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I took this from a decoration from work. They still have plenty left.
I work at a mall. There are a bunch of people here but not too busy it seems. I'm on a break and finished my lunch.
Oh there was a guy who tried to get free food. I don't work at a charity. There is a place downtown that lets people volunteer for an hour to get some free food to eat.
I hope your less frequent visiting isn't because of my... occasional tendency to take the mythological products you muse over and turn them into real products which I peddle in the DAZ marketplace. It's not a money making venture. Some of them require quite a few credits from a currency that does not exist yet to produce. It's more of a tribute to you, and also because most of the products have unintended consequences that the customers deserve with all of their hatred toward giraffe based people. One day those monkey based people will get what they have coming. But for now, cheers.
Non-complaint: PayPal problem partly solved. I was finally able to get past the 2-level security check, and get properly logged into PayPal.
I'd begun to suspect that my phone was the problem so I had a couple of friends send me a text to my smartphone and I received them but got no notice that they had arrived.
So I dug deeply into the "Settings" for the phone and discovered some notification settings had been turned off and "Do Not Disturb" had been enabled. Arghhh...
It was probably me. A few days ago I'd been trying to change some setting without having my glasses on. (*Sigh*)
Complaint: Now I need to test whether my ability to pay with PayPal has really been disabled for up to 45 days. Grrrr....
I called to check what my ride schedule is for tomorrow. I was trying to figure out when to add my Walmart run in tomorrow. Turns out I had already scheduled a Walmart run for tomorrow after seeing Nosferatu.
I think the version I'm going to see has sound and color.
I sure hope so! It would be bad if you were someone else!
It's 1-2-25!
Or 2-1-25 if you like your month in the middle; but I digress, as I always do.
@Dana: LG fixed it, I guess.
Yeah, I was John Malkovich once. A few days ago I was you, have they caught you yet?
Identity theft is not only wrong, it's against "The Law".
Complaint: Snow. The heavy snow(18") from Christmas time had all melted by New Years, then we got 1" yesterday, and last night two more inches, and it's still snowing and is precicted to snow 24/7 for three more days.
Non-complaint: I have nothing on my calendar, no need to catch a bus or doctor's appointments, so I'll just sip cocoa and eat up the rest of my holiday cookies and watch the snow.
'Nother Non-complaint: Games. Steam warned me that their holiday sale ends today, and they tempted me with old members of the Myst series. I caved-in and picked up the ones I was missing. I actually have the CDs of all the Myst games ever produced (up through Myst-V), but installing them is a bitch because I have to apply all the patches and some of them don't work on modern machines. So, having the fully patched versions available through Steam is convenient. Who can pass up a few favorite games for $2, $3, or $5 ?
One more Non-complaint: On New Year's Eve I opened a bottle of imported Champagne (Veuve Cliequot Brut) that I'd splurged on and had been keeping for at least two years for a special occasion that never came. Time to experience it. I have to admit it was a bit "better" (i.e. softer, less bite) than the usual (i.e. cheaper) domestic that I get (Korbel Brut), but not worth triple the price.
After the first glass, you can't tell the difference anyway.
About to watch Nosferatu for free. Well free with my membership free.
In addition to the original 1930s Nosferatu, there was also a movie called Shadow of the Vampire that was a fictionalized retelling of the making of the original movie starring both Willem DaFoe and John Malkovich, so you know it's crazy.
Non-complaint: Snow: Didn't get quite as much as I expected. The snowstorm was heavy for a while, but petered out in late afternoon, and overnight. Although, the forecast is still for 24/7 snow for two more days. A quick check of my porch shows about 3 inches of new snow on top of the 3 or 4 that I swept from yesterday. Driveway still passable. I'm expecting a package delivery today, must sweep snow from porch again.
Non-complaint: Vera is back! First episode of the final season aired last night. Haven't seen it yet. That's a treat for today.
I hope they don't bump her off at the end of the series like they did Morse and Poirot.
I'd rather think of her bossing her subordinates and solving tragic Northumberland murders forever, or at least until her floppy hat wears out or her vehicle quits for good.
Unfortunately the 2 episodes that apparently make up series 14 are the final 2 for Brenda Blethyn as Vera, she is retiring from the series, she is I should point out 78 years young. Rumours abound about a spin off but who knows, not watched these 2 yet but online hints suggest she doesn't get bumped off, avoiding reading of them as I don't want to ruin the series, might catch up over the weekend.
Not sure if it's available in the US but have recently started watching 'The Chelsea Detective', not bad so far though Chelsea is along way from Northumberland. In the UK it's on U&Drama (part of the U family) and available to stream for free, each story is 2 1 hour (inc ads) episodes, 4 stories, 8 episodes per series and 2 full series currently. Series 3 began with a Christmas special. Possibly on Acorn TV in the US and other places but that seems to be a paid service.
Only one of my wireless earphones is working, the other one has just run out of charge. Right now, I'm wondering if I should just use my wired earbuds and give my kitten something extra to play with. Although I'm not surprised it's not working. They've been sat in a drawer for 3 years, and have only just been "forced" into constant use. Plus, they were £8 when I bought them.
I also want to start a new project (not Daz Studio-related). But I can't just seem to find the motivation and confidence to attempt/start it.
I look at the clock and realize I need to make breakfast! That is before my taxi comes to pick me up to take me to work. I did finish a nice warm shower and got dressed. I am starting to learn if I take a shower before breakfast it probably will happen than if I wait.
edit: Is there a way to make Genesis 9 to take a shower? Not that they need it, because they have perfectly no odor or scent. Maybe they smell like my computer monitor?
I think this is ringworm?
Well our winter storm warning has turned into a blizzard warning. I think that may affect what our sky might do.
The warning should only affect what you will do!
I swear those warnings are bunk. They (the weather office issuing them) give you the worst to cover their butts, just in case. At least that's how it's turned out in my part of the UK.
Snow forcasted - We got rain... And a bit of wind. Yellow warning for snow, my eye.
In the Netherlands, the sky is falling in white flakes
Yeah, my 24/7, 3-days of snow turned into spotty snow showers, heavy sometimes, and an accumulation of perhaps 6 inches but not the inconvenience that I thought it would be.
One of our family friends had a similar problem. It turned out there was some gunk on the metal parts between the earbud and the charging base. He cleaned it somehow, and both his earbuds were working again.
It isn't just the warnings - any time we have a hot spell they keep saying that it will cool down in a couple of days and rain the day after that for weeks and weeks. After a bit of Lucy-and-the-football treatment I start to wondoer how well heat-induced psychosis would work as a defence in court.
Complaint: Late Christmas Present: Yay, the hospital in Buffalo finally sent me the bill for my heart attack and stent insertion. About $25,000
Oh joy, the bells are ringing!
Non-complaint: Medicare: Yay, my "Medicare Advantage" plan paid for all but $1,125 of it. (approx. 4.5%) Wheee...
Bill is paid, but I won't be keeping the credit card paid-off each month for a while.
...ah a break from the sky falling in liquid form here tomorrow trhough Thursday with temps around or abvoe 50° F.
Beats living in Yakusk where it is supposed to warm up to a "balmy" -28° F after a low of -58.
It's currently 14 Fahrenheit degrees here, which isn't cold at all. Apparently most of the automotive accidents happened before the blizzard came. Then it came. It snowed all day. I started shoveling while there were only eight inches of snow in our driveway. Neighbor came out wearing nothing but shorts and made a snow angel. I was mesmerized by his large enchanting belly. Then their oldest girl came out in sweatpants and a bra and attempted to do the same thing. She failed. I decided not to join the fun. I wanted to finish shoveling snow before I started feeling the effects of freezing and lifting lots of snow at the same time. I managed to clear the side of the driveway I needed by burying the car on the other side of the driveway. More on that later. I did not die. My side of the driveway is probably covered again by now.
50 F degrees here and raining. Not a complaint.
It's been cold enough, long enough here that I've grown a good crop of icicles in front of my kitchen window. Those and the christmas lights in in the park and the thick snow on the ground in the morning daybreak look very holidayish.
But I remember the '50s & '60s when the icicles out my parents kitchen window were six inches thick at the top and a true danger to be near when they finally broke off. Although nostalgic, icicles from your roof means you're leaking heat and need better insulation.