XTransfer Module 1- Genesis 3 to Genesis 8 Morph Converter (Commercial)



  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,065
    edited March 2020

    How are you transferring this custom character? Did you favourite the character slider? Is there one? Or did you favourite the individual morphs and transfer it that way. I need to see some screenshots please of what is selected before transferring took place. Also the distortion is due to a morph that hasn't been rigged..Please check if the G3 version of that morph has been rigged.

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • TymefyreTymefyre Posts: 13

    To do the XTransfer, I Favorited the defualt character's slider then ran the script. Pics 1-3 show everything I have used XTransfer on thus far. When I dial in the new G8F character, I go back and match the same percetages on the sliders as the G3F character; pics 4-5 show the XT sliders used. The G8F body matches the G3F body to perfection, its just the head / lips that I seem to have a problem with matching. I have no idea how to check if the orignal G3F morphs are rigged. 

    XT 01.PNG
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  • outrider42outrider42 Posts: 3,679

    I would just use adjust rigging to shape regardless. With multiple shapes dialed in, sometimes it is necessary. Save your pose, then reset your pose, do the adjust rigging to shape, and reapply the pose.

  • TymefyreTymefyre Posts: 13

    I tried the adjust rigging suggested, and that seems to have solved the pose distortion problem. Thank you outrider!

  • AsariAsari Posts: 703
    Are the height data of the G3 base characters saved in their body morphs or is there a separate height slider?

    I just noticed that when I dial in the transferred body morphs the chars have the same height as G8Fs or G8Ms but their G3 counterparts are taller or shorter. Not a big issue since I can dial in height morphs separately, just curious if I'm not doing it right.

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,065

    Sometimes the height dial is seperate to the body morph in a character slider, If a character makes use of both. In order for it to scale correctly you will Favourite the character dial in people and transfer that.

  • AsariAsari Posts: 703
    Zev0 said:

    Sometimes the height dial is seperate to the body morph in a character slider, If a character makes use of both. In order for it to scale correctly you will Favourite the character dial in people and transfer that.

    Thx for your reply. I think I favorited the dial under full body but i will try under people next time.
  • TymefyreTymefyre Posts: 13


    I found the solution to the Lip/Mouth distortion that I was having. The first time I used the XTransfer, I only Fav'ed the Character "Victoria 7" for example. After running XTransfer it would create a slider for the Character, Body, and Head. 

    I tried the process again, this time Fav'ing the Character, Body, and Head sliders. As expected, all three sliders show up. However, when the individual morphs were applied the results were much better. In the pics below you can see that the Lips/Mouth look almost identical to the G3F figure, the mouth is open a little but that is easily adjusted. I also used the Adjust Rigging that Outrider42 suggested and the pose distortion was corrected as well.

    Head Shot: G3F on Left, G8F on Right. Others: G3F in gray, G8F in blue


    Head Shot.PNG
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  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,065

    Glad you got it sorted.

  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,916

    I really wish you'd reconsider making XTransfer for earlier generations. Riversoft recently released a G2F to G8F converter, and stated that that and the upcoming G2M-G8M converter won't be able to do more extreme shapes like Reptilian and Minotaur, which to be honest are the #1 reason I would even need such a product.. By contrast, XTransfer has worked perfectly on everything I've thrown at it (short of HD morphs, but that can't be helped). I trust your products, and would rather buy a G2 XTransfer than any alternative, and certainly rather than buying the more expensive GenX plus addons just to get them to a state where I can XTransfer them to G8.

  • earl waveryearl wavery Posts: 12
    edited March 2020

    River did mentioned G2 is very different than G3. Plus pre-update XT conflicts with Morph Rigger, so any Gen X morph couldn't be fixed. In contrast, Gen X didn't get a G3 add-on until almost the Iray Update and XT would need another overhaul just for older gen, that's time not many artists have.

    Post edited by earl wavery on
  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,916

    River did mentioned G2 is very different than G3. Plus pre-update XT conflicts with Morph Rigger, so any Gen X morph couldn't be fixed. In contrast, Gen X didn't get a G3 add-on until almost the Iray Update and XT would need another overhaul just for older gen, that's time not many artists have.

    I'm not disputing what you said, but the reason Zev0 gave earlier in the thread for not making XTransfer for earlier generations is that GenX already fills that gap. I don't know that XTransfer for G2 would be an overhaul of XT as much as a separate product; that's for Zev0 to figure out if they decide to take it on. I was only appealing to them to do so. As far as the pre-update conflicts with GenX morphs, wouldn't that be a moot point given that XTransfer for earlier generations would supplant the need to use GenX? Even if not, it's something that Zev0 now has experience tackling, so even if the solution weren't cut-and-paste, it would probably be a lot easier to solve now.

  • outrider42outrider42 Posts: 3,679

    Honestly after the headaches that Zev has certainly gotten from this I wouldn't blame them from not wanting to attempt previous generations for a very long time. G2 is a totally different beast at that.

    However, it would be pretty fantastic if they did. GenX was great, and still has use, but sadly with Dimension3D's passing there is no one to provide support or updates for it. It is totally possible that a new version of Daz Studio could break it, and there is no way to jump from those previous generations to G8 directly, which I would image being more ideal than going from one to G3, then to G8.

    Like for me and GenX, I have models that do not transfer I have no idea why. Some do, some don't. I wound up using other methods in some cases.

  • takezo_3001takezo_3001 Posts: 1,957

    I think that once the fixes to X-Transfer rolls out, we won't need another Gen 2-Gen8 converter as we already have gen-x; Maybe in the distant future when Genesis 9 comes out but let's let the fixes roll out first before getting ahead of ourselves.

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,281
    edited March 2020

    I've managed to bolix G8M and am going to need some help digging my way out of the crater. Suggestions are being asked for.

    Starting at the beginning;

    I saved one of my G3M dial-spins as a character preset. I didn't go the extra mile of saving it as a dial, just as a preset, since my workflow doesn't require a dial. Now, there's already a sting in the tail here. The dial-spin has some fairly major problems. It looks all right and can be posed without issue, but it doesn't take expressions well. It's a Toon character put together from a number of resources (some of them freebies) and a good 55% of the expressions one tries to apply cause the nose and mouth to warp completely out of shape. I've had to work around this problem with the project the character is for. Enough other expressions can be used for it to be workable, if not optimal. 

    I daresay I was off in cloud-cuckooland hoping that porting it to G8M would reduce this problem. It didn't. In fact, if anyting, it's worse. So I deleted the result.

    Now G8M loads as this dial-spin. *With* the expression glitch. I can zero out the figure shape and get it back to looking like G8M. But the expression glitch remains. I can see that reinstalling the G8M Starter Essentials is on the agenda. But I'm not going to count on this fixing the problem.

    Selecting the figure and going to 'Currently Used' doesn't show any of the facial morphs which would affect this. Particularly not once the shape has been zeroed out.

    I went into the data file trying to find this morph so I could delete it. However, since it isn't a *named* morph on a dial, I'm not sure I can find it. I *thought* I could see where it was, and moved the suspected folders out of the collection. But it still loads as the Toon.

    The expressions now *seem* to work once the figure has been zeroed out, however. But I would just as soon be able to load the base directly.

    ETA: TimeMachine is your friend. I found the date that I did the port, and went into TimeMachine back to the day before, and restored both the G8M base morphs and the XTransfer folder. 

    G8M now loads as himself. He still came in with a half a dozen rndom navel morphs which was odd. So I wnet back to the data folder and got rid of those. I think I've got it as fixed as is likely to happen now. But really!

    Post edited by JOdel on
  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,130
    Gordig said:

    River did mentioned G2 is very different than G3. Plus pre-update XT conflicts with Morph Rigger, so any Gen X morph couldn't be fixed. In contrast, Gen X didn't get a G3 add-on until almost the Iray Update and XT would need another overhaul just for older gen, that's time not many artists have.

    I'm not disputing what you said, but the reason Zev0 gave earlier in the thread for not making XTransfer for earlier generations is that GenX already fills that gap. I don't know that XTransfer for G2 would be an overhaul of XT as much as a separate product; that's for Zev0 to figure out if they decide to take it on. I was only appealing to them to do so. As far as the pre-update conflicts with GenX morphs, wouldn't that be a moot point given that XTransfer for earlier generations would supplant the need to use GenX? Even if not, it's something that Zev0 now has experience tackling, so even if the solution weren't cut-and-paste, it would probably be a lot easier to solve now.

    Well, I agree. I'd even like waht DimensionX originally did, which was to transfer morphs or figures as far back as David 3 and Michael4 to Genesis 1. I'd like to be able to take those "originals" and move them into Genesis 8. I bought the transfer from DimiensionX for Genesis 2, but was not happy with the results: they were getting away from D3 and M4. When I saw what was happening to some people's figures moving them from Genesis 2 to Genesis 3, I stopped there. I did not buy the Genesis 3 product.

  • Whenever I tried XTransfer G3F to G8F for a character, it crashes Daz Studio. And I found Zev0 (developer) provided with an update. How can I get the update? I also found the product is not in Daz store anymore. Thanks.


  • prayersts said:

    Whenever I tried XTransfer G3F to G8F for a character, it crashes Daz Studio. And I found Zev0 (developer) provided with an update. How can I get the update? I also found the product is not in Daz store anymore. Thanks.

    If the update has been released you can still download from your Product Library or through Install manager, even if the product is not currently available through the store.

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,065
    edited March 2020
    The product will be available again once the update has been approved. I will inform all when this happens. Product has been removed in the meantime to prevent new customers getting possible issues who do not really follow threads, and who do not have the knowledge to self correct the issue if they experience the problem where it is affecting G8.
    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,065
    edited March 2020
    prayersts said:

    Whenever I tried XTransfer G3F to G8F for a character, it crashes Daz Studio. And I found Zev0 (developer) provided with an update. How can I get the update? I also found the product is not in Daz store anymore. Thanks.


    To get a version of the update you need to PM me your log file first. Thank you.
    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,069
    edited March 2020
    Zev0 said:
    prayersts said:

    Whenever I tried XTransfer G3F to G8F for a character, it crashes Daz Studio. And I found Zev0 (developer) provided with an update. How can I get the update? I also found the product is not in Daz store anymore. Thanks.



    To get a version of the update you need to PM me your log file first. Thank you.

    The update will be in the DIM soon?
    I can wait for that but, please, can you tell me if now it works properly with morphs G1->G3->G8?

    Post edited by Imago on
  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,065
    From our tests it does..All genx morphs on G3 work properly now.
  • Does this have a limit to the amount of morphs it can transfer? I've tried a few times to convert one of my figures and it always sticks at 42%, even after letting it run for the best part of 24 hours. I've tried not favouriting the morphset that it gets stuck on, but it sticks again at 42% again, although on an entirely different morph.

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,065
    The update when ready will fix this issue some are experiencing.
  • Matt_CastleMatt_Castle Posts: 2,529

    I've not read the entire thread, but is it in anyway possible to get the script to link to existing equivalents of the morphs?

    For example, a lot of characters use the standard Genesis body or head morphs, but as these packs offer nearly identical morph shapes on G3 and G8, that seems like overkill, and duplicating them is going to add to figure load times, and stop any corrective morphs on clothing recognising the shapes.

  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611

    @Zev0 just wanted to let you know that I recently had to do a full Windows wipe and reinstall, which involved reinstalling Daz from scratch. I'm going to try out XTransfer again to see if the morphs show up upon completion - that's why I haven't been able to get back to you to send you the files you asked for. Fingers crossed that the wipe and reinstall fixed any issues I had (which weren't the issues anybody else was having). 

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,065
    edited March 2020

    OK...it's been hectic...But what we discovered is the main cause of crashing is when people are not using the base figure but instead a character preset.. EG clicking on V7 icon and loading her in the scene then using Xtransfer. The product was designed to work with the default base figure only. We should have made this more clear. So, we will add in a blocker where the script will detect what is loaded. If it isn't default base figure it will not allow you to do transfers. Also we now have a button that removes all temp morphs on G3 and in Appdata incase there is a freeze or something and the transfer process is disrupted.. We will also update the tutorial with solutions to specific issues if you get a crash. The only thing you will need to do is just delete the Xtransfer folder on G8 then Studio and G8 will work again. All in all, this update fixes all issues addressed, including GenX transfers. We also added in a new redundancy checker, EG if you transfer a character that made use of the navel morph, it will only transfer that characters mcm navel morph linked to it. Before it used to transfer all linked morphs. We really hope this update solves the user experience some people have been experiencing....We really thank you for your patience. We plan to upload the update within the week and I will notify via this thread when it is live. We also want to thank those who tested the update and sent in their logs. Without all of you solving these issues would have taken longeryes

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • evacynevacyn Posts: 963

    Late to the thread, but I'm having the same issues as others. Looking forward to the update.

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,077

    @Zev0 "EG clicking on V7 icon and loading her in the scene then using Xtransfer. The product was designed to work with the default base figure only."

    I'm afraid I must be misunderstanding what you're saying. I read this as only transferring G3 Female Base to to G8 Female Base. If true, this seems to be of very limited use.

    Can I not transfer Eva 7 to Generation 8 Female? I hope I misunderstand.

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,065
    edited March 2020

    No I am saying use the BASE figure G3 to do transfers, NOT the character preset icon which loads in a character. If you want to transfer that character you favourite its icon on the base figure under people.

    2267 x 849 - 175K
    Post edited by Zev0 on
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