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You are not the only moron,...another one,...right here.
The reflection of the Ghost Lights is controlled by the other new proeprty - we now get to add them via the create Advanced iray node proerpties script rather than having to add them manually, but see Creating a "Ghost Light" - Daz Studio - Daz 3D Forums
Me too.
Whenever I'm forced to search for information in youtube, there better be nobody with a shouting distance.
DIM shows only the one name. It is how it is meant to work, so not a bug - the tool tip should give more information, including install date where appropriate.
DIM will now create backups, see the change log - though i keep forgetting to set this up. Edit
Almost all of the overhead from Duplicate Formulas has been eliminated (for me, at least) - the gain on a well-behaved installation is less pronounced, but still very noticeable (for me, at least).
Well, here the product is clear - selling store content funds DS.
The ads (notifications) appear only in the New dialogue, theya re not taking up space in the working enironment.
Not in the Beta, certainly - as far as I am aware this is an issue on the store side, the break happened with the stoe update when there was no change in DS. Not that that is any comfort, trying to find new items to install is a pain (I use Install date, which does work, to find newly installed stuff).
After a month or two I'll load it & see if I can live with it. Time to get bugs out and see if DAZ changes its mind about them too...
The updated Create Advanced Iray Node Properties script incorporates Creating a "Ghost Light" - Daz Studio - Daz 3D Forums
A little less cynicism! No messing, no breaking. This is Daz working with Nvidia to add new functionality to Iray to replace the previously unintended behaviour.
The new function allows you to take direct control of a light source's specular reflections. Note that it can now be used on any light source (not just emissive objects - it can now be spotlights, so you can now control the angle of ghost lights), and can be further adjusted per object, so you can make it show up less or more in specific objects.
If you don't use the new function, it will work as it did in DS 4.21 (allowing for the normal differences in how optimisations and tweaks to Iray can affect rendering).
I've not yet really tinkered with it, but on paper this is a significant upgrade, potentially even over the old unintended functionality.
Failure to properly on my 3070 laptop. Restarts as the installation concludes causes saved scene to not load. Does not show up in uninstall programs. Cannot be re installed I just did a system restore.
This sounds very exciting!
System restore is your friend..
BTW I haven't seen the ad or new template
probably because I don't log in
ignorance is bliss
I only keep restore points on my OS drive. I don't have Daz installed on my OS drive. Tho I might be able to recover it from a backup. I'll have to check.
*edit* Nope, I normally don't back up executables...I just have my library backed up.
Was this via DIM or a stand-alone install? DIM installs arte managed by DIM, so they will not appear in Add/remove applications.
Would I be wrong to assume that this release suggests that DAZ Studio 5 won't arrive until sometime in 2024?
-- Walt Sterdan
Or they took their time to make sure the last DS 4 had it's bugs ironed out before releasing the next major version.
The "Omniverse soon to DS5" strongly suggests that the date is near.
Maybe, if they have been working in parallel, but it does seem rathe tight to get anything out this year - dpending on how much new stuff there is in 5 (or whatever it is called).
Nvidia, Nvidia, Nvidia...
How does it run on a Mac? *Does* it run on a Mac? What *version* of a Mac?
I'm on an Intel iMac from 2018, running Mojave, and not going to upgrade my OS on this computer, period. How far behind the curve will this new version of Studio run? More important, what in DAZ cntent is most likely to be dependant on the new version of Studio in order to be operable?
Not if Daz licensed Soon from Blizzard
It does run on a Mac but if your mac doesn't have an Nvidia GPU, simulation will be slow, render will be even slower. I don't know what version of MacOS is currently supported.
Makes no difference whether or not you're logged in. I still get an ad when I start a new scene, and I've never logged in to DAZ on this computer.
So, as suggested in a thread somewhere, I've made a blank scene, created a custom action for it, and now start new scenes from the scripts menu (or you could define a shortcut key for it).
only thing I need to know, does it render faster in iray than before? I was a bit disappointed with the increase in rendering speed when I bought my new system and hoping DAZ has implemented some of the newer Nvidia features.
"Daz Soon" has been a thing for at least as long as "Blizzard Soon". Generally accepted definition used to be "At some point between now and the end of the universe, if you're lucky"
Yeah, this occured with the store update a number of years ago. It's strange because I would've figured that Connect would pull the same metadata as DIM, which *does* have the correct information.
Install Date does work as a workaround, but I'd rather they fixed this bug after years of this persisting.
This sounds awesome. Is this a planned product for sale? However I would be stunned if Daz approves this to their store.
I try not to be overly negative, but while "Omniverse coming soon to DS5" may sound like DS5 itself is "near", it was posted that Filament was working on the Mac in DS5 back in August, 2021 and yet here we are.
As to getting DS 4's bugs ironed out, I whole-heartedly agree, but at the same time they're introducing new features which will no doubt introduce new bugs that will need to be ironed out. On the one hand it allows the new features to get their bugs ironed out before DAZ Studio 5 ("or whatever it is called"?) is released but by that very nature, it means DAZ Studio 5 will be pushed back until those bugs are ironed out. In the long run it will no doubt mean a more stable D|S 5 release, but it will also mean a delay. I've been waiting for Filament on the Mac for over three years, I was just hoping it really was almost here.
-- Walt Sterdan
The one test I did took longer.