SereneNight's Sci-Fi Fun Thread 2



  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903
    edited June 2019

    Thanks! You’re not the first to mention that Topaz plugin, which I downloaded a demo of but need to play with more  

    Hi: Thanks for watching,  I use the grand theft filter when I want that particular look. But most of the time, I just render it it Studio and touch it up a bit using: Topazlabs which is free and downloadable here:


    It is free, so that is a real plus. I also like Nik collection, which is no longer free, but was made by google.

    You can still get the old version of Nik Collection for free on at

    The new version from DXO only costs $150! $100 if you get it on sale now! (I really am curious about how much traction they're getting on that product now. I mean, my reaction when they first started selling the last update was along the lines of, "$70? For a product that doesn't seem to do much different? Um ... no. No, I don't think so.")

    By the by, I happened to go to your Daz gallery today and saw Sci Fi Surgeon from 2016. Owen has changed a bit in the last few years.

    Post edited by vwrangler on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited June 2019

    The new version from DXO only costs $150! $100 if you get it on sale now! (I really am curious about how much traction they're getting on that product now. I mean, my reaction when they first started selling the last update was along the lines of, "$70? For a product that doesn't seem to do much different? Um ... no. No, I don't think so.")

    The nik paid upgrade annoys me. Everytime I launch Nik tools, it says an update is available, and of course they want me to pay for it. That is not an update, it is an upgrade.

    I felt burned paying for the last version about 4 months ago, which was essentially the same program. I am curious about the new one, but not enough to buy it. I use Topaz labs more these days. But maybe when I get some cash I may buy nik if they offer a better discount. Since my purchase of Nik was really recent, I have difficulty paying more within the same year especially since I'm not really sure there will be enough to justify a new version. There wasn't the last time

    vwrangler said:

    By the by, I happened to go to your Daz gallery today and saw Sci Fi Surgeon from 2016. Owen has changed a bit in the last few years.

    Sarge (Owen) was initially bald due to an incident with a military vaccine and older. He also used to smoke cigars. I dropped the bald idea. And Boyd would put out any cigar Owen stuck in his mouth so- Cigars are out.

    Owen used to also have more gianni, and boyd had more Leo. Neither character made it to Gen 8. I quite honesetly find gen 7 owen and Boyd kinda cringeworthy, but keep a few of them up there because they are compositionally interesting and I may redo them- but most of them are gone gone gone!

    Sci-fi surgeon makes me laugh so I leave it up there.

    Here are some early versions of the guys....



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    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    There are more rather disturbing Owen and Boyd pictures. Literally hundreds but... We shall not go there! =-)

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited June 2019

    On the topic of men's outfits. Here we have a new male skimpwear release: DZ G8M HommeSecretZ Set 1

    The underwear and top are different pieces and you can recolor them however you like, it has several color options like this red.

     I think the shorts are quite sexy. There are also mesh//transparent options.

    1400 x 1600 - 2M
    1400 x 1600 - 2M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    There are more rather disturbing Owen and Boyd pictures. Literally hundreds but... We shall not go there! =-)

    You can't just say stuff like that! Now we're all(?) wondering what sort of deranged stuff you used to render. laugh

    I love seeing early versions of people's established characters, BTW. It's cool to get an idea of their evolution.


  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    You parred your gallery way back!

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    TigerAnne said:

    There are more rather disturbing Owen and Boyd pictures. Literally hundreds but... We shall not go there! =-)

    You can't just say stuff like that! Now we're all(?) wondering what sort of deranged stuff you used to render. laugh

    I love seeing early versions of people's established characters, BTW. It's cool to get an idea of their evolution.


    Only disturbing in the sense that they look- awkward to me. I really don't like G3M so that is probably a lot of it. Weird shoulders, weird expressions... And the chests..... I am so glad we have G8M now.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited June 2019

    You parred your gallery way back!

    I did it slowly. Most people really don't look at old images so, I removed a lot of the original Owen and Boyd art, because the guys look sort of different now, some was rather unrecognizable.


    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited June 2019

    Boyd accompanies Owen wherever he goes, even if it means on the back of this jetski.

    1800 x 1400 - 3M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • ButchButch Posts: 799

    You parred your gallery way back!

    I did it slowly. Most people really don't look at old images so, I removed a lot of the original Owen and Boyd art, because the guys look sort of different now, some was rather unrecognizable.


    It's always a little disconcerting to see how a character looked, when we first create them.  But you'll notice when, as you say, they're rather unrecognisable, there's always one or two parts that remains the unchanged (shape of the nose or jaw, etc) after all the later tweaks. 

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    Yeah, I can see that. The basic concept has remained the same, I've just given the boys plenty of upgrades. I'm pretty sure this won't be the last either.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    You parred your gallery way back!

    I did it slowly. Most people really don't look at old images so, I removed a lot of the original Owen and Boyd art, because the guys look sort of different now, some was rather unrecognizable.


    I am not a stickler for details so they've always looked pretty much the same to me. The same effect happens when I do my renders and use, eg, MaleM3dia's 8 Heroic Faces & Bodies for G8M - they all look alike, especially in the viewport, if I use the same skin texture materiel set on all of them.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited June 2019

    Well, it is ifather's day, so here is a picture of Owen and his grandfather.

    The most influential person in Owen's life is his beloved Irish Grandfather Dr. Silas Kelly. Silas and his wife adopt Owen, when his mother loses custody of him at the age of 6.

    Silas taught Owen to like unlikeable people, to love  animals, not to allow the unkind things people say to bother him, and how to protect himself. He also instilled a very latent rebellious streak, and a disregard for society's rules in Owen which manifests later on in the stories.

    Grandfather was convicted at 17 of theft from a megacorp where he worked.  although he was innocent, the people who framed him were quite good, and the megacorp attorney's scrub his name from the corporations top inventions, all of which later went on to make billions.

    Instead of seeking vengeance for this wrongdoing, Silas began life over again, repairing old tech in the market for the poorer citizens, referring and repairing things, that were old and  pursing his hobbies of extremely lifelike robotics and chips on the side in his own secret lab. Over the years, Grandfather earns enough to open a robotics shop, and becomes involved in the Brain underground railroad  liberation movement. When war began, Grandfather, repaired drones for the city, and the military, ironically getting to work on some of his own designs.

    Grandfather prefers to remain anonymous, and actively encourages society's views that he is a harmless, old man. It is just easier that way.


    1400 x 1600 - 4M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited June 2019

    So my simple Render of Owen holding baby Rosie is crashing 4.11 and I'm asked to submit a bug report. Baby Rosie has Boyd's skin. This is not a complicated scene. And I've rendered Rosie before in 4.10

    563 x 632 - 55K
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    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903
    edited June 2019

    Does Studio crash with Rosie by herself in the scene? If so, what happens if you change her skin shader?

    For what little it may be worth, it looks very similar to the error I get when using IDG Selectable Color Hair Shader, which is (now) known to be incompatible with Studio 4.11. (Destiny's Garden is working on an update.)

    The other references I can find about mi_plugin_factory indiecate that it may or may not have something to do with Optix. Do you have that enabled?

    Post edited by vwrangler on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    So my simple Render of Owen holding baby Rosie is crashing 4.11 and I'm asked to submit a bug report. Baby Rosie has Boyd's skin. This is not a complicated scene. And I've rendered Rosie before in 4.10

    You have maybe a mirror/highly reflective floor in your Bokeh setup? I bought the Ultra Genesis Bokeh setup recently and noticed it increased render times instead of the decrease in render times I was expecting.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    vwrangler said:

    Does Studio crash with Rosie by herself in the scene? If so, what happens if you change her skin shader?

    default Rosie with nothing else will render without issues. Owen and his clothing and outfit also render. 

    vwrangler said:

    For what little it may be worth, it looks very similar to the error I get when using IDG Selectable Color Hair Shader, which is (now) known to be incompatible with Studio 4.11. (Destiny's Garden is working on an update.)

    The other references I can find about mi_plugin_factory indiecate that it may or may not have something to do with Optix. Do you have that enabled?

    I am not sure what opix is.

    I did at last get it to render. I deleted rosie. Added a new one. Added Boyds skin. Applied everything and it rendered. I'm not sure how or why it did not like the original Rosie or why the second one worked and the first one did not.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    So my simple Render of Owen holding baby Rosie is crashing 4.11 and I'm asked to submit a bug report. Baby Rosie has Boyd's skin. This is not a complicated scene. And I've rendered Rosie before in 4.10


    You have maybe a mirror/highly reflective floor in your Bokeh setup? I bought the Ultra Genesis Bokeh setup recently and noticed it increased render times instead of the decrease in render times I was expecting.

    Thanks. I'll check that.

  • ChangelingChickChangelingChick Posts: 3,250
    vwrangler said:

    Does Studio crash with Rosie by herself in the scene? If so, what happens if you change her skin shader?

    default Rosie with nothing else will render without issues. Owen and his clothing and outfit also render. 

    vwrangler said:

    For what little it may be worth, it looks very similar to the error I get when using IDG Selectable Color Hair Shader, which is (now) known to be incompatible with Studio 4.11. (Destiny's Garden is working on an update.)

    The other references I can find about mi_plugin_factory indiecate that it may or may not have something to do with Optix. Do you have that enabled?

    I am not sure what opix is.

    I did at last get it to render. I deleted rosie. Added a new one. Added Boyds skin. Applied everything and it rendered. I'm not sure how or why it did not like the original Rosie or why the second one worked and the first one did not.

    Sometimes scene files can get a little corrupted and it can cause errors. I can't remember what causes it, but it's not common. 

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited June 2019
    vwrangler said:

    Does Studio crash with Rosie by herself in the scene? If so, what happens if you change her skin shader?

    default Rosie with nothing else will render without issues. Owen and his clothing and outfit also render. 

    vwrangler said:

    For what little it may be worth, it looks very similar to the error I get when using IDG Selectable Color Hair Shader, which is (now) known to be incompatible with Studio 4.11. (Destiny's Garden is working on an update.)

    The other references I can find about mi_plugin_factory indiecate that it may or may not have something to do with Optix. Do you have that enabled?

    I am not sure what opix is.

    I did at last get it to render. I deleted rosie. Added a new one. Added Boyds skin. Applied everything and it rendered. I'm not sure how or why it did not like the original Rosie or why the second one worked and the first one did not.

    Sometimes scene files can get a little corrupted and it can cause errors. I can't remember what causes it, but it's not common. 

    I believe it. It is frustrating though when it happens for sure!

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited June 2019

    On the topic of men's outfits, here is: Dzheng's latest DX G8M Undergear Set 2, with textures from the expansion.

    1400 x 1600 - 2M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • zombietaggerungzombietaggerung Posts: 3,760

    I just picked that up! It looks so good! 

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    I like the bikini brief and undies. They look really useful and have a nice sexy low cut.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited June 2019

    On the subject of men's clothing, here  is the DX G8M summerTimeZ set. It turned out rather nice. I couldn't get the necklace not to imbed in the shirt, I'm afraid. There didn't appear to be any adjustment morphs.  This texture is from the expansion by Anagord.

    1400 x 1600 - 1M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited June 2019

    Dforce Semi Casual Outfit for Genesis 8 Males. This was released yesterday and looks really good. I ran into some clipping with the shirt and the sweater vest, but the shirt and vest have some corrective morphs, and the realism of the fit, is a refreshing change.

    I like the crispness of the collar, and you can morph the shirt to untuck which was a nice touch.

    1400 x 1600 - 1M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,087

    Nice sets- I thought about the underwear set but wasn't sure if I could use them for promos.  Which, sadly, now usually ties into if I buy them or not.  I still may just for random sexy renders here and there.  Thank you for showcasing them.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    I think the undies could be used for promos. they would be great! =-)

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited June 2019

    Here's Owen in his nice warm sweater with the baby. I couldn't do much with baby Tobyn, so I swapped Tobyn out for Rosie who looked a little better...  I wish someone would make a cute boy baby, but... Er... This is the best I could do.

    Of course, very limited winter clothing for the guys, and forgeddabout it for the infant. So the infant is using the dforce Winter Snow outfit that I use for all the characters, and Owen's got on a HK Kang sweater with some Christmas shaders by Atenais. What is interesting about the winter snow outfit, is that It looks so nice, and I've never ever dfored it.

    Where is Boyd? We'll have to find out soon....


    1400 x 1600 - 2M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited June 2019

    So, I bought Allistair HD

    Unfortunately, now when I open my saved files, my characters have Allistair HD dialed in. It is NOT A great look. It seems to have invaded all my character files. This is mildly disturbing...

    Allistair HD.JPG
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    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited June 2019

    Here is Allistair. I think his skin is really quite nice, and he is quite hunky. He's a big man and his body type would make a super hero.

    I like the facial flush, however, I wish it was an option, since it might not suit every character and situation.

    1400 x 1600 - 2M
    Post edited by Serene Night on
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