that not every user of Daz Studio may be as fanatical about checking the store as people on the forums may be) over them trying to branch out into things like fake-scarcity monkeys.
I always thought things like the NFTs were a weird angle - the market here is much more art assets rather than finished art, and a lot of users were very soured on crypto stuff by its effect on the silicon shortage - and Daz instead trying to consolidate and capitalise on its core model is good thing for those of us who're here for that. It is, ultimately, a program funded by asset sales.
The faster asset loading isn't dependent on Iray, and will benefit 3DL users.
Well, if they do revise the deal too far you can alwayss tick with the version before (or just keep back ups of the isntallers as you go).
opened file new and it finally appeared with ad on my release and beta build
no idea why it had not up until now
only thing different was a Windows and Nvidia driver update which should have been irrelevent
this it bizarre (the fact it did not appear before)
Hi Gordig, that started my press! A big improvement in animation playback would definately make it worth the risk to update DS, IMO. Question: Is this improvement evident in the Filament drawstyle? And, how many figures can move at once? Thanks! / peace
Wow--I updated my video drivers and installed 4.22 to check out the new load times. Before updating I fired up my 4.21 install and loaded a scene I am currently working on (with 19 G8 figures in it)--23 minutes to open the scene file. After updating to 4.22 I started Daz Studio and opened the same file--9 minutes to open the same scene! That is really impressive. I know I could use Turbo Loader to speed things up but that requires me to keep tabs of all the morphs I am using on the various characters and have special files for each scene, which is a real pain. Did a quick spot render of the scene and it doesn't look any different than my previous renders in my series on this project, so for now I can say I am pleasantly impressed with the update...
I use DS almost exclusively as a platform for exporting Daz assets to C4D and Houdini these days, so I can't go too in-depth about a lot of the other changes. I just had the idea to see if they improved aniblock performance, and it looks like they have.
I guess that's an extreme example? That's a lot of figures lol. With two G9 characters in a semi-complex scene it went from ~2 minutes load time to ~1 min 40 secs for me so approx 15% improvement. But hey, I'll take it =)
Sorry, but what is considered intrusive and what is not is not defined by you/by Daz, but by the user. Quite individually. I, for example, find these ads far too large and disturbing. If they disappear immediately and of their own accord, that's okay, of course.