UltraScatter - v1.5.0 released [Commercial]



  • WandererWanderer Posts: 957

    Okay, the DS native item that I used as a placeholder works fine with the instancing. It's not ideal, but I may just have to go with it if I can't figure out what's keeping me from doing it with the imported object.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,020
    Wanderer said:

    Align object to normal is already checked. I may substitute a different object and see if that works better. 

    Show some screenshots of what is going on and what settings you have checked and maybe I can help. Is the freebie UV mapped? I don't know if that matters to UltraScatter or not.

  • WandererWanderer Posts: 957
    edited April 2018

    @barbult - I'm not sure if it's UV mapped. I haven't learned that part of 3d yet. After I get done with the part I'm working on, I'll go back and get images to post. I do appreciate your help, I've just kept moving while asking the question.

    Post edited by Wanderer on
  • ArtisanSArtisanS Posts: 209
    Linwelly said:
    barbult said:
    Linwelly said:

    You should be painting your gradient only in the green channel, not in the RGB view, to be sure you do not change the red and blue from their mid values.

    oh.. that's possible?... seems I need to learn that. Going to google for that...

    Yes it is possible......got some extra salt in my salt and pepper hair but, hey what do you want....

    First you have to open the channel box, and then the akward part begins....after a few epic fails (add 100 grey hairs) I found out that you have to deselect the red and the blue channel (they are greyed in) in order to edit the channel you don't want to edit.......strange.....but

    Step 1: You deselect the green and the blue and ad a 127 x 3 grey fill to the red channel

    Step 2: You deselect the green and the red and do the same to the blue channel.

    Step 3: You deselt the red and the blue channel and use an conical asymetric blend between black and white on the green channel

    Step 4: Finalise the blend (no edit boxes or handles open please) before you save.......found that out the hard way.....if you have editboxes open the save deletes the gradient (uncool).

    And you should be good to go.....by the way, make a seperate distribution and rotation map......not one map like you are seeming to try.

    Greets, ArtisanS

  • Hey guys,

    Quick question: I remember the question being asked in this thread about whether it is possible to nest in Ultrascatter (IOW, scatter an object onto a scattered object... for example, scattering leaves onto trees which are scattered on a terrain), but I can't seem to find the page where this question was answered. Anyone happen to know the answer to this off hand?

    Thanks guys,


  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,145

    I'm pretty sure that Daz Studio does not support nested instances - I wish it did, for exactly the type of example that you have quoted. It would be very powerful. I know that Carrara does support this and it can be very useful in creating large and complex scenes.

  • PhilW said:

    I'm pretty sure that Daz Studio does not support nested instances - I wish it did, for exactly the type of example that you have quoted. It would be very powerful. I know that Carrara does support this and it can be very useful in creating large and complex scenes.

    Thanks Phil, appreciate the quick reply.  I was hoping for a positive response. But no worries, I'll just find a different solution.



  • This may have already been answered 20 pages ago or so. :) Can one use Ultrascatter for adding instances to a product which will be for sale? And if so is the script required by the end user to use it? 

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,417

    This may have already been answered 20 pages ago or so. :) Can one use Ultrascatter for adding instances to a product which will be for sale? And if so is the script required by the end user to use it? 

    This was indeed answered here: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/1436396/#Comment_1436396

  • Leana said:

    This may have already been answered 20 pages ago or so. :) Can one use Ultrascatter for adding instances to a product which will be for sale? And if so is the script required by the end user to use it? 

    This was indeed answered here: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/1436396/#Comment_1436396

    Thanks ever so much! Have a great weekend.

  • jardinejardine Posts: 1,201

    full disclosure:  i'm only on day two of my ultrascatter learning curve.  :)

    how can i use the script to modify the instancing of an existing environment like, oh, mossy hollow?  i'd like to replace the set's current main show-or-don't distribution map (to drop all of the instances that aren't in my camera's field of view, and modify the instancing on some of the other maps.

    i'm guessing that i'd need to apply my new show-or-don't map to the node that's at the top of the hierarchy, and adjust the current instancing on the plant-specific instance nodes.  but how do i 'open' those with the script while preserving the arrangement that's already there?

    if this is even possible.  :)



  • Getting error, tried even with primitives. DIM installed. No successful runs at all. Always 1529

    2018-11-03 14:56:04.744 Loading script: C:/CGSoft/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4/Studio/My Library/scripts/UltraScatter/UltraScatter.dse

    2018-11-03 14:56:08.994 WARNING: Script Error: Line 1529

    2018-11-03 14:56:08.994 WARNING: TypeError: Result of expression 'aScatterNodes[i].instanceGroup.findPropertyByLabel("Instance Preview")' [null] is not an object.

    2018-11-03 14:56:08.994 WARNING: Stack Trace:

    <anonymous>()@C:/CGSoft/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4/Studio/My Library/scripts/UltraScatter/UltraScatter.dse:1529

    2018-11-03 14:56:08.997 Error in script execution: C:/CGSoft/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4/Studio/My Library/scripts/UltraScatter/UltraScatter.dse

  • Okay I see...

    So maybe one can tell me how to read the script file to understand what exactly not letting me start it on this line 1529?

    Notepad++ opens just gibberish. IS it encoded or...?

  • Yes, I'm pretty sure it is encoded - if so its extension will be .dse.

  • Quazaque said:

    Getting error, tried even with primitives. DIM installed. No successful runs at all. Always 1529

    2018-11-03 14:56:04.744 Loading script: C:/CGSoft/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4/Studio/My Library/scripts/UltraScatter/UltraScatter.dse

    2018-11-03 14:56:08.994 WARNING: Script Error: Line 1529

    2018-11-03 14:56:08.994 WARNING: TypeError: Result of expression 'aScatterNodes[i].instanceGroup.findPropertyByLabel("Instance Preview")' [null] is not an object.

    2018-11-03 14:56:08.994 WARNING: Stack Trace:

    <anonymous>()@C:/CGSoft/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4/Studio/My Library/scripts/UltraScatter/UltraScatter.dse:1529

    2018-11-03 14:56:08.997 Error in script execution: C:/CGSoft/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4/Studio/My Library/scripts/UltraScatter/UltraScatter.dse

    I have a feeling that might be an old version of UltraScatter that is incompatable with the current Daz Studio. Can you tell me the version of Studio you are using and the version of UltraScatter?

  • Quazaque said:
    I have a feeling that might be an old version of UltraScatter that is incompatable with the current Daz Studio. Can you tell me the version of Studio you are using and the version of UltraScatter?

    1.1 on 4.11 beta

  • Quazaque said:
    Quazaque said:
    I have a feeling that might be an old version of UltraScatter that is incompatable with the current Daz Studio. Can you tell me the version of Studio you are using and the version of UltraScatter?

    1.1 on 4.11 beta

    The latest version is 1.1.5 - is that what you are using or is it actually 1.1?

  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,471

    Can UltraScatter be used to to scatter items throughout a cube, as an example?  Thinking of randomizing dust, leaves, flower petals, etc. in a transparent cube/sphere area...or does it only do it onto a surface? 

  • 3dOutlaw said:

    Can UltraScatter be used to to scatter items throughout a cube, as an example?  Thinking of randomizing dust, leaves, flower petals, etc. in a transparent cube/sphere area...or does it only do it onto a surface? 

    No, unless it's a feature that's recently been added. The forthcomng UltraScatter 2 will do something along those lines, I believe.

  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,471

    Ah, OK.  I think I found another product that can do it...

  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,471

    OK, strike that.

    Any more details on "forthcoming"?  Daz "soon" or an actual eta? smiley

  • 3dOutlaw said:

    OK, strike that.

    Any more details on "forthcoming"?  Daz "soon" or an actual eta? smiley

    Has been submitted to Daz so now waiting on approval, QA testing, revisions etc so no concrete date can be given.


  • HowieFarkesHowieFarkes Posts: 606

    Version 1.5 released (free update to all current owners)

    Changes in 1.5

    - new interface and code derived from UltraScatterPro
    - previews for images maps
    - invert image maps
    - per image map projections
    - repel and attract on the same affinity
    - rotation maps now work the same as in UltraScatterPro (ie. can use a grayscale map and tell the script which axis to apply it to)

  • xmasrosexmasrose Posts: 1,403

    Thank you very much!

  • TomiSzomTomiSzom Posts: 7


    I just bought this addon. I have 2 questions:

    1. How could I save 'Presets' for future usage/re-edit the former settings?
    In the case of a very complex addon like this is vital to save settings in an easy way.

    2. How could I avoid using proxies? When I want like 100 billboard trees (or whatever), I don't  want to have proxies as I want to face of them to the camera wherever the camera is.


  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,141

    I want to make a clowder of cats, but I want different poses and textures but is this the right tool for that.    I do not have the pro version but this one.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,573

    Each instance can repeat only one pose/material/shape - but you could mix instances of several different bases

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479

    I want to make a clowder of cats, but I want different poses and textures but is this the right tool for that.    I do not have the pro version but this one.

    If you are doing a small grouping, and want all the cats to be different, you'll need to do those separately. But if you want to fill a large area with "a lot" of cats, this will work. As Richard said, each instance will be the same cat—figure, pose, texture—but if you create 5 or 6 cats, (or more,) group them, and then run Ultrascatter on the group, it will populate the area with numerous cats. Use the various settings to rotate and size the instances, etc.

    You can also take a page out of Howie's playbook, and use multiple scatters. For example, create 6 cats, pose them, texture them all the same and group them. Duplicate the group. Now change the textures on the new group of cats. Rinse and repeat until you have a group for each texture you want to use. Now use Ultrascatter on each group, using different seeds for the various options. It may take some trial and error to get something you like, but this way, you won't have all the black cats in one pose, all the tabbys in another, and so on.

  • UltraScatter and the new UltraScatter Pro don't seem to work in Daz Studio 4.12 since the recent DS update (it says in the log "WARNING: Script Error: Line 584").

    Hope this will be fixed soon, especially since I bought UktraScatter and then UltraScatter Pro before there was a cheaper option for upgrading from UltraScatter...

  • gitika1gitika1 Posts: 948
    edited January 2020

    After spending the morning, to no avail, I could use a tip or two for rotating. No matter what range and variety of settings on the Rotate tab are used, I am unable to get these dandelions to rotate around the Y axis.  X and Z, no problem. frown (Using 4.12 and UltraScatter Advanced Instancing for Daz Studio)

    356 x 438 - 402K
    471 x 480 - 104K
    Post edited by gitika1 on
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