[Released, inc. update] 1-Click PBRSkin [Commercial]



  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,973

    From what I've seen, the gamma change seems to be associated with a specific file. If you copy and move the file,it is technically a different file, and you would have to make the gamma change again. You can change the gamma of an image file with the built in Image Editor in DAZ Studio, but be aware that that change applies to all usages of that file within the surface. The 1 Click PBR utility for gamma is more clever than that. It creates LIE versions of the image file to make each usage of it an actual different file. That is why you see these temporary files. I'm not sure what the magic solution is to your problem. It might be as simple as leaving it the way 1 Click PBR creates it, and forget about moving things around. I don't think those temp files are saved and used when you reload the saved scene. I believe the LIE temp files are recreated from the original saved files. Maybe Silas3D will have a recommendation or correct any misconceptions I have stated. I'm not an LIE expert.

  • Silas3DSilas3D Posts: 561
    edited September 2023

    paulawp (marahzen) said:

    Hello. I just recently picked up this product to give it a go with my frankenstinian custom characters (not necessarily an advertised usage, but I try pretty much everything). I am seeing some potential here for me. However, one thing I'm trying to work out is how/if you can move the translucency files created by the "Create" version of the script. I prefer to keep all of my texture files in one folder for each character rather than have them scattered around in temp folders. If I copy the files from the temp folder to where I have the other files and re-select the just-copied file in its new location, it appears to lose the subsequent changes (I'm guessing the gamma changes, as I had twiddled my way around most of the options). I see where the gamma changes have to be saved as a scene, but in this case, I still had the same file open. I had simply copied the files and started to re-select them in each surface.

    Alternately, maybe the answer was to move the newly created translucency files before make any subsequent changes. It was my first test.


    Thanks for picking up the product!

    Everything that @barbult has said is spot on and her recommendation to move files prior to making changes is what I would recommend also, if you prefer not to leave them as temp images.

    There may be a utility in the store that can simplify this for you, I haven't used anything myself but might be worth having a look for `LIE` to see if anything shows up.

    Post edited by Silas3D on
  • Just to share my testing for anyone else with similar questions or goals ... Practical further testing shows that the temp files get cleared every time Daz is started, and the files saved there don't in themselves seem to contain any changes one would want to keep. They get regenerated when you open a scene that contains a figure that you've used 1-Click-PBR with, or merge a saved scene with a figure that's been modified with it. I assume the settings are saved in the scene/scene subset files, as the .duf in the temp folder likewise is cleared out. As someone who is into backups and squirreling all my object-related files together, it's something to get used to, but it seems to maintain the configuration on saving/reopening/merging and I've successfully saved a figure as a scene subset and brought it into a scene with another figure. Saving figures and using them together in new scenes is important since my underlying purpose is creating characters for a story series.

    Basically, my goal in trying out 1-Click-PBR was to have an easy PBR conversion utility at hand. I'm working on character creation possibilities in both G8 and G9, having not committed to either, and my attempts to manually convert characters based on G8 Iray textures was not going well. This product appears to totally solve that problem.

  • Silas3DSilas3D Posts: 561

    Thank you for the feedback and very happy the product is helping you!

    For info the reason for the temp files is the generated translucency maps are done so through LIE (Layered Image Editor), which is how most makeups and other body art are applied now.

  • Hello. I seem to be in a pickle and I'd like to be unpickled if at all possible.

    I'll keep this short: I recently purchased this product and tried to use it on my G2F characters but something odd happens to the skin when the conversion happens. The first image is what she normally looks like, while the second is what she looks like after conversion.

    Would you happen to know why she looks like Quan Chi after conversion and how I can fix that?

    Desktop Screenshot 2023.10.01 -
    2560 x 1440 - 2M
    Desktop Screenshot 2023.10.01 -
    2560 x 1440 - 2M
  • Silas3DSilas3D Posts: 561
    @SageWindu no-one wants to smell of vinegar so let's see what we can do! Could you please let me know which character this is? Looking at your screenshots it looks like diffuse maps haven't been copied to translucency channel, assuming that the 'create translucency' conversion script was used?
  • @Silas3D She's a custom character that I sort of "Frankensteined" together from the other characters. That one up there is a combination of I believe Gia 6, Aiko 6, and Girl 6 (I'm not at my PC at time of this comment) with some extra shaping tweaks here and there. Her skin was made with Skin Builder Pro for Genesis and Genesis 2 Female(s).

    Now that I think about it, could it be the skin builder just not playing nice with the converter?

  • Silas3DSilas3D Posts: 561

    @SageWindu ah yes that will be a problem - 1-Click PBRSkin is designed to work with native character skin, not one built using skin builder.

    I've attached an example of Girl 6 texture converted with diffuse gamma set to 5 and translucency gamma set to 7.

    It looks like you may be going for a more stylised look so Girl 6 texture may be too detailed for what you want, but at least this illustrates how you can achieve a darker skin tone with a lighter skin! Barbult posted some great examples earlier in this thread also.

    Screenshot 2023-10-02 153206.png
    854 x 1091 - 1M
  • Silas3D said:

    @SageWindu ah yes that will be a problem - 1-Click PBRSkin is designed to work with native character skin, not one built using skin builder.


    It seems fair to ask at this point.. sometimes I am still just a newbie. :) I haven't used Skin Builder to any great extent and not at all during the time I've been testing 1-Click PBRSkin. For those of us who are not sure what is meant here, what is the difference between using Skin Builder and native character skin? I don't want to lead anyone astray, but in my off-label usage of 1-Click so far I've been using all kinds of not-stock skin and have had good success.

  • Silas3DSilas3D Posts: 561
    I don't have skin builder but my understanding of how it works is that a skin consists of multiple layers that have different blending modes and colours, hence uses LIE to achieve this. A native character skin would just be standard images. 1-Click PBRSkin uses LIE for creating translucency maps, but the rest of the textures are expected to be regular non LIE maps.
  • Silas3DSilas3D Posts: 561
    Oh and LIE is the Layered Image Editor if that term is unfamiliar :)
  • Silas3D said:

    @SageWindu ah yes that will be a problem - 1-Click PBRSkin is designed to work with native character skin, not one built using skin builder.

    Ah, fiddlesticks. I'll have to do it the old-fashioned way then.

    Ah well. I still have the Gamma Adjuster, so there's that.

    Thanks for the help. Have a good one.

  • Hi ... Just wanted to check in with a weird cross-product issue I ran into while testing some random products. It's not an issue for me today, as this happened with a figure that I won't need again after I finish this round of testing (and I can just use some other hair shader product if I need to), but I figure by mentioning it, maybe someone will see it and know what's up. At least it could be a sanity saver for someone else. smiley

    There seems to be a product incompatibility with 1-Click PBRSkin and the Real Hair Shaders for dForce and Strand-Based Hairs | Daz 3D, a nice hair shader product that I use for some situations. I didn't try every shader I own, but this problem doesn't affect some others, for example Colorwerks 3 is not affected. This problem is probably not specific to Genesis version, or the exact 1-Click scripts chosen, but I reproduced it in a new scene by doing the following:

    Load up a G8 figure with standard Iray Uber skin and view with Nvidia Iray viewport so you can see the effects. Use 1-Click PBRSkin and convert to PBRSkin - Create Translucency textures. Then, set other items; in this test, I adjusted Gamma for Skin, Lips and Nails, Adjust Roughness for Lips, and Adjusted Translucency Color for Skin, Lips and Nails. All is fine. Add a suitable hair. Then I used Real Hair Shader for Dforce and Strand-Based Hairs to set a color (I tried several, all with the same eventual outcome). Everything is still fine at this point. Then, go back and readjust the Roughness for Lips Only. As soon as I made any change - even if I canceled it - the hair immediately goes black - not just black, but blocked out.

    It can't be fixed. You can delete and re-add the hair, - or try some other hair - but as soon as you try to use this shader product, it goes back to black.

  • Silas3DSilas3D Posts: 561

    @paulawp(marahzen) what a peculiar scenario!

    Thank you for the detailed replication steps. Unfortunately I was unable to replicate this issue either with strand-based or traditional ribbon based hair. Whilst you didn't mention which hair you were using, it sounds like you have tried multiple.

    It's highly unlikely that this is a bug with either product specifically and much more likely to be an issue with Iray or possibly even a driver issue. Could you try the following:

    • If you have an nVidia graphics card, check to see if your drivers are up to date
    • Update DS to latest version if there is an update available (as there's usually updates to Iray)
    • Try following the same steps but without using Iray in the viewport - if you render to window does the same issue occur?
    • Try doing a CPU only render (again assuming you have an nVidia GPU, it will always be CPU only inf you have an AMD or Intel GPU)

    If you're still experiencing the same problem after trying the above then I really don't know what to suggest sad

  • Well, if it can't be reproduced, then it would be something local to this computer. It's not a big deal as I know about it, and it seems easy to avoid.

    What it visually looks like is the nVidia vMaterials 1.7 issue that I ran into with a couple of specific objects (namely, OOT hair and Ultrascenery XT mat files) when going from 4.16 to 4.20. That was on my old art computer. I never installed nVidia vMaterials on this new art computer, which I know is running the latest DS version. I'm running an EVGA 3090 on this one and next time I turn it on, I can confirm the drivers but they were the latest and greatest not long ago.

    Thanks for checking!

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,973

    When you say "the latest DS version", is that the Public Build or the year old general release (not that I know whether that makes a difference in this case, but just for clarity)

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,973
    edited October 2023

    I followed your steps in DS Public Build. I have NVIDIA RTX 3080 and driver 536.23. It all worked OK for me. I used character Mirlanda HD for Genesis 8 Female and Voila Hair. I do have NVIDIA vMaterials 2.0.0 installed (not 1.7). Since you don't have vMaterials installed, I wonder if you have some other mdl conflict.

    Edit: I had another thought. Did you actually render the hair, or just view it in the Iray Preview? That hair shader sets the Viewport Line Tessellation Sides to 0. Real Hair Shaders Iray Preview color looks very poor with line tessellation 0, but not totally black. Also, what lighiting are you using? With Sun-Sky Only, the Iray Preview of the line tessellation 0 hair looked almost black with only a hint of color. I'm attaching a second image of the Iray Preview with line tessellation 0 and an HDRI for lighting, and a third image with Sun-Sky Only. DS 4.21 handles line tessellation 0 as Iray curves and the Real Hair Shaders settings are not very compatible with Iray curves. That is why Chevybabe25 created the Line Zero hair shaders. They are designed for the line tessellation 0 Iray curves in the recent versions of DS. You will have a better Iray Preview with Real Hair shaders if you increase the viewport line tessellation, but that will be more resource intensive.

    1CPBR and Real Hair Shaders.jpg
    2000 x 1500 - 877K
    1CPBR and Real Hair Shaders Iray Preview no PR Hairs.jpg
    1572 x 1755 - 493K
    1CPBR and Real Hair Shaders Iray Preview Sun-Sky Only.jpg
    1449 x 1572 - 476K
    Post edited by barbult on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,973

    For comparison, here are Iray Preview screenshots and a render of the same scene with the Line Zero hair shaders applied and using line tessellation 0 for both preview and render. Note, In Iray Preview, Preview PR Hairs is Off.

    (Sorry, Silas3D, this is way off topic for 1CPBR.)


    1CPBR and Line Zero Hair Shaders.jpg
    2000 x 1500 - 877K
    1CPBR and Line Zero Hair Shaders Iray Preview HDRI.jpg
    1369 x 1594 - 496K
    1CPBR and Line Zero Hair Shaders Iray Preview Sun-Sky Only.jpg
    1369 x 1552 - 442K
  • Thanks, Barbult, I'll double-check my drivers and DS version when I fire up the art computer hopefully later today. I'll post an attachment of what i get - it's very distinctive as it's not just making the strands dark, it creates a total "0,0,0" type of blackness that extends a bit around the edges of the hair. I have Voila - I'll test with that specific hair.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,973

    paulawp (marahzen) said:

    Thanks, Barbult, I'll double-check my drivers and DS version when I fire up the art computer hopefully later today. I'll post an attachment of what i get - it's very distinctive as it's not just making the strands dark, it creates a total "0,0,0" type of blackness that extends a bit around the edges of the hair. I have Voila - I'll test with that specific hair.

    If you apply the hair shader without using 1CPBR first, does the hair shader look OK in Iray Preview? I'm trying to understand whether this problem is related to 1CPBR at all, or whether that was just an unrelated step along the way to the hair problem becoming visible.

  • barbult said:

    paulawp (marahzen) said:

    Thanks, Barbult, I'll double-check my drivers and DS version when I fire up the art computer hopefully later today. I'll post an attachment of what i get - it's very distinctive as it's not just making the strands dark, it creates a total "0,0,0" type of blackness that extends a bit around the edges of the hair. I have Voila - I'll test with that specific hair.

    If you apply the hair shader without using 1CPBR first, does the hair shader look OK in Iray Preview? I'm trying to understand whether this problem is related to 1CPBR at all, or whether that was just an unrelated step along the way to the hair problem becoming visible.

    This problem was first noticed when, by chance, I decided to make a subsequent 1CPBR change to a character that was initially set up that way. (I've been using this product a lot with some recent changes to my custom-character workflow.) In between the first and second usage of 1CPBR, by random chance, I'd put a hair on that character and used this shader, vs any of the several other shaders I might commonly use. The hair with shader was fine until I ran a 1CPBR script again. Further local testing confirmed I could repro the issue with: 1) Load random G8 character with standard Iray Uber skin; 2) Use 1CPBR for desired effect; 3) Add a hair (tried different ones); 4) Apply the shader product in question. At this point all is fine. It looks normal in preview, it renders as expected. The problem occurs at: 5) Use 1CPBR again. Problem is evident in Iray view and when rendering and persists, even after deleting the affected hair, re-adding it (or some other hair) and applying the shader again.

    The variant I did not test was using 1CPBR for the first time on a character that already has a hair with that shader.

    And yes, sorry guys, don't want to derail your product thread. So far I like this product a lot and I'm hoping that if I work out what's up with this, maybe it will help out someone else. (I can work around it, so it's no big deal to me and my workflow.) I'll test as noted but don't plan to belabor this topic any further after that.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,973
    edited October 2023

    I don't think I followed your steps accurately the first time. I did not run 1CPBR again after applying the hair shader. I don't know how I missed that. You wrote it clearly. Your second explanation brought it to my attention. I will try again. Then if I can't reproduce it, I guess we will drop it.

    No, I still can't reproduce the problem, even after making numerous 1CPBR skin changes to the character after applying the shader to the hair. Maybe it is something with your driver version or Iray Preview Draw Settings (Draw Settings pane). I have Iray Preview set to Photoreal. Does you Daz log show any errors when this happens?

    Post edited by barbult on
  • Well, I don't know what to say. Today I can't repro it. Last night, multiple times, predictably, with at least one stop/start of Daz, but today - nope. Nothing obvious in the log, either. Thanks everyone who got involved and my apologies for the wild goose chase. blush

  • DAZ Studio really needs to start letting people leave customer reviews...

    ... this product is wonderful!

    I hate going in the surfaces tab and fiddling around with settings I don't fully understand.  This product is so simple, but has huge effects on outcome.  Thank you Silas & Josh for upping my rendering game!

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,973

    Write Idea said:

    DAZ Studio really needs to start letting people leave customer reviews...

    ... this product is wonderful!

    I hate going in the surfaces tab and fiddling around with settings I don't fully understand.  This product is so simple, but has huge effects on outcome.  Thank you Silas & Josh for upping my rendering game!

    I suggest that you edit your message to add a link to the 1CPBR store product page. Then a link to your "review" here will show up on the product page for Daz Deals subscribers.

  • Silas3DSilas3D Posts: 561

    Write Idea said:

    DAZ Studio really needs to start letting people leave customer reviews...

    ... this product is wonderful!

    I hate going in the surfaces tab and fiddling around with settings I don't fully understand.  This product is so simple, but has huge effects on outcome.  Thank you Silas & Josh for upping my rendering game!

    Thank you for the lovely feedback! heart 

  • Silas3DSilas3D Posts: 561

    Hi everyone, please note the announcement that has been added to the first post of this thread a few minutes ago. A rare bug due to texture naming convention has been fixed and will be submitted to Daz - see the first post for more info.

    You may also be interested in the following: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/659521/coming-soon-1-click-pbrdragon-commercial


  • cheardcheard Posts: 67

    I just purchased 1-Click PBRSkin (Dec 9, 2023) and found it very easy to follow the instructions in the guide. It does what it says, very straightforwardly. I’m excited about the possibilities and I understand how to use the tool, thanks to the manual. But I don’t know what values to use to get my desired outcomes. Has anyone compiled anything like a “recipe book” for different ethnicities, skin tones, or phenotypes?

  • Silas3DSilas3D Posts: 561
    @cheard thank you for the great feedback! I put a lot of time and effort into pdf guides so I'm glad it's appreciated. With regard to a recipe book, that would be quite challenging as what looks good is subjective and will change from one person to the next. It also heavily depends on the quality of the textures and if the original character already has colour translucency maps. I'd need to check with DAZ if it's ok, but one thing I could do is start a separate forum thread for people to share their recipes for conversions, using a consistent template and scene setup - there would be a dependency on people doing that if course so it may not work
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,973

    I think it is best to just experiment. With the previous product update to add the Iray Preview, it is pretty efficient to go from setting to setting. There is so much texture and setting variation from character to character, the settings that work on one may not work at all on the next. I think the PDF is a very good guide.

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