SereneNight's Sci-Fi Fun Thread 2



  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited May 2019

    Here's the green army texture. I rather like this one. The pose is from my free wedding pack over at Rendo.

    Someone asked how Boyd managed to get out of his bodies and into new ones. This was an interesting question. Some brains are surgically implanted into a single host at a time. This requires a special surgeon, and is not something the brain can repeat too often. If a brain wants a permanent body it can get fully attached to a clone body, just like anyone can. But it would be a waste. 

    Pilots like Boyd though are body versatile.. so they are able to get into new bodies with ease, with the use of special equipment.  But how? There aren't any seams! The answer is it is a guild trade secret of course. Or.. You can read my novel when it ever comes out. Needless to say, Boyd can and does get into multiple bodies a week in the same manner a person might put on a new suit of armor. The guild also has rental bodies available to it's members, so if someone wants to go out on the town, they can for a small fee, take a rental.  This creates some interesting social situations when the body taken is worn by multiple Alphas. Most Alphas do have thier own equipment, but Robotic bodies cost bank.

    Most of Boyd's considerable salary goes towards tech, including chips, armor, equipment, and upgrades. 

    1400 x 1600 - 2M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited May 2019


    carrie58 said:

    Wow I have to say you have really created a detailed world ....very great

    Yeah, the world of mine is complicated, mostly because I enjoy conspiracy the human drama and very long drawn out epic plot lines.


    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903
    Boyd does pick up stuff quickly, and can learn stuff Owen shows him when he joins with Owen using ttheir pairing chip. If for example, he did not know how to... Clean and load a specific weapon, but was paired with Owen when he showed him, Boyd could pick it up quickly. Or if Owen spoke Chinese, and Boyd did not know the language, he would when paired with Owen. This also works vice versa, as Owen learns things that Boyd can do as well, far quicker.

    Alphas make good soldiers because they are immune to psychological manipulation, illusion, emotional outburts, and torture. ...

    That actually sounds like they could be very vulnerable to psychological manipulation. All you'd need to know would be the wavelength/frequency/whatever for the learning/pairing channel on the chip, and you could hack away. I'm sure they're all heavily encrypted or whatever, but it would still be a path. Depending on how you did it, you could aim at both the brain and the handler at the same time.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited May 2019

    It might affect Owen and the other handlers more.  Brains are less easily subverted by tricks. They've been doing the link and learn thing since they were small fry and would likely detect unauthentic instruction via their links and have safeguards in place. They are much more attune with such things than regular people.

     Brains are fairly ruthless and causing either member of a bonded team harm would be a very bad move. 

    I'm sure though if there was such an Achilles heel they would probably not use it, so we can assume that it is pretty reasonably safeguarded.

    But it might make a good story, perhaps someone figures out how to hack that code, or the aliens do and some guild members fall prey to it.  I can see them having to remove those chips for safety and security reasons. Much to everyone's dismay. It is probably pretty enjoyable to link up together as a bonding activity. 

    I had considered at one point that something about this experience was addictive or that the upgraded chips might prove to be addictive. You can't stick something in your brain...Without someone having a reaction, or that aliens sent a bad batch of chips to the military. But it was just an idea that percolated.

    Owen only has 3 slots. He has the military hud chip which allows him to communicate with his men, he has an entertainment/education chip, and he has the Guild chip. Boyd has six slots and dozens of chips. 

    Entertainment chips tend to frequently be hacked as they are purchased cheaply by soldiers in chip joints, although the ones provided by the miliary have some firewalls to allow the soldiers some R&R in their spare time. 

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited May 2019

    Boyd and Owen enjoy many of the same things. While Owen likes the beach, Boyd loves amusement parks.

    Here I revisited the old carousel. It has an iray texture expansion which spruced it up some. The woman on the left is a billboard. I added the children on the right since the lighting blew out the billboards I had there in my first run.

    This was meant to be a test of DZheng's new outfit, which Boyd is wearing. The set includes shorts, slip on tennis shoes and a t-shirt with sleeves you can adjust.

    1400 x 1600 - 2M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    When billboards blow out, I often just add a gray color in the diffuse surfaces color to darken it a bit.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    Nice scene, I couldn't get more than 2 characters into the old Carnival scenes when I tried but that was before i had 16GB RAM I think.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680


    Nice scene, I couldn't get more than 2 characters into the old Carnival scenes when I tried but that was before i had 16GB RAM I think.

    Thanks. It doesn't seem too memory intensive but the texture seem a bit poor up close. They released an iray update which helpded a  little- especially since it includes a light preset. The merry-go-round had mirrors in the center, which I had to replace with stained glass, since I was using sun/sky to light it, and the mirros reflected the lack of anything nearby.


    I did like the carnival set, so I think I may have to do some romantic carnival poses at some point. I'm finishing up Daddies 2, and then need to finish up Cowboys before taking on more things. There is also the car pose set.

    barbult said:

    When billboards blow out, I often just add a gray color in the diffuse surfaces color to darken it a bit.

    great tip. It didn't help that the billboard had a lot of white in it. Hard to prevent blow out with white billboards. I'll remember next time ot use figures with dark clothing.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited May 2019

    okay, if you follow my thread you know I'm into the baby stuff. Two sets came out which contained props for Caryn & Tobyn . One Was  Which contained the blue plaid stroller as well as shaders, and tons of other goodies. The latecomer was the Little Angels Props and Poses for Genesis 8 (red stroller).

    Make Me itsy Bitsy includes a pose for mom and stroller, and Little Angels includes a pose for both mom and dad for the stroller. Because Make Me Itsy Bitsy came out first Daddies II will have poses for content included in that set. But- I wanted to state, that had Little Angels come out first, I would've made a stroller pose for that set. Fortunately, I really don't have to- because it includes a G8M pose. So you're good to go there.

    As far as strollers goes, Make Me Itsy Bitsy is taller and has bigger safety grips on the handles. Little Angels is smaller, but includes a ton more features, including a seatbelt, a sling to carry goodies, and tons of morphs for the stroller, including this nifty fold up option. Little Angels also has more wheels, and wheel turn and spin morphs, as well as the option to put on the brakes. Both sets include a ton of useful items, including the stroller, so they are worth checking out, but Little Angel's stroller just has tons more options.

    800 x 800 - 350K
    800 x 800 - 300K
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited May 2019

    SN Daddies II poses should be available shortly in my freebie page, as soon as it is approved. It is a set of couples poses for Baby Tobyn and M8/M8 or similar in height male characters. You could also probly use Caryn or substitute females for the males as long as they are the same height. Included are 2 baby bottle poses one in high chair, and one on the floor as requested.

    756 x 864 - 712K
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    There are actually 10 poses in that set. The promo is wrong. But, its imposible to change without taking the entire thing down so I'm letting it ride.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    thanks. super job as usual

  • zombietaggerungzombietaggerung Posts: 3,760

    There are actually 10 poses in that set. The promo is wrong. But, its imposible to change without taking the entire thing down so I'm letting it ride.

    You can edit the promo. Just click on Edit in you My freebies section. You can change the thumbnail, image and even the file itself.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680


    There are actually 10 poses in that set. The promo is wrong. But, its imposible to change without taking the entire thing down so I'm letting it ride.

    You can edit the promo. Just click on Edit in you My freebies section. You can change the thumbnail, image and even the file itself.

    Great! Thanks for telling me. Last time I tried to change an image, was one of my earlier pose sets and it wouldn't allow it. It did allow me this time to add the 10 pose to the description.

  • zombietaggerungzombietaggerung Posts: 3,760


    There are actually 10 poses in that set. The promo is wrong. But, its imposible to change without taking the entire thing down so I'm letting it ride.

    You can edit the promo. Just click on Edit in you My freebies section. You can change the thumbnail, image and even the file itself.

    Great! Thanks for telling me. Last time I tried to change an image, was one of my earlier pose sets and it wouldn't allow it. It did allow me this time to add the 10 pose to the description.

    Glad to help laugh

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    A quick photoshop tip for lightening an image (Aside from the obvious brighten). Duplicate the layer and place the top layer in screen mode. It will lighten things up nicely. Lower the opacity of the top layer, to make it darker.

  • Phoenix1966Phoenix1966 Posts: 1,715

    A quick photoshop tip for lightening an image (Aside from the obvious brighten). Duplicate the layer and place the top layer in screen mode. It will lighten things up nicely. Lower the opacity of the top layer, to make it darker.

    Likewise, to darken it, set the dup layer to Multiply and adjust opacity to taste.

  • Phoenix1966Phoenix1966 Posts: 1,715

    SN Daddies II poses should be available shortly in my freebie page, as soon as it is approved. It is a set of couples poses for Baby Tobyn and M8/M8 or similar in height male characters. You could also probly use Caryn or substitute females for the males as long as they are the same height. Included are 2 baby bottle poses one in high chair, and one on the floor as requested.

    Thanks! These look great!

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    A quick photoshop tip for lightening an image (Aside from the obvious brighten). Duplicate the layer and place the top layer in screen mode. It will lighten things up nicely. Lower the opacity of the top layer, to make it darker.

    Likewise, to darken it, set the dup layer to Multiply and adjust opacity to taste.

    Excellent thanks for that useful tip!

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Good Lord  I am 119 comments behind... again.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Boyd wearing G8F's undies... Sensual Wear. Also using new jeans by Dzheng

    I would say that the sign is appropriate for this one.  Wow...

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Boyd & Owen get back to work. This old gas station has the best roof I Could find in my runtime.... I looked at many sets and most quite frankly had dated looking textures, or were lacking detail up there.  Not this set. Perfect place for a sniper... (Well, if you consider there is no more flamable gas in those tanks).

    I put the Garage sign from one of the Stonemason sets on top to add some interest.

    Love this!

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Here's the green army texture. I rather like this one. The pose is from my free wedding pack over at Rendo.

    Someone asked how Boyd managed to get out of his bodies and into new ones. This was an interesting question. Some brains are surgically implanted into a single host at a time. This requires a special surgeon, and is not something the brain can repeat too often. If a brain wants a permanent body it can get fully attached to a clone body, just like anyone can. But it would be a waste. 

    Pilots like Boyd though are body versatile.. so they are able to get into new bodies with ease, with the use of special equipment.  But how? There aren't any seams! The answer is it is a guild trade secret of course. Or.. You can read my novel when it ever comes out. Needless to say, Boyd can and does get into multiple bodies a week in the same manner a person might put on a new suit of armor. The guild also has rental bodies available to it's members, so if someone wants to go out on the town, they can for a small fee, take a rental.  This creates some interesting social situations when the body taken is worn by multiple Alphas. Most Alphas do have thier own equipment, but Robotic bodies cost bank.

    Most of Boyd's considerable salary goes towards tech, including chips, armor, equipment, and upgrades. 

    Well that would certainly keep things fresh on the home front....

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited May 2019


    Well that would certainly keep things fresh on the home front....

    Hah! Boyd can essentially travel light to another guild in his bot-body, and pop into a rental when he reaches it, although he does actually really like his specific body and so does Owen. Ironically the current body is not the one he ordered.

    being with a body flexible person takes a special kind of person, and Owen is generally fine with it. The female bodies though aren’t a turn on and so there are some limitations and mostly Boyd can’t fit in a female body unless she is larger.


    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 4,037


    Well that would certainly keep things fresh on the home front....

    Hah! Boyd can essentially travel light to another guild in his bot-body, and pop into a rental when he reaches it, although he does actually really like his specific body and so does Owen. Ironically the current body is not the one he ordered.

    being with a body flexible person takes a special kind of person, and Owen is generally fine with it. The female bodies though aren’t a turn on and so there are some limitations and mostly Boyd can’t fit in a female body unless she is larger.


    Gotta ask why the limitation on a female body size if Boyd is so adaptable to other bodies and bots? understand the lack of interest in thefemale bodies , but still shouldn't really be an issue .....

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited May 2019

    Male brains tend to be larger than female brains so he doesn’t fit in a smaller skull. I didn’t realize that when I devised the Brain thing that would be a limitation... perhaps I can weasel around this technicality by saying Boyd having his brain out younger is a bit smaller than average....  but I want him to be a fully developed male brain.

    or perhaps Boyd’s brain is more fluid. Thus enabling him to transfer in much easier.

    i do want him to assume female form on occasion so I shall have to ponder this.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    Maybe Boyd is like Einstein, and has extra wrinkles and crinkles on his cerebral cortex. That way he could have a smaller than average brain circumference, and still have a goodly-sized brain surface. (And the surface is where all the smart stuff sits, after all.) 

    Now I really want to see Boydette.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    Boydette I love that. My guess is Boydette would be smoking hot!

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    Boydette I love that. My guess is Boydette would be smoking hot!

    Oh no, all the wrong kinds of attention! And not even from Owen. crying


  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    Of course! Boyd is the hottie of the two, and he attracts lots of attention wherever he goes. So I imagine Boydette would likewise be super cute.

     Owen would still love Boyd in his female form, just as he loved Boyd bot in all his strange bodies, but date night would have to wait until Boyd got the right equipment.

    Boyd on the other hand is much more flexible about that sort of thing. He likes who he likes...

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