Llola Lane's Story Telling Thread... Looking for Writers/Poets!!! Join me if you wish :)



  • TrishTrish Posts: 2,625
    edited December 1969

    very good Saidge!!...Trish

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,221
    edited December 1969

    <--is working on some more renders for stories.. ANYONE can join me... Just post a story AND a matching render... :)</p>

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    if some one has a story but can't do a render let me know
    will try to help .

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,221
    edited December 1969

    bigh said:
    if some one has a story but can't do a render let me know
    will try to help .

    Thanks bigh.. ditto :)
  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,221
    edited July 2014


    Not sure if I still have anyone watching this thread... It's Christmas in July in my house... I still have my Christmas village on my fireplace mantle. I just can't seem to take it down... Thought I'd share a Christmas Tale with you for the occasion.... It's called....

    The Three Kittyteers (PART 1) by Llola Lane

    Once upon a time there were 3 Kittyteer brothers... Don Pedro... Don Carlos... and Don Juan. Don Pedro was the oldest and wisest of the three. He made all the decisions for the group. Don Carlos was the feisty one... He often argued with his big brother about the decisions being made, but in the end... always gave in. Don Juan was loved by all the lady kitties. He broke many a ladies hearts but he was a kind gentle kitty. He just didn't want to settle down just yet!

    The three brothers always stuck together, and they prowled the neighborhood every night keeping it safe from bandits, villains and of course any stray mice that would happen upon them. One night on their rounds Don Pedro heard a crying noise down a long alley. He motioned his brothers to help find the noise. The crying echoed in the streets which made it hard for them to find it, but it soon the crying got louder as they came upon a small kitten under a trash can. Don Juan reached the kitten first and tried to comfort it... but it was Don Pedro who finally got it to stop crying and tell them what was wrong.

    "I can't find my mother" said the little kitten. "Or my family. I am all alone in this scary place."

    "We will help you find your family" said Don Carlos. "We have LOTS of connections" he winked. And with that he dried the kittens' tears with his bandana, and scooped it up in his paws, and off the four of them went to look for the little kittens’ family.

    First they tried their cousin Paco's house which was right down the alley. "No I've not seen any new kitties around lately," he exclaimed. He asked his wife and his 6 children if they had seen anything. Little Miguel mewed that he had seen a pretty black and white kitty with 4 girl kittens earlier that day heading towards the fish market. "That was my mother!" exclaimed the little kitten. "I have four sisters." "I have a friend that works at the fish market," said Don Carlos "Let's check there next."

    Around the corner they went to the fish market. Don Carlos' friend was a big tom cat. No one dared mess with him. He said yes he had seen the family but that was hours ago and they were heading towards the tavern. "My friend Maria works at the tavern," said Don Juan looking down at the little kitten. "She will help us find your family." The tom cat gave them each a piece of fish, and some water and they were on their way in no time.

    The tavern was a very busy and loud place. Don Juan spotted Maria singing on the stage. She saw him and gave a purr as she sang the last notes of her song. "I'll go ask her if she's seen your family," he said to the little kitten as he headed back stage. Maria slithered up to him and rubbed her nose in his face giving him a big wet kiss. "Long time no see Don Juan," she purred. "To what do I owe this visit?" Don Juan gulped..."My brothers and I are looking for a Black and White cat with 4 kittens. They were last spotted here. Have you seen them?" She looked at him and told him she had seen them about an hour ago looking through the trash. They may still be there... she had to sing and didn't see where they went. He gave her a quick thank you and a kiss and went off to tell the others what she had said.

    The four went around back of the tavern and found the trash cans standing alone in the darkly lit alley. There were scraps of food scattered about but no family in sight. The little kitten sighed..."We will NEVER find my family!" "We won't tonight," said Don Pedro... "It is getting late and starting to snow. We need to find you a place for the night." Don Carlos wanted to bring the kitten home, but since they did not have room for the kitten in their house, Don Pedro decided the best place for the kitten was at the Kitten Orphanage.

    A VERY sleepy head mistress answered the door. They could tell she was NOT very happy at being dragged from her bed. Don Pedro quickly explained how they had found the kitten, and how they did not have room for it at their house, and with some coaxing the head mistress finally gave in, and agreed to let the kitten spend the night. She made them PROMISE to pick the kitten up first thing in the morning. "We don't have enough food to feed the mouths we have already," said the head mistress as she shoved the kitten through the doorway. "We will see you first thing in the morning," Don Juan promised and away he went, leading the way home.


    I will post Part 2 when I complete another render for it... if you can't wait.. here's a link to read it for yourself... ENJOY!!!

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    Post edited by Llola Lane on
  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    o no - three black cats just past me path

  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    edited December 1969

    Lovely story llola.

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,221
    edited December 1969

    bigh said:
    o no - three black cats just past me path

    it's ok.. bigh.. they are friendly :)

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    the apple tree

    a man was walking in the woods one day .
    when it saw a bird in a apple tree .
    it was setting by a apple that was different from the rest .

    he went over as the bird flew off.
    he picked it and through it was the most wonderful apple he had ever tasted .
    he wonder if he could grow a tree that would produce more .
    so he cut the limb off and planted it in his yard .

    he water and hoped for the best .

    a year went by nothing .
    another year and nothing .
    so he forgot about the tree .

    after so time he happen to be working in the yard and saw the bird again .

    so he went over and darn the tree had 5 apple on it .
    so he bit one - just like he remember .

    so he took the others and mail them to people around the world .
    asking them to plant a seed from the apple and see if it would make the same tasting apple .

    ( this is from a dream I had , there is more )

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  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,221
    edited December 1969

    WOW bigh... You have vivid dreams... it reminds me of the story of Johnny Appleseed... but with a little twist... WELL DONE!
    p.s... If you want to add more story... just make another render to go with it. :)
    I still have some part 2's to add.. but I've not had a chance to make renders to go with them... But i'll get around to it one of these days :)
    THANK YOU for sharing your story :)

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    llolalane said:
    WOW bigh... You have vivid dreams... it reminds me of the story of Johnny Appleseed... but with a little twist... WELL DONE!
    p.s... If you want to add more story... just make another render to go with it. :)
    I still have some part 2's to add.. but I've not had a chance to make renders to go with them... But i'll get around to it one of these days :)
    THANK YOU for sharing your story :)

    thank you - got lucky with the render , had just what I needed in DS

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,221
    edited December 1969

    bigh said:
    llolalane said:
    WOW bigh... You have vivid dreams... it reminds me of the story of Johnny Appleseed... but with a little twist... WELL DONE!
    p.s... If you want to add more story... just make another render to go with it. :)
    I still have some part 2's to add.. but I've not had a chance to make renders to go with them... But i'll get around to it one of these days :)
    THANK YOU for sharing your story :)

    thank you - got lucky with the render , had just what I needed in DS

    PERFECT! ;)

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,221
    edited December 1969

    Here's a Christmas Story for anyone who wants to read it :)
    HAPPY HOLIDAYS.. MERRY CHRISTMAS.. etc.. etc. Hugzzzzzzzzzzz

    "Family Photo" by Llola Lane

    Papa checked the tripod to make sure it was steady. He wanted the family photo this year to be perfect. None of those "store bought" photo greeting cards from HIS family. He knew how to work a camera. Paying someone was just spending money foolishly. Looking through the camera he peered at his family.

    The children were restless. Junior was tugging at his new hat and Sister was messing with her bow. The only one who was cool, calm and collected was Mama. She looked her Sunday best in her new bright red Christmas hat. She had bought each of them a new hat and she smiled as she looked around at her family.

    The scenery was perfect. The freshly fallen snow made a wonderful blanket under the giant willow tree Papa had found earlier that day. He had scouted all around the village until he found what he thought was the perfect spot. The extra bits of brush and grass added a touch of color against the bright white snow and grayness of the willow. The background coordinated wonderfully with their snowy white bodies. The bright colored hats Mama bought popped a bit of color in an otherwise monochromatic scene.

    "Now smile big for the camera," Papa ordered. "The timer will start beeping faster just before the shutter opens. I will take a few just to make sure we get a good photo. Junior... I will stand between you and Mama. Make room for me please."

    "Yes Papa," Junior muttered under his breath. He was missing his friends and wanted to go play. Sister kept bumping him with her new hat. "Stop fidgeting Sister... you're making dents in my chest!" He growled at her.

    "You're standing too close. Give me more room then," she ordered to her brother.

    Mama was getting tired of their arguing and chimed in... "If you both stand still this will go MUCH faster and Papa will let us ALL go home." She smiled at her husband. She knew he was working as fast as he could.

    "The camera is already... Ok... Family... now... SMIIIIIIILE!!!" He pressed the button and quickly took his place between Mama and Junior. "Beeep... beeep... beeeeeeeeeeep” and the lens opened just as a big drift of snow fell on the family from the tree.

    They were all covered with snow. Their new brightly colored hats were now all white. Everyone shook the snow off as best they could and had a big laugh. They looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh. Papa laughed the loudest when he went to check the camera and saw the photo it had taken. He showed the family and they all roared louder with laughter.

    "OK family... let's try this again... Now that we are all dusted off and clean," said Papa sternly. This was taking way longer than he thought it would. Maybe having a store photo would have been quicker? "Nawwww..." he said to his self..."I'm going to get a great family photo, if it takes me all night!" And with that he set the camera up to take another photograph and quickly stood in his spot.

    "Beeep... beeep... beeeeeeeeeeep" ... check the picture... Junior was moving... "Grrrrrrrr"... "Ok... Family... need to take another. Junior... STOP MOVING. Stand still everyone." Reset the camera... run to his spot...

    "Beeep... beeep... beeeeeeeeeeep" ... whooooooooooooooooooooshhhhhh... The wind blows everyone’s hat off. They are scurrying to grab them in the photograph. Reset the camera... run to his spot... Perspiration is running down his forehead.

    "Beeep... beeep... beeeeeeeeeeep" "Darn... grrrrrrrr"... Reset the camera... run to his spot...

    "Beeep... beeep... beeeeeeeeeeep" ... An hour later Papa FINALLY had a good photo for the family greeting cards. He had taken over 25 photos and now he had his prized family photo.

    As they made their way back home Papa showed everyone the photos he had taken on the camera. They were so funny the family couldn't stop laughing. "We had better quit laughing before we melt," said Sister. But that just made everyone laugh all the harder. "This was a fun day Papa," said Junior, and Mama kissed his forehead. It was nice to have the family together, and forever how long it lasted she now had photos to remember them all by.

    They talked about the saying for the greeting card and everyone agreed to... "FROM OUR FAMILY TO YOURS... HAPPY HOLIDAYS!"

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  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,971
    edited December 1969

    Awwww, cute! :)
    I had an inkling of what was going on, but it was still a nice read :)

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,221
    edited December 1969

    THANK YOU Simon... glad you liked my story (even if there's no kitteh's in it??? lol)

  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    edited December 1969

    That is a wonderful story Llola. I really enjoyed it and made me smile. :cheese:

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,221
    edited December 1969

    THANK YOU Kis.. if it made you smile... MISSION ACCOMPLISHED ;)... Merry Christmas!!!!!

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    That is a wonderful story Llola. I really enjoyed it and made me smile. :cheese:

    I agree - got a chuckle from me ;-)

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,221
    edited December 1969

    bigh said:
    That is a wonderful story Llola. I really enjoyed it and made me smile. :cheese:

    I agree - got a chuckle from me ;-)

    oo THANK YOU Bigh... glad I'm giving out some Christmas smiles... mission accomplished! MEEEEEEEERRRY CHRISTMAS!!!

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,221
    edited December 1969

    Here's a new story for an old render... enjoy!

    "A New Year" by Llola Lane

    As I look at the candle's flame flickering in the window I realize that all too soon the Christmas decorations will be taken down and a new year will begin. My mind is transported back through the past year. A lot has happened in my life and I am grateful for every little adventure and sad for loved ones passed.

    2014 started out horribly. Our cat, Peanut, of 16+ years passed away a few weeks after the clock struck midnight. It was a long sorrowful month and I miss her terribly, but am grateful she doesn't have to suffer any longer.

    This rest of the year was spent going camping... shopping... living my Second Life... writing and working on my 3D Art. I created over 350 pieces of art and won contests in various forums. My writing has slowed down but I try and force myself to get words into my computer. I enjoy my RL writers group and we have vowed to visit each other more often than once a month in the New Year. They are such a happy group and they inspire me.

    In the New Year I have a lot planned. My new year’s resolution list is growing and I am not sure how much I will be able to accomplish. As with all things time changes and we must change with it. In the New Year I want to write more and maybe even publish a picture book with my writings and my 3D art. I have a few pieces of art that are screaming for a story and I must let them out before I bust. My plan is to also make more podcasts of my stories and create some YouTube videos of my artwork.

    I plan on visiting some friends in England... and maybe even Toronto. I know hubby and I will make another trip to Michigan sometime in the New Year and we will camp as much as the weather will allow us to. It will be fun to see if I can get all I have planned done by the end of 2015.

    Now to end 2014 with a wish. I wish for all my family and friends to have a grand new year and, just like me, I wish for you all a new beginning. Start a new adventure... Be a new person... but most of all ENJOY your life!

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  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    Hope your new adventures turn out well .
    Sorry hear about your cat .


  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,221
    edited December 1969

    bigh said:
    Hope your new adventures turn out well .
    Sorry hear about your cat .


    Hi Bigh.. thank you.... I've already crossed off 2 of my New Years resolutions... I was FINALLY able to make a runtime for DAZ... so now I can start giving some free stuff away... and... I FINALLY got the LOOK AT MY HAIR to render on my computer.. YAY... Lots more to do on my list though.. winks... Peanut is in a better place... been almost a year since her passing.. we have her in our back woods in a nice little grave.. so she is close if we want to visit her ;) Have a grand year yourself.... winks

  • BellaBella Posts: 439
    edited December 1969

    Thank you very much for the invite Llola!
    Here is my poem-tale:

    Part 1: A New Hope

    when that planet lost its life it also lost its name,
    but there was no shame
    for the lack of the name
    of that place
    lost in space
    who on Nature put the brakes
    is the mystery that breaks
    every incomer shortly down
    driving everyone unsound
    when that ship lost its route it found that ground.

    She walked for miles
    In the planet that died
    It was all so ruined and lost
    But then happened the most
    Unexpected and weird thing
    When she was going to think
    She was in trouble but
    In a puddle of mud
    She saw while browsing
    A little plant was growing
    That it was so shiny
    Even if so very tiny
    She kneeled
    Like healed
    Was her scared mind
    For what she did find
    And it twice as much
    She wanted to touch

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  • BellaBella Posts: 439
    edited December 1969

    Part 2: After the Touch

    She couldn't linger
    But as her finger
    Touched a little leaf
    With a single breath
    The plant limp became
    And she felt ashamed
    Starting then to wonder
    It wasn't alive any longer

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  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,221
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Bel... great story to add to the thread... Hugzzzzz :)

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,221
    edited December 1969

    ok... ok... I know Christmas is over... but I just HAD to share this with you all... It was entered in the Renderosity Holiday Stocking Contest 2014 - Writer's ... and... it WON first place!!! woo hoot.. I just got my prizes this week and I had to share. ENJOY!

    Here's my story...

    "A Stocking Adventure"

    Once upon a time there was a stocking named Sox. He was a lonely stocking living in a candy store. Sox longed to be adopted and stuffed with presents. It was Christmas Eve and he still hadn't found his family yet. He was the last stocking on the shelf. All his brothers and sisters were long gone to new homes. Even the clerk who priced him had a frown on his face. He marked Sox price down even lower. All day people looked at Sox but no one adopted him.

    As the clerk was turning off the lights of the store to go home he grabbed Sox and stuffed him in his coat pocket. At last Sox had a family. Or so he thought. The wind was howling something fierce outside and as the clerk opened the door to his car, Sox fell to the snow below. The clerk did not notice and got in the car and sped away.

    The wind carried Sox to the curb and then picked him up in the air. Sox soared high in the sky. He passed a family of 4 snow people and waved to them as he flew by. Over a bridge and through the woods he flew, until he landed on a tree branch by a river. Surely someone would find him lying there and take him home? It was his wish, to be with a family and filled to the brim with stuffers by Christmas.

    As he lay on the branch, swaying with the wing, he saw a bus shelter. A bus came and a bunch of people got off. An elderly lady pushing a cart walked by the bush he was in and saw him hanging there. She grabbed Sox and put him in her cart. Was she going to be his new family?

    Sox tried to hang on as the woman tugged and pulled her cart along, but the snow was deep and the frail old woman couldn't keep the cart from falling. Sox fell out the back and was stomped on by a gentleman that helped her with the cart. She left him there under the man's foot and was out of sight in a few moments. Sox was so sad. Would he EVER find a home before Christmas?

    The man stood up and walked away leaving Sox hidden on the ground under the snow. He didn't know how long he lay there but soon Sox heard a noise. Something was digging at his felt. It was a dog! "Stop that," Sox thought. "You will ruin my fabric." And as if the dog heard him, it stopped. A little boy came rushing to the dog. "What'dja find boy?" He picked up Sox and shook off the excess snow and ran to his father yelling... "Look what I found dad!" His father laid Sox in the car, by the heater vent, to dry off.

    In the car Sox was safe and warm. The dog quit sniffing him and soon he was dry again. Through the crystals on the windows he watched as the car passed fenced yards of snow. Some animals were by the fences too. Mostly birds and squirrels but every now and then he could spot smaller animals like chipmunks and mice.

    His heart beat faster as his new home came in to view. It was a splendid house and looked nice and homey. All decked out for Christmas and a fresh new snow covered the house like a blanket. A reindeer greeted him as he was carried up the path, and a big red bow hung on the door.

    Inside the house was a grand Christmas tree. It had an angel on top with big feathery wings. The house sparkled with the holiday. Over the fireplace mantle hung a wreath with a pretty clown sitting on its stems. Little lights twinkled all around it and a bright red bow hung on top of the wreath. Sox new his place would be on the mantle but first he had to be stuffed with goodies from a candy store and maybe even some tiny toys.

    He looked around the room. This family really liked angels for he found another sitting on a wreath with lights, on the table. A little reindeer and Santa salt and pepper shaker set also decorated the table along with Christmas crackers and food. There was food of all kinds but Sox's eyes rested on the best food of all… a snowman pastry puff. Yum.... He hadn't realized how hungry he was. He needed to be stuffed... and soon.

    He didn't have to wait long. Within a few short moments he was stuffed to the brim with all sorts of goodies. He was so happy he thought he would burst with joy. The family lowered the lights, lite some candles, and started singing Christmas carols. At long last Sox was carried to his rightful spot, and hung on a nail, on the mantle. This was the best Christmas he could ask for. It was a long time getting here but he finally had the home he had always wished for. He could not ask for anything more.

    872 words with title. ENJOY!

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  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    should have gone home with the old lady :-)
    hope you got some cool prizes !

  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    edited December 1969

    Congratulations Llola on your win. That was a wonderful story.

    Thank you for sharing. :lol:

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,221
    edited December 1969

    Thank you Bigh and Kis... got a Wacom pen tablet... a Moleskine notebook... and 50bucks to use at Amazon... Not figured out what I want yet... lol. I'm thinking about an ice cream maker for my Kitchenaid mixer... hummmm... yummo. LOL

  • reserv888reserv888 Posts: 1,140
    edited December 1969

    I can't understand why I haven't joined this thread earlier. Anyway, here is a small contribution. It's an image and story I made a while back but I believe it fits the concept of this thread.


    Kneeling knight: LEGEND

    The great Norse warrior woman Tekla was never defeated in battle. For many years it was a thorn in the flesh of the proud northern warriors that the bravest and most skilled of them all was a woman. Not only did they yearn for to finally defeat her, dethrone her, but they also sought for her axe - The Conqueror - the finest weapon in all of the northern region.

    Finally a man defeated and killed her, not in battle, not eye to eye, but through poisoning her food. When she sank to the floor, coughing blood and realizing what happened, she said one last sentence before she died: "No man shall ever wear my axe".

    The man who poisoned her, exalted by his success, grabbed the axe, held it triumphantly over his head, and dropped to the floor. Stone dead.

    Suddenly Teklas last words got a meaning and no one dared for a very long time to claim the axe.

    Teklas body was placed in a crypt and like an homage from the gods, her body never withered, never decayed. Over the years the crypt received many knights and warriors who wanted to pay tribute to the one of fiercest warriors that ever tread the world.

    Occasionally some brave hero was convinced he was the right one to carry the axe. They all fell to the ground suffering the same fate as the man who poisoned Tekla.

    One day a female knight, Maxine, entered the crypt. She had travelled far just to honour the great warrior. She lit candles around the stone slab, kneeled and started to pray and meditate.

    Then something odd and strange happened according to Maxine. From the dead body of Tekla, an apparition took form. The ghost like shape rose from the bed of stone, stood up in front of the kneeling knight, took the famous axe and handed the axe over to Maxine.
    - You are worthy..., said the ghost.

    An instant later she was gone. And on the stone slab rested now the withered remains of a warrior woman who had more songs made for her than any man.

    This was the ending of one legend, and the beginning of another, the one about the Great Knight Maxine.


    I am also adding a book cover I made for fun, using this image.

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