UltraScenery - new territory [Commercial]



  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,028
    edited February 2022

    pighelmet said:

    barbult said:

    UltraScenery products do not work properly when installed with Daz Connect (installed from inside Daz Studio). How did you install? DIM is the best install option.

    Thank you for your reply. All content installed via DIM (uninstalled and reinstalled several times).

    Your screenshot implies that this product was installed with Daz Connect. You may have also installed with DIM. If this is the case, the Daz Connect installation (that does not work) will always be used and the DIM installation will always be ignored, no matter how many time you uninstall and reinstall with DIM. In Smart Content go to the display that shows ALL products. Right click on the UltraScenery product thumbnail and select Uninstall. Do the same for any UltraScenery addon products. This will uninstall them from Daz Connect. You may need to reinstall the product with DIM after that, or maybe restarting Daz Studio will start using the DIM installed version.

    If you intend to always use DIM (a practice which I STRONGLY recommend) don't ever log in inside Daz Studio. Go to your Daz Studio preferences dialog and turn of automatic login.

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    Post edited by barbult on
  • Uninstalled via Daz Connect (must have tried a Daz Connect install earlier, after UltraScene Creator failed). Daz Connect disconnected. Reinstalled USC via DIM. Screenshot of the resulting installation attached.

    Same result: UltraScene Creator never gets past that first part of the install process.

    An additional data point: After I close the unresponsive USC, Daz Studio seems to respond normally. When I exit Daz Studio, however, I get a popup telling me that Daz Studio has crashed. Screenshot of the popup attached. This only happens when I have tried to use USC, and it happens when the only thing I have done in Daz Studio is to try to use USC.

    Thanks for any help.

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  • davesodaveso Posts: 6,821

    in render settings do you have OPTIMIZATION - INSTANCING OPTIMIZATION set to MEMORY?
    Preview mode NOT to IRAY. 

    Also, it looks like you dont have the USC add-ons installed. I also think when you install via DAZ Connect, leftovers remain in the registry. I ended up having to uninstall all DAZ items within my system, then used a registry cleaner to remove all items withing the registry that pretained to DAZ Studio. Following that, I installed DIM, then had DIM install DS. I then set DS to never go online. From that point onward, all content has been installed via DIM, other than items purchased from other stores which obviously get installed manually. This information provided to me by Barbult. This method has worked very well since she helped me with problems I was having with a real mess. 

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,028
    edited February 2022

    I don't know anything about Daz Connect registry entries, so any advice to clean the registry would have come from somewhere else. I haven't ever had to do that after uninstalling Daz Connect products. daveso and I did spend several days straightening out the Daz Connect mess with his UltraScenery installation, though. In the end, it was successful. So, there is hope.

    @pighelmet what version of Daz Studio are you running?

    More thoughts:

    • When you installed Daz Studio on the new computer, did you also install all the associated things, like Default Resources?
    • Can you render other products OK?
    Post edited by barbult on
  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,352

    I should point out that there is a reason to login when using Daz Studio even if you do not use DAZ Connect (I do not use it). When you login a large number of metadata files are updated with various corrections downloaded from the DAZ servers. These will not affect you if you do not use Smart Content, but if you do it is worth picking up the corrections. I do not login all the time, but I do from time to time, particularly after rebuilding the metadata database.

  • Daveso: Instancing Optimization changed from Auto to Memory. Same problem as before.

    The other USC assets aren't installed because I wanted to see if the Creator on its own could render its most basic scene. If it could, then I figured I could add in the assets one by one until I found what was causing the hang-up. But USC alone stopped in exactly the same place as it does with a few or many assets installed.

    I will see what I can do about registry keys. That's not something I know about, but I'm guessing Google will be my friend.

    Barbult: I am running 4.20, the most recent update. I installed all of my content (quite a bit), including all the default resources.

    I can render everything else I've tried as I could before the upgrade. (Quick test render attached.) USC is the only new problem I've encountered. I have installed and tested it on my laptop, where it functions without a hiccup, by its and with all add-ons installed as well. So it's definitely this new machine somehow.

    I have found messages by others with 30xx NVIDIA cards who seem also to be having problems, though they don't seem precisely like mine. Could it be a problem with the new 30xx cards?

    Again, thank you for all the help. I have been at a loss as to how to proceed. All suggestions appreciated.

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  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,028

    I wouldn't mess with the Windows registry at this point. There is too much chance to cause serious problems.

    I don't see anything wrong with what you are doing. UltraScenery works fine for me in I doubt if it has anything to do with your graphics card. You are not even rendering at the point that it fails and the card works fine in your renders.

    It is possible that you have something installed that conflicts with UltraScenery. You don't have Octane Render installed do you? Take a look at the first post in this thread where HowieFarkes listed **Things to try if UltraScenery is not working for you**.

  • davesodaveso Posts: 6,821
    edited February 2022

    hmm..on registry..i was told by someone to download a program, Revo Unistaller PRo, which I ended up buying as it works. I had to totally clean up my Windows registry after my hard drive crash and all my programs were gone but my OS drive still had all the startup icons to the programs now gone. A serious mess, and it worked to clean all the DAZ Studio mess...but, it is a risk for sure, messing with your registry. I was game to do it as my next step was to delete/wipe the entire SSD drive and reinstall Windows 10 from scratch and have a pristine computer system again, ut I didn't have to.

    Post edited by daveso on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,028

    daveso said:

    hmm..on registry..i was told by someone to download a program, Revo Unistaller PRo, which I ended up buying as it works. I had to totally clean up my Windows registry after my hard drive crash and all my programs were gone but my OS drive still had all the startup icons to the programs now gone. A serious mess, and it worked to clean all the DAZ Studio mess...but, it is a risk for sure, messing with your registry. I was game to do it as my next step was to delete/wipe the entire SSD drive and reinstall Windows 10 from scratch and have a pristine computer system again, ut I didn't have to.

    Oh, that had nothing to do with UltraScenery specifically then. That was because of your hard drive crash.

  • davesodaveso Posts: 6,821

    barbult said:

    daveso said:

    hmm..on registry..i was told by someone to download a program, Revo Unistaller PRo, which I ended up buying as it works. I had to totally clean up my Windows registry after my hard drive crash and all my programs were gone but my OS drive still had all the startup icons to the programs now gone. A serious mess, and it worked to clean all the DAZ Studio mess...but, it is a risk for sure, messing with your registry. I was game to do it as my next step was to delete/wipe the entire SSD drive and reinstall Windows 10 from scratch and have a pristine computer system again, ut I didn't have to.

    Oh, that had nothing to do with UltraScenery specifically then. That was because of your hard drive crash.

    the reason I got REvo to begin with was the USC problems I was having and then ended up reinstalling DAZ Studio.  

  • Barbult:

    I wouldn't mess with the Windows registry at this point. 

    That's a relief.

    UltraScenery works fine for me in

    For me as well on my laptop (I just installed Daz Studio on it to make this test). It's just on the new desktop that it shuts down.

    You don't have Octane Render installed do you?

    I don't.

    It is possible that you have something installed that conflicts with UltraScenery. 

    Is it necessarily something within Daz itself? If so, is it most likely to be a plug-in or some other category of content? I'd like to have somewhere solid to start the process of elimination, because I have a fair amount of content.

    Take a look at the first post in this thread where HowieFarkes listed **Things to try if UltraScenery is not working for you**.

    I believe I have taken all those steps. How do I check the version numbers on UltraScenery and the US Accelerator? I have downloaded recently via DIM, which I assume means I have the latest versions, but perhaps not. If downloading via DIM doesn't assure the latest versions, how should I obtain them?

    FWIW: After I try to run US Creator, the log file always shows these two warnings at the end and then finishes by saying that the USC script has finished successfully, which plainly it hasn't.

    2022-02-22 11:59:01.115 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\general\dzscript.cpp(1189): Unhandled error while executing script.
    2022-02-22 11:59:01.116 [WARNING] :: QScriptEngine::popContext() doesn't match with pushContext()
    2022-02-22 11:59:01.118 [INFO] :: Script executed successfully: G:/My Daz Library/Applications/Data/DAZ 3D/My DAZ 3D Library/environments/landscapes/ultrascenery/ultrascenecreator.dse

    Thank you for the help and suggestions. I'm most eager to get USC up and running again! It's such a useful asset.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,028
    edited February 2022

    @pighelmet you can check the UltraScenery version numbers on the Build tab, in the lower right corner.

    Screenshot 2022-02-22 134110.jpg
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    Post edited by barbult on
  • @Barbult:

    Thank you. Checked. I have the most recent versions.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,028

    @pighelmet I would think any conflict would come from something installed inside Daz Studio, but I can't be sure. Octane Render plugin is the most likely suspect, but you said you don't have that installed. At one point in the past, Daz gave away a free Octane Render Kit product to use with a free plugin that could be obtained from OTOY. I didn't install any of that stuff. Are you positive it didn't get installed when you just let DIM install all of your content? I don't know if the Octane Render Kit files would cause any problem without the plugin itself, but if you don't use the plugin, I don't think there is any reason to install the Octane Render Kit. So if you have Octane Render Kit installed (there are 4 products in DIM), try uninstalling those files.

    In Daz Studio, go to the Help menu and select About Installed Plugins. In the long list of plugins that shows up, make sure there is nothing Octane related in that list. Do you see any plugins in the desktop computer list that are not in the list on your working laptop.  (Put the computers side by side and look through the complete list to look for differences, please.) If you can capture a screenshot of the entire installed plugin list from your desktop, I'll compare it with my plugin list. Maybe you have something I don't have that you can try uninstalling as an experiment.

    If you run UltraSceneCreator and uncheck all layers on the Build tab (so it creates just the terrain, but no vegetation), does it still fail?

  • davesodaveso Posts: 6,821

    last I'll say about the registry, but if you have been installing uninstalling and it still doesn;t see the correct script path, what else can there be other than some random incorrect entry in your registry? Its like I had the problem where even after uninstalling DAZ Studio several times and reinstalling, everything was still pointing to the messed up stuff I had been seeing. It was at that time I did the registry cleanup and all worked fine after that, and had been until my HD finally croaked, where upon I had to reinstall again. At that point, I had to clean registry again, as for whatever reason DAZ Studio programming is sloppy as all get out and does not fully uninstall stuff, just like it was not clearing memory cache, and still casues problems with windows interface if you allow more than a couple renders open. 

    So I will just leave this here as a suggestion that at some point you're not having any luck you might want to consider it. Good luck

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,028

    @daveso, I hadn't considered that it might still be looking at the wrong script path. Hmmmmm.... That is an avenue to pursue. I'm scared of messing with the registry, because so much could go wrong, not just with Daz Studio, but with the whole computer. It is a last resort for me. I don't think we are at the last resort yet, be rapidly approaching it LOL. Thanks for describing your experience and results.

  • davesodaveso Posts: 6,821

    barbult said:

    @daveso, I hadn't considered that it might still be looking at the wrong script path. Hmmmmm.... That is an avenue to pursue. I'm scared of messing with the registry, because so much could go wrong, not just with Daz Studio, but with the whole computer. It is a last resort for me. I don't think we are at the last resort yet, be rapidly approaching it LOL. Thanks for describing your experience and results.

    its risky business, thats for sure. That Revo program identifies leftover entries, or entries related to a specific program. If that route is pursued, it would require reinstall of the program, so it is for sure last resort.  

  • AllenArtAllenArt Posts: 7,162

    Been using Revo for years and years and every time I do an uninstall, I do a deep dive for files. Never had an issue :).

  • @barbult

    Octane Render plugin is the most likely suspect

    I don't show anything in DIM or Daz Content under Octane. DIM screenshot attached.

    n Daz Studio, go to the Help menu and select About Installed Plugins

    Don't see anything Octane related. Screenshots (overlapping) attached. I will turn off any you think might be problematic.

    If you run UltraSceneCreator and uncheck all layers on the Build tab (so it creates just the terrain, but no vegetation), does it still fail?

    It still fails. The progress bar fills up halfway, but I assume that's just because it's got less to load. The log still shows the same two warnings (unhandled exception, etc.).

    Thank you for all your efforts to help me.


    I've downloaded the 30-day free trial of Revo, in case worse comes to worst. It's 50% off right now, so quite affordable. Thank you for the advice.

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  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,028
    edited February 2022

    @pighelmet I haven't reviewed the plugin lists yet, but what is that DazCentral account name in your DIM screen? Have you been using Daz Central as well as DIM? Normally what appears in that space is your Daz account name. For example, mine says barbult.

    How did you install Daz Studio - with DIM or Daz Central?

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    Post edited by barbult on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,028
    edited February 2022

    @pighelmet Which of the plugin screenshots are from which computer (working vs. not working)? After looking more closely, I believe they are all from the same computer. I assume it is the one not working with USC.

    1. Are both your desktop and laptop running the same version of Daz Studio? What was the result of your plugin comparison between your two computers? Are the plugin lists identical?
    2. These are plugins you have installed and activated that I do not have (or don't have activated)
    • DazToUnity
    • DazToUnreal
    • Dynamic Cloth Plugin
    • FLUIDOS Companion
    • FLUIDOS II for Daz Studio
    • GamePrint
    • ManFriday's Turbo Content
    • Materia MeshMaker

    Try deactivating all of them with the checkmark in the About Installed Plugins page. If that works, you can figure out which one(s) conflict. If deactivating doesn't work, you could try uninstalling them. You can always reinstall them with DIM after the test. If deactivating and uninstalling doesn't work, the problem is probably not a plugin conflict.

    Post edited by barbult on
  • pighelmetpighelmet Posts: 16
    edited February 2022


    I believe they are all from the same computer.

    Yes, sorry. I wasn't clear. Those four images are overlapping screen captures of the plug-in list on the computer that is not able to run USC. I have not yet had a chance to compare the list to the laptop that is able to run USC.

    Try deactivating all of them with the checkmark in the About Installed Plugins page.

    I have deactivated all of those (and any others that aren't obviously necessary to use Daz Studio), and the problem persists in the same form. I will try actually deleting them tomorrow.

    Again, I'm grateful to you for sticking with this thread. I own something like 20 USC add-ons, and I use USC frequently. Would be great to get it running on my primary machine!

    Post edited by pighelmet on
  • @barbult

    How did you install Daz Studio - with DIM or Daz Central?

    I used Daz Central at first, but quickly realized that it was hopeless for installing a large amount of content. I have relogged into DIM using my name (with the same email address), and it no longer says DazCentral. I'm not sure why it ever did. The available content seems not to have changed. Could installation with Daz Central be to blame?

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,028
    edited February 2022

    pighelmet said:


    How did you install Daz Studio - with DIM or Daz Central?

    I used Daz Central at first, but quickly realized that it was hopeless for installing a large amount of content. I have relogged into DIM using my name (with the same email address), and it no longer says DazCentral. I'm not sure why it ever did. The available content seems not to have changed. Could installation with Daz Central be to blame?

    I've never used Daz Central, but I doubt that it is the cause of the problem. It is basically just DIM dumbed down, as I understand it.

    Did you restart Daz Studio after disabling the plugins? I don't know if that is necessary or not, but it is worth a try. Daz Studio might keep them in memory until you restart it. I don't know.

    Let me know what happens when you uninstall all of those plugins that you only disabled in the recent test. I'd recommend that you:

    1. shut down Daz Studio,
    2. wait for the Windows Task Manager to say that the process is no longer running,
    3. uninstall the plugins,
    4. start Daz Studio.
    5. check the About Installed Plugins and be sure none of them are listed (just in case there is a second installation, like Daz Connect that you are unaware of).
    6. Run UltraSceneCreator and see what happens
    Post edited by barbult on
  • @barbult: After following all the above suggestions and making no progress, I just nuked the whole Daz Studio installation.

    @daveso: I used the Revo Uninstaller that you suggested to clean out all mentions of Daz on the entire machine.

    I then reinstalled DIM, used DIM to install Daz Studio 4.2 and all the basic resources. Then I used DIM to reinstall only the UltraScene Creator.

    And it worked!

    One by one, I installed the twenty or so add-ons for USC that I own, and they all worked. I am now back at full function, for USC at least. I am adding back my content a bit at a time, making sure on occasion that nothing I've installed hangs USC again. So far, so good.

    Thanks to everyone who offered help and suggestions, and especially to @barbult.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,028

    @pighelmet That is wonderful news! I think the problem was really with Daz Studio and not UltraScenery. I was informed yesterday that the error message that you posted did not come from the UltraScenery script, but from something "higher up" in Daz Studio. Maybe between Daz Central, Daz Connect and DIM installation attempts, Daz Studio got screwed up somehow. I don't know why Daz3D had to make so many conflicting and confusing installation methods. It looks like you are in good shape now. Stick to DIM only and I think everything will go well. smileyyes

  • davesodaveso Posts: 6,821

    pighelmet said:

    @barbult: After following all the above suggestions and making no progress, I just nuked the whole Daz Studio installation.

    @daveso: I used the Revo Uninstaller that you suggested to clean out all mentions of Daz on the entire machine.

    I then reinstalled DIM, used DIM to install Daz Studio 4.2 and all the basic resources. Then I used DIM to reinstall only the UltraScene Creator.

    And it worked!

    One by one, I installed the twenty or so add-ons for USC that I own, and they all worked. I am now back at full function, for USC at least. I am adding back my content a bit at a time, making sure on occasion that nothing I've installed hangs USC again. So far, so good.

    Thanks to everyone who offered help and suggestions, and especially to @barbult.

    Great to hear. Too bad it came down to that extent, but sometimes it just does. I've done it twice now in the last year.  

  • @barbult I appreciate your help and patience. I reinstalled all my Daz Studio content overnight and everything is still functioning (see attached image). So great to have USC back. I did not realize how much I relied on it to get atmospheric scenes. I will stick to DIM from now on.

    @daveso Thank you for the steer toward Revo. I'm still in the trial period but will certainly buy the license.

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  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,028

    pighelmet said:

    @barbult I appreciate your help and patience. I reinstalled all my Daz Studio content overnight and everything is still functioning (see attached image). So great to have USC back. I did not realize how much I relied on it to get atmospheric scenes. I will stick to DIM from now on.

    @daveso Thank you for the steer toward Revo. I'm still in the trial period but will certainly buy the license.

    Thank you for letting us know that all is well in the end, and the for kind words. I like to see peolple enjoying UltraScenery, since I like it so much.

  • davesodaveso Posts: 6,821

    barbult said:

    pighelmet said:

    @barbult I appreciate your help and patience. I reinstalled all my Daz Studio content overnight and everything is still functioning (see attached image). So great to have USC back. I did not realize how much I relied on it to get atmospheric scenes. I will stick to DIM from now on.

    @daveso Thank you for the steer toward Revo. I'm still in the trial period but will certainly buy the license.

    Thank you for letting us know that all is well in the end, and the for kind words. I like to see peolple enjoying UltraScenery, since I like it so much.

    its almost as good as sliced bread 

This discussion has been closed.