[Released] Character Converter from Genesis 3 Female to Genesis 8 Female(Now Conv JCMs) [Commercial]



  • ZippyGuitarZippyGuitar Posts: 836
    edited August 2019

    Yeah, no way am I going to uninstall G3. I have Victoria 7 and the majority of her Daz-O sisters converted to G8, but HD morphs cannot be converted. Plus some morphs cannot be moved over, such as all the options for Aarki's Lady Rune for G3. I'm not converting everything to G8 and I have way too much invested in G3 to simply cast it aside. I like having them all, right where they are waiting to be used. ;-)

    This is nothing like what Artini has been sharing with us, but the image here is of my first character I converted with the Scene Converter. She has a full Victoria 4 GenX figure dialed in. While she's pretty basic, and nothing extreme at all, the GenX morph converted perfectly and I've had no problems fitting clothes to her nor any issues with any poses I've tried.

    800 x 1294 - 568K
    Post edited by ZippyGuitar on
  • shaneseymourstudioshaneseymourstudio Posts: 383
    edited August 2019

    Just convereted Monique 7. I had to change the tolerance to .02 as mentioned in this thread due to some eye issues. I am using all the default materials with the uv package for G3-G8 with the exception for the eyes as there still remains a circle around the cornea. For the eyes using Monique 8 eyes work as well as the other option I tried from Chevybabes natural eyes.

    Monique 7 to 8

    2000 x 3000 - 2M
    Post edited by shaneseymourstudio on
  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,519
    HatB said:

    Is there any way to limit the files that are being read when searching for g3 figures? It takes forever to go through all my files. I wish it would let me tell it to search from SKU 21630 (Genesis 3 Starter Essentials) till the end.or until a given SKU.

    You can use the Add Files and select a bunch of files to add.  As long as the "Check Content Type" option is checked, it will discard any non-"Actor/Character" files.   You can of course also use the Add Directory on subdirectories under People/Genesis 3 Female/Characters.


    ea said:
    ea said:
    ea said:

    Margie (by Sangriart) G3F and G8F converted with scene converter. The result for head and body in general is really good, excepted for breasts, but Margie breasts are a little specific, in using other morphs I succeeded to bring them closer from G3F ones

    That face looks really good!  Thanks for sharing.  

    EDIT: Any idea what happened to the breasts?  I wouldn't think breasts would be HD morphs so that shouldn't be it.

    Well, That's difficult to explain and it's not evident to post nude breasts here ;)  So I tried to hide the biggest area in keeping visible the problematic part. I hope nobody will be shocked. The difference is more obvious on the preview image than on the rendered one (converted with 0,014 tolerance setting).

    Images removed     please take note of this thread  Acceptable Ways of Handling Nudity

    I thought to have not cross the line... never mind.

    You tried smiley

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,519
    dkgoose said:

    For genX transfers we would use the custom shape option as the dials are not located in the content library correct? It seems to transfer kind of well but the character stays the same height but the shape changes to match, for example trying to transfer the Maddie 3 shape, it transfers the shape but you end up with a giant child lol

    Oh, I need to capture the scale.  I will fix this.

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,519
    scorpio said:
    scorpio said:


    I'm also getting this when transfering a dial spun character. Along with the autofit problem I'm beggining to wonder if this is just not suitable for home spun dialed characters.


    I asked this earlier but I think you missed it among the large stream of posts. After loading a vanilla G8F, if you dial in a normal G8F morph (not one that was from conversion), can you auto-fit? After loading a vanilla G8F, if you dial in a converted G8F morph (undial the normal G8F morph), can you auto-fit?

    Yes that works fine I have no problems with autofit except for when trying on a converted character.

    To be clear, you can load a vanilla G8F and then dial in a converted morph and there is no problem with auto-fit?  It is only when you use the character presets created by the script?  If so, that sounds like there is something wrong with your Daz Studio.  The save character preset is a Daz Studio function the script is calling.  I won't recommend it because I know it is such a pain but uninstalling and reinstalling Daz Studio should fix this.

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,519

     I'm having trouble batch converting, no idea why it wants one character loaded in the blank scene? I have to click cancel, and then the program finished converting, then it goes onto the next character and stops with this same error. Can someone pls help?
    So glad you made this, it'll make my library much more usable. Love the clothes converters too.

    It should want no characters in the scene.  However, what I think is happening is that you are getting an error while loading a character.  The script thinks there is a problem and tries to go to the next character.  I have no idea why you are getting that Missing File "Scene/VivienneMorphs.duf" but that it is looking for a scene file indicates there is some type of corruption.  

    Ok, so do you know how I would fix this? It's a blank scene when I start..and the program itself says it is clearing the scene..It's going to take forever if I have to click cancel on each character :-(


    I wish I did.  That message comes up from opening the character file and the script cannot control what DS is doing at that point.  Anyone know?  @chohole?  @Richard Haseltine?  Perhaps you could send them or Daz support a message.

    Actually, let's confirm this. 

    • Create a empty scene
    • Open the Window->Pane->Script IDE
    • Paste this code in there:
    function ApplyPreset( preset )
      var status = true;
        var oContentMgr = App.getContentMgr();
        status = oContentMgr.openFile(preset);
      catch(e) {
        print('Error applying preset %1'.arg(preset));
        status = false;
      return status;
    ApplyPreset( 'D:/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library/People/Genesis 3 Female/Characters/Skinchangers/Skinchangers Wolves.duf' );
    • Change the ApplyPreset line to use one of your problem characters (note that you can use forward slashes for the path on Windows or Mac)
    • Click the Execute button

    The character should load.  Does the error message also occur?

    Character doesn't load error line 15, maybe something I typed in wasn't correct?

    You accidentally deleted the beginning single quote in line 15.  It should be ApplyPreset( 'C:/Documents...' );  The whole path and file name should be enclosed in single quotes.

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,519
    scorpio said:
    scorpio said:


    I'm also getting this when transfering a dial spun character. Along with the autofit problem I'm beggining to wonder if this is just not suitable for home spun dialed characters.

    Wow, that is not good at all.  Extreme morphs should be the only problem you are encountering.  I can understand your frustration. I have converted home spun characters before without problems. What morphs are in your home spun character?  Could you post the Daz Log from the conversion?

    Sorry no log I've closed DS and my computer since, I'll try again when I have time and post the log then, I'll also list the morphs there are quite a few.

    Yes please.

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,519
    edited August 2019
    Kooreo said:

    I have a suggestion to make this product better. Currently, for the textures, it just copies them from gen 3 to gen 8 using the original textures files and location. What would be better is if instead copied the files to a new folder directory and used those files. When I convert a gen 3 model to gen 8 I don't want to have the old model hanging around in my files anymore but if you are a dim user and you uninstall the old character you will lose the textures unless you manually install them to there directory afterward.

    I have to disagree with this, as I doubt most people are going to go in and delete the Genesis 3 version of the character after conversion, so having those (sometimes quite large) texture files copied and automatically placed in a new file means that most people are going to have two copies of the exact same texture files taking up additional space on their hard drives. That would make sense to do if most are going to uninstall the G3 version of the character, but I doubt most will (who knows, I could be wrong though - I just figure most people are going to probably keep both versions for various reasons. Again, I might be wrong). 

    Having that as an OPTION though, like "Create New Texture File" might be a nice option - but that's a lot of additional work to code, I'm sure, and the product is already pretty robust and does quite a bit. :)

    I think adding so much extra files to your HD is the wrong approach.  The option would be nice, but hunting down and copying all the textures would be painful.  I appreciate the suggestion though.  I always want to make the product better.

    Post edited by RiverSoft Art on
  • sapatsapat Posts: 1,735

    I moved my post from one I created about this program to here. Sorry I missed the first 12 pages, so forgive me if some of this has been discussed. I haven't had an opportunity to read them.

    Here's the pasted questions from my other thread:

    Sorry if this is something I'm not understanding, but the program says it works with figures based off the off the basic G3F UV set, and those that aren't will have ugly seams.  I have several G3F characters (from pro bundles, etc) that are based on their own Custom UV's.  So does that mean all those will have ugly seams and/or misaligned features?  Then it shows Aiko7 materials used on Aiko8 and says in this case, other materials should be used as there are problems with the eyes, lips and neck. I assume this is because Aiko 7 has Custom UV's that don't transfer correctly to A8? What other materials should be used then?

    And does it only copy 'materials'? He shows using a V7 figure but says V8 eyes are used. Why? 

    Not sure quite how the morph transfer thing works either, or does it actually not transfer all G3F morphs to G8F? Reads like it will only transfer only the morphs currently in use from G3F to G8F.

    Also the whole box where you have to manually add vendor/product name/character name one at a time seems time consuming. Guess it is what it is, but still.

    I'm too confused to buy it, and I know I can return it before 30 days, but I just don't know.

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 6,795

    Can it create separate head and body dials or does it just create a full character? I rarely use characters as is and would like to be able to dial out the bodies on some characters or dial down the faces or mix with other faces...

  • plasma_ringplasma_ring Posts: 1,025
    edited August 2019

    I picked up Narkissa because I wanted to try converting a character with an unusual HD head morph. I think she came across pretty well even with the HD details missing. 

    @sapat The box has been prefilled every time I used it, but with my username instead of the original vendor. I changed it to the name of the vendor and the actual character just for organizational purposes, but I think you could probably just hit accept since it's for personal use.

    @Wonderland It appears to copy head and body dials over from the character. I didn't do anything special to create these, and they let me dial in the character to G8F figures normally:


    927 x 1235 - 1M
    432 x 84 - 13K
    Post edited by plasma_ring on
  • This was really easy to use.  I wanted to use G8 and Ling Aiko, but she's a G3 Character.  I needed to use this specific outfit for G8.  This is my converted Ling Aiko on G8.  I only had one character have issues with ugly  breaks...V7...and I bought that other product mentioned earlier in the thread to fix that.  I am also super excited that Rune 7, Lilith, and other G3 gals I loved are now available to me in G8 form.    


    Sakura Paint Camera Raw Subtle Enhanced.jpg
    2400 x 3000 - 3M
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,337
    edited August 2019
    GlenWebb said:

    Yeah, no way am I going to uninstall G3. I have Victoria 7 and the majority of her Daz-O sisters converted to G8, but HD morphs cannot be converted. Plus some morphs cannot be moved over, such as all the options for Aarki's Lady Rune for G3. I'm not converting everything to G8 and I have way too much invested in G3 to simply cast it aside. I like having them all, right where they are waiting to be used. ;-)

    This is nothing like what Artini has been sharing with us, but the image here is of my first character I converted with the Scene Converter. She has a full Victoria 4 GenX figure dialed in. While she's pretty basic, and nothing extreme at all, the GenX morph converted perfectly and I've had no problems fitting clothes to her nor any issues with any poses I've tried.

    You are very kind.

    Your render looks very nice.

    I have bought GenX a long time ago, but have never use it.

    Would like to know, how to proceed with it.

    I have a lot of Victoria 4 based characters, that I would like to see on Genesis 8 Female.


    Post edited by Artini on
  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,519
    sapat said:

    I moved my post from one I created about this program to here. Sorry I missed the first 12 pages, so forgive me if some of this has been discussed. I haven't had an opportunity to read them.

    Here's the pasted questions from my other thread:

    Sorry if this is something I'm not understanding, but the program says it works with figures based off the off the basic G3F UV set, and those that aren't will have ugly seams.  I have several G3F characters (from pro bundles, etc) that are based on their own Custom UV's.  So does that mean all those will have ugly seams and/or misaligned features?  Then it shows Aiko7 materials used on Aiko8 and says in this case, other materials should be used as there are problems with the eyes, lips and neck. I assume this is because Aiko 7 has Custom UV's that don't transfer correctly to A8? What other materials should be used then?

    Character Creator converts your morphs from G3 to G8.  When it is done, the morphs are on a vanilla G8F with the converted morphs dialed in.  This means that it has the base G8F UV set (which is also the G3 UV set).  The *shape* of the figure has no seams or problems.  Materials copied from custom UV sets onto these figures will have seams.  If there are problems with the materials, just use any of the G8F materials (like I did using Aiko 8 materials).

    sapat said:

    And does it only copy 'materials'? He shows using a V7 figure but says V8 eyes are used. Why? 

    Yes, it only copies materials.  They are not converted from one UV to another.

    sapat said:

    Not sure quite how the morph transfer thing works either, or does it actually not transfer all G3F morphs to G8F? Reads like it will only transfer only the morphs currently in use from G3F to G8F.

    CC only copies the used morphs for a character, i.e., every morph currently in use on the G3 figure that makes its shape what it is. (height, body, breast, etc).  All morphs to make that shape are copied individually.

    sapat said:

    Also the whole box where you have to manually add vendor/product name/character name one at a time seems time consuming. Guess it is what it is, but still.

    For the main batch script, you do not have to add vendor, product, or character name.  It automatically gets that information and transfers it.  So if you just want to transfer characters from character presets, no extra information is required. 

    For the custom character script, once you have a figure in the scene, there is no longer any way to know this info (you could have modified the shape) so it asks.  It will remember your answers so that makes it a little faster.

    sapat said:

    I'm too confused to buy it, and I know I can return it before 30 days, but I just don't know.

    If you have any other questions, please ask.  Have you used any of my other conversion products (clothing converter, hair converter)?  If you have, it works like those, just for characters.

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,519

    Can it create separate head and body dials or does it just create a full character? I rarely use characters as is and would like to be able to dial out the bodies on some characters or dial down the faces or mix with other faces...

    It always copies each morph separately so you can dial out whatever you want.  It creates a character dial so you can dial in all of those morphs together.

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,519

    I picked up Narkissa because I wanted to try converting a character with an unusual HD head morph. I think she came across pretty well even with the HD details missing. 

    @sapat The box has been prefilled every time I used it, but with my username instead of the original vendor. I changed it to the name of the vendor and the actual character just for organizational purposes, but I think you could probably just hit accept since it's for personal use.

    @Wonderland It appears to copy head and body dials over from the character. I didn't do anything special to create these, and they let me dial in the character to G8F figures normally:


    Nice!  That is a pretty extreme head shape!  smiley

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,519

    This was really easy to use.  I wanted to use G8 and Ling Aiko, but she's a G3 Character.  I needed to use this specific outfit for G8.  This is my converted Ling Aiko on G8.  I only had one character have issues with ugly  breaks...V7...and I bought that other product mentioned earlier in the thread to fix that.  I am also super excited that Rune 7, Lilith, and other G3 gals I loved are now available to me in G8 form.    


    I am glad it was easy.  That is a really nice image!

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,519
    GlenWebb said:

    Yeah, no way am I going to uninstall G3. I have Victoria 7 and the majority of her Daz-O sisters converted to G8, but HD morphs cannot be converted. Plus some morphs cannot be moved over, such as all the options for Aarki's Lady Rune for G3. I'm not converting everything to G8 and I have way too much invested in G3 to simply cast it aside. I like having them all, right where they are waiting to be used. ;-)

    This is nothing like what Artini has been sharing with us, but the image here is of my first character I converted with the Scene Converter. She has a full Victoria 4 GenX figure dialed in. While she's pretty basic, and nothing extreme at all, the GenX morph converted perfectly and I've had no problems fitting clothes to her nor any issues with any poses I've tried.

    (whoops!  When I am on a run answering questions, sometimes other posts slip through).

    That looks great @GlenWebb!  Thank you for sharing and helping people who are GenX users.

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,519

    Just convereted Monique 7. I had to change the tolerance to .02 as mentioned in this thread due to some eye issues. I am using all the default materials with the uv package for G3-G8 with the exception for the eyes as there still remains a circle around the cornea. For the eyes using Monique 8 eyes work as well as the other option I tried from Chevybabes natural eyes.

    Monique 7 to 8


    That looks good @shaneseymourstudio.  I am glad the tolerance worked for you.

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,337
    edited August 2019

    To visualize what kind of problems arises, when base character does not use G3F UV set,

    below is converted Ophelia 7 - https://www.daz3d.com/ophelia-7

    with top from https://www.daz3d.com/proxy-outfit-for-genesis-3-and-8-females

    panty from https://www.daz3d.com/joliette-outfit-for-genesis-8-female-s

    and hair from https://www.daz3d.com/calista-tail-hair-for-genesis-3-and-genesis-8-female-s


    1300 x 1200 - 363K
    Post edited by Artini on
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,345
    GlenWebb said:

    Yeah, no way am I going to uninstall G3. I have Victoria 7 and the majority of her Daz-O sisters converted to G8, but HD morphs cannot be converted. Plus some morphs cannot be moved over, such as all the options for Aarki's Lady Rune for G3. I'm not converting everything to G8 and I have way too much invested in G3 to simply cast it aside. I like having them all, right where they are waiting to be used. ;-)

    This is nothing like what Artini has been sharing with us, but the image here is of my first character I converted with the Scene Converter. She has a full Victoria 4 GenX figure dialed in. While she's pretty basic, and nothing extreme at all, the GenX morph converted perfectly and I've had no problems fitting clothes to her nor any issues with any poses I've tried.

    Well that seemed to work well! Incidentally what is that outfit she's wearing, I don;t recognise it at all?

  • sandmanmaxsandmanmax Posts: 992
    edited August 2019

    Is the converter for males coming soon?

    EDIT:  Never mind... I found the answer on page 1.

    Post edited by sandmanmax on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,337
    edited August 2019

    Easy to fix, if one have the proper UV set available. In that case Ophelia 7 for Genesis 8 Female.

    I am glad that RedzStudio and Daz 3D made such UVs available in the store:



    1300 x 1200 - 341K
    Post edited by Artini on
  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,519
    Artini said:

    To visualize what kind of problems arises, when base character does not use G3F UV set,

    below is converted Ophelia 7 - https://www.daz3d.com/ophelia-7

    with top from https://www.daz3d.com/proxy-outfit-for-genesis-3-and-8-females

    panty from https://www.daz3d.com/joliette-outfit-for-genesis-8-female-s

    and hair from https://www.daz3d.com/calista-tail-hair-for-genesis-3-and-genesis-8-female-s



    Artini said:

    Easy to fix, if one have the proper UV set available. In that case Ophelia 7 for Genesis 8 Female.

    I am glad that RedzStudio and Daz 3D made such UVs available in the store:



    Great example and solution!  Thanks @Artini

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,519
    edited August 2019

    Is the converter for males coming soon?

    EDIT:  Never mind... I found the answer on page 1.

    smiley  Yes, it is being worked on.  I am adding in fixes for scale and ignoring tolerance value on Custom Character conversion, overwrite morphs option in Custom Converter dialog, and also allowing conversion of first object when multiple things are loaded (this used to cause that character to be skipped).  These fixes will also be rolled back into the female CC.

    Post edited by RiverSoft Art on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,337

    Is the converter for males coming soon?

    EDIT:  Never mind... I found the answer on page 1.

    smiley  Yes, it is being worked on.  I am adding in fixes for scale and ignoring tolerance value on Custom Character conversion, overwrite morphs option in Custom Converter dialog, and also allowing conversion of first object when multiple things are loaded (this used to cause that character to be skipped).  These fixes will also be rolled back into the female CC.

    Wow. Great to know.


  • MelanieL said:
    GlenWebb said:

    Yeah, no way am I going to uninstall G3. I have Victoria 7 and the majority of her Daz-O sisters converted to G8, but HD morphs cannot be converted. Plus some morphs cannot be moved over, such as all the options for Aarki's Lady Rune for G3. I'm not converting everything to G8 and I have way too much invested in G3 to simply cast it aside. I like having them all, right where they are waiting to be used. ;-)

    This is nothing like what Artini has been sharing with us, but the image here is of my first character I converted with the Scene Converter. She has a full Victoria 4 GenX figure dialed in. While she's pretty basic, and nothing extreme at all, the GenX morph converted perfectly and I've had no problems fitting clothes to her nor any issues with any poses I've tried.

    Well that seemed to work well! Incidentally what is that outfit she's wearing, I don;t recognise it at all?


  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,337
    edited August 2019
    1300 x 1200 - 352K
    Post edited by Artini on
  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,065
    edited August 2019

    Nobody tried something "harder" like Star2 yet? surprise

    Post edited by Imago on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,337
    edited August 2019

    I have tried conversion of https://www.daz3d.com/patty-for-star-2-0 but the result in not that great.

    I have only used the first script so far, but wonder if the second script (scene conversion) would give a better results.

    The first script takes around 20 minutes on average to complete on my computer,

    so it does not encourage me to waste time on problematic conversions.



    Post edited by Artini on
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