Auto Muscle Enhancer HD [Commercial]



  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,085

    Here is a slightly less extreme version (AME Body from 75 to 65). This is one of the things I like the most about this product is how scalable it is. I am still working on the traps. I cannot seem to get them just right.

    10.5 Brian Hoffman A 06 G8M Pose 000 Degrees.png
    1536 x 2048 - 2M
    10.5 Brian Hoffman A 07 G8M M Pose 000 Degrees.png
    1536 x 2048 - 2M
    10.5 Brian Hoffman Flex Pose 000 Degrees.png
    1536 x 2048 - 2M
    10.5 Brian Hoffman Magma Pose 000 Degrees.png
    1536 x 2048 - 2M
  • More excellence, Sigurd! I compared the 2 versions of this character side by side.  The changes are subtle, but noticeable.  I'm also liking the body hair on the second version.  I couldn't tell you which one I prefer more, they're both great.

    I also have difficulty getting the traps to look right.  I've blended in/out the G8M trap morph, reduced the ASE neck enhancer, and tried different combinations of Sickle Yield's trap morphs from their G8M 200 morph pack freebie.  I just can't quite get the shaping exactly like I want.  I need to look at some of the other muscular morph packs to see if there are fine tuning adjustments for the traps.  And that's not taking anything away from AME and ASE.  They're brilliant.


  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,130
    Sigurd said:

    Been busy the last few days on webinars and have not had time to post. Here is one of an old character updated with AME.

    Yes, I agree with all the compliments. This is wonderful artistry.

  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,085

    Thank you both for your very kind words. Lee, the traps can be troublesome at times. Currently trying to take him down to AME Body 60%. This reduces bulk by a great deal but seems to reduce the Bicep too much.

  • lindelllindell Posts: 58
    edited May 2020
    Was hoping to see some previews of the female version soon, almost invested in the ASE products this weekend with the sale, but decided to wait. The AME is the first product that has come out that has made me even think about upgrading from G2.
    Post edited by lindell on
  • leemoon_c43b45a114leemoon_c43b45a114 Posts: 850
    edited May 2020

    Another cartoonized figure using AME/ASE.  This is Ward for Vladimir with a sprinkling of other morphs dialed in. The skin texture is from Emil. That texture has a nice tone and renders quickly.  One of my favorite skins.


    1642 x 923 - 637K
    Post edited by leemoon_c43b45a114 on
  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,085

    Wow! This is really good Lee. It works really well with the pose.

  • Sigurd said:

    Wow! This is really good Lee. It works really well with the pose.

    Thank you, Sigurd! I turned the neck enhancer down to zero and turned off limits on some traps morphs to maintain a smooth curve on Wade/Vladimir/several-other-figures traps.  I like the flex on his right bicep.  I think that turned out really well.

    Here's a default pose of the same figure, but with a little less "dorito" shape to his torso.  I played with the lats, waist, Cartoonized Royalty Body Shape, and Sickle Yield's Dorito Body dials to give him a wider, less v-shaped torso.  I like the look and will continue to tinker with the shape.



    966 x 1251 - 467K
  • It took a while to render due to using DOF and I stopped it at around 90% completion.  Lots of work to do to get a face I want for the Ward/AME/ASE physique I rendered in my previous post.

    AME really pops the musculature of existing characters.  Such a wonderful and essential tool for my workflow.



    1648 x 1257 - 957K
  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,085

    Looking great Lee! The Traps are top notch!

  • DamselDamsel Posts: 382

    Just wanted to tell you I love this product. Nice work! This one combines Gordon's head with your produt.


    Conal portrait.jpg
    1000 x 1000 - 712K
  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,085

    Nice work Damsel! This highlights one of the things I like most about this product is how different the end results can look. Your character looks great and does not look much at all like any of the other characters that have been also showcased on this page.

  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,085
    edited May 2020

    Ok. This is probably my last iteration of Brian Hoffman. This is my Large Version. If I do another it will be an XL version. I have included with and without body hair and Muscle Definition at 0 and 100%. Also included is a comparison of 0% Muscle Definition to a Std. G8M Figure for scale purposes. Had a lot of fun with this Character. He is approx 70/30 Endo/Meso around 6 foot tall and 350 lbs. I gave him a Heavyweight Wrestler's physique as opposed to a Bodybuilder or Powerlifter. I thought the increase in speed would be a good tradeoff over the bulk strength. If anyone is interested in seeing more of him, let me know. Also I am interested in any comments or critiques.

    0 Brian Hoffman Ultra Magma Pose 000 Degrees w Hair.png
    1536 x 2048 - 2M
    1 Brian Hoffman Ultra Magma Pose 000 Degrees.png
    1536 x 2048 - 2M
    2 Brian Hoffman Ultra Magma Pose 000 Degrees w Hair.png
    1536 x 2048 - 2M
    3 Brian Hoffman Ultra Magma Pose 000 Degrees.png
    1536 x 2048 - 2M
    Comp Brian Hoffman Ultra and G8M Scale 100 Magma Pose 000 Degrees.png
    1536 x 2048 - 2M
    Post edited by Sigurd on
  • Damsel said:

    Just wanted to tell you I love this product. Nice work! This one combines Gordon's head with your produt.


    Damsel, your render is amazing.  I like the render style and the character you created.  And I agree with Sigurd regarding the uniquely wonderful figure you've come up with.

    Thank you so much for sharing this with us!


  • Sigurd said:

    Ok. This is probably my last iteration of Brian Hoffman. This is my Large Version. If I do another it will be an XL version. I have included with and without body hair and Muscle Definition at 0 and 100%. Also included is a comparison of 0% Muscle Definition to a Std. G8M Figure for scale purposes. Had a lot of fun with this Character. He is approx 70/30 Endo/Meso around 6 foot tall and 350 lbs. I gave him a Heavyweight Wrestler's physique as opposed to a Bodybuilder or Powerlifter. I thought the increase in speed would be a good tradeoff over the bulk strength. If anyone is interested in seeing more of him, let me know. Also I am interested in any comments or critiques.

    It's always amazing to see the transformation that AME/ASE can bring to a figure.  Especially in the hands of someone talented!  Keep up the excellent work and the inspiration that you give us.  I enjoy seeing all your figure studies!


    (Oh, and I've been remiss on repying in a timely fashion to this thread.  The past couple of days I've gone on a shopping spree here in the store.  Lots of great things to experiment with and use AME/ASE on.  It's all keeping me busy in a very good way!)

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,130
    Damsel said:

    Just wanted to tell you I love this product. Nice work! This one combines Gordon's head with your produt.


    Really like the head, face, and ears.

  • Lx75Lx75 Posts: 25
    Any news about the female version? It'll be an instant purchase for me.
  • efron_24efron_24 Posts: 474

    wow.. when will this be in shop

  • Lx75 said:
    Any news about the female version? It'll be an instant purchase for me

    Instantaneous buy for me also...I've been waiting for the G8Female version with great anticipation...


  • Wanted to see what the female version of this product might look like, so "ported" over some female characters onto G8M to play with this product. Picture names are in percentages of AME and ASE.

    Teen Josie 8 on G8M AME Body-AME Flex Size-AME Muscle Def-AME Veins-AME Upper Body 2X-ASE All

    Quite easy to overcook the muscle definition and veins on the women.  All these where set at SubD1

    G8M Josie.jpg
    1000 x 1000 - 513K
    G8M Josie 1-100-50-30-100-85.jpg
    1000 x 1000 - 519K
    G8M Josie 30-100-0-5-30-85.jpg
    1000 x 1000 - 513K
    G8M Josie 50-100-5-10-50-85.jpg
    1000 x 1000 - 514K
    G8M Josie 70-100-10-15-75-85.jpg
    1000 x 1000 - 516K
  • terry_duquetteterry_duquette Posts: 256
    edited June 2020

    Well I couldn't wait for the female version any longer, so I "ported" some female characters onto G8M to play with this product.  Attached is Teen Josie 8 on G8M.  The pic names are indicative of the settings many folks have discussed in this forum.  I tried to give a smattering of what you can do with this highly versatile product.  I find it us best to use it as enhancements, as it can have very profound effects on the character. I also developed my own morphs to modify the AME body to minimize some of its look while retaining its features (i.e. dropped shoulders and slightly enlarged feet and hands, just my preferences!) Here are the renders I thru together. Picture % settings: AME Body-AME Flex Size-AME Muscle Def-AME Veins-AME Upper Body 2X-ASE All sorry for the double post, I didn't give the first one enough time to hit.

    G8M Josie.jpg
    1000 x 1000 - 513K
    G8M Josie 30-100-0-5-30-85.jpg
    1000 x 1000 - 513K
    G8M Josie 50-100-5-10-50-85.jpg
    1000 x 1000 - 514K
    G8M Josie 70-100-10-15-75-85.jpg
    1000 x 1000 - 516K
    G8M Josie 1-100-50-30-100-85.jpg
    1000 x 1000 - 519K
    Post edited by terry_duquette on
  • RenderPretenderRenderPretender Posts: 1,041

    Well I couldn't wait for the female version any longer, so I "ported" some female characters onto G8M to play with this product.  Attached is Teen Josie 8 on G8M.  The pic names are indicative of the settings many folks have discussed in this forum.  I tried to give a smattering of what you can do with this highly versatile product.  I find it us best to use it as enhancements, as it can have very profound effects on the character. I also developed my own morphs to modify the AME body to minimize some of its look while retaining its features (i.e. dropped shoulders and slightly enlarged feet and hands, just my preferences!) Here are the renders I thru together. Picture % settings: AME Body-AME Flex Size-AME Muscle Def-AME Veins-AME Upper Body 2X-ASE All sorry for the double post, I didn't give the first one enough time to hit.

    Nice! I'm checking daily for the G8F version to appear in the store.

  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,085

    Wow! I did not think I would hav e much use for the female version but this has definitely given me pause to rethink this.

  • lindelllindell Posts: 58
    Nice work on the girl trials, very encouraging. I hope all is well with Dmaster.
  • Drogo NazhurDrogo Nazhur Posts: 1,081
    DMaster said:
    masi3vee said:

    Based on the apparent success of the G8M version, I'm thinking of pulling the trigger on ASE for G8F while it's on sale. Any ETA on the G8F version of AME?

    I will be submitting it next week 19-or 20 if all is well.

    Did it come out? Did I miss it? Anyone have a link for it?

  • RenderPretenderRenderPretender Posts: 1,041
    edited June 2020
    DMaster said:
    masi3vee said:

    Based on the apparent success of the G8M version, I'm thinking of pulling the trigger on ASE for G8F while it's on sale. Any ETA on the G8F version of AME?

    I will be submitting it next week 19-or 20 if all is well.

    Did it come out? Did I miss it? Anyone have a link for it?

    I'm quite sure that it's not out yet. If I were technically savvy enough, I'd buy the male version and try to port it over to G8F somehow in the interim.

    Post edited by RenderPretender on
  • RenhaRenha Posts: 12

    Can't wait for the female version. Missed the sale for ASE because didn't know about that topic back then :)

  • vonHobovonHobo Posts: 1,656



    It took a while to render due to using DOF and I stopped it at around 90% completion.  Lots of work to do to get a face I want for the Ward/AME/ASE physique I rendered in my previous post.

    AME really pops the musculature of existing characters.  Such a wonderful and essential tool for my workflow.



    Is the Auto Shape Enhancer an absolutely required product for the Auto Muscle Enhancer HD?

    I am also thinking about getting Cartoonized because these renders really rock!

  • DMasterDMaster Posts: 410
    edited June 2020

    Hey guys. Get this wonderful product to work with AME too. 

    Every muscle man need to have a part to SWOLE

    I am starting to work again. slowly.

    Post edited by DMaster on
  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,918

    What the hell is going on with those concave abs?

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