Auto Muscle Enhancer HD [Commercial]



  • leemoon_c43b45a114leemoon_c43b45a114 Posts: 850
    edited April 2021

    Lonesome Cowboy said:

    leemoon_c43b45a114 said:

    Thank you, Terry and inquire!  I always appreciate the feedback you all give me. :)

    While I recover from kidney surgery, I am taking a few minutes here and there to tinker with the Armand Yuji/Sergey character.

    Here's another monochrome render of Sergey using a different hair prop (Sitric Shorn Hair.)



    phantastic what you did!!!

    could you please post or send me the morphing-/shaping-preset? I think i own most of the morphs you are using here.

    Otherwise you can contact me on as Catweazle01.


    Thank you so much, Lonesome Cowboy!

    Your comment on one of my gallery images is what inspired me to tweak that figure to look more like Sergey.  My version bears some resemblence to him, but could likely be improved to get a better likeness with some additional dial spinning.

    I wasn't sure how to create a shape preset that would work since I save all my custom-dialed characters as Scene Subsets (so I can simply merge them into an existing scene.)

    There are a lot of additional morphs working in the background beyond the main donor characters.  It's possible that you could substitute similar morphs from different products to achieve the same final look (or close enought to it.)

    The main products are: G8M, Armand, Yuji (from the other marketplace), G8M Body Morphs, G8M Head Morphs, Auto Muscle Enhancer/Auto Shape Enhancer, Muscularity Morphs for G8M, The Brute, Maxx, Cartoonized for G8M, Body Morph Kit for G8M, Dain, Leyna (one nipple morph to "plump them up a tiny bit - not needed as I don't think leaving it out would be that noticeable), and one morph from SIckleYield's free morph pack (it rounds the eyes, so another morph(s) might fill in for this one.)  I *think* those are the required products for my version of Sergey.  At least what I can tell by looking at the Currently Used list in the Parameters pane.  Some of the products might only use some HD Details for things like veins/skin detail and adding some muscularity detail.

    Anyway, I've saved a Sergey Shape Preset that appears to work on my other Mac by applying it to the base G8M figure.  Oh, and before I forget, I almost always render at SubD Level 3, though Sergey looks good at even a SubD Level 1, just a lot softer physique as one would expect.  SubD Level 2 looks very close to SubD 3 at smaller render sizes or when not doing close up work.  When I tested the Preset, I loaded the G8M base and then with G8M selected, I drag and dropped the Preset file onto G8M in the Viewport window and let DAZ Studio do its thing to apply it.  Then I could save out the Sergey-fied version of G8M as a new Scene Subset figure, ready to load/merge into a scene.

    Here's the thing, I don't know if this new forum software has the ability to upload and attach a Preset file or not.  I don't share files via file hosting services unless it's with family, nor do I email files to non-family members.  My privacy/online security is rather important to me, such as it is. LOL!  Also, I was a software developer who wrote free software as a hobby in the 1990s and later created a few Poser freebies.  I was turned off on giving stuff away after having the majority of folks who used them do what I call "Hit and Run" where they asked for something, I worked on it, sent it, and never heard from them again.  That happened a lot.  If I were to share this file, or any other presets in the future, it would be here, where anyone interested could access it/them.  Assuming that DAZ allows file uploads in the forums.  The exception is for friends that I communicate with regularly. :)  I know this sounds mean-spirited, but I need to protect myself these days.  I've given so much away over the last 30 years it would be nice to feel like my work was appreciated. :)  Side note/fun fact: Apple executives in the mid-1990s did email me from time to time regarding my Newton apps and asked me to do a special version for Steve Jobs.  They were quite thankful and loved all the apps I created for the platform.  They said the Newton team always got a kick out of seeing the newest thing I came up with (mostly multimedia related.)  So there's that bright spot! LOL!

    If anyone's still interested in this ShapePreset, please do let me know about using the forum to upload it. :)


    Sergey Preset on G8M Base on left, G8M Base on right.  Apologies for stating the obvious!! :)


    1646 x 1271 - 261K
    Post edited by leemoon_c43b45a114 on
  • inquire said:

    Well, certainly I think the momochrome version brings out the fine details. I think it's because we tend to look more closely at the details in the monochrome version. Sometimes the colors "blind" us.

    I agree, inquire! :)

    I had a few coffee table books of black and white photography when I lived in Tampa during the 1990s.  Those photographs always struck me as being so cool.  And while growing up, my uncle was a photography enthusiast.  He later got into digital cameras and loved "developing" his shots in image editing programs.  He was an inspiration in my young days. :)


  • leemoon_c43b45a114leemoon_c43b45a114 Posts: 850
    edited April 2021

    I've spent the day working on making a "Lite" Shape Preset version of my Sergey character.

    Instead of the larger list of required products, the Lite version needs the following products to work properly:

    • G8M
    • Armand
    • Yuji (product available at another marketplace)
    • G8M Body Morphs
    • G8M Head Morphs
    • The Brute
    • Muscularity Morphs for G8M (includes Swole LTD - required for Sergey Lite)
    • Maxx
    • AME and ASE
    • Cartoonized

    I believe those are all the products I used in the Shaping Preset for Sergey Lite.

    As you'd expect, there are differences between Sergey and the Sergey Lite version.  I'm attaching a render to show what both characters look like.

    If there's still any interest, I'll upload the Shape Preset file in a forum post (assuming I can attach a preset file.)


    Sergey Lite on the left, Sergey "full" on the right. :)  Both figures are shown here rendered at SubD Level 3 with a customized Emil texture map, Sitric hair, Super Natural Brows, and Intimates Swimpants.

    2477 x 1701 - 2M
    Post edited by leemoon_c43b45a114 on
  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,130

    Very kind of you, Lee.

  • Thank you, inquire!

    While I've been goofing around with Sergey Lite, I've decided to try to reduce the number of required products to see if I can get a passable/usable version of him.  I think the key would be to try to focus on the main characters that contribute the most to his shape and add back in other assets as needed.

    We'll see how that goes. :)


  • leemoon_c43b45a114 said:

    Lonesome Cowboy said:

    Here is my last version of a barbarian similar to Conan or the Barbarian-Twins :-)

    This is great, Lonesome Cowboy!  The scene reminds me so much of Frank Frazetta's works. 


    Frank Frazetta, Boris Vallejo and TOF are the artists where i get most of my ideas and examples :-)

  • Lonesome CowboyLonesome Cowboy Posts: 153
    edited April 2021

    leemoon_c43b45a114 said:

    Lonesome Cowboy said:

    leemoon_c43b45a114 said:

    Thank you, Terry and inquire!  I always appreciate the feedback you all give me. :)

    While I recover from kidney surgery, I am taking a few minutes here and there to tinker with the Armand Yuji/Sergey character.

    Here's another monochrome render of Sergey using a different hair prop (Sitric Shorn Hair.)



    phantastic what you did!!!

    could you please post or send me the morphing-/shaping-preset? I think i own most of the morphs you are using here.

    Otherwise you can contact me on as Catweazle01.


    Thank you so much, Lonesome Cowboy!

    Your comment on one of my gallery images is what inspired me to tweak that figure to look more like Sergey.  My version bears some resemblence to him, but could likely be improved to get a better likeness with some additional dial spinning.

    I wasn't sure how to create a shape preset that would work since I save all my custom-dialed characters as Scene Subsets (so I can simply merge them into an existing scene.)

    There are a lot of additional morphs working in the background beyond the main donor characters.  It's possible that you could substitute similar morphs from different products to achieve the same final look (or close enought to it.)

    The main products are: G8M, Armand, Yuji (from the other marketplace), G8M Body Morphs, G8M Head Morphs, Auto Muscle Enhancer/Auto Shape Enhancer, Muscularity Morphs for G8M, The Brute, Maxx, Cartoonized for G8M, Body Morph Kit for G8M, Dain, Leyna (one nipple morph to "plump them up a tiny bit - not needed as I don't think leaving it out would be that noticeable), and one morph from SIckleYield's free morph pack (it rounds the eyes, so another morph(s) might fill in for this one.)  I *think* those are the required products for my version of Sergey.  At least what I can tell by looking at the Currently Used list in the Parameters pane.  Some of the products might only use some HD Details for things like veins/skin detail and adding some muscularity detail.

    Anyway, I've saved a Sergey Shape Preset that appears to work on my other Mac by applying it to the base G8M figure.  Oh, and before I forget, I almost always render at SubD Level 3, though Sergey looks good at even a SubD Level 1, just a lot softer physique as one would expect.  SubD Level 2 looks very close to SubD 3 at smaller render sizes or when not doing close up work.  When I tested the Preset, I loaded the G8M base and then with G8M selected, I drag and dropped the Preset file onto G8M in the Viewport window and let DAZ Studio do its thing to apply it.  Then I could save out the Sergey-fied version of G8M as a new Scene Subset figure, ready to load/merge into a scene.

    Here's the thing, I don't know if this new forum software has the ability to upload and attach a Preset file or not.  I don't share files via file hosting services unless it's with family, nor do I email files to non-family members.  My privacy/online security is rather important to me, such as it is. LOL!  Also, I was a software developer who wrote free software as a hobby in the 1990s and later created a few Poser freebies.  I was turned off on giving stuff away after having the majority of folks who used them do what I call "Hit and Run" where they asked for something, I worked on it, sent it, and never heard from them again.  That happened a lot.  If I were to share this file, or any other presets in the future, it would be here, where anyone interested could access it/them.  Assuming that DAZ allows file uploads in the forums.  The exception is for friends that I communicate with regularly. :)  I know this sounds mean-spirited, but I need to protect myself these days.  I've given so much away over the last 30 years it would be nice to feel like my work was appreciated. :)  Side note/fun fact: Apple executives in the mid-1990s did email me from time to time regarding my Newton apps and asked me to do a special version for Steve Jobs.  They were quite thankful and loved all the apps I created for the platform.  They said the Newton team always got a kick out of seeing the newest thing I came up with (mostly multimedia related.)  So there's that bright spot! LOL!

    If anyone's still interested in this ShapePreset, please do let me know about using the forum to upload it. :)


    Sergey Preset on G8M Base on left, G8M Base on right.  Apologies for stating the obvious!! :)


    Ok ... i see that here is a problem.

    I own all ingredients you are using on the figure, but this not useful when i don' t know the exact values.
    It's like when you want to bake a cake and get all the ingredients on the table, but you don't have a baking book where it says how much flour and how many eggs you have to use.

    Even when you are using the Dial-Control-Tool, it would be too much work to write the values down manually, especially when you use the morphs from SimonWM or SY.

    I for myself have no problem to share presets with other people:

    a) either i load them up to sharecg or deviantart or
    b) i load them up on my server and give the persons i want to sent them the link. I do this always when i am creating images for people who give me an order. So i can discuss the results with them without problems.

    Files as zip and jpg as jpg or zip

    In the old version of the gallery it was possible to uplad duf-files, when they were not too large.

    Unfortunately I didn't detect such a possibility in the newer version yet.

    So let us think about how we can exchange the shaping presets each other.
    I think i have some interesing ones for you too.


    2000 x 1000 - 591K
    Post edited by Lonesome Cowboy on
  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,130

    @Lonesome Cowboy: Is this image one of your creations: Computers are sneaky and mean? Also, what is TOF? Is this an artist like Frank Frazetta or Boris Vallejo?

  • Lonesome Cowboy, the images and information that I've been posting are just to show how I'm progressing with creating a Shaping Preset for Sergey.  He's not ready for me to upload at this time.  Part of the problem is that I've used Merchant Resources in him.  That's fine for my personal use, but at least one merchant resource prohibits the use in free items.  As I've stated in a post that follows the one you quoted, I'm working on a version of Sergey that doesn't use as many products, including those resources.  I'm not sure if I can make that version look nearly as good without using the merchant resources though.  I have been spending many hours trying to refine a shape with the minimum products required.

    Again, think of my earlier posts as previews as to what might be coming if I can work everything out. :)

    I do appreciate your interest in Sergey! :)  

    My intent is to attach the Shaping Preset file to one of my posts here in the AME thread or on a new separate thread in the forums.  That's assuming that I can make everything work out. :)

    I'd thought about sharing some more work-in-progress renders of what I've done so far with Sergey Lite (Sergey with the absolute minimum number of required products.)  To avoid confusion, perhaps I should just quietly work on it as my time and interests allow.  I fear this project is going to be more of a headache than it's worth. :)

    I have shown the difference between Sergey Lite and my original Sergey in a post a few posts prior to this one (the color render with Sergey Lite and Sergey side-by-side.)  I think the difference is not too bad even after reducing the number of required products.  Instead of getting feedback on if the differences between the 2 figures are acceptable, I got criticism for it not being available.  That's not inspiring. :(



  • Lonesome CowboyLonesome Cowboy Posts: 153
    edited April 2021


    inquire said:

    @Lonesome Cowboy: Is this image one of your creations: Computers are sneaky and mean? Also, what is TOF? Is this an artist like Frank Frazetta or Boris Vallejo?

    yes it is one of mine and it is also in my gallery.

    TOF = Tom of Finnland
    Boris Vallejo and Frank Frazetta have been one of the first ones that inspired me to do graphic works.


    "Computers are sneaky and mean" is a bad translation for "Computer sind hinterhältig und gemein" i did with google translate and it is a sentence of experiences of my life as a php coder and MS-DOS and windows-fighter and so on ;-)


    Best working product relaying the "closed" chest for me is currently: ; -> LM_Nino

    Attached figures to show what was possible with older and newer figures:
    - Apollo Maximus
    - David3
    - David3
    - M4 with Olympian morph
    - G8M (very very good, but other kind of structure and muscles)

    1600 x 900 - 1M
    1200 x 900 - 559K
    1600 x 900 - 1M
    1600 x 900 - 848K
    2000 x 1000 - 442K
    Post edited by Lonesome Cowboy on
  • Lonesome CowboyLonesome Cowboy Posts: 153
    edited April 2021


    oh ... i must say that i first made a big mistake:

    i got confused between "inquire" and "lemon ..." because the problmes we discussed are quite similar ;-)
    So maybe i wrote to the wrong person with the wrong things ...

    I think the main problem for me is the face and head of Sergey.
    I think i could be able to create a similar shape with the given tools, but Sergey is not bulgy and the correct morphs are often very difficult to find between 100eds of morphs, who all do nearly the similar shaping.
    As discussed in the threads about my wishes to the chest-muscles, there are only a few (i myself have ~ 1-3 in my content) that do what I want and this is very different what 98% of all others want.

    Correct me if i am wrong:

    I think it doesn't matter to use the mercant shapes in a shaping - preset. The preset contains only the information which shapes are used and when i don't have these shapes then nothing happens.
    You don't sent the shapes themselves.


    Post edited by Lonesome Cowboy on
  • leemoon_c43b45a114leemoon_c43b45a114 Posts: 850
    edited April 2021

    Here's a different take on "Dance Air" that I just finished.

    I'm thinking about doing another image but using a composite of 2 renders.  One in color, the other in monochrome and then blended together in Photoshop to get a monochrome version but with only the swimpants in color.

    Still need to work on the lighting, it seems too bright in the highlights. :)

    As before, G8M with Tennesse dialed down and a light sprinkling of Colossus, Brute, Maxx, other shaping morphs, Auto Muscle Body set to 25%, and AME Veins @ 50%.  :)


    1855 x 2400 - 2M
    Post edited by leemoon_c43b45a114 on
  • Lonesome CowboyLonesome Cowboy Posts: 153
    edited April 2021

    looks great.

    Here is "Novak", but the chest is formed with photoshop.

    900 x 1600 - 1M
    Post edited by Lonesome Cowboy on
  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,130

    leemoon_c43b45a114 said:

    Here's a different take on "Dance Air" that I just finished.

    I'm thinking about doing another image but using a composite of 2 renders.  One in color, the other in monochrome and then blended together in Photoshop to get a monochrome version but with only the swimpants in color.

    Still need to work on the lighting, it seems too bright in the highlights. :)

    As before, G8M with Tennesse dialed down and a light sprinkling of Colossus, Brute, Maxx, other shaping morphs, Auto Muscle Body set to 25%, and AME Veins @ 50%.  :)


    I really like the Dace Air Red.

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,130

    Lonesome Cowboy said:


    inquire said:

    @Lonesome Cowboy: Is this image one of your creations: Computers are sneaky and mean? Also, what is TOF? Is this an artist like Frank Frazetta or Boris Vallejo?

    yes it is one of mine and it is also in my gallery.

    TOF = Tom of Finnland
    Boris Vallejo and Frank Frazetta have been one of the first ones that inspired me to do graphic works.


    "Computers are sneaky and mean" is a bad translation for "Computer sind hinterhältig und gemein" i did with google translate and it is a sentence of experiences of my life as a php coder and MS-DOS and windows-fighter and so on ;-)


    Best working product relaying the "closed" chest for me is currently: ; -> LM_Nino

    Attached figures to show what was possible with older and newer figures:
    - Apollo Maximus
    - David3
    - David3
    - M4 with Olympian morph
    - G8M (very very good, but other kind of structure and muscles)

    This link actually does not produce a product. It's sort of an OOPS! page. Could it be that the product is no longer sold? The message on the page kind of implies that. I see that you like really well-rounded pecs.

  • leemoon_c43b45a114leemoon_c43b45a114 Posts: 850
    edited April 2021

    inquire said:

    leemoon_c43b45a114 said:

    Here's a different take on "Dance Air" that I just finished.

    I'm thinking about doing another image but using a composite of 2 renders.  One in color, the other in monochrome and then blended together in Photoshop to get a monochrome version but with only the swimpants in color.

    Still need to work on the lighting, it seems too bright in the highlights. :)

    As before, G8M with Tennesse dialed down and a light sprinkling of Colossus, Brute, Maxx, other shaping morphs, Auto Muscle Body set to 25%, and AME Veins @ 50%.  :)


    I really like the Dace Air Red.

    Thank you very much, inquire!  I've just now finished the final version of what Dance Air was supposed to look like.  It's a mix of predominately monochrome and a splash of color.

    Will post it here in a minute.  I've uploaded it to my DAZ gallery as well. :)


    Post edited by leemoon_c43b45a114 on
  • This should be the final version of Dance Air (RED).  It represents my original vision for the render.  I'm thinking of doing a series along these lines, but we'll see how that goes. :)


    1855 x 2400 - 1M
  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,130

    Oh, yes. That really is effective. It looks very professional and artistic with mostly monochrome and just a splash of color.

  • Leonides02Leonides02 Posts: 1,379

    I miss DMaster terribly... sad

  • Thank you, inquire! I do like the look of color on a monochrome image. :)

    I feel the same way, Leonides02.  


  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,130

    Leonides02 said:

    I miss DMaster terribly... 

    Me, too; I also really miss DMaster. Hopefully, he'll soon return.

  • i



    Best working product relaying the "closed" chest for me is currently: ; -> LM_Nino


    This link actually does not produce a product. It's sort of an OOPS! page. Could it be that the product is no longer sold? The message on the page kind of implies that. I see that you like really well-rounded pecs.

    strange. The link is correct. You get it when you are searching for

    leading male morph collection

    seems to be 1 of the 100reds of the daz-shop-problems.


    round muscles ... yes, but it depends on the figure. I don't like boobs.

    Here are a few examples with D3


    900 x 632 - 269K
    1262 x 886 - 209K
  • leemoon_c43b45a114leemoon_c43b45a114 Posts: 850
    edited April 2021

    Hi inquire, Lonesome Cowboy's embedded link to the Leading Male Morph Collection 2 has an extra non-breaking space in it.  If you click on the link and get an OOPS page, look in the browser's address bar and remove the %C2%A0 at the end of the link and hit enter, then the product page should open fine. :)

    I have this product and use it from time to time.


    Post edited by leemoon_c43b45a114 on
  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,130

    leemoon_c43b45a114 said:

    Hi inquire, Lonesome Cowboy's embedded link to the Leading Male Morph Collection 2 has an extra non-breaking space in it.  If you click on the link and get an OOPS page, look in the browser's address bar and remove the %C2%A0 at the end of the link and hit enter, then the product page should open fine. :)

    I have this product and use it from time to time.



    OK. That's what it was -- an extra non-breaking space. And guess what? It's a product I also already own.

  • inquire said:

    leemoon_c43b45a114 said:

    Hi inquire, Lonesome Cowboy's embedded link to the Leading Male Morph Collection 2 has an extra non-breaking space in it.  If you click on the link and get an OOPS page, look in the browser's address bar and remove the %C2%A0 at the end of the link and hit enter, then the product page should open fine. :)

    I have this product and use it from time to time.



    OK. That's what it was -- an extra non-breaking space. And guess what? It's a product I also already own.

    Excellent!  I'm glad that was it. :)

    Here's a sample of Nino (mostly)  with some of my usual tweaks and other characters blended in.



    2477 x 2400 - 3M
  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,130

    WoW! You get such amazing results, Lee. I am truly astounded and in awe.

  • Thank you very much, inquire!  I just spin the dials, the real work was done by the folks who created all the products I use. :)

    Hats off to DMaster for making AME and ASE.  Both are truly amazing tools that I use in all my G8M characters.


  • I agree Leemoon, I am still exploring new ways to utilize these amazing products.

    I have still been exploring how to utilize these products on thinner models effectively. Here is one of my latest renders on G8M with the G8F clone applied, overlayed with a G8F aged model (Olivia May) at 80%, with the product texture applied.  I have also created 4 arm morphs that are ERC frozen to the Hand Bend parameters. This setup is primarily a mixture of AME/tuned ASE, tuned Musculature HD Flex control and tuned SWM products. I have a baseline figure built that I can quickly and easily transfer a character onto, then freeze the rigging. As a general comment I find the SWOLE/SWM products (endorsed by DMaster himself!) play the best with AME after all my trials. Limited amounts of others are OK, but as the original reviewer commented, certain muscle groups can be slightly offset, and at larger levels, some alignment issues can arise. Tons of fun once set up, as I have said before, I like to throw poses and partial poses at the models watching the show!


    Still Fit 30%AME 120%Flex.jpg
    927 x 1200 - 479K
    Still Fit screen cap.png
    1920 x 1080 - 1M
  • Lonesome CowboyLonesome Cowboy Posts: 153
    edited April 2021

    The best working morphs for G8M (or G3M) in my content are

    - the Brute 8 with Ezra
    - Ronen
    - AME
    - Things from M3D (most G3M)
    - Parts from SimonWM

    and for corrections
    - nino from the product we talked above
    - something from SY
    - something from Tempesta3D

    But it depends on the character i choose what i can use and what not. Not all morphs are looking good on every character.

    2000 x 1000 - 265K
    2000 x 1000 - 2M
    1600 x 2000 - 2M
    2000 x 1000 - 293K
    Post edited by Lonesome Cowboy on
  • Well this forum has pushed me to keep exploring and trying everything!  Figured I would post one more.

    This is where I am at using a younger model. This portrait includes my baseline presets, morphs, ERC's, soft body effects, Dformers, and every lighting trick I can muster. 


    G8M AME Veda Clone 2.jpg
    927 x 1200 - 329K
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