Show Us Your Bryce Renders Part 11



  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,166
    edited January 2021

    It looks like the same hair.  I used Genesis 3 and Oleanna hair.  I checked the materials and they are Iray. 

    First image is partial render in DS.

    Second image is same hair in default Bryce document, partial render.  You can see how curly it is.  I turned off receive shadows.

    Edit:  as a side note, the sword material that I put on the blade took forever to render too.  I didn't realize it until I did a spot render.  Had blamed it all on the soft light and hair.

    AND...can you tell me exactly what part of the eye do I need to make transparent when I bring a figure into Bryce?  I fumble through all the parts of the eye and don't know which one made the difference.

    735 x 893 - 174K
    800 x 800 - 208K
    Post edited by NGartplay on
  • S RayS Ray Posts: 400
    edited January 2021

    NGartplay said:

    AND...can you tell me exactly what part of the eye do I need to make transparent when I bring a figure into Bryce?  I fumble through all the parts of the eye and don't know which one made the difference.

     Most figure have an eye mesh that is used as a reflective surface in Studio or Poser. In Bryce it will be a sphere like the eyeball  ( not the iris or pupil ) Usually it will have no texture map ( unlike the eyeball ) when you take it into the Mat lab. 

    Also what are your hair settings in Bryce Mat lab... I maybe able to help you there to.

    Post edited by S Ray on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647

    Electro-Elvis - beautiful render the rocks and clouds, cool render of the lady exercising.

    NGartplay - is that the same model/lady in both the Daz and Bryce renders, I don't use Daz or Poser so I have no idea what you guys are taking about,winkbut I do read the comments .

  • Electro-ElvisElectro-Elvis Posts: 898
    edited January 2021

    Hi NGartplay

    NGartplay said:

    It looks like the same hair.  I used Genesis 3 and Oleanna hair.  I checked the materials and they are Iray. 

    First image is partial render in DS.

    Second image is same hair in default Bryce document, partial render.  You can see how curly it is.  I turned off receive shadows.

    Hm I think the Iray materials is not the problem. In my last picture I used Oleanna hair as well and did not face this problem. For me it rather looks like you have accidentally selected another transparency map. This can happen, when you set multiple transparency maps within the Picture Editior of the Materials Lab and click the Tick "Apply Material" instead of Cancel in the end. In the Materials Lab It always applies the last selected transparency map you work with in the Picture Editor. I will try to explain.

    Let's assume you have a hairstyle consisting of two parts. Now you adjust its transparency maps. You select part 1 of the hair and open the Materials Lab and then in the Transparency Channel the Picture Editor. In the picture editor you copy the Pict Image into the Alpha Channel. Now you select another transparency maps from the list below (e.g. 2nd part of the hair and maybe the one for the eyelashes) and copy them into the Alpha channel as well. When you now leave the Picture Editor the transparency map of the eyelashes will be copied into the Transparent Channel in the Materials Lab, but you have still the part 1 of your hairstyle selected. And when you click on the "Apply Material" to close the Materials Lab, the wrong transparency map is used. It looks like this happens in your picture. To avoid this when you changing transparency maps, always leave the Materials Lab with "Cancel". I hope I was able to express myself clearly and my explanation doesn't sound too strange :-)

    Edit:  as a side note, the sword material that I put on the blade took forever to render too.  I didn't realize it until I did a spot render.  Had blamed it all on the soft light and hair.

    AND...can you tell me exactly what part of the eye do I need to make transparent when I bring a figure into Bryce?  I fumble through all the parts of the eye and don't know which one made the difference.

    It depends a bit on the character you use, but normally it is Cornea and EyeMoisture (G3, G8 e.g.) for G2 ist Cornea and EyeReflection. Usually you have to adapt the Tears, too (G2, G8 = EyeMoisture_Genesis..., G3 has not any object for tears.)


    Post edited by Electro-Elvis on
  • spuddyspuddy Posts: 449
    edited January 2021

    great renders everyone interesting and informative

    a couple of challenge rejects from the directors cut so to speak ..seeing I was not going to enter I seem to have a lot of renders

    dinner is ready.png
    1754 x 875 - 2M
    looking forward sci fi3.png
    1754 x 875 - 1M
    They're Here7a.png
    1620 x 1113 - 3M
    Post edited by spuddy on
  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115
    edited January 2021

    Electro-Elvis : beautiful "yoga lady".

    NGartplay : I rarely use Poser and Daz Studio, but the info is appreciated.

    spuddy : 3 very cool renders. The room is very well lit,the scifi one has a nice atmosphere and the last one is my favourite.

    Post edited by adbc on
  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647

    Spuddy - three awesome renders my fav the 1st . love the warmth of the room, very apt for the current freezing conditions.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841

    spuddy - three great renders. The first has a warm atmosphere (though the fire ought to be more yellow). The second is an interesting sci-fi scene; and the third scene is a bit scary but superbly done.

  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,166
    edited January 2021

    Spuddy, I like all of your new images.  I love the blue light in the last, the view in the second and the warmth of the first.  Wonderfully done.

    Electro-Elvis and S Ray, thank you both for the input.  In the above render with Genesis 3 and Oleanna hair she is simply imported into Bryce and rendered.  I did nothing with transparencies.

    I created her in DS then I exported her to an object file with Bryce settings.  She is not a bridge transfer.  Bryce crashed when I tried to use the bridge.  Would that make the difference?

    I didn't know how to manipulate the Picture Editor so all this information is of great use to me.  I've already copied it for reference, thank you.

    Post edited by NGartplay on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841
    edited January 2021

    The terrain is the same as used for the challenge but inverted. The material is the same, too, except that Ch-B texture was changed. And, obviously, another HDRI for the ambient light and sky.


    1200 x 750 - 224K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,166

    Horo, another stunning landscape.  I like that you chose some autumn colors.  I don't often see those used in images and they add a nice touch of color.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841

    NGartplay - thank you.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Horo : outstanding landscape, beautiful colours, great sky.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647

    Horo - beautiful landscape, superb material and lighting.

  • spuddyspuddy Posts: 449

    adbc..mermaid010.. NGartplay.. thanks

    Horo Thanks lovely terrain I also like the browns


  • spuddyspuddy Posts: 449
    edited January 2021

    bit of sillyness.....captains view

    shuttle view5.png
    1754 x 875 - 730K
    Post edited by spuddy on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841

    adbc and mermaid - thank you.

    spuddy - thank you. Captains vew is beautifully done.

  • spuddyspuddy Posts: 449
    edited January 2021

    Thanks Horo

    another version... all the backgrounds are my own renders 

    shuttle view13.png
    1754 x 875 - 1021K
    shuttle view11.png
    1754 x 875 - 795K
    shuttle view12.png
    1754 x 875 - 829K
    Post edited by spuddy on
  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115
    edited January 2021

    spuddy : Captain's view different versions are awesome, beautiful colours for the backgrounds.

    Used Herminio Nieves "Colony Sector" added some vegetation and a sky.

    Colony Sector.jpg
    950 x 383 - 56K
    Post edited by adbc on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841

    spuddy - the additional version also look great but the middle one is my favorite.

    adbc - excellent scene, very nicely done.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647

    Spuddy - all the Captain's view are superb, beautiful backgrounds.

    Adbc - awesome use of this model, the lighting is perfect


  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,166

    Spuddy, what a wonderful idea.  I like that we just had a trip through the universe.  Very creative.

    adbc, fabulous cityscape.  I need those palm trees for my beach scene from before, lol.

  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,166
    edited January 2021

    Another sea side image.  Guess that is where I want to be.

    1200 x 800 - 1M
    Post edited by NGartplay on
  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,166
    edited January 2021


    I seem to have trouble with scale in my images.  I end up making huge terrains, add materials that are suitable but when I want to add in a figure or vehicle I have to make them miniscule to fit the terrain so what's the point?  This image started out further away from this POV to show the whole canyon.  I zoomed in to the end of the canyon and added some deer crossing the ice.  We know that deer will fall down on this shiny ice and not be able to get up again so please put aside disbelief.  Pretend that they make it.  They started out much larger but I made them smaller then smaller then smaller until I decided if they were any smaller they'd disappear into the background.  I don't know if it's my material or the terrain detail that makes them look so large.  If I want a closer view of the deer in another image how do I make my terrain look not so huge?

    1200 x 800 - 784K
    Post edited by NGartplay on
  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Horo, mermaid, NGartplay : thank you.

    NGartplay : wonderful beach scene.

    I like the one with the deers. About the scale : I also have problems with that, I'll leave that to the experts to comment about it.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841

    NGartplay - very nice coastal scene and very nicely done. The second is also very nicely done.
    Yes, I also find getting the scale right can be a challenge. If you give the (BU) Bryce Units a scale (e.g. 1 BU = 1 m then 0.1 BU are 10 cm 0.01 BU 1 cm and 0.001 BU 1 mm - if you use ft, yards, mi it is a bit more difficult). Thought this can be very helpful, it also depends on the camera distance and FOV. For a photo camera, a focal length of 50 mm gives a 1:1 presentation (28 mm is a moderate wide angle lens and makes things smaller, a 100 mm lens gives a narrower angle and thus makes things bigger). To get the equivalent of a 50 mm (1:1) lens, set camera FOV to 40° and Scale to 78.8%, or stay at Scale 100% and set FOV to 50° and you get near to a lens with 50 mm focal length.
    However, making a building appear huge, you make the cars and people on the street very small; the ratio of sizes does not match the reality but you can get the effect of a gigantic building - just an example.


  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,166

    Horo and adbc, thank you for the feedback.

    Horo, I appreciate the information.  I was trying to make a mountain scene, looking down a footpath (from a photograph taken in Austria) but the trees were leaning inward.  My FOV was set to 80.  Now I know why.  I don't know how to set BU but will look that up.  I'm sure that it's on your website ;)

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,647

    NGartplay - both your scenes are nice, I also have problems with scale. Are the grass from the presets? I have a beach scene in my "2complete" folder. wink

    Horo - thanks for the info about FOV and scale.

  • AgentSmithAgentSmith Posts: 34
    edited January 2021

    Greetings Daz Brycers! Here is my first ever image post here and this scene is more of an eternal wip of mine as I could just never get it to where it made me truly happy no matter what mats and lighting I used on it over the years. The mesh was from a retail product over at Renderosity, which is no longer available. ("Deskar - Fantasy Shapes") The image texture I made with Filter Forge and Photoshop.

    Anyway, I've got more than a few new renders coming down the pipe that I will be posting up, some of which fall right on line with Horo's products and tutorials, fun stuff!

    Now, lets see if I can successfully attach this image...

    1920 x 1440 - 688K
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  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,841

    agentsmith - good to hear that your first render posted here will not be the last angel you are certainly welcome. This squiggly sphere looks great and I love the corroded looking material.

This discussion has been closed.