Show Us Your Bryce Renders! Part 4



  • RarethRareth Posts: 1,458
    edited December 1969

    Wow Great Renders every one,

    here is something a bit different..

    875 x 875 - 577K
  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited July 2013

    @Rareth: Glowing affect looks really good. Love the dragon, good color. The gas cloud is way cool. Nicely done.

    @M1chael: Wow, such detail within that image. Love the miniature on the right and how you used images on the canvases. One glance isn't enough to see all within that image. Great job.

    @Pam: Nice, really nice. Just looking at that image makes me feel cold.

    @cris: Nice alien scene with the robot and suits. Really like the terrain you created for this scene.

    @Jay: That's such a neat scene. The way you've placed everything gives it a very foreboding atmosphere. And it'd be less so, I think, without the ivy.

    @Trish: Forgot to comment about the horses now in Minecraft. Horses were added when 1.6 was released, and they've been received with mixed feelings. I haven' seen them yet, but haven't looked for them either. How am I doing with my metaballs? I just started playing around with them.

    Okay, I decided to give metaballs a try (I must have dyslexia because I see the word and immediately flip the 't' and 'a' to get meatballs) since they're one of many I haven't tried. M1chael and Trish were of great help, along with Robin Wood's tutorial, in getting me started. Robin doesn't go into a lot of detail in using metaballs but the two models he shows do help.

    The first image is my try at Robin's mushroom. It's nothing fancy, or even life like, but it gives some help in working with metaballs. The second image is of a spoon from Robin's tutorial. I didn't follow his example to the letter because I had another idea for the handle--artistic license and all that. Creating the bowl of the spoon was the most frustrating part since it used a negative metaball (Robin calls it a negaball) and it doesn't act like a negative primitive. But I finally got something I'm satisfied with and really liked when I added the material. You be the judge.

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    Post edited by GussNemo on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Looks as though Uri Geller got at that spoon Gus

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    edited December 1969

    As I mentioned in another thread, all metaball based objects need to be enlarged physically go get a good fidelity of mesh.

    As an experiment, create a tree. The tree will be born at the default size. Export the tree then re-import and you will see the tips of the branches are not there at all. Now, lets go back to the original tree, but this time enlarge it to several hundred Bryce untis tall. Export the tree again and you will see much more of the tips of the branches. You will notice that the trunk and branches are generally smoother as more polygons are being used. If you still haven't gotten the look you need then try enlarging the original tree to a thousand Bryce units or more in size, then try exporting again. Now you will see the tree branches are quite well expressed, but the resulting mesh is quite polygon intensive.

    Rashad, I finally got around to trying to do this export. (I'm WAY behind.) Unfortunately I'm not getting the same results you are. I exported as a .obj, 100% quality. I then resized the tree in Bryce to x100, then to x1000, and exported again into separate folders. All import exactly the same in DS though; same size, same resolution. I tried a few times to make sure I hadn't just imported the same default scale exported tree twice by accident. Here's a DS side-by-side screenshot of the default and x1000 trees. Is there another step I'm missing?
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  • RarethRareth Posts: 1,458
    edited December 1969

    GussNemo said:
    @Rareth: Glowing affect looks really good. Love the dragon, good color. The gas cloud is way cool. Nicely done.

    @M1chael: Wow, such detail within that image. Love the miniature on the right and how you used images on the canvases. One glance isn't enough to see all within that image. Great job.

    @Pam: Nice, really nice. Just looking at that image makes me feel cold.

    @cris: Nice alien scene with the robot and suits. Really like the terrain you created for this scene.

    @Jay: That's such a neat scene. The way you've placed everything gives it a very foreboding atmosphere. And it'd be less so, I think, without the ivy.

    @Trish: Forgot to comment about the horses now in Minecraft. Horses were added when 1.6 was released, and they've been received with mixed feelings. I haven' seen them yet, but haven't looked for them either. How am I doing with my metaballs? I just started playing around with them.

    Okay, I decided to give metaballs a try (I must have dyslexia because I see the word and immediately flip the 't' and 'a' to get meatballs) since they're one of many I haven't tried. M1chael and Trish were of great help, along with Robin Wood's tutorial, in getting me started. Robin doesn't go into a lot of detail in using metaballs but the two models he shows do help.

    The first image is my try at Robin's mushroom. It's nothing fancy, or even life like, but it gives some help in working with metaballs. The second image is of a spoon from Robin's tutorial. I didn't follow his example to the letter because I had another idea for the handle--artistic license and all that. Creating the bowl of the spoon was the most frustrating part since it used a negative metaball (Robin calls it a negaball) and it doesn't act like a negative primitive. But I finally got something I'm satisfied with and really liked when I added the material. You be the judge.

    just dive right into Meatballs, its the only way to get started.

    Looking good guss.

    I found the Gas Cloud (space Nebula) information on Horo's site, I've been mining the PDFs for secrets.

  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited December 1969

    I've stalled a bit with my rendering because I asked Bryce to multi-replicate something over 24 hours ago and it's still only managed to do 83% of it... hey ho, I most likely won't like the result when it's completed anyway, but if I do, it may be ready to show in "Show Us Your Bryce Renders Part 5" which should be coming up fairly soon as we're now on page 99 of this one. :+D

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,539
    edited December 1969

    @Rareth - nice space cloud.

    @GussNemo - nice mushroom. The Uri-Geller-ish spoon looks cool.

    @Sean Riesch - interesting experiment.

    @Dave - I have no reservations to wait a couple of days for a render to finish but for modeling, I'm a lot less patient. Probably mostly so because I fear what I will get after a long wait is rubbish.

  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited July 2013

    Cheers, Horo, Guss (chohole got in before me on the Uri Geller ...heheee)...but good attempt. As Rareth (nice Neb...btw) says "just dive right into Meatballs" (at dinner time, I guess?..hahaaa).

    Long renders...yeah, a curse, and you're always not guranteed it will run completely (had an animation render going for 36 hours once, and wouldn't ya know it, at 20 hours, it just stopped, frozen screen...grrrrr...lost the bloody lot).

    These days, I break it up into several 3 or 5 hour stints (stopping the render at a particular time, save it as another file, continue it from the time it stopped again afterwards until finally all the hours are done; where you then simply add the separate renders together in a graphics software program).

    Does the normal render (a static rendered image, not an animated one) have a stop/resume setup as like with the animation mentioned above?


    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • Rashad CarterRashad Carter Posts: 1,799
    edited December 1969

    As I mentioned in another thread, all metaball based objects need to be enlarged physically go get a good fidelity of mesh.

    As an experiment, create a tree. The tree will be born at the default size. Export the tree then re-import and you will see the tips of the branches are not there at all. Now, lets go back to the original tree, but this time enlarge it to several hundred Bryce untis tall. Export the tree again and you will see much more of the tips of the branches. You will notice that the trunk and branches are generally smoother as more polygons are being used. If you still haven't gotten the look you need then try enlarging the original tree to a thousand Bryce units or more in size, then try exporting again. Now you will see the tree branches are quite well expressed, but the resulting mesh is quite polygon intensive.

    Rashad, I finally got around to trying to do this export. (I'm WAY behind.) Unfortunately I'm not getting the same results you are. I exported as a .obj, 100% quality. I then resized the tree in Bryce to x100, then to x1000, and exported again into separate folders. All import exactly the same in DS though; same size, same resolution. I tried a few times to make sure I hadn't just imported the same default scale exported tree twice by accident. Here's a DS side-by-side screenshot of the default and x1000 trees. Is there another step I'm missing?

    Hmm, actually, I'm not getting the expected results either. So I'm thinking that something must have changed with trees. I just now tested typical metaball groups and they work as expected, getting better quality with a larger physical size. Trees however, seem to be stuck in a single mesh resolution setting. This wasn't always the case during the betas, I must have gotten confused. my apologies. The trick however does work with regular metaball objects so this is good for Michael Frank and others if they want to get their metaball coral creatures out of Bryce and into other applications.

  • Rashad CarterRashad Carter Posts: 1,799
    edited December 1969

    Rareth said:
    Wow Great Renders every one,

    here is something a bit different..

    I SERIOUSLY want to get my hands on that nebula material! Fantastic!!!!!

  • RarethRareth Posts: 1,458
    edited December 1969

    Rareth said:
    Wow Great Renders every one,

    here is something a bit different..

    I SERIOUSLY want to get my hands on that nebula material! Fantastic!!!!!

    how would I get it to you? 99% is from the PDF on Horo's site on how to make nebula material (tutorial by D.B.)

  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @Pam/Rareth/Horo: Thanks. I had to Google Uri Geller to see who you all were talking about. I think I saw him some years ago but forgot about him, he's that impressive.

    @Rareth: I've since learned meatballs is a common misspelling of metaballs--Wiki. But when meatballs are placed into tomato sauce, and rice is present, then I dive in. But have to be careful or I'll waddle away from the supper table.

  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited July 2013

    Well I didn't like the multi-replicate of the flower stalk and head... eventually it took just over 36 hours and I just deleted it.
    So here is the simplified version.

    1000 x 650 - 139K
    Post edited by Dave Savage on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,539
    edited December 1969

    Well I didn't like the multi-replicate of the flower stalk and head... eventually it took just over 36 hours and I just deleted it.
    So here is the simplified version.

    There is beauty in simplicity - and is faster, besides.
  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited December 1969

    Nice to see the tutorials getting used. I've recorded a couple more and will upload links shortly. Otherwise I've been kept pretty busy with real life work. Which is both good and bad. More money less free time. That's the deal. And other - otherwise, I've been plodding along with the outline/toon project experiments and generally marveling at all the wonderful multiplication inspired by Michael. Here's some recent pics from the ongoing project. First up is the starting render.

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  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited December 1969
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  • RarethRareth Posts: 1,458
    edited December 1969
  • RarethRareth Posts: 1,458
    edited December 1969

    Another Nebula Image

    875 x 875 - 423K
  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited December 1969

    A variation of the yellow flower head. This time I tried to reduce the complexity of the petals as the original ones each consisted of over 1000 metaballs (and there were 88 petals altogether). These ones are 198 each... so still a bit time consuming to move around or replicate.

    507 x 650 - 230K
  • RarethRareth Posts: 1,458
    edited December 1969

    A variation of the yellow flower head. This time I tried to reduce the complexity of the petals as the original ones each consisted of over 1000 metaballs (and there were 88 petals altogether). These ones are 198 each... so still a bit time consuming to move around or replicate.

    Looking very good there..

  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited July 2013

    Thanks Rareth.

    Final one for a while... Still trying to get more flow and finesse going on.
    The green shoots I didn't turn into metaballs in the end because I liked the scaly appearance of them as regular spheres.

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    Post edited by Dave Savage on
  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    @Dave: You certainly are getting nice results using metaballs. The last image really looks nice.

    @David: You are getting some nice results with your experimentations.

    @Rareth: Second gas cloud really is a keeper.

    I started playing around with metaballs but progress is slow. I can get a circle of metaball objects but am still trying to come to grips with adding offset and rotation. Plus it doesn't help as I play with them I suddenly get an idea from those I'm playing with, and end up trying to create something from them. Below are just an experiments.

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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,539
    edited December 1969

    Rareth said:
    Another Nebula Image

    Let's rephrase it: Another Nice Nebula Image.

    @Dave - the yellow flower looks good and the last one looks great.

    @GussNemo - nice experiments.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,389
    edited December 1969

    Dave: You are getting very cool results using metaballs. The last image is really awesome.

    David: Thanks for the videos, interesting results.

    Rareth: Both your Nebula are very nice.

    Guss: cool experiments, we are in the same boat again, it's more trial and error and using ctrl+z lol but its fun.

  • RarethRareth Posts: 1,458
    edited July 2013

    An experiment with the second Nebula scene, adding some True Ambience

    THread continues with part 5 here

    875 x 875 - 503K
    Post edited by Chohole on
This discussion has been closed.