Show Us Your Bryce Renders Part 11



  • akmerlowakmerlow Posts: 1,124
    edited March 2020

    Finally made a scene which i initially planned for "That Way Madness Lies" or "Uncanny", but didn't have courage or eagerness back then.

    So, "Great Mythos Hall". Interior i made following tutorial from "Bryce Masters: Great Hall". To be honest, i didn't 100% finish it. Some parts were a bit frustrating for me, and in the end i omitted some stuff. Still, i didn't use premade scene or objects as i decided i have to do myself, so followed step by step in most cases. I completed most of construction (i made pools and latticed windows too but deleted them as i didn't like shadows through the lattice and pools were not needed for my scene idea), though roof i made in one step instead of two (after duplicating half of roof i could not place it good enough so it's in line with walls). Also my archs were not perfect, they are assymetric. Overall i felt that actual modelling isn't something that i find amusing in Bryce (in comparison to something like, idk, Maya? Wings3D?). However, i will agree that approaches with booleans are rather interesting, and i didn't expected that intricate shape of arch or pool is done with positive/negative relation of basic objects like that.

    Lighting, at first i followed proposed solution from tutorial, but in the end i started changing it according to what i wanted. Or, i would say, started playing around light colours and falloff settings, so in the end i had this colourful hall. Maybe it looks very unrealistic, but i like this "fantasy" feel i got. Though initially i placed those coloured lights in zones that were too dark just to light up, but then decided to do them more in contrast with main hall and overall atmosphere.

    Cthulhu statuette is a freebie from Sketchfab. Reptilian people are Genesis 8 with freebie clothing called "Voodoo Dress". Some materials used are from products here.
    Besides end result picture, i also attach some shots that were "work in progress".

    Great Mythos Hall.png
    1290 x 860 - 2M
    1290 x 860 - 398K
    making roof.jpg
    1290 x 860 - 716K
    trying lights.jpg
    1290 x 860 - 519K
    1290 x 860 - 875K
    trying lights 3.jpg
    1290 x 860 - 869K
    trying lights 2.jpg
    1290 x 860 - 895K
    Post edited by akmerlow on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,649

    Slepalex - two beautiful, superb renders, I thought I commented earlier

    Akmerlow - awesome modeling and render, very nice lighting.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    mermaid - thank you. No, a very old material preset by David (I modified it a bit to get different colours).

    adbc - thank you.

  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911
    akmerlow said:

    Finally made a scene which i initially planned for "That Way Madness Lies" or "Uncanny", but didn't have courage or eagerness back then.

    So, "Great Mythos Hall". Interior i made following tutorial from "Bryce Masters: Great Hall". To be honest, i didn't 100% finish it. Some parts were a bit frustrating for me, and in the end i omitted some stuff. Still, i didn't use premade scene or objects as i decided i have to do myself, so followed step by step in most cases. I completed most of construction (i made pools and latticed windows too but deleted them as i didn't like shadows through the lattice and pools were not needed for my scene idea), though roof i made in one step instead of two (after duplicating half of roof i could not place it good enough so it's in line with walls). Also my archs were not perfect, they are assymetric. Overall i felt that actual modelling isn't something that i find amusing in Bryce (in comparison to something like, idk, Maya? Wings3D?). However, i will agree that approaches with booleans are rather interesting, and i didn't expected that intricate shape of arch or pool is done with positive/negative relation of basic objects like that.

    Lighting, at first i followed proposed solution from tutorial, but in the end i started changing it according to what i wanted. Or, i would say, started playing around light colours and falloff settings, so in the end i had this colourful hall. Maybe it looks very unrealistic, but i like this "fantasy" feel i got. Though initially i placed those coloured lights in zones that were too dark just to light up, but then decided to do them more in contrast with main hall and overall atmosphere.

    Cthulhu statuette is a freebie from Sketchfab. Reptilian people are Genesis 8 with freebie clothing called "Voodoo Dress". Some materials used are from products here.
    Besides end result picture, i also attach some shots that were "work in progress".


    Real modeling is not only difficult in Bryce ...
    But you have achieved some success. The lighting is also beautiful. 

  • akmerlowakmerlow Posts: 1,124
    edited March 2020

    Thanks for encouraging words, mermaid010 and Slepalex.


    I know that modelling is always a complex task, i meant more that in Bryce workflow there is absence of some "quality of life improvements" (as PR managers would say) which more recent software may have with interface, controls etc. So in Bryce user needs to have more patience or perhaps perfectly optimize interaction with program. 


    Post edited by akmerlow on
  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911
    akmerlow said:

    Thanks for encouraging words, mermaid010 and Slepalex.


    I know that modelling is always a complex task, i meant more that in Bryce workflow there is absence of some "quality of life improvements" (as PR managers would say) which more recent software may have with interface, controls etc. So in Bryce user needs to have more patience or perhaps perfectly optimize interaction with program. 


    As for the "quality of life improvements" I agree. Just do not need about the interface! The interface in Bryce is incomparable and ideal from the point of view of the artist, because it was developed not by a dry and soulless programmer, but by an artist for artists! 

  • akmerlowakmerlow Posts: 1,124
    edited March 2020

    I know what you mean. One of previous Blender versions that i saw instantly gave me headache and horror dreams for weeks. Same with 3D MAX's eternal "open this tab to open another tab to enable opening of yet another tab that can be opened if you clicked in tab that you missed".

    Post edited by akmerlow on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    akmerlow - great modeling work. I like boolean modeling but it is tedious. You really did a great job. Indeed, as Slepalex mentioned, the Bryce interface was made by an artist for artists. Since I'm not an artist but an "engineer" it took me a while to get the hang on the interface - and now I really like it.


  • akmerlowakmerlow Posts: 1,124
    edited March 2020

    Thanks, Horo.

    Yes, it's pretty unique.

    For me it was easier to get into because it reminds me electronic music instruments - DTE is just like EMS Synthi matrix panel, and overall it looks like VST plugins of 2000s.

    Ironically though, i got used to DAZ Studio and haven't returned to Poser since.

    Post edited by akmerlow on
  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115
    edited March 2020

    akmerlow : great modeling job, beautiful renders.

    Post edited by adbc on
  • akmerlowakmerlow Posts: 1,124

    Thanks, adbc.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842
    edited March 2020

    Another example of clouds as terrains. Just one terrain and an HDRI as sky and main light, the sun has a bit of negative diffuse. Took a bit longer to render with IBL Quality 32 and soft shadows - and I had to re-render it because the negative light by the sun also needed soft shadows. And since I had to render it twice, I thought why not render it trice for an anaglyph.

    Precipitous Rocks

    Precipitous Rocks Anaglyph

    1200 x 795 - 208K
    1200 x 795 - 314K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • akmerlowakmerlow Posts: 1,124
    Hansmar said:

    I created a terrain from the DTE, but modified it in the terrain editor. Had to use quite a high resolution to get it a bit smooth. Used a HDRI enhanced sky by Horo and David Brinnen.

    I call it 'Left in the desert', because some people left some equipment to rust or erode.

    Nice desert, and a cool interpretation.



    adbc said:

    4 terrains all the same basic image, each terrain modified in the TE, all have the same material. Just a desert scene.

    Interesting scenery you got.



    A Still using a Hdri from the Golden Lighting set and Wings 3D objects.

    Very calm "tribute to geometry".



    Horo said:

    I experimented with photographs from cloudy skies to create terrains. A bit labour intensive but interesting terrains can result. Here double stacked, the sky is a combination of Cumulus and HDRI clouds.

    Looks massive. Also spectacular experimenting.



    This image is called "Seduction and Contempt"

    It was made with Genesis 1 character "Addison". Light comes from an IBL and 3 sphere lights. Rendered with TA 64 rpp with Maximum Ray Depth 4 and a second blob render of the glass with 12.

    Ah, desires that lure. Good story shown within Bryce.



    Horo said:
    Another example of clouds as terrains. I may bore you with more. I made 10 in 4 variants: 1024 and 2048, with and without gamma.

    Not "bore", but a place one would love to visit. Those spiking rocks add character, and vegetation is smacking one's lips greenery green.



    Slepalex said:

    Calm and beautiful "paysage". The other one (with stones), is relaxing, too.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,649

    Horo - once again amazing landscape, the Anaglyph is awesome except a bit of the terrain on the right foreground, seems to stick to the monitor, while the rest has awesome depth.

    Akmerlow - thanks

    Slepalex - wow magnificent work, this is the similar to what I'm trying to do for the present challenge, so far no luck. I still don't know how you and C-ram produce such awesome realistic landscapes.


  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    akmerlow - thank you.

    Slepalex - beautifully done scene.

    mermaid - thank you. Yes, the rock at right sticks to the screen. I had spent quite some time to not have it protrude.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Horo : Again, excellent render and anaglyph.

    akmerlow : thank you.

    Slepalex : Beautiful scene.


  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    adbc - thank you.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842
    edited March 2020

    Again clouds as a terrain. Another in the far background at left and one with spikes indicating some fir trees in the middle ground at right (not very convincing).


    1200 x 788 - 150K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,649

    Wow another Superb render Horo

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Horo : wow from me too, very beautiful landscape.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    Thank you mermaid and adbc.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    Horo: Those are excellent terrain renders. The last one is very foreboding.

    Slepalex: Both steppe renders are really lovely. And the poppy expense is wonderful too.

    Akmerlow: Very good modelling and rendering.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842
    edited March 2020

    Hansmar - thank you.

    You guessed it - yet another terrain derived from a cloudy sky. Ambient light and backdrop from an HDRI I made a while ago from a series of photographs a colleague made of the Orion Nebula (M 42, NGC 1976) at our astro-club observatory at exactly 2000 metres (6562 ft) above sea level in a cold winter night. I added some star fields from our Space Construction Kit.

    World Near Orion

    1200 x 800 - 215K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,649

    Horo - superb scene, you are getting nice terrains using cloud photos

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited March 2020

    Precious pretty!

    By the way: I love your Space construction kit!

    Post edited by Kerya on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    mermaid - thank you. It's not always simple because the clouds are often bright at the border. Above, the middle part is the cloud and the sides are the bright sunlit borders.

    Kerya - thank you; twice: nice to hear you like the Space Construction Kit.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842
    edited March 2020

    Using a terrain derived from a cloudy sky can sometimes be a bit of a challenge. I still have three to try. Here a morning mood.

    Red Rocks

    1200 x 800 - 198K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Horo : really amazing scenes. Each one is different and very well done. I tried that technique but ..... not for publication.

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    Wonderful work indeed, Horo!

This discussion has been closed.