The Snow Bikini Complaint Thread



  • M F MM F M Posts: 1,388
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    M F M said:
    M F M said:
    Jaderail said:
    I got LAHM regestered, I can edit hair, save sets and work more later, but I crash RenderMan when sent to the render engine. Piddle.

    *smiles* same same. Still trying to narrow down the reason - there's a null-pointer access in there (for me at least), which causes DS to just fold up immediately. Although having said that, SOMETIMES it will work (usually with a very simple hair arrangement). See if you can narrow down the conditions that cause it to happen.

    yoo haz RenderMan? the RenderMan? as in the final fantasy renderman?

    Ah, no, now you mention it, I misread Jaderail's complaint - I thought he was talking about 3Delight (being a RenderMan compliant renderer), not The RenderMan >_<.</div>MFM Sorry to say but my issue was just Closing LAMH before rendering, and 3DeLight is Renderman just a few steps back and with features not callable.
    Yep, read that elsewhere - my issue is still being investigated... current suspicion is on faulty RAM... no snow bikini renders from me just now >_<...</p>
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,985
    edited December 2012

    Happy not long until Christmas! :cheese: :cheese:

    Coldish and bright here, world doesn't seem to have ended (although there's some argument that it's supposed to end the 23r.).

    Playing with PPro 2012, running cables, and cooking sage sausage! :coolsmile: Yummy! That and coffeeeeeeeeeeeee!

    4 days off of work - but I had to cancel my Wednesday vacation due to the fact that they found a bug in some ancient code and nobody else is willing to work on it, sigh. So, I'll go in and Take One For The Team.

    Amazon has a ton of "99 best..." classical MP3 downloads, so I'm loading up on Bach and Vivaldi. 99 pieces for two bucks! MINE! :snake:

    Waiting for my hammerhead shark to arrive.. maybe Monday. With all the packages zipping around, it'll probably be late next week.

    Got to get TentaSquirrel going again! I'm having problems posing the tentacles, urgh. Probably a "loose nut behind keyboard" issue. :-P

    I ope everyone has a great day! :)

    ...well today's my day, the fifty ninth trip around the sun (getting a bit dizzy, but haven't I always been that way?). Cool but woke up to a nice sunny morning (although clouds have since rolled in). Going to head out for the day a little later, get dinner, Get my botle of Kruscovac, maybe go to the cinema.then to my favourite little hole in the wall pub for a glass of good Scot's whiskey (single malt of course) and a cigar to celebrate.

    Alas poor fridge, it served me well all these years (15), probably longer than it was expected to. If I could get into the workings I could probably fix it (as it just sounds like a fan or belt that's out of alignment) and who knows another five years perhaps? But they make things non-servicable these days so when something goes wrong you either have to deal with an expensive service call or go out and get a new one. I remember the old Norge we had when I was growing up, that went for some twenty years before it was replaced with one of those new fangled frost free models (the old one still worked fine but it was a single door unit that had to manually be defrosted every month or so).

    One of the one other "amazing" machines I know of was this HP 8150 printer we had at work. It was purchased in, I believe, 1998 and just retired this past September. In total was it registered some three million plus clicks (operations) which was far beyond even HP's recommended service life. Oh it still worked fine, just that it was slower than the newer printers today and because of its age, required a little more TLC.

    The new one that replaced it is a lemon. It frequently jams by pulling extra sheets through or misfeeds the paper so that the print image is poorly registered requiring reprinting of order invoices/documents (BTW it is not an HP). Though faster, all the time wasted clearing jams and reprinting pretty much offsets any benefit in speed. While it cost the company a bit less than the new 8000 series, I don't see it lasting nearly as long as the old 8150.

    Sometimes (as we have seen here) "new and improved" can't hold a candle to the old "tried and true".

    Been messing with the new Teen5 characters and yeah even though the bundle cost me a bit more in the end, beginning to see it was still worth it. Was up to 02:30 before I finally became too tired. One thing I can say is they passed the "Leela" test.

    Yeah, I know the feeling, I've taken a lot "for the team" over the years, oft times not even getting a pat on the back or "well done" for my efforts. Guess I'm just one of those who wants to see the job get done and get done right the first time.

    Waiting patiently for the multi-appendaged poofy tailed rodent to show his whiskered nose and beady eyes again.

    ...oh and the "Loose Nut" comment. My old driving education instructor in high school used to say "the most important piece of safety equipment is the nut that holds the steering wheel". Amusingly, some didn't get it and thought he was speaking literally.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    Happy not long until Christmas! :cheese: :cheese:

    Coldish and bright here, world doesn't seem to have ended (although there's some argument that it's supposed to end the 23r.).

    Playing with PPro 2012, running cables, and cooking sage sausage! :coolsmile: Yummy! That and coffeeeeeeeeeeeee!

    4 days off of work - but I had to cancel my Wednesday vacation due to the fact that they found a bug in some ancient code and nobody else is willing to work on it, sigh. So, I'll go in and Take One For The Team.

    Amazon has a ton of "99 best..." classical MP3 downloads, so I'm loading up on Bach and Vivaldi. 99 pieces for two bucks! MINE! :snake:

    Waiting for my hammerhead shark to arrive.. maybe Monday. With all the packages zipping around, it'll probably be late next week.

    Got to get TentaSquirrel going again! I'm having problems posing the tentacles, urgh. Probably a "loose nut behind keyboard" issue. :-P

    I ope everyone has a great day! :)

    ...well today's my day, the fifty ninth trip around the sun (getting a bit dizzy, but haven't I always been that way?). Cool but woke up to a nice sunny morning (although clouds have since rolled in). Going to head out for the day a little later, get dinner, Get my botle of Kruscovac, maybe go to the cinema.then to my favourite little hole in the wall pub for a glass of good Scot's whiskey (single malt of course) and a cigar to celebrate.

    Alas poor fridge, it served me well all these years (15), probably longer than it was expected to. If I could get into the workings I could probably fix it (as it just sounds like a fan or belt that's out of alignment) and who knows another five years perhaps? But they make things non-servicable these days so when something goes wrong you either have to deal with an expensive service call or go out and get a new one. I remember the old Norge we had when I was growing up, that went for some twenty years before it was replaced with one of those new fangled frost free models (the old one still worked fine but it was a single door unit that had to manually be defrosted every month or so).

    One of the one other "amazing" machines I know of was this HP 8150 printer we had at work. It was purchased in, I believe, 1998 and just retired this past September. In total was it registered some three million plus clicks (operations) which was far beyond even HP's recommended service life. Oh it still worked fine, just that it was slower than the newer printers today and because of its age, required a little more TLC.

    The new one that replaced it is a lemon. It frequently jams by pulling extra sheets through or misfeeds the paper so that the print image is poorly registered requiring reprinting of order invoices/documents (BTW it is not an HP). Though faster, all the time wasted clearing jams and reprinting pretty much offsets any benefit in speed. While it cost the company a bit less than the new 8000 series, I don't see it lasting nearly as long as the old 8150.

    Sometimes (as we have seen here) "new and improved" can't hold a candle to the old "tried and true".


    Happy Birthday :-) :coolsmile: :cheese:

    I agree about "modern" stuff.. lots of planned obsolescence out there, in recent history. Meh.

    You have a kick-butt birthday! I'll pop an Alaskan Porter in your honor tonight! :cheese:

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,985
    edited December 1969

    ...thanks, cheers.

    (added a bit to my post above)

    60 x 40 - 2K
  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,078
    edited December 1969

    Happy B-Day KK! My 59th trip as well, although I have a four month head-start on you.
    So far 59 is much like 19, just 40 years more painful. :)

    276 x 300 - 13K
  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,078
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:

    ...oh and the "Loose Nut" comment. My old driving education instructor in high school used to say "the most important piece of safety equipment is the nut that holds the steering wheel". Amusingly, some didn't get it and thought he was speaking literally.

    My Driver's Ed teacher was also the football coach. Once when he asked the D.E. class I attended if we had any questions, one of the athletes said "Yeah, Coach! What are them there ped-uh-strains?
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    sigh, i dunno if i should give poser advice anymore, it's exhausting.
    and my advice is mostly poser7 based.
    and i'm not running the sr pack in pp12, the differences are significant.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    M F M said:
    M F M said:
    heheh snow bikinis. or just bikinis in general. a theme to render!
    or a fur lined bikini with that new hair thingamijigee?!

    Dammit Misty! (>_<)... with a theme like that I'm going to have to knuckle down and install some stuff and get rendering, instead of just shopping madly X).</div>

    me, too :lol: ... hmm trick is to make a fur lined bikini look like the fur is from the bikini, ahem, and not from somewhere else ...

    Would it be more comfortable to have the fur on the inside and suede/leather on the outer, or just ticklish? :red:... inquiring minds want to know ;-).

    fur on the trimmings, :lol:

    displacement maps are a standby

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 2012

    I cannot reach the Dragon cave forum to get info about the new holiday thing. Is it just me or is it down?

    can't get to it either. :(

    :) iz back

    ingredients so far:
    Cocoa Beans x ∞
    Eggs x ∞
    Flour x ∞
    Fruit x ∞
    Grain x ∞
    Ice x ∞
    Meat x ∞
    Milk x ∞
    Mushroom x ∞
    Poultry x ∞
    Spices x ∞
    Sugar x ∞
    Vegetables x ∞
    Water x ∞
    Yeast x ∞

    Post edited by Mistara on
  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    tjohn said:
    Kyoto Kid said:

    ...oh and the "Loose Nut" comment. My old driving education instructor in high school used to say "the most important piece of safety equipment is the nut that holds the steering wheel". Amusingly, some didn't get it and thought he was speaking literally.

    My Driver's Ed teacher was also the football coach. Once when he asked the D.E. class I attended if we had any questions, one of the athletes said "Yeah, Coach! What are them there ped-uh-strains?

    :bug: :gulp: :smirk:

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...thanks, cheers.

    (added a bit to my post above)



  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    Happy not long until Christmas! :cheese: :cheese:

    Coldish and bright here, world doesn't seem to have ended (although there's some argument that it's supposed to end the 23r.).

    Playing with PPro 2012, running cables, and cooking sage sausage! :coolsmile: Yummy! That and coffeeeeeeeeeeeee!

    4 days off of work - but I had to cancel my Wednesday vacation due to the fact that they found a bug in some ancient code and nobody else is willing to work on it, sigh. So, I'll go in and Take One For The Team.

    Amazon has a ton of "99 best..." classical MP3 downloads, so I'm loading up on Bach and Vivaldi. 99 pieces for two bucks! MINE! :snake:

    Waiting for my hammerhead shark to arrive.. maybe Monday. With all the packages zipping around, it'll probably be late next week.

    Got to get TentaSquirrel going again! I'm having problems posing the tentacles, urgh. Probably a "loose nut behind keyboard" issue. :-P

    I ope everyone has a great day! :)

    tentasquirrel in a bikini? :lol:

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,954
    edited December 1969

    Happy Birthday KK

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    uh oh, did i thread spam?

    i think i'm gonna be home alone christmas. weather forecast is nasty, can't complain they don't wanna come get me.

    yoos be home this Toosday. wanna thread party?

    hoping the wifi don't go down. or 'lectricity.


  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,985
    edited December 1969

    ...thank you Richard

    Heading off into town soon but not before a Leela test render drop using the new Teens.

    The lighting ain't the best but I needed something in a pinch.

    800 x 1131 - 694K
  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393
    edited December 2012

    *edit* Meh never mind. Wasn't particularly interesting compared to the gemstone scene I liked so much, but no one seemed to notice even that ^_^;

    Besides, the blur might make folks dizzy :P

    Post edited by Rezca on
  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 2012

    Morning. Phew scorching hot here today wow, 10 am, 100 degrees and of course everyone wearing their Sunday Best to church oy!

    Post edited by ps1borg on
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Happy B-Day KK. And many more to you.

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    Rezca said:
    *edit* Meh never mind. Wasn't particularly interesting compared to the gemstone scene I liked so much, but no one seemed to notice even that ^_^;

    Besides, the blur might make folks dizzy :P

    *hugs* The image you sent didn't come with the PM so I didn't get to see it. I'm sure it is great :)

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...thank you Richard

    Heading off into town soon but not before a Leela test render drop using the new Teens.

    The lighting ain't the best but I needed something in a pinch.

    Happy Bday KK wow yet another Magi Saggi :)

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    Just a doodle drop:

    1500 x 1500 - 639K
  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393
    edited December 1969

    Is Kyoto Kid's birthday? Someone get the cake o3o

    "The image you sent didn’t come with the PM so I didn’t get to see it. I’m sure it is great"

    Hm... Well I'll post it again o3o
    The animation I rendered I did only just now ^_^ <--- A few stills from the animation.</p>

    800 x 600 - 344K
  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    sigh, i dunno if i should give poser advice anymore, it's exhausting.
    and my advice is mostly poser7 based.
    and i'm not running the sr pack in pp12, the differences are significant.

    Thanks for gettin' things back to normal :)

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 2012

    Rezca said:
    Is Kyoto Kid's birthday? Someone get the cake o3o

    "The image you sent didn’t come with the PM so I didn’t get to see it. I’m sure it is great"

    Hm... Well I'll post it again o3o
    The animation I rendered I did only just now ^_^ <--- A few stills from the animation. </div>

    Hey terrific, doesn't the watermark fit in well, looks like it is meant to be there, digital snow or frost or something :lol: eta the motion blur in the animation is very appropriate :)

    Post edited by ps1borg on
  • M F MM F M Posts: 1,388
    edited December 2012

    ETA: happy birthday KK! \(^.^)/

    uh oh, did i thread spam?
    i think i'm gonna be home alone christmas. weather forecast is nasty, can't complain they don't wanna come get me.
    yoos be home this Toosday. wanna thread party?
    hoping the wifi don't go down. or 'lectricity.

    *hugs* \(^_^)/...

    ... well, if I DO have memory issues (other than in my head), it's not showing up after two passes of the MemTest86 tool... I'll let it run overnight and see if it does eventually pick up anything.

    Back to trying to pick out a bikini for a render... >_<.</p>

    Post edited by M F M on
  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    Happy not long until Christmas! :cheese: :cheese:

    Coldish and bright here, world doesn't seem to have ended (although there's some argument that it's supposed to end the 23r.).

    Playing with PPro 2012, running cables, and cooking sage sausage! :coolsmile: Yummy! That and coffeeeeeeeeeeeee!

    4 days off of work - but I had to cancel my Wednesday vacation due to the fact that they found a bug in some ancient code and nobody else is willing to work on it, sigh. So, I'll go in and Take One For The Team.

    Amazon has a ton of "99 best..." classical MP3 downloads, so I'm loading up on Bach and Vivaldi. 99 pieces for two bucks! MINE! :snake:

    Waiting for my hammerhead shark to arrive.. maybe Monday. With all the packages zipping around, it'll probably be late next week.

    Got to get TentaSquirrel going again! I'm having problems posing the tentacles, urgh. Probably a "loose nut behind keyboard" issue. :-P

    I ope everyone has a great day! :)

    Have been on Atzlan, the Maya scholars board, for years 'cos I love the art and know people who dig it up. Anyhow, the Maya scholars themselves are uncertain as to the actual date the new Baktun begins, from 21st to 24th is the best estimate from them :)

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    I cannot reach the Dragon cave forum to get info about the new holiday thing. Is it just me or is it down?

    Draggy page works for me today, you haz clicks :)

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    phew caught up. Is real hot and dry here as if it was February, not December. Outside my window the city kinda crouches, wilting under a scorching almost midday sun

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,078
    edited December 1969

    Rezca said:
    *edit* Meh never mind. Wasn't particularly interesting compared to the gemstone scene I liked so much, but no one seemed to notice even that ^_^;

    Besides, the blur might make folks dizzy :P

    The gemstone was beautiful, I just couldn't think of anything to say about it. :)
  • M F MM F M Posts: 1,388
    edited December 1969

    tjohn said:
    Rezca said:
    *edit* Meh never mind. Wasn't particularly interesting compared to the gemstone scene I liked so much, but no one seemed to notice even that ^_^;

    Besides, the blur might make folks dizzy :P

    The gemstone was beautiful, I just couldn't think of anything to say about it. :)
    "Oooo... shiny!" ? ;-)
This discussion has been closed.