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File system is default APFS.
The indicated folder is not in the DAZ library. I went through and manually made the folder hierarchy for this Bush.dsf file and the Could note create folder error goes away but the error opening save file persists. Also tried unzipping the DIM downloaded zip file which DIM does not recognize, and recompressing it on the Mac and trying to install gives a different error.
Thank you for all the collective advice so far, very helpful community!
DAZ Studio 4.21 is out. Anyone tried it for the Macintosh yet? I'm using Monterey 12.6 on a Mac Pro, late 2013 edition. I'm hoping others have tried DS 4.21 and there are no problems.
Running it on macStudio with macOS 12.6
@Totte: Thanks, Totte. Anyone running it on an Intel Mac? I've got a 12-core Intel CPU, and AMD Graphics cards.
Run it on my MacPro 2014 with 12.6 too.
Ah, great. Thanks.
DS also appears to be working normally on my M1 iMac running macOS 11.7 (Big Sur).
Haven't installed it on my Intel i9 MacBook Pro running macOS 12.6 (Monterey), but will try to report when I get around to doing the DS update on that Mac. :)
Seems to be working fine on my m1 iMac under Monterey 12.6 as well.
Thank you, all. I installed it.
Hello, I've tried to get help in tech forum (one reply which unfortuntely didn't help), searched til i'm blue in the face, and also sent request to Daz support, and no reply after many weeks. Since I'm a Mac user -- and this might be Mac specific -- i'm hoping someone here might be able to help.
I need to move my library to an external drive, which i've read should be quite simple, but Daz seems to not recognize the lib on my external SSD. I copied "My DAZ 3D Library" to external drive, and updated the path in Content Directory Manager, but in Daz the library is broken. I also adjusted install manager path in case that matters.
I've successfully connected a new path in DAZ (e.g. "/Volumes/my other daz stuff/") to that same external drive, and I can save and load files from the external drive just fine. But not when I point to the library files for some reason. I also tried a few options in Content Database Management (re-import metadata), and no luck. Double-checked folder names and paths.
I've since reverted back to using my internal drive and all is well, but my system is choking and I need to clear up drive space real bad. (MAc Mini m1, was on Big Sur when I tried this, but now on Monterey, Daz 4.20)
If anyone here has done this sucessfully on Mac, if you wouldn't mind listing the steps just in case I've messed this up somewhere along the lines. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Forgive me if you've done this already and I just misunderstood, but did you add the library in its current location in Preferences? I've been moving my libraries around every year or so without an issue. It sounds like you did, but maybe you should remove it and then add it rather than edit the pathway?
It does sound like you've done everything necessary; I typically copy my working library to the new drive, then go into the Content Manager, delete the old library from the list and point to the new one, accept and you should be good to go. The only thing I can thing of is that if you edited the pathway instead of deleting and pointing to the new one, you may have made a typo.
Attached is the two screens I step through to add a new library to the program.
Let me know if that helps.
I recenty moved my whole library from a 4TB spinning drive to a 4TB SSD due to the fact the spinning disk is from 2014 and I don't have thunderbolt 1 on the new macStudio.
(I've done this before too, so no big deal).
The things to do (and don't have DS running while doing it)
- Copy the whole Directory from it's root to the new location.
- In DS add it in Content Directory Pane and drop the old one
- In DIM Also change the installation location
- Rename the old one so it fails to find it (good test before deleting it)
- In DS - go to the Hamburger menu Content DB Mananement and reinit Database and then Reimport metadata
- Now check with DIM that the thumbs, download dir etc at still valid, or copy those too to the new drive and remap thier paths in DIM
- Now you can delete the old direcrtory,
- Now you should be up and running,
One thing to keep in mind (that Apple seems to have fixed in macOS 11+ is that if a machine goes to sleep and then comes back, an external drive might get a new drive name
For example /Volumes/MyData will come back as /Volumes/MyData1, which will break all paths. The ugly thing is that Finder still shows it as MyData.
Thank you Totte and wsterdan for your ideas. I did try everything you mentioned, and same result. No smart content works at all, no thumbs etc. But when browsing in content library it is in fact connecting to the ext drive, and loads some content, almost always with files it can't find (/data/, /textures/ etc). it seems random. So i happened to notice a few times that the missing files, although they exist on my ext drive, the file names are out of case (RTPfile.jpg might be Rtpfile.jpg for example). I then checked my sandisk SSD and realized it is in fact formatted to MAC OS extended (case sensitive). So, now I'm thinking that might the root of all (or most) of the issues I'm encountering. Does that make sense? It seem unlikely daz purchased products would be not case correct in their names and paths, but stranger things have happened. Could case sensitive errors cause the smart content to totally not work?
It's either this, or I have to think it's errors in the database that are not correcting themselves (I did reset the database, and re-imported metadata)... Will investigate further. (errrg)
Did you "remove" the old content library from DS knowledge before you reimported meta data, just dropping it from the list of known content directories?
HI Totte, yes, before re-importing metadata I removed the path from content manager, and also renamed the local library (making sure DAZ was not open while renaming the directory).
OK, so just to recap the current state of your vs. my system, to see if I forgot something:
- [Your system] The content is now on a remote drive (size and type unknown to me)
- [My system] The content is on a remote 4TB SSD drive
- [Your system] CMS has been "reset" and metadata reimported.
- [My system] CMS has been "reset" and metadata reimported.
What file system are you using on the external drive?
I use AFPS (no encryption and no case sensitive <--- Very important)
Thats right Totte, I mentioned that I just realized my Sandisk SSD was formatted MAC OS extended (case sensitive). I would never have imaged that path references or file names in DS would (or could) ever be different than the names in the library files. Makes no sense to me why that would be, but it is in fact the "case"! I'll post here if reformatting does in fact clear everything up, or not. Thanks again for your time, very much appreciated...
The issue is that historically there have been a directory named for example Runtime/Textures/SomePA, but on the PAs machine it was Runtime/textures/SomePA , that causes all the internal content links to look that directory, but on a case sensitive system these two are different. Later validator (a PA tool) do check for this, but only the past two-three years.
Just wanted to confirm that the drive format was in fact causing all the problems I had moving to an ext drive. Step 1 for Mac users wanting to move library content to an external drive - ensure the external drive format you are using is NOT case-sensitive, otherwise it will be an unsolvable nighmare. I ended up re-formatting my external drive to use APFS NOT case sensitive, and it resolved all issues I was having. Thanks again to Totte and others for their help!
Glad to see you got it sorted! APFS is, I've found, faster and more reliable than HFS+; the only downside is if you need to use the drive with a much older operating system, the older system won't be able to read it, but it would need be a much earlier system.
Exactly so.
Great to hear you got it working. It's, often those small, not thought of, things that cause big issues.
I had an update for my MacBook Pro M1 today from Monterey to Ventura 13.0.
If you get that as an option, please read up on external hard drives and other issues. I turned off my MBP, unplugged my hard drives, and after the update, plugged them back in. Only one, with my zip files is still recognized. The oned with 'My DAZ 3d Library' is not. I have spent the last 2 hours trying to get the disks to mount or anything in Disk Utility.
It was after this I went on line and found out I should have left them attached. I really should have known better.
Also System Settings are really different. I had to make sure DAZ & DIM still had access to files and my Wifi had been disconnected.
So check your settings prior, then check after. And be prepared for new names and missing folders where things used to be.
Good warning - I guess they run some driver updates on remote drives. I need to be careful then, I have 1 2TB SSD, 1 4TB SSD and then for backups 1 5TB drive and a 3TB drive all attached to my macStudio.
Thanks for the heads-up! I've got to 2-TB SSDs, two 5-TB HDDs, two 4-TB HDDs and a mix of 3- and 2-TB HDDs, this would have been a very unwelcome surprise.
I just tried using the Disk Utility on my 2012 iMac with no luck. After my post yesterday, I kept trying and that drive is toast. I have some blank 4TB external drives, but the way the library was filling the destroyed one up, I am going to run to Micro Center today and pick up a portable 5Tb one. I did finally get the original 8TB to recover, but I am loath to trust it again.
Thankfully I have my zip files, so I can uninstall, then reinstall from that drive into the new one without wiping out our internet allowance for the next few months. Just have to update the paths.
And before this, I was going to ask how I could split my library onto separate drives, so the heavy GB things, like shader sets were in their own space. But then some PAs seem to use heavy texturing on so many products now, you can get a nasty surprise on a single item. I hadn't even started to load other store items, or freebies on the MBP.
Just create multiple libraries and install different things to different ones, splitting an installed library can be quite some task though.
OK, the following is a guess, based on how DS works, but you never know.
If you create a library with only a Runtime folder in, and in that only a Texture folder, and move half of your Runtime / Texture there and map that folder, DS should find the textures there instead, and as textures are the big chunk, thins might be the easiest way of doing it. But, as I said, I know thios works on a small scale, but never tested it on a big scale. So, wanna be the guineapig?
Me, the 'Dummie are me' person? Sure why not, I have two blank 4 TB I could use to divide everything up on.
My library is over 12,000 items now, but some of those are Poser files and I only load the ones that the old DS files need their Geometry and stuff, along with Bryce, Hexagon, and Carrara which I have not added to the MBP.
While I joined in 2016, I did buy a lot of Gen 4, G1, G2 items because their clothing, sets and props were useful and I could use them. A few Gen 3 snuck in too. The bulk of my purchases were the late G3 period and thru G8, but I got selective in G8.1.
Just remember, I can easily get confused with what to you and others are simple terms, to me is an acronym and I am lost. So If you don't mind a lot of basic questions, I am game.
* Putting on my labcoat *
Me I am trying to get the internet back on the MBP. And re-install Google Chrome. Color me very frustrated now. And I have to be at Buckley SFB after 10:30 AM to pick something up.
I have never had a problem with a Mac not keeping internet after an update, but I pulled the winning ticket this time. Another thing to watch for.