Llola Lane's Story Telling Thread... Looking for Writers/Poets!!! Join me if you wish :)



  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,448
    Ivy said:

    Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer

    Grandma got run over by a reindeer,
    Walking home from our house Christmas Eve,
    You can say there's no such thing as Santa,
    But as for me and Grampa, we believe

    She'd been drinkin too much egg-nog,
    And we'd begged her not to go,
    But she'd forgot her medication
    And she staggered out the door into the snow

    When we found her Christmas morning,
    At the scene of the attack,
    She had hoof prints on her forehead,
    And incriminating Claus marks on her back

    Grandma got run over by a reindeer,
    Walking home from our house Christmas Eve,
    You can say there's no such thing as Santa,
    But as for me and Grampa, we believe

    Now we're all so proud of Grampa,
    He's been taking this so well,
    See him in there watchin football,
    Drinkin' beer and playing cards with cousin Mel

    By Elmo & Patsy - Offcial Music Video Here.

    Rendred with Daz Studio Iray

    Poor grandma... I just love this song.. it's a great Christmas tradition.. Thank you for reminding how funny it is... and the render is.. PERFECT!  Great expression on the reindeer's face... LOL... Merry Christmas... ho ho hooooooooooooo!!!

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147

    Pretty baby - must have

    where's my baby she cried

    Where did he go

    Must hide - no take from me

    I can taste him - smell him

    Take nap with pretty baby - after warm milk

    He has to be here - but where - so many trees

    Shark comes - must wake up - coming for me

    He's here - sleeping - bad dreams

    House think of old house - no shark

    His house was here - must feel him better - there

    I must wake up - some one is close

    Yes there it is - must move the tree stump

    Shark is closing - wait whats that noise

    Good the baby is safe - now for him

    Shark attack - down I go

    Shot will put him out for good

    Where's my baby she cried

    Here safe and sound






    000 0 1 pretty bady.jpg
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  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,448
    bigh said:

    Where's my baby she cried

    Here safe and sound.

    WHEW... Bigh... Glad the baby is safe and sound ;)  Thank you for adding your story to this thread ;)  

  • reserv888reserv888 Posts: 1,150
    edited March 2016

    Magic attic

    Not really sure this one counts as a "story" since it's very short, but anyway here its.

    Sarah's grandmother had always been seen as a bit peculiar, some would say strange, but had also always been the one to go to when big decisions were about to be made. Her wisdom and way of viewing the world had always been, a bit different. She always had a suggestion to every problem. Not in the expected way, but  her solutions came from a different angle, and usually turned out very well, if followed.

    Now she had died. The relatives knew she had some wealth and in her will she  distributed it fairly to everyone. The only one who were left out was Sarah. Everyone found that odd, knowing how close Sarah was to her grandmother. The only thing Sarah got was, "everything that is in the attic". Which was just a lot of junk. Or so everyone thought.

    Sarah went to the attic and when checking around she found out two things. First: her grandmother had been more peculiar than they knew. A lot more... And secondly: the real wealth was stored in the attic. Sarah watched flabbergasted the strange things hidden at her grandmothers attic.

    And the same instant a magic heritage was transferred, from grandmother to granddaughter.


    Magic attic.jpg
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  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,448

    OOo great story Reserve.. it's perfect..and the render is wonderful... Love the glow!  Thank you for sharing :)


  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723

    OOo great story Reserve.. it's perfect..and the render is wonderful... Love the glow!  Thank you for sharing :)


    Wow! Totally agreed! I love it! That render is really nice!

  • reserv888reserv888 Posts: 1,150

    Thanks a lot Llola Lane and Dartanbeck for your kind words!smiley

  • isidornisidorn Posts: 1,601
    edited May 2016

    Post moved to the proper thread.

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  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,448
    isidorn said:


    (A rough translation of the song "Till dom ensamma" by swedish singer and songwriter Mauro Scocco. I apologise for any incorrect english)

    What a lovely song Isidorn and your render is perfect :).... Just as a note though... this thread is for stories/songs we've written ourselves.  Our own original stories.  I know it gets confusing with the language barrier.  You did all that work so let's just keep it here :)  But next time please.. your own original story.
      Thank you for sharing!

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,448


    If you think it would be used... I can start another thread with song renders from other artists???  What do you think???  It might be quite fun.  I have a few ideas myself.  Wha'cha think.. shall I????

  • isidornisidorn Posts: 1,601
    isidorn said:


    (A rough translation of the song "Till dom ensamma" by swedish singer and songwriter Mauro Scocco. I apologise for any incorrect english)

    What a lovely song Isidorn and your render is perfect :).... Just as a note though... this thread is for stories/songs we've written ourselves.  Our own original stories.  I know it gets confusing with the language barrier.  You did all that work so let's just keep it here :)  But next time please.. your own original story.
      Thank you for sharing!

    Yes, sorry about that. blush I figured this was for original stories but seeing the reindeer song above I thought it might be ok to also quote a song and as I've for a long time have thought about doing a render inspired by this song I gave it a try.

    A thread for song renders sounds great. The first New User Contest I participated in last year had that theme and it was lots of fun. And songs are easy to get inspired by.yes

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,448
    edited April 2016

    "Spring is in the Air" by Llola Lane

    There's a little spring in my step this morning.  The sun is shining.  The birds are chirping.  The flowers are in bloom.  It must be spring... right?  Then why is it snowing? 

    Looking out the window, I watch as giant snowflakes land on my pretty yellow daffodils.  The weight of the snow is making them bow, as in a grand performance, their blossoms ever creeping closer to the ground. 

    I've seen this happen many times before.  In Ohio the weather is unpredictable sometimes.  Mother Nature has her own way of doing things and some plants will survive this latest snowstorm and others will die.  Last year I lost a tree to Mother Nature’s springtime wraith.  All I can hope is that this year the trees will be stronger and heartier.  So far the snow has not burned the tiny fragile leaves now appearing on the trees in the distance.  Shades of red and green fill the horizon.  It is a welcoming sight after the snow and darkness of this past winter.

    The sun too is now starting to peek out from the clouds more often.  Gentle rains will be here soon to assist in the sprouting of some of my favorite flowers.  The snow won't last long on the ground if the sun’s rays have anything to say about it.  I really can't complain.  The snow will melt and water the ground, and in turn more plants will grow healthy and strong. 

    As I stare at the flakes my eyes follow them from the sky to the ground.  They land on tiny crocus blossoms.  One flower I don't have to worry about being hearty.  It takes a lot to burn a crocus.  One winter I was shoveling snow along the porch steps.  My shovel lifted a fresh crocus root from the ground.  It was buried over a foot deep in snow and still survived.  I ended up replanting it back in the ground and piled some snow around it and that spring I witnessed a beautiful sight when she bloomed bright yellow.

    Signs of spring are all around me.  Winter will soon give way to April showers and bring forth my beloved May flowers.  I am tempted to venture outside to enjoy the smells of spring too.  But for now... til the snow melts... I'll just watch spring approach from the comfort of my livingroom window.

    404 words

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    Post edited by Llola Lane on
  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,448
    isidorn said:
    isidorn said:


    (A rough translation of the song "Till dom ensamma" by swedish singer and songwriter Mauro Scocco. I apologise for any incorrect english)

    What a lovely song Isidorn and your render is perfect :).... Just as a note though... this thread is for stories/songs we've written ourselves.  Our own original stories.  I know it gets confusing with the language barrier.  You did all that work so let's just keep it here :)  But next time please.. your own original story.
      Thank you for sharing!

    Yes, sorry about that. blush I figured this was for original stories but seeing the reindeer song above I thought it might be ok to also quote a song and as I've for a long time have thought about doing a render inspired by this song I gave it a try.

    A thread for song renders sounds great. The first New User Contest I participated in last year had that theme and it was lots of fun. And songs are easy to get inspired by.yes

    Sounds like a plan Isidorn... sorry not written sooner... Hubby gave me his flu! 

    Anyway.. Look for the new thread shortly... Hugzzzzzzzz


  • isidornisidorn Posts: 1,601

    No worries Llola. I read about your flu in your other thread, and the flu can zap the strenght and energy out of anyone.

    And I have to say that was a very nice little piece about the spring!yes It reminds me of the weather here where I live. I've never seen such a nice flower here as in your render though!

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,448
    isidorn said:

    No worries Llola. I read about your flu in your other thread, and the flu can zap the strenght and energy out of anyone.

    And I have to say that was a very nice little piece about the spring!yes It reminds me of the weather here where I live. I've never seen such a nice flower here as in your render though!

    Thank you kindly Isidorn... I can't wait for all the snow to stop... (fingers crossed).... Should be just about over.  Been sunny the last few days.. April Showers due today though... and... thank goodness I'm on the mend!!!  yay!!!

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,448
    edited May 2016

    This was written/rendered for this months Grafton Writers Bunch... We had our meeting last night.  The theme was.... write a spooky story but... only the beginning.  I'll probably finish it for Halloween.. we shall see. ;)

    "Things that go BUMP in the Night!" by Llola Lane

    As I sit here in this dark room with the only light from my computer screen to see by, I can hear noises all around the house.  The typing of my fingers on the keyboard.  The squeak of my chair as I move.  The drip of the faucet in the bathroom sink.  The running of the toilet.  The furnace blowing heat into the room.  Those are familiar noises... But... If I listen really hard there are OTHER noises that I have no idea WHAT they are. 

    A healthy imagination can play tricks on you if you are not careful.  If this were a scarey movie, someone would be jumping out at me from the darkness behind me.  If I let my mind wander I could scare myself to death imagining all sorts of eerie things in the darkness.

    I am alone tonight.  Hubby is away on a business trip.  It's just me, the cats and my computer.  He called me earlier to tell me his trip would be taking a little longer than he expected so he will be gone for a few more days.  I wished him well, told him I loved him, and gave him a pretend kiss over the phone. 

    "... a little longer.... gone for a few more days..."  The words ring in my ear as I sit in the darkness.  I become uneasy and get up and turn on a few more lights in the room.  Somehow that is more comforting.  I walk to the livingroom and check that the front door is locked.  It is.. whew.  Is that a shadow I see in the yard??? I shrug it off... It's just my imagination again... getting the better of me.  I tell myself it's just the shadow of the trees in the yard and go back to my computer.

    Did I hear the floor creak?  "meow" I hear behind me.  It's just Coconut wanting some lovin`.  I let her come sit with me on the desk.  She likes to curl up in my arms as I type.  Another creak... This time it's Kittie.  Soon Peanut will follow and I will have the whole family with me, except of course hubby.  I breathe a sigh of relief as I turn back to my computer screen.  Coconut settles in my arms and we are calmed by the familiar sounds of the little bumps in the night.

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  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672

    Wow what a great render and story Lola. I might just be posting something in the very near future.

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,448

    Wow what a great render and story Lola. I might just be posting something in the very near future.

    Thank you Saphire... Please do post your story... it's just screaming to be heard here at my Writers thread! ;) 

    <--- (Sits back and waits)

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,448

    Here's a reminder of the goal of this thread.. EVERYONE is welcome to add their story....


    Anyone interested on joining me for a writing thread??? I posted a 3D render and a 1,000 word or less PGish story/poem inspired by the render. I do something similar in Second Life... http://ozlandbard.blogspot.com/  It's really a fun thing to do... I love writing... Do I have any takers???

    Here is the idea/rules.....

    ANY 3D rendering program can be used... There is NO time limit.... submit when you get YOUR story finished. :)

    Your story/poem must be no longer than 1,000ish words.... Let's keep it PGish please... If you want a longer story.. you MUST add another picture in the series with a still no longer than 1,000ish word story. That should keep the thread looking great with renders and not too long for anyone to read. Hope this all makes sense.. If you have any questions.. you can PM me... Stories can be ANY genre... This is JUST FOR FUN... I don't want to discourage anyone... ALL are welcome to participate. Now.. let's have fun!!! (commences writing)

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,448

    ok gang.. as requested... I've started another thread... for MUSIC/SONG/STORY/POEM... and they don't have to be new renders... So did deep and post your art here.... http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/88161/llola-lane-s-song-music-story-inspired-render-thread-join-me-if-you-wish

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147

    I speak
    But do you hear me
    I am here
    Not there
    I am talking
    Did you go
    Will you read this
    I think not
    I wonder why I write
    Its the great think
    O ver there
    Thats the place to go

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,448
    bigh said:

    I speak
    But do you hear me
    I am here
    Not there
    I am talking
    Did you go
    Will you read this
    I think not
    I wonder why I write
    Its the great think
    O ver there
    Thats the place to go


    thank you kindly Bigh... I've got my happy face on :)

  • VueiyVueiy Posts: 554
    edited August 2016

    As requested by Llola Lane, here's my entry to the August 2016 Render Challenge - Photos From the Attic:

    "Young And Foolish"

    "We couldn't be bothered then with things like 'right' and 'wrong,' only what felt good in the moment.  After all, we'd been snatched away from our homes as children, subjected to unspeakable experiments at the hands of apathetic scientists who saw us as nothing but lab rats, guinea pigs.  We were tenacious, endured all their torture, but by the time we came out of cryo as sucesses, everything we'd ever loved was long gone.  Why put down roots when the ground around you would give way?  Eat, drink, and be merry, right?

    "But what do you do when that's not enough?

    "Mara was the first to leave.  She got tired of hanging around with two lifetime bachelors who refused to stay in one place for more than a year.  Can't blame her, really.  We were restless, dissatisfied and discomfited with the hand life had dealt us, so we scattered all the cards and made up our own game.  We'd drop by to see her now and again, and although her career choice was less than...average, she seemed to have herself together...and I was jealous.  I started to think that maybe it was time to settle down, but Alvar had other ideas.

    "More heists, more hits, more late nights, more, more, more, it was never enough for him, and he wouldn't hear a word of dissent.  I thought I could keep pushing, pressuring him to stop 'cuz we were blood brothers, had sworn to stick together like family since we had none left, but one day I pushed him over the edge.  We fought, he left, and when I finally saw him decades later...we made up only to become enemies again.  I never thought...I'd have to take his life with my own hands.

    "So here I sit, weeping in my attic from the hole in my heart, wishing I could return for just one day...to the time we were young and foolish."

    "Young and Foolish"

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,448

    oooo Thank you  Vueiy .... Awesome story... I can't wait for the book to come out ... (winks)


  • isidornisidorn Posts: 1,601
    edited September 2016

    On a small hill in the outskirts of the city stood an old school house. An ownership dispute had left the building abandoned and neglected for years and had effectively put a stop to any attempts to tear the building down. The old school was haunted and cursed they said. Even so, it had become a sanctuary for homeless and other unwanted elements of the city. The Law left them alone there, as they found it convenient to have them in one place where they didn't bother any others. But then the dead bodies started to be found in and around the old school house. At first, the Law didn't put much effort, if any at all, in investigating. The bodies were those of the homeless and crack heads that populated the place and even though they all were burned to various degrees, the Law assumed it was just turf rivalry thinning out the competition for the best spots at the place. And in their opinion, a dead bum was a good bum so they let the place be. The deaths continued, but became fewer over time as most of the previous occupants started seeking other night shelters and after a couple of years it was abandoned by all but one old homeless man. No more dead bodies and no one ever payed it any more attention. Especially not the Law. 

    This changed however, when one morning the dead, burned bodies of three high school students were found in the main corridor of the old school. They had gone there on a dare to spend the night at the haunted old school and when they hadn't returned the next morning, their friends had gone looking for them. The Law put in every resource they had on the case, but could never find anyone responsible. As the building still couldn't be torn down, the area was thoroughly sealed off to prevent any more unfortunate "accidents".

    Years have gone now, and while there has been no more dead bodies found at the old school, rumours still persist about strange pink lightning occasionally being seen there at night. But I think it's time to reveal this mystery once and for all now, so I pack my adventuring gear and head out to the old school. It takes a while before I find a hole in the wooden fence and barbed wire, big enough for me to get through. It looked pretty obvious it was used by someone on a regular basis and it didn't take long before I found out by whom.

    "Stay away"

    I heard a voice whispering at me. I turned my flashlight in the direction of the voice, and found an old man in rags peering at me.

    "Go away!" he repeated. "You shouldn't be here" he continued to whisper.

    "Oh? Why not?" I asked, and the old man put a finger over his mouth and shushed. I looked at him and he spoke again, this time with a deep, but clear voice, that took me by surprise.

    "You don't want to upset the Pink Lady. Bad things, and lightning, happens when you upset the Pink Lady."

    With that, he scurried off into the darkness and I was left alone outside the dark and silent old building. "Pink Lady", eh? I thought to myself. Well, that doesn't sound too scary. Looking at the building, I found that I stood in front of the main entrance. One of the doors stood open so I entered without further ado. Once inside, I found myself standing in the main corridor, where the dead school kids had been found. Barely had that thought gone through my mind when the door behind me slammed shut! I quickly turned around but couldn't see anyone there. Just the closed doors.

    Then I heard a high pitched hysterical laughter behind me and with a crackling sound the corridor started to light up in a pink light. Slowly I turned around, and the old man's words went through my head again.

    "You don't want to upset the Pink Lady. Bad things, and lightning, happens when you upset the Pink Lady."


    Post edited by isidorn on
  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,448
    isidorn said:

    On a small hill in the outskirts of the city stood an old school house. An ownership dispute had left the building abandoned and neglected for years and had effectively put a stop to any attempts to tear the building down. The old school was haunted and cursed they said. Even so, it had become a sanctuary for homeless and other unwanted elements of the city. The Law left them alone there, as they found it convenient to have them in one place where they didn't bother any others. But then the dead bodies started to be found in and around the old school house. At first, the Law didn't put much effort, if any at all, in investigating. The bodies were those of the homeless and crack heads that populated the place and even though they all were burned to various degrees, the Law assumed it was just turf rivalry thinning out the competition for the best spots at the place. And in their opinion, a dead bum was a good bum so they let the place be. The deaths continued, but became fewer over time as most of the previous occupants started seeking other night shelters and after a couple of years it was abandoned by all but one old homeless man. No more dead bodies and no one ever payed it any more attention. Especially not the Law. 

    This changed however, when one morning the dead, burned bodies of three high school students were found in the main corridor of the old school. They had gone there on a dare to spend the night at the haunted old school and when they hadn't returned the next morning, their friends had gone looking for them. The Law put in every resource they had on the case, but could never find anyone responsible. As the building still couldn't be torn down, the area was thoroughly sealed off to prevent any more unfortunate "accidents".

    Years have gone now, and while there has been no more dead bodies found at the old school, rumours still persist about strange pink lightning occasionally being seen there at night. But I think it's time to reveal this mystery once and for all now, so I pack my adventuring gear and head out to the old school. It takes a while before I find a hole in the wooden fence and barbed wire, big enough for me to get through. It looked pretty obvious it was used by someone on a regular basis and it didn't take long before I found out by whom.

    "Stay away"

    I heard a voice whispering at me. I turned my flashlight in the direction of the voice, and found an old man in rags peering at me.

    "Go away!" he repeated. "You shouldn't be here" he continued to whisper.

    "Oh? Why not?" I asked, and the old man put a finger over his mouth and shushed. I looked at him and he spoke again, this time with a deep, but clear voice, that took me by surprise.

    "You don't want to upset the Pink Lady. Bad things, and lightning, happens when you upset the Pink Lady."

    With that, he scurried off into the darkness and I was left alone outside the dark and silent old building. "Pink Lady", eh? I thought to myself. Well, that doesn't sound too scary. Looking at the building, I found that I stood in front of the main entrance. One of the doors stood open so I entered without further ado. Once inside, I found myself standing in the main corridor, where the dead school kids had been found. Barely had that thought gone through my mind when the door behind me slammed shut! I quickly turned around but couldn't see anyone there. Just the closed doors.

    Then I heard a high pitched hysterical laughter behind me and with a crackling sound the corridor started to light up in a pink light. Slowly I turned around, and the old man's words went through my head again.

    "You don't want to upset the Pink Lady. Bad things, and lightning, happens when you upset the Pink Lady."


    eeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppppppppppppppp (turns and runs the other way... too late)  hot hot hotttttttttttttttt

    Awesome story for Halloween Isidorn... wow... spooky... I'm shakin' in my chair!  :)  Thanks for sharing... boo!

  • isidornisidorn Posts: 1,601

    Thanks Llola! Your comment made my day! smiley

  • deeleelaw57deeleelaw57 Posts: 1,478
    edited October 2016

    My Doctor’s Advice

    My doctor asked me to tell him what foods I eat
    Tell me the good, the bad, fatty, salty and sweet

    He will tell me what’s bad I have no doubt
    List them all he said leave nothing out

    Fried Chicken from ol Kentuck the best I had
    My doctor replied, you do know that’s bad

    Burger and fries from the B King lad
    My doctor replied, you do know that’s bad

    A slice of chocolate pie makes me feel glad
    My doctor replied, you do know that’s bad

    Pasta must have cheese sauce or I’ll be sad
    My doctor replied, you do know that’s bad

    Meats wheat and treats the list was not drab
    My doctor replied, you do know that’s bad

    HA! I like broccoli I yelled my face red and mad
    My doctor replied, to much green could be bad

    He gave me a menu of things I could eat
    Nothing good here, nothing fatty, salty or sweet

    Fruit Veggies and fish, this is what was on his list
    I shouted, Bland starvation, I’m in heavenly bliss

    You do know that was sarcastic you nasty old cad
    My doctor replied, you do know name calling is bad

    My Doctor iray.jpg
    900 x 675 - 469K
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  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147

    good one smiley

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,448

    Hi Gang.. not sure if anyone is still watching this thread... I'm still about... but... November is National Novel Writers Month (NaNoWriMo) and I've signed up to write a novel in a month!  whew... Feel free to keep adding your ORIGINAL stories and artwork here.. I'll check in now and then... Be well.. Hugzzzzzzz

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