Llola Lane's Story Telling Thread... Looking for Writers/Poets!!! Join me if you wish :)



  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,221
    mori_mann said:

    Not sure this counts, so I'll link.

    It's a part of the long, chaoatic story that's mostly in my head, but that I do write pieces down from occasionally. The render is new.


    Go ahead and post it Mori.. the story is only 689 words... :)  Don't forget the render too... ;)  Thanks for sharing it!

  • mori_mannmori_mann Posts: 1,152
    edited August 2015

    Allright, there you go :)


    The End

    He’d never thought he could make it down as fast as he did. Driven by fear of what he’d find and yet with a desperate spark of hope he hurried to where the two terribly still forms lay on the muddy ground. The panther’s broken body partly covered by Amber, whose golden eyes stared up at the sky. Empty, cold.

    Something shattered inside him. He wanted to scream, to break something, to tear something apart, shred it until there was nothing left but dust. But he didn’t. He stood there, fists clenched tightly at his sides, his nails cutting into his palms until they bled. He held his breath, waiting for his eyes and throat to stop burning with tears he would never let out. “Crying is for babies. You are not a baby anymore,” his mother’s voice echoed through his head, his first and clearest memory of her. Over the years, he had learned that it wasn’t true, but he had always lived by that rule. Even now.

    Minutes, maybe hours passed. The ranger didn’t move until he heard the sound of flapping wings. When he opened his eyes, he saw a crow sitting on Amber’s chest, its beady eyes carefully examining her face, as if the animal wanted to make sure that she was really dead.

    “Get away from her!” Jerutha growled. There was no power in his voice, but it was enough. The bird flew up, only to land a few feet away. The ranger ignored the animal’s hungry looks. He knelt down beside the bodies of the two closest friends he had ever had. His loyal animal companion.. Yes, she was old. Too old. He gently stroked the once so thick and shiny black fur of her head. It was now gray and rough, thinning. He could feel bones where once muscles had been. Oh Ah’sh.. Why didn’t I see it? But there was no answer. Not this time. Not ever again. The part of his mind where he had felt her presence for many long years was now empty. Except for a burning red dot of pain that flared up when he poked at it with his thoughts.

    Reluctantly he allowed his eyes to move to Amber. His Amber. He brushed a golden curl out of her face and ran his fingers over her cheek, something he must have done a million times before. But this time, she didn’t smile, nor did she look at him with that sad, serious expression he knew so well. She just stared up at the sky. Carefully, he pushed her eyes shut. “Amber.. My love,” he whispered. He took another breath, but no more words came.

    Everything was gone.


    He stayed with them until the day faded into twilight. Numb, dazed. Constantly tying to push the pain away. There will be time for that later, he lied to himself. In the gathering dark, he tried to decide what to do. He could not leave them here for the crows and other scavengers. There was no way he could take them both with him. He wondered desperately if it was possible to get them back. He had heard of clerics raising people from the dead.. People, not animals. He shook his head, Ah’sh had been old, her body worn and failing, no longer able to hunt for herself. She had lived longer than any panther on its own would have. He came to a painful decision. He would take Amber home. But he could not just leave his loyal animal companion here to rot or turn into carrion. It was nature’s way, but he could not bear the thought. She deserved better than that. The soil here was too thin and too full of rocks to allow him to dig a proper grave, even with the right tools, which he did not have. In the end, he managed to gather a pile of reasonably dry wood, large enough to put the panther’s body on.

    He convinced himself it was the smoke that caused his eyes to water as he walked away, holding Amber in his arms.



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    Post edited by mori_mann on
  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,221

    Thank you kindly Mori... such a moving story and your words are magic :)  Thank you for sharing. 

  • reserv888reserv888 Posts: 1,140

    Girl on the train

    It was a beautiful morning that brightened even more when he noticed her on the platform. She was the prettiest girl he had ever seen.

    When his train arrived, she entered as well. Her seat was just a few meters from his. He couldn't help but watching her pretty face as she sat and read a book. He tried to be discreet. At least she didn't notice.

    After a while she changed the angle of the book. A jolt went through his heart. It was his favourite! That must be a sign. It had to be.

    He wanted to talk to her. But how? Just walk to her table and say "Hi, you are a pretty girl and you are reading my favourite book. I think we are meant for each other"? That didn't sound creepy at all... He tried, station after station, to find a good line. Just to start the conversation.

    His palms got all sweaty. But he had to do it. And finally. He stood up. Walked the few paces to her seat and opened his mouth. She was even more beautiful this close.

    The line he had prepared was ready on the tip of his tongue. He just needed to clear his throat to get her attention. But nothing happened. He wasn't able to make a sound. All the built up courage vanished, drained away. He stood there, and looked down upon the reading girl. Then he returned to his seat. Silent.

    A while later she arrived at her destination.

    He never saw her again.

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  • Mage 13X13Mage 13X13 Posts: 433

    reserv888 I have been in that same situation! When the lady is beautiful beyond compare, we cannot seem to find our tongues! And in a lot of cases it is these really pretty girls that cannot get a date because guys think "She must have a boyfriend!"

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,221

    Oh my.. WOW reserv888... WONDERFUL story... Thank you for sharing it. 

    I feel sorry for the guy... he reminds me of Rajesh Koothrappali from the Big Bang Theory TV show... Maybe he just needed to order a drink... alcohol works for Raj... lol

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,221

    reserv888 I have been in that same situation! When the lady is beautiful beyond compare, we cannot seem to find our tongues! And in a lot of cases it is these really pretty girls that cannot get a date because guys think "She must have a boyfriend!"

    Same thing with the other way around too Mage... Handsome men make me all flustered...  Specially ones with an accent!

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147

    reserv888 I have been in that same situation! When the lady is beautiful beyond compare, we cannot seem to find our tongues! And in a lot of cases it is these really pretty girls that cannot get a date because guys think "She must have a boyfriend!"

    Same thing with the other way around too Mage... Handsome men make me all flustered...  Specially ones with an accent!

    which one !?

  • reserv888reserv888 Posts: 1,140

    Oh my.. WOW reserv888... WONDERFUL story... Thank you for sharing it. 

    I feel sorry for the guy... he reminds me of Rajesh Koothrappali from the Big Bang Theory TV show... Maybe he just needed to order a drink... alcohol works for Raj... lol

    LOL, yes!

  • Mage 13X13Mage 13X13 Posts: 433

    Oh my.. WOW reserv888... WONDERFUL story... Thank you for sharing it. 

    I feel sorry for the guy... he reminds me of Rajesh Koothrappali from the Big Bang Theory TV show... Maybe he just needed to order a drink... alcohol works for Raj... lol

    Ah, the great tongue loosener, alcohol! It has gotten me in trouble more than a few times!


  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,221
    edited December 2015

    "Alien World Christmas" by Llola Lane

    The year is 3015.  The earth is gone and we were forced to find a new world to live on.
    Year 100AE (After Earth)   It took a hundred years to find this planet.  The ones who set off on the long journey have long since passed away.  We are their descendants.  Our grandparents and parents have left us with many traditions.  Many colored faces fill our ships.  Traditions have become mixed and together we are now forming new traditions of our own.  

    The songs from long ago also have a different tune.  Mixed with new instruments and odd tones, our songs still sing of troubled times, but good times too.  Yes... there are good times even on the ships.  We do our jobs and survival was our number one priority.

    Maybe this planet will be our new home.  It is being tested to see if it will hold our species.  Our scientists are hopeful.  We will not know for a few days.  Until then we celebrate our Christmas tradition in the silence of space.
    Year 300AE   For over three hundred years we have been searching for a new home.  We are learning how to survive in our metal ships.

    Our species is now so mixed no one knows what the originals looked like.  We are all the same.  Small of stature, to conserve space, our bodies have become.  

    Every little corner of our ships is needed for crops and growing food.  Plants have been genetically altered to grow in space.  Fruit is bigger and can feed more of us.  Earth's dirt loves space and we nurture and cultivate it.  

    A tree for Christmas is a long tradition not forgotten and we celebrate... again... in the silence of space.
    Year 500AE   Five hundred years have past.  Many planets have been explored.  We take what we need from the planets we visit and our species has grown.  We have the will to live.  More grandparents and parents have left us.  The vastness of space is littered with their bodies.  Will we ever find a new home?  

    We have learned to adapt our bodies to space.  We sleep longer so we live longer.  Time has no meaning.  Everything is automated in the ships, so very few are needed to run it.  The great minds have invented new medicines and we are told to sleep if we want to live longer.  

    To help us sleep, we dream.  We are given dreams of planet earth so we don't forget it.  Bright blue skies, majestic mountains, and flowing oceans flood our sleeping world.  It keeps us calm and there is no need to breathe as often.  

    We awake for Christmas and enjoy our holiday... again... in the silence of space.
    Year 800AE   Eight hundred years now seems like an eternity.  All that is left are our memories of earth our in our dreams.  Earth does not seem real anymore.  It is hard to hold on to a dream.  

    Tunes are still hummed and instruments are still played.  It is mandatory now to learn an instrument.  The great minds tell us that learning an instrument will keep us calm and give us something to do.  Everyone on the ships knows how to play.  The ships are filled with music and laughter.  

    This Christmas we will be descending to a new home.  A planet that is habitable and will sustain life.  No one knows what the future will hold but they are glad to be off the ships.  
    Year 200EA (Earth Alpha)   It's been a thousand years since our people left the earth, but we have finally made a home for ourselves on this new planet.  It is cold and dark.  It does not remind anyone of our earth of legend.  The air is thick to breathe and we can't be outside without our life suits.  Not much grows here, but we have managed to cultivate some of earths' greenery in the foreign soil.  

    This new world tries to freeze out every last bit of humanity, but we fight back.  We keep planting and harvesting and now this planet is heeding our commands.  Bits and pieces of earth are starting to take hold and dig deep into the soil.  

    We ourselves have started to change.  We grow stronger and are learning to breathe the heavy air.  Many of our children can play outside without their life suits for small periods of time.  Humanity is taking hold of this planet and it is finally listening.  

    Now living in our cold ship buildings we can appreciate what our earth had.  We did not take care of her and it is hoped that we have learned our lesson with this new world.  We have a second chance to save humanity.  We must care for this planet and cherish her, or she too will be gone.  

    Christmas has a new meaning on our new Earth.  The years on the ships have taught us that it is a season of tradition, love, hope, and joy.  

    We of Earth Alpha wish you all, who may be reading this, a Happy Holiday this Christmas!

    860 words

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    Post edited by Llola Lane on
  • I love this tale Llola! It's right down my alley!

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147

    a Happy Holiday this Christmas!

    860 words - well done

    All the very best in the New Year 201EA


  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,221

    Oh thank you Mage... I'm glad someone is still watching this thread.. I wasn't sure.  ;)  Glad you liked my story..


    Bigh... thank you .. and same to you in 201EA... ;)

  • Oh thank you Mage... I'm glad someone is still watching this thread.. I wasn't sure.  ;)  Glad you liked my story..


    Bigh... thank you .. and same to you in 201EA... ;)

    I've been watching it since you invited me to contribute, and would post more if I could find the time to do so! LOL I tend to make my images really large and this Forum's size limits are prohibitive to say the least.


  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,221

    Oh thank you Mage... I'm glad someone is still watching this thread.. I wasn't sure.  ;)  Glad you liked my story..


    Bigh... thank you .. and same to you in 201EA... ;)

    I've been watching it since you invited me to contribute, and would post more if I could find the time to do so! LOL I tend to make my images really large and this Forum's size limits are prohibitive to say the least.


    I know you like large renders Mage... there's a way to shrink them.. but it takes a few other steps... It would be great to have more of your stories here :) 

  • isidornisidorn Posts: 1,601


    Celine, her back against the wall.
    Selina, in front of her standing tall.

    Between them there's tension?
    Desire? Best not to mention.

    Selina leaned in, close.
    Celine shuddered, then froze.

    She felt Selina's breath on her skin.
    Seconds later, a finger on her chin.

    Closed her eyes and parted her lips.
    Shivers going down to her hips.

    What to do? She didn't have a clue.
    Couldn't believe this was really true.

    Into her mouth, Selina a finger snuck.
    Finally! Someone removing what in her teeth was stuck!

    I made this render about a month ago. I hope that is ok. I had some kind of story in mind, similar to what I've now written above, when I did it but I only now had a look at this thread and it inspired me to write this.


    I'm an amateur writer well aware of my flaws and writing in english that is not my native language doesn't make things easier. But I like telling stories and so far I've done so in an online gaming community that I'm part of, usually stories with and about me and my friends' in-game characters. This year one of our community members started publishing a series of free books with short stories, where I've also contributed. Not sure I can advertise that here as it's aimed at an adult audience. But I need more practice writing and I hope I can do so here. Adding small stories to some of my renders would add an extra dimension of fun to it for me and hopefully it won't be too horrible for anyone reading it...

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,221

    HI Isidorn... your poem made me laugh.. WELL DONE!!!  THANK YOU for adding it to this thread... I/we look forward to reading more from you.  Just remember to keep it within TOS or Daz will delete it.  PGish should be fine... and make sure you add a render as you did... keep the parts to 1000 or less words a render... if you want to add to the story... make another render to go with it... :)  Happy Holidays!!!  Hugzzzzzz


  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,667

    Thanks for the Invite Llola I will be adding my story here as soon as I get the render done.

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,221

    Wonderful Saphirewild.. can't wait to read it :)

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,164
    edited December 2015

    Riddle me this and riddle me that.
    What eats mice and I'm not a cat.
    I can sit in a tree or on the ground.
    I can even spin my head around & round.
    You may think I am a snake,
    But that would be a mistake.
    I sleep during the day and play in the night.
    Sometimes I can even give you a fright.
    My eyes are big and bright, with my ears almost out of sight.
    So if you can't figure this out don't start to howl.
    Because I'm just a simple Owl after all.

    As this Yule holiday season passes by, let me spread some Hillbilly granny magic to brighten the time.

    " May your troubles be less and your blessings be more,
    and that you find happiness forever more. "

    From my book of light and shadows.
    Written By Ivy Summers

    EDTIED. Opps I knew I forgot something..  Picture added rendered in Poser pro

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  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,221

    That's wonderful Ivy... Now could you just add a render to it pleeeeeeeeease??? :)  Thank you for the holiday wishes... May your Christmas be bright and happy :)

  • Who?

    click to view mine if Ivy does not get her hooters out cheeky


  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,164

    ha ha ha  Wendy thats great..lol

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,221
    edited December 2015

    Thank you ladies.. now we need a story to go with yours JaguarElla... LOL


    Hum.. didn't know it was a video.. I guess video stories are good too... (thumbs up!)

    Poor owl got me tired just watching.. that's a LOT of flying.. LOL.  well done!

    Post edited by Llola Lane on
  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 2015

    who do you love ( Ivy )



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  • TeofaTeofa Posts: 823
    edited December 2015

      I'll try.  So many good stories in this thread.


      Two days.  Two days, those barbarians have done nothing but sit in the Tavern, drinking and blathering their inane stories of some beloved "FrostFell" celebration they are missing.

    New Halas.  They can keep it.  Snow, Ice, and stupid Dwarves, stupid Halasians, and stupider holidays.  Decorating firewood and giving things away.  Merry this! and Merry that! in thier annoying gravel gargleing accents.  Ugh.

        My lovely Sneak-sister Teo has been checking their ship out.  Of course she wasn't seen.  She never is. The girl loves the Dark.  Anyway, the fools have two men watching the ship, who also manage to get into their cups celebrating.  Well now.  We can't let such merriment and drunken stupor go unrewarded. Tonight is their main celebration..I can't imagine they can get even drunker, but I'm sure they will try.

       We'll come in from the Sea.  No moon tonight.  One rowboat will carry enough of us to take the ship.  Teofa assures me it has a hold full of New Halas leather and furs.  We'll just blame "pirates".  Since I'll be investigating the "incident", I'll make sure of that.

       "Spirit of Giving" Nonsense!  Time the fools learned the "spirit of taking".  This IS Freeport.  Maybe they will learn something.

        I doubt it.


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  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,164
    edited December 2015

    Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer

    Grandma got run over by a reindeer,
    Walking home from our house Christmas Eve,
    You can say there's no such thing as Santa,
    But as for me and Grampa, we believe

    She'd been drinkin too much egg-nog,
    And we'd begged her not to go,
    But she'd forgot her medication
    And she staggered out the door into the snow

    When we found her Christmas morning,
    At the scene of the attack,
    She had hoof prints on her forehead,
    And incriminating Claus marks on her back

    Grandma got run over by a reindeer,
    Walking home from our house Christmas Eve,
    You can say there's no such thing as Santa,
    But as for me and Grampa, we believe

    Now we're all so proud of Grampa,
    He's been taking this so well,
    See him in there watchin football,
    Drinkin' beer and playing cards with cousin Mel

    By Elmo & Patsy - Offcial Music Video Here.

    Rendred with Daz Studio Iray

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  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,221


    click to view mine if Ivy does not get her hooters out cheeky


    Whew... There's a loooong story in this video somewhere.. Poor owl has me warn out!  lol.. That's a lot of flyin

    bigh said:

    who do you love ( Ivy )



    Hum.. bigh.. you missing something... where's the story??? lol

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,221
    Teofa said:

      I'll try.  So many good stories in this thread.


      Two days.  Two days, those barbarians have done nothing but sit in the Tavern, drinking and blathering their inane stories of some beloved "FrostFell" celebration they are missing.

    New Halas.  They can keep it.  Snow, Ice, and stupid Dwarves, stupid Halasians, and stupider holidays.  Decorating firewood and giving things away.  Merry this! and Merry that! in thier annoying gravel gargleing accents.  Ugh.

        My lovely Sneak-sister Teo has been checking their ship out.  Of course she wasn't seen.  She never is. The girl loves the Dark.  Anyway, the fools have two men watching the ship, who also manage to get into their cups celebrating.  Well now.  We can't let such merriment and drunken stupor go unrewarded. Tonight is their main celebration..I can't imagine they can get even drunker, but I'm sure they will try.

       We'll come in from the Sea.  No moon tonight.  One rowboat will carry enough of us to take the ship.  Teofa assures me it has a hold full of New Halas leather and furs.  We'll just blame "pirates".  Since I'll be investigating the "incident", I'll make sure of that.

       "Spirit of Giving" Nonsense!  Time the fools learned the "spirit of taking".  This IS Freeport.  Maybe they will learn something.

        I doubt it.

    Great little story catcher Teofa... now I wanna know what happens ;)  Thank you for sharing :)  Happy.. dare I say it... holidays???  lol

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