Heroes, Heroines and 3D Graphics - July Freebie Contest



  • Gloomy007Gloomy007 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    Perl did say that hse would be back to update the gallery, but like Tramp I read that as sometime in the future and not for this month.

    Perl is the only person who can update that gallery.

    perlk said:
    Hi guys, sorry I have been absent lately. I'm probably going to take a break for a month or so. Here's why.

    I am 17 weeks pregnant, and have been having some medical problems associated with pregnancy. There's only so much time in the day to do my work, doctor's appointments, and keeping up with real life!

    When I can get my conditions under control, I'll be back and updating the gallery!

    So we may be stuck without it, as nowadays there is no easy way to gather all the images together for a voting thread, like we used to do in New Users Contest, which is one reason why he have changed the format of that one, so the actual contest thread only has entires in it, and the WIPS etc are in a different thread.

    Ok.. I will piggiback chohole, since I do not want to go and look for perlk post, but perlk.. take your time, rest a lot, and do not stress about things here ;)

  • Kendall SearsKendall Sears Posts: 2,995
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    BWSman said:
    OK, guys, gals, aliens, and unclassifieds...

    Just in case my offer is accepted to host the Galleries, I have set up a preliminary gallery section for this month's contest.

    I need a little input from the group at large, and from the ETO's especially. I have lots of options on my server. However, I intend to start with just basic settings. There are 3 things that I am willing to activate upon startup:

    1) Ratings
    2) Comments
    3) Watermarks (these are non-permanent and just to keep folks from taking others material)

    What are the comments from you all?

    Also, I have the ability to host both the NAEs and the Entries, is this a wanted option.

    Finally, I will start out by putting the Galleries on my unlimited storage servers, which are speed limited. If it seems that this is unsatisfactory, I will transfer the current month's galleries to my servers on the high-speed connection.

    Also, all ETO's and DAZ forum Moderators will be given administration privileges to this section. Any of them will be able to add or remove entries.



    That'll work for me (as a sometimes judge & and ETO)

    Yup works for me as well. Hey as both a Mod and an ETO do I get double the access permissions :question: :coolsmirk:

    Considering the number of accts you have on that machine, I'd think you'd want to go the other way :-)


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    BWSman said:
    OK, guys, gals, aliens, and unclassifieds...

    Just in case my offer is accepted to host the Galleries, I have set up a preliminary gallery section for this month's contest.

    I need a little input from the group at large, and from the ETO's especially. I have lots of options on my server. However, I intend to start with just basic settings. There are 3 things that I am willing to activate upon startup:

    1) Ratings
    2) Comments
    3) Watermarks (these are non-permanent and just to keep folks from taking others material)

    What are the comments from you all?

    Also, I have the ability to host both the NAEs and the Entries, is this a wanted option.

    Finally, I will start out by putting the Galleries on my unlimited storage servers, which are speed limited. If it seems that this is unsatisfactory, I will transfer the current month's galleries to my servers on the high-speed connection.

    Also, all ETO's and DAZ forum Moderators will be given administration privileges to this section. Any of them will be able to add or remove entries.



    That'll work for me (as a sometimes judge & and ETO)

    Yup works for me as well. Hey as both a Mod and an ETO do I get double the access permissions :question: :coolsmirk:

    Considering the number of accts you have on that machine, I'd think you'd want to go the other way :-)


    Yeah I guess you have a point there. :coolhmm:

  • jeeperzjeeperz Posts: 1,102
    edited December 1969

    let's see if I can post something that DOESN'T get removed.....

    now discussions over, let's see some more renders or there will cie ponsequences. or is that pie consequences, I think i got tongue tied. Let's see.....
    20 banana creme
    10 Hershey chocolate creme
    20 all whip topping
    15 coconut creme (with pineapple of course)
    30 Bavarian creme
    5 fruit (for messy effects)

    YEP I'm ready to go....

    anyone need some pies????

  • Lord GanthorLord Ganthor Posts: 592
    edited December 1969

    jeeperz said:
    everyone better watch out, if that is Alexa's work you're all in trouble now, LG I think you have your work cut out for you. Tell her that I think this is her best so far. VERY good

    Oh, it's more than very good, it's excellent! Far better than I can do given the context of the challenge. I've given up due to the limits of my current system as well as my pig-headed stubbornness and narrow minded views about what a comic page should look like. Just leave it to the younger, up-and-coming generation to show an old *&# like me just what is possible to do with a fresh eye unencumbered by the conventions of the past...without fully abandoning them.

    If it's of any help, tell Alexa that it's not about the winning or the loosing or even about what's going to be "accepted" from month to month. It's all about displaying your work and your talent...and girl*, you got a lot to display!

    * I would have said darlin', which is a typical colloquial expression where I come from, but some people make take it the wrong way and have offense. I deliver both expressions with the utmost respect.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    I.m game

    400 x 389 - 22K
  • jeeperzjeeperz Posts: 1,102
    edited December 1969

    wish we still had the devil smiley, I would post that

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited July 2012

    Yeah I miss a lot of our old smilies. Doesn't look as though anyone else is going to play

    490 x 377 - 9K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • jeeperzjeeperz Posts: 1,102
    edited December 1969

    guess it' you against me then....
    ammunition ready, you ready???
    wait I have to go make dinner, be back soon

  • music2u4umusic2u4u Posts: 2,822
    edited December 1969

    jeeperz said:
    when you're ready music, I have a whole 2 tables of pies to toss at anyone that needs it. *passes a table to music* here ya go big guy, eat or throw whichever moves you. Glad to see you back finally, we need you to smack a few people around in here (me included), as soon as you finish eating of course.

    Sorry I was gone a few days but I bought a new farm truck and I was just playing with my new grown up toy!

    **scoups off five of the pies and runs with them!**


  • music2u4umusic2u4u Posts: 2,822
    edited December 1969

    Kludge said:
    chohole said:
    Was you referring to me ???? Music is the Boss, I am only part of the team as far as this challenge is concerned. I wear all sorts of different hats. Sometimes I get muddled up and forget which one I am wearing at what time :red:

    Yeah, but it's cute when you forget you have any hat on and try to put on another. The elf hat on top of the garden gnome one is kinda cool though ... ;-)

    OMG!...I've done that!


  • music2u4umusic2u4u Posts: 2,822
    edited December 1969

    jeeperz said:
    Kludge said:
    jeeperz said:

    she is the host this month, but the ETO's are here to help out and answer questions every month. We host too, and THROW PIES as needed.

    ETOs ... European Theaters of Operation? Extra Terrific (or Terrible) Operatives? Easy To ... hmmm ... O ... dunno - stuck on that one. Open?

    I like Extra Terrific Operatives

    Yeah, me too. That was kinda cool sounding. It beats Earthaditic Tersaurian Ocillators, or Eat to Order!


  • music2u4umusic2u4u Posts: 2,822
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    Alexa, that wasn't aimed at you, please don't give up now. You have been one of the stalwarts of the freebie challenge for some time now, and we were looking forward so much to seeing what you would do with this one.

    I think most anything you have asked about is very valid Alexa. You have some very interesting things you do here and you share that with us, and it's fun. You did a great job on helping me with my bowling alley by making us all the nice poses. You are not what I think , or anyone else here thinks, you are a complainer. Your situations here are very acceptable dear. Please do enter this month.


  • jeeperzjeeperz Posts: 1,102
    edited December 1969

    music2u4u said:
    jeeperz said:
    when you're ready music, I have a whole 2 tables of pies to toss at anyone that needs it. *passes a table to music* here ya go big guy, eat or throw whichever moves you. Glad to see you back finally, we need you to smack a few people around in here (me included), as soon as you finish eating of course.

    Sorry I was gone a few days but I bought a new farm truck and I was just playing with my new grown up toy!

    **scoups off five of the pies and runs with them!**


    I know all about big boys and their big boy toys.
    HEY who stole my pies......

  • jeeperzjeeperz Posts: 1,102
    edited December 1969

    music2u4u said:
    chohole said:
    Alexa, that wasn't aimed at you, please don't give up now. You have been one of the stalwarts of the freebie challenge for some time now, and we were looking forward so much to seeing what you would do with this one.

    I think most anything you have asked about is very valid Alexa. You have some very interesting things you do here and you share that with us, and it's fun. You did a great job on helping me with my bowling alley by making us all the nice poses. You are not what I think , or anyone else here thinks, you are a complainer. Your situations here are very acceptable dear. Please do enter this month.


    well I don't feel so bad, I'm not the only one with keyboard dyslexia. PLEASE anyone who has dyslexia please don't take offense at what I just said, I have a very good friend who's grown son is dyslexic and I joke with him all the time. I mean NO offense by this comment. I think you meant to say she's NOT a complainer (or maybe you meant to say it that way)

  • music2u4umusic2u4u Posts: 2,822
    edited December 1969

    jeeperz said:
    dleelaw57 said:
    Alexa, I rarely comment on others art because I don't really know much other than what I like and I can always find something I like in every render. But I have to say your work is very good and gets better with each post. I think LG is one of the top artists here and in a short time you could be giving him a serious challenge. It would be a shame if you didn't share that talent here.

    Jeeperz, ya aint allowed to go no where ETO. At least I hope you don't. You speak your mind and thankfully not with the colorful phrases I am sure you are thinking. Honesty is always welcome and refreshing. Besides you are the only one nice enough to toss me a Hershey's Chocolate Pie from time to time.

    "The rules are learnt in order to be broken, but if you don't know them, then something is missing." Nicolas Roeg

    Once again I have read the RULES FOR THE MONTHLY FREEBIE CHALLENGE! in the General Freepozitory, (first page fifth sticky down), and I have a few questions

    Since Music has been busy lately maybe chohole or jeeperz can answer.

    Rule 9.

    This is a family challenge for all ages, so there will be NO NUDIY

    I'm not sure what NUDIY is but can we use naked people or do they need to be invisible. And if invisible would that violate rule eight's clearly and completely seen rule? I guess showing a bear doing his thing in the woods would be unacceptable.

    Comment after rule 16. We will start at 1ST of each month - 00.01 DAZ time, and end 30 or 31 of each month - 23.59 Daz time.

    When will February end? Should this not read ... end on the last day of each month ...

    "There are those whose sole claim to profundity is the discovery of exceptions to the rules." Paul Eldridge

    Thanks for listening (reading).

    Dollygirl, once again I apologize for the interruption and this shameful attempt to pad my miserable post count. Now I'm off to have more fun.

    "I try not to break the rules but merely to test their elasticity." Bill Veeck

    dlee... you always make me laugh. the only nudity allowed is invisible people,and a bear as long as we can't see his bum then you probably can show what bears do in the woods. and February, you have to wait for the 3rd day of March for it to end since it doesn't have a 30 or 31st. *tosses another Hershey chocolate pie at ya cuz I know you like them*

    ...the only nudity allowed is invisible people,...and a bear as long as we can't see his bum then you probably can show what bears do in the woods. Did he really say that..what does it all mean?


  • music2u4umusic2u4u Posts: 2,822
    edited December 1969

    Alexa is still deciding whether she's going to bother coming back. She wasn't going to bother submitting this at all, but since she had gone through the work I decided to post it for her. Her opinion is that she really doesn't care anymore whether an entry is accepted or not. She feels that it has become too much about worrying whether "things are accepted" or not. She abandoned *2* entries last month even after getting permission to use some material.

    "You can't tell from month to month what is and isn't going to be allowed anymore" she said.

    In the meantime, here is what was going to be her entry.

    Below the line is her text for the entry.


    I used Comic Life as requested. It was made to run under Wine but the final output was exported from Windows. The posted version is not the final version as I wasn't sure on how my sketched avatar of the main character would be "ruled" and decided to post without it. The full version is available here: http://ovbi.org/gallery/v/agsears/Freebie+Contest/Page_1.jpg.html


    Bonne Nuit * - www.sharecg.com/v/54220

    Lamp * - www.sharecg.com/v/20095

    Chair and Bed * - http://www.sharecg.com/v/51024/

    Desk - http://lab108.x0.com/lab108/furniture.html (2nd from bottom)

    Laptop – http://lab108.x0.com/lab108/electrical.html(9th from top)

    Mitsu Hair * – http://www.daz3d.com/shop/anime-star-fighter/

    Gold fish (Adam Thwaites required object) - http://www.most-digital-creations.com/freestuff.htm (65th from top)

    Plane Caustic texture - http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/2768/

    Oriental bridge * – www.ontarget3d.com/site/category/57-Poser-freestuff.aspx (first item)

    Ultimate Shader (used on sword and tank corners) * - http://sharecg.com/v/27568

    Chic halter * - http://www.sharecg.com/v/38590/

    Katana * – http://www.sharecg.com/v/33710

    Margo skin - http://www.artraiders.com/download_page.php?file_id=340

    Not sure how to classify this month: used in unusual way. Not sure if it constitutes “clear”, not willing to get bitten by asking

    Fur shaders (used for rocks in tank) Christmas 2010 * – http://www.sharecg.com/v/46600
    Splash effect (used around the dragon's neck) * - http://www.shells.ca/index.php?page=skunkworks (second row, third column)

    Not counted: (visible in scene)
    Genesis – default content
    Subdragon – default content
    Wood shaders (used on bed) – dead link (old forums)
    Fisty's water and glass shader (used on and in fish tank) – dead link (old forums)
    Primitives used to create fish tank – DAZ studio default features
    Smoothing modifier and collision (used on mattress) – DAZ studio default features
    Polygon Group Editor (used on lamp and fish) – DAZ Studio default features
    Autofit (used on hair and clothes) – DAZ Studio default features
    vyhktoria's Gingham shaders (used on curtain) – dead link (old forums)

    Maclean's room creator

    Toon-ified using default DS4 cartoon render mode.

    Software Used: DS4.5 Pro under Linux/Wine. Comic Life used under Linux/Wine and Windows per the rules.

    Very cool comic. It takes a lot of time to do this kinda stuff Alexa, you certainly did a great job. You have a real talent for this style too. Thanks for sharing it with us Kendall. Certainly is nice.


  • DollyGirlDollyGirl Posts: 2,656
    edited December 1969

    Alexa is still deciding whether she's going to bother coming back. She wasn't going to bother submitting this at all, but since she had gone through the work I decided to post it for her. Her opinion is that she really doesn't care anymore whether an entry is accepted or not. She feels that it has become too much about worrying whether "things are accepted" or not. She abandoned *2* entries last month even after getting permission to use some material.

    "You can't tell from month to month what is and isn't going to be allowed anymore" she said.

    In the meantime, here is what was going to be her entry.

    Below the line is her text for the entry.


    I used Comic Life as requested. It was made to run under Wine but the final output was exported from Windows. The posted version is not the final version as I wasn't sure on how my sketched avatar of the main character would be "ruled" and decided to post without it. The full version is available here: http://ovbi.org/gallery/v/agsears/Freebie+Contest/Page_1.jpg.html


    Bonne Nuit * - www.sharecg.com/v/54220

    Lamp * - www.sharecg.com/v/20095

    Chair and Bed * - http://www.sharecg.com/v/51024/

    Desk - http://lab108.x0.com/lab108/furniture.html (2nd from bottom)

    Laptop – http://lab108.x0.com/lab108/electrical.html(9th from top)

    Mitsu Hair * – http://www.daz3d.com/shop/anime-star-fighter/

    Gold fish (Adam Thwaites required object) - http://www.most-digital-creations.com/freestuff.htm (65th from top)

    Plane Caustic texture - http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/2768/

    Oriental bridge * – www.ontarget3d.com/site/category/57-Poser-freestuff.aspx (first item)

    Ultimate Shader (used on sword and tank corners) * - http://sharecg.com/v/27568

    Chic halter * - http://www.sharecg.com/v/38590/

    Katana * – http://www.sharecg.com/v/33710

    Margo skin - http://www.artraiders.com/download_page.php?file_id=340

    Not sure how to classify this month: used in unusual way. Not sure if it constitutes “clear”, not willing to get bitten by asking

    Fur shaders (used for rocks in tank) Christmas 2010 * – http://www.sharecg.com/v/46600
    Splash effect (used around the dragon's neck) * - http://www.shells.ca/index.php?page=skunkworks (second row, third column)

    Not counted: (visible in scene)
    Genesis – default content
    Subdragon – default content
    Wood shaders (used on bed) – dead link (old forums)
    Fisty's water and glass shader (used on and in fish tank) – dead link (old forums)
    Primitives used to create fish tank – DAZ studio default features
    Smoothing modifier and collision (used on mattress) – DAZ studio default features
    Polygon Group Editor (used on lamp and fish) – DAZ Studio default features
    Autofit (used on hair and clothes) – DAZ Studio default features
    vyhktoria's Gingham shaders (used on curtain) – dead link (old forums)

    Maclean's room creator

    Toon-ified using default DS4 cartoon render mode.

    Software Used: DS4.5 Pro under Linux/Wine. Comic Life used under Linux/Wine and Windows per the rules.

    Kendall tell you sweet daughter that she had justified my faith. thank you very much in submitting the piece to the contest. Her render qualifies. Please check you PMs for the entry prize. A fun piece. Lots of action, story and what is going to happend next. Love the way Comic Life worked for you. I knew you two were the best. Making CL work on a unix box way to go.
  • Kendall SearsKendall Sears Posts: 2,995
    edited December 1969

    Dollygirl said:

    Kendall tell you sweet daughter that she had justified my faith. thank you very much in submitting the piece to the contest. Her render qualifies. Please check you PMs for the entry prize. A fun piece. Lots of action, story and what is going to happend next. Love the way Comic Life worked for you. I knew you two were the best. Making CL work on a unix box way to go.

    It's only "mostly" working under Linux. There are some font rendering issues, which is why she had to use Windows for the final export. I don't have time right now to work on a fix to submit to the Wine project, so it's going to have to wait on the efforts of the Wine crew.


  • JesterVIIJesterVII Posts: 175
    edited December 1969

    Ok so after spending most of the day tracking down my daz stuff and figuring out MAC stuff I was about to work on a new render (actually one I finished yesterday before comp died) and i realized I can't. I do not have any freebies in my runtime. Nor do I have Comic Life on here. AGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really really really want to take a sledge hammer to my old comp. So now I have to track down all my old stuff. So I might be ready to work again some time next year...lol

  • DollyGirlDollyGirl Posts: 2,656
    edited December 1969

    Dollygirl said:

    Kendall tell you sweet daughter that she had justified my faith. thank you very much in submitting the piece to the contest. Her render qualifies. Please check you PMs for the entry prize. A fun piece. Lots of action, story and what is going to happend next. Love the way Comic Life worked for you. I knew you two were the best. Making CL work on a unix box way to go.

    It's only "mostly" working under Linux. There are some font rendering issues, which is why she had to use Windows for the final export. I don't have time right now to work on a fix to submit to the Wine project, so it's going to have to wait on the efforts of the Wine crew.


    Understand Kendall. When my company decided to get off mainframe we were put on unix boxes, Sun workstations. Boy, what a hoot. Oh how I loved them but we were a nuclear utilitiy and everybody else was going to PCs so we had to follow. Once that happened we lost unix altogether and went Windows. I love Windows too but it is like your first car. There always is a special place for the first one. Please check your PMs. I sent one to your daughter but I don't know if she will down load them. If you do then consider that you have two licenses one for her and one for you. I do thank you for steping up and being a parent and supporting your daughter. She has a special talent I am honored to be able to see her work.

  • Kendall SearsKendall Sears Posts: 2,995
    edited December 1969

    JesterVII said:
    Ok so after spending most of the day tracking down my daz stuff and figuring out MAC stuff I was about to work on a new render (actually one I finished yesterday before comp died) and i realized I can't. I do not have any freebies in my runtime. Nor do I have Comic Life on here. AGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really really really want to take a sledge hammer to my old comp. So now I have to track down all my old stuff. So I might be ready to work again some time next year...lol

    If your old PC drive is still readable then I can help you transfer the data from it to your new Mac.

    Email me: [email protected]


  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,188
    edited December 1969

    music2u4u said:
    jeeperz said:
    when you're ready music, I have a whole 2 tables of pies to toss at anyone that needs it. *passes a table to music* here ya go big guy, eat or throw whichever moves you. Glad to see you back finally, we need you to smack a few people around in here (me included), as soon as you finish eating of course.

    Sorry I was gone a few days but I bought a new farm truck and I was just playing with my new grown up toy!

    **scoups off five of the pies and runs with them!**


    That's Ok, Mr. Douglas! ;-)


  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,188
    edited December 1969

    jeeperz said:

    well I don't feel so bad, I'm not the only one with keyboard dyslexia.

    Are you also agnostic? Is it true that you are not sure whether or not you believe in dog? :-P


  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,188
    edited December 1969

    JesterVII said:
    Ok so after spending most of the day tracking down my daz stuff and figuring out MAC stuff I was about to work on a new render (actually one I finished yesterday before comp died) and i realized I can't. I do not have any freebies in my runtime. Nor do I have Comic Life on here. AGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really really really want to take a sledge hammer to my old comp. So now I have to track down all my old stuff. So I might be ready to work again some time next year...lol

    If your old PC drive is still readable then I can help you transfer the data from it to your new Mac.

    Email me: [email protected]


    You might want to PM him, because without quoting your message, he won't know what that address is...it doesn't show in the forum. But I can see it here. Another bug in the site, I guess.


  • Kendall SearsKendall Sears Posts: 2,995
    edited December 1969

    DanaTA said:
    JesterVII said:
    Ok so after spending most of the day tracking down my daz stuff and figuring out MAC stuff I was about to work on a new render (actually one I finished yesterday before comp died) and i realized I can't. I do not have any freebies in my runtime. Nor do I have Comic Life on here. AGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really really really want to take a sledge hammer to my old comp. So now I have to track down all my old stuff. So I might be ready to work again some time next year...lol

    If your old PC drive is still readable then I can help you transfer the data from it to your new Mac.

    Email me: [email protected]


    You might want to PM him, because without quoting your message, he won't know what that address is...it doesn't show in the forum. But I can see it here. Another bug in the site, I guess.


    I sent it via forums because so few people check their PMs. My email is available via my profile as well.


  • vivayovivayo Posts: 52
    edited December 1969

    Hi all,

    There is my first entry for this month. Hope I did not make any mistake.

    Title: The steampunk duellist (hmmm.. who will I kill today ?)

    Composed and rendered with DAZ Studo 4 (cartoon mode)

    1.Hard Man M4 (morph)**: http://www.most-digital-creations.com/freestuff.htm (27th from the bottom)
    2.Level Hype for M4 (texture)*: http://www.sharecg.com/v/57731/View/11/Poser/Level-Hype_for-Michael-4
    3.Valens Hair for V4/A4 *: http://www.sharecg.com/v/36166/View/11/Poser/Valens-Hair-For-V4/A4
    4.Soul Patch**: http://www.most-digital-creations.com/free_poser_poses_textures_morphs_props_45.htm (last one on the page)
    5.M4 Steampunk Vest*: http://www.sharecg.com/v/45520/View/11/Poser/M4-Steampunk-Vest
    6.DD M4 Pants: http://poserg.sakura.ne.jp/vue/index.cgi (2nd on the left side)
    7.T2 for M4 (boots)*: http://shop.poseraddicts.com/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=3713
    8.V3 Uber-googles smart prop*: http://www.sharecg.com/v/31583/View/11/Poser/Uber-Goggles-Smart-Prop
    9.M4 famous hats collection (Van Helsing hat)*: http://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/details.php?item_id=66816
    10.Wrist Blade (Bracer)**: http://www.most-digital-creations.com/free_poser_poses_textures_morphs_props_43.htm (2nd from the bottom)
    11.Velvet and Fur shaders for DAZ Studio (on the vest)*: http://www.sharecg.com/v/57474/View/11/Poser/Velvet-and-Fur-shaders-for-DAZ-Studio
    12.Ultimate shader pack (on the buttons of the vest)*: http://www.sharecg.com/v/27568/Material-and-Shader/Ultimate-Shader-Pack-for-DAZ-Studio
    13.V4 duellist set (sword)*: http://www.sharecg.com/v/30153/View/11/Poser/Duellist-V4
    14.Vaguely M4 (pose)*: http://www.sharecg.com/v/49586/View/11/Poser/Vaguely-M4
    15.Skydome*: http://www.sharecg.com/v/45996/View/11/Poser/SkyDome
    * means registration required
    ** means required by the contest rules

    Not counted:

    Free but no longer available: Bridge of Pontus on the DAZ freepository

    Bought: M4 Morphs, Visual style shaders

    565 x 800 - 69K
  • KludgeKludge Posts: 354
    edited December 1969

    jeeperz said:
    Kludge said:
    jeeperz said:

    she is the host this month, but the ETO's are here to help out and answer questions every month. We host too, and THROW PIES as needed.

    ETOs ... European Theaters of Operation? Extra Terrific (or Terrible) Operatives? Easy To ... hmmm ... O ... dunno - stuck on that one. Open?

    I like Extra Terrific Operatives


  • KludgeKludge Posts: 354
    edited December 1969

    jeeperz said:
    let's see if I can post something that DOESN'T get removed.....

    now discussions over, let's see some more renders or there will cie ponsequences. or is that pie consequences, I think i got tongue tied. Let's see.....
    20 banana creme
    10 Hershey chocolate creme
    20 all whip topping
    15 coconut creme (with pineapple of course)
    30 Bavarian creme
    5 fruit (for messy effects)

    YEP I'm ready to go....

    anyone need some pies????

    Great, now I've got the munchies ...

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    DanaTA said:
    jeeperz said:

    well I don't feel so bad, I'm not the only one with keyboard dyslexia.

    Are you also agnostic? Is it true that you are not sure whether or not you believe in dog? :-P


    Ye dogs, I thought everyone knew that the other word is an anagram of Dog

    500 x 375 - 35K
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