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That is an error of a more serious type (actual database corruption, can happen of the ,machine lose power when the database is writing or a disk/storage volume starting to go bad.).
To fix that (which means zap the old db and then reimport metadata), remove all the files in ~/Library/Application Support/DAZ 3D/cms/ContentCluster, then start DS again and then do a reimport metadata.
PostgreSQL still won't start & after re-importing the metadata that folder remains empty. Also if I un-install PostgreSQL then it won't re-install
Try to run my scipt now when it's empty to see if it was both things, permissiona and corruptions. An update of macOS that changed permissions, which could be bad it postgres s running and permissions suddenly prevents postgres to write the file it's currently writing.
you can also check the permission of the cms folder itself, should you as owner with full access and read only for others AFAIR
Still no go, This is the error that now apearing
FATAL: data directory "/Users/MyUseName/Library/Application Support/DAZ 3D/cms/ContentCluster" has group or world access
DETAIL: Permissions should be u=rwx (0700)
Plus the usual "A Valid PostgreSQL cms connection could not be established"
Did you run my fix on it after you emptied it?
Can be that the base privs are wrong, you need to do
In the terminal
Tried that and now i'm back to this error
LOG: database system was interrupted; last known up at 2020-05-12 10:07:24 BST
LOG: unexpected pageaddr 5/96DCA000 in log segment 0000000100000005000000AC, offset 14458880
LOG: invalid primary checkpoint record
LOG: unexpected pageaddr 5/96D76000 in log segment 0000000100000005000000AC, offset 14114816
LOG: invalid secondary checkpoint record
PANIC: could not locate a valid checkpoint record
LOG: startup process (PID 7247) was terminated by signal 6: Abort trap
LOG: aborting startup due to startup process failure
@Totte Thanks for all your help, I do believe I have fixed it. I had to take full ownership of my Home Folder, Then reset my user permissions via the terminal
Permissions changes during system updates are causing all kinds of weird problems.
I'm really getting interested in Marmoset, as perhaps a means of fast renders. In this thread:
hookflash asks, [H]as anyone tried exporting their AME animation from Daz in Alembic format and then rendering in Marmoset Toolbag? In theory, it should work as long as the Daz Alembic exporter really is "vertex exact," as the product page says[?]
And D. Master answers: ABC render in marmoset. Once in marmoset it just play. And I can pan around the animation. Video was just a scene capt of Mamoset.
There is a link to the video:
hookflash says about the Alembic format: Basically, it allows you to transfer pure mesh data (static or animated) between 3d applications, such as Daz and Marmoset, without having to worry about the usual incompatibilities that you get with formats like FBX and DAE.
So, does this show great potential for Mac users if iRay via nVidia GPUs are never coming back to the Mac platform? I'm just seeking information. I'm not trying to promote Marmoset or anything else.
Not really sure if this is the right place for recommendations but this is an OS X thread so here goes.
Im looking for future machine recommendations. I started with Daz about a month ago and have been really enjoying it. My problem is that im using a 2012 iMac. Dont get me wrong im happy to leave a render going for 8hrs over night but im now getting in to simulations and the 10-15min waits are real every time i change parameters.
I am due an upgrade any time now and as a life long mac user i always assumed i would just get a new iMac. And now we come to Nvidia and graphics. I hear some on here saying that iray will only use Nvidia and if you dont have an Nvidia card then Daz will use the CPU. Is this correct? And if so would i be better investing my money in to a windows machine (shock horror)?
Basically is there anyone out there that has a new top level iMac who can weigh in on how it performs. I would love to stick with mac but if working in the iray viewport is always going to be sluggish maybe i would consider a swap.
$2000 imac that i know and love, or $2000 on a windows machine with an Nvidia card?
Im still new to the forums but i recognize the Totte username from some DIM troubleshooting. Thanks for the easy to understand guides!
Can someone tell me how to properly run that Fix DSCMS scrip of @Totte?
I to go Terminial and....
Also...where is the Error log?
The script is an executable applecript, just dblclick it and authenticate (as it needs to run the chmod stuff as admin)
And the DAZ Studio error log you find under the men Help -> Troubleshooting... -> Show Error Log
In August 2019 I bought a 27" iMac 64G ram 3T fusion 4x4 CPUs (maxed cycles). Maxed the video card as well. Basically I went to apples website and slid everything as far right as it could go for the iMac.
Even with this beast the CPU rendering is doggy. At least 2 hours for a decent single render with a 2 or more figure set. It's SLOW. (and that's just HD).
That said...I love my Mac and use it for a lot more than Daz.
My reccomendation is to get the Mac and deal with the slowness then invest in a PC when you can. I have my sights set on one...just haven't decided which one yet! LOL.
Thats good to know. Thank you. The more i know about newer macs the better decision ill be able to make.
So does anyone know if Daz can only use Nvidia otherwise its the CPU? Anyone tried an imac with an external graphics card unit and an Nvidia card? I hear even the low end Nvidea stuff does much better than anyhting else with Daz.
New iMac with a decent CPU, low end graphics an an external box souds like a good compromise?
Yes, Iray supports only (some) nVidia cards for GPU rendering. People have used eGPU solutions, but note that CUDA support on Macs is now maerked as deprecated in the latest version of Iray so at some point even those will not be supported by Iray. If you are prepared to consider an eGPU you might use a basic Windows box isntead - that waay you can leave it rendering while you work (or play) on your Mac.
nVidia gfx cards are not supported from MacOS High Sierra onwards, to use a eGPU with an nVidia gfx card you would have to have MacOS El Capitan or earlier
Edit: I have fixed my issue.
I right clicked on the Smart Content tab and clicked StopCMS then clicked StartCMS.
It's all good now.
Just starting it wasn't doing the trick...had to stop it first. Wacky. I think it was a combination of your script and that...
Hey sir...I ran your script (which worked before in a VM) and it's not doing it's magic...
This is the first snip of the log from a reload. Everything prior to this was okay and no errors (from what I see.)
2020-05-14 13:40:31.416 WARNING: /src/dzpostgresqlobjectdatabase.cpp(37): postgres create new db error: could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 17237?
could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 17237?
2020-05-14 13:40:31.417 postgres create new db error: could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 17237?
could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 17237?
2020-05-14 13:40:31.424 WARNING: /src/dzpostgresqlobjectdatabase.cpp(37): freeResources error: could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 17237?
could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 17237?
2020-05-14 13:40:31.424 freeResources error: could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 17237?
could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 17237?
The postgres server doesn't want to start it seems. Thoghts?
And if you bought a new Mac, I don't think you'd be able to run El Capitan or earlier on it. I believe you cannot run an OS on a Mac if that OS is earlier than the version that came with the Mac. For example, if you bought a new Mac and it's running Catalina, you would not be able to install El Capitan on it. So, should you get an eGPU box and put an nVidia card in it, and tried to run it with the new Mac, I doubt that it would work.
I really think that Mac users who want to use 3D apps such as DAZ Studio, should write to Apple and plead with them to develop an app that translates Open GL and Open CL into Metal. I have done so. If Apple won't do that, I really hope someone else will. Does anyone know if there's anybody, or any company, working on a translator? (I'm not asking that such a translator be free, but I do hope that a translator will show up.)
A suitable link to talk to Apple Support is this:
A note on that page reads:
Use the form below to send us your comments. We read all feedback carefully, but we are unable to respond to each submission individually. If you provide your email address, you agree that we may contact you to better understand the comments you submitted."
Also, above I've commented and asked question about Marmoset. I've read that the Marmoset Toolbag 3 uses a combination of languages that makes it simple to translate from DAZ 3D, used by Mac users, into Metal, and Marmoset does its work in Metal. That's why I'm a bit excited about it, as it appears to have a translator. But, beyond that, I don't really know anything about Marmoset.
is postgres running on that port? 17237?
Thanks so much for the replies.
I can see that Apple really arent playing ball with 3D at the moment. Like you say, all we can do is let them know we want it. I'll get on that feedback form now...
Apple removed all support for nVidia gfx cards, Even if you use an eGPU case with a nVidia card t won't work. Apple refuses to give nVidia a licence to develop drivers for MacOS until that changes we are stuck with AMD Cards.
Now if someone was to make a plug-in so that we can use AMD's Pro Render with DAZ then that would be the way to go.
Not that it matters much to the end user, but I think Nvidia won't develop their drivers in conjunction with Apple, which Apple demands as part of their security/stability requirements for things that touch the core OS. So both sides won't do what the other insists on for development. It would be nice if one of them decided they had strong financial needs to give in. Or AMD's open render frameworks became a real alternative to CUDA-based rendering.
I decided to look at a PB-Rendered I looked at before Iray came to DS, FluidRay, seems to load FBX files fro DS great and seems to do have much better more similar material settings than marmorset, and also stupid fast.
FluidRay? OK, I'm off to search FluidRay. Does it, or will it, work with Apple's Metal?
OK, read something about it. Does FluidRay render in Apple's Metal?
Also, what plugins does FluidRay have that might work with DAZ Studio, if any?
Platnumk wrote: Now if someone was to make a plug-in so that we can use AMD's Pro Render with DAZ then that would be the way to go.
Well, AMD says ProRender
Uses Open Standards
Uses OpenCL™ or Apple® Metal®2, works across Windows®, Linux®1, macOS®2, and supports both AMD GPUs and CPUs as well as those of other vendors
Is there no plugin or export option that would let AMD ProRender work with DAZ Studio?
Not at the moment, There is one for Blender, C4D, Maya, 3DS Max but not DAZ :/
If there is someone who could and would write these translators and plugins for DAZ Studio, I'd certainly be interested in buying them.