Show Us Your Bryce Renders! Part 9



  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,540

    I stopped punishing myself for today, I'll continue to chastise myself tomorrow.

    Beautiful scene David. Good use of soft shadows - perhaps a tad on the generous side. Material on the landscape and sky with clouds are excellent.

  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791

    Very natural-like scene, David.


  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,895
    Jamahoney said:


    Hansmar said:

    @Jamahoney: You should be more careful with this dangerous stuff (Mercury, not Bryce, of course).

    Cheers, Hansmar...I'm not sure though as Byrce can be pretty dangerous stuff,'s given me so many headaches crying


    Well, there's danger everywhere. Most dangerous part of Bryce, I find, is its addictiveness!

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,895

    @djMikulec: Welcome! Great render. Don't worry about a bit of postwork. As Horo says, it is the result that counts. Of course, if you would want to participate in a contest, you are required to keep postwork to a minimum (or even do without). You could have added the effects in Bryce itself too, I think, by putting the required bolts and ghosts in a 2D plane with the correct transparency settings. Don't do that for me, though, only if you want it yourself!

    @Rembrandt: Nice cloudwork.

    @David Brinnen: wonderful terrain and sky.

    After (largely) installing my new machine, I decided to make a test-render. I just took elements from all kinds of authors that I got with one or the other version of Bryce. As in 'one from each'. It makes for a weird combo, I guess. I did a little postwork in Luminance HDR and added my signature in PS Elements.

    weird combo_Lum1.jpg
    1754 x 875 - 1M
  • Horo said:

    I stopped punishing myself for today, I'll continue to chastise myself tomorrow.

    Beautiful scene David. Good use of soft shadows - perhaps a tad on the generous side. Material on the landscape and sky with clouds are excellent.

    Thank you Horo, but I can't take credit for the soft shadows, those we're thrown by the edges of the cloud.

    Thanks also to Jamahoney, Hanmar and C_ram, this is my comfort zone with Bryce, to play with material and lighting and a terrain and a cloud.  Given the right combination of elements sometimes the whole seems more than the parts.  This is the strength of procedural materials combined with Horo's geometry something that for all the cleverness of Modo, where I am mostly occupied now, cannot be easily replicated.  Don't get me wrong, Modo is a very good piece of software for anyone that wishes to try it don't let me put you off.  But there is some magic to Bryce which I have yet to find in anything other software - except maybe Terragen, which comes close but for me lacks the friendlyness of Bryce in terms of UI.

  • LianaLiana Posts: 1,035

    Thanks Horo & Tim82! I will give it a go and when I get stuck I will ask. :) I think I will wait for a sale, because i am also debating on getting Hexagon. In the mean time, it's not like I don't have tons of other things to read, learn, and work on in Daz. :D


    Love the Canyon scene David. Oh, I believe it was a couple of your videos from utube I watched being directed from the tutorial forum.:D

  • Liana said:

    Thanks Horo & Tim82! I will give it a go and when I get stuck I will ask. :) I think I will wait for a sale, because i am also debating on getting Hexagon. In the mean time, it's not like I don't have tons of other things to read, learn, and work on in Daz. :D


    Love the Canyon scene David. Oh, I believe it was a couple of your videos from utube I watched being directed from the tutorial forum.:D

    Thank you.  Also consider Wings 3D as a starting point if you are interested in modelling, it is nice piece of software with requires no investment other than time and you will find a few tutorials on my channel dedicated to Wings.  The advantage of learning wings is that it is quite strict and will encourage you to good modeling practice then if you take to modelling you will find you have develped good habits if you want to move onto more advanced software.



  • LianaLiana Posts: 1,035

    @David Brinnen...Thanks for the info. I will look into it. I have done some meshing using sketchup 7 & 8. I have done some stuff in blender. I get stuck in the uvmap part, after working in sketchup for another 3D platform. I got spoiled on how to do texturing. It is easier to 'pin' stuff than make uv maps. lol I loke to make things in real life and in 3D, so I will look up Wings for sure. I like to have options. :)

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    Horo said:

    The Commons: Forum Search. Top sticky item. Sorry, very busy doing horror work, I'll comment later.

    Another option, although it's not limited to the forums, it'll get products too, is to just paste this into google (replacing KEYWORD with your keyword or quoted phrase:


  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,540

    David - ah, I see, the shadow of the clouds. The slope on the right is out of the sunlight so I thought that one casts the shadow to the left. Same with the ridge farther away. That shadow is way too long to be from the ridge and must also be from a cloud.

    Hansmar - I hope your new machine will make you happy. Funny scene, I even recognise a few things I also have.

    sriesch - now that's cool! I didn't know it could be done this way, and haven't had the imagination to try. This is super useful information. And yes, it does work and for any site.

  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited January 2016
    Liana said:

    @David Brinnen...Thanks for the info. I will look into it. I have done some meshing using sketchup 7 & 8. I have done some stuff in blender. I get stuck in the uvmap part, after working in sketchup for another 3D platform. I got spoiled on how to do texturing. It is easier to 'pin' stuff than make uv maps. lol I loke to make things in real life and in 3D, so I will look up Wings for sure. I like to have options. :)

    UV mapping can be a bit tricky, I have learned (the hard way) that if you intend to UV your object you can make your life very difficult if you don't model with that process in mind.  I have UV mapped in Wings, but it is a bit clunky.  For my UV mapping now I use UV layout - but this is not a free product.  To make life easier for myself I try as much as possible to use only quads and avoid tryangles in the mesh, the reason for this being that tryangles put an end to edge loops which are very useful for cutting up large meshes into managable flattenable chunks.  The other thing to do is to make your model from as many discreet components as is practical - copy the construction of the real world object if that is appropriate.  Since it us usually easer to UV map 10 objects than it is to unwrap one big complex object.  If you go about things the right way, UV mapping can be a pleasant challenge, the wrong way and you will end up pulling your hair out in bloody clumps.

    @sriesch, thank you for the tip.

    @Horo, it is easier for me to know, because there is no soft shadow setting in this render, so with little deduction that leaves only the clouds as being responsible.

    Here's another Blake's 7 inspired "quarry" landscape this time under a sky from the deep space HDRI 1


    1920 x 1080 - 902K
    Post edited by David Brinnen on
  • LianaLiana Posts: 1,035

    @ David Ohh..that's a great landscape!! I sent my reply to your comment in a message. I don't want to hijack the forum post. :)

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,895

    @Horo: so far, I'm quite happy.It's extremely fast in starting up and shutting down and also in most things in between. Still have to try some of the more complicated renders, to see how much it helpst there. Quite possible that you have some of the items (if not most) somewhere in your files. I just buried some in the sand.

    @David Brinnen: I know it's your comfort zone. But it still is very good. The next one too!

  • @Liana, my email informs me I have a message and the content of it but I don't know how to reply through the messageing system.  If you want any further info on the way I go about UV mapping feel free to email me mail at davidbrinnen dot co dot uk

    @Hansmar, yes this is very much my comfort zone, left unattended with Bryce I will tend to gravitate to this kind of thing.  I like the challenge of making something with a few components.  Making complex scenes is all very well but I soon find managing all the details burdensome.  Anyway, I'm glad you like it.

  • Tim82Tim82 Posts: 859
    edited January 2016

    ​I havnt shared anything in a while so i thought i would start with this :)

    Terrain test 1.jpg
    1514 x 845 - 884K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Tim82 said:

    ​I havnt shared anything in a while so i thought i would start with this :)

    Great work on those clouds. Absolutely love them!

    You managed to get a real feel of distance in the landscape, something I find difficult to do without the right terrain material.

  • LianaLiana Posts: 1,035

    @David.. Thanks! I will email you if I need the help. :)

    @Tim..I like that very nice!

    Ok, one question. After making a wonderful rendered pic in Bryce does anyone use them for backgrounds or cycloplanes in Daz? I think I got this right in my head. I have props, that would need some sort of background which I seem to have little to none of. More curious. I have seen the ones in Daz. I have them wishlisted, but was thinking I could make some of my own. If I had something in mind not in daz. Still learning lots to go over. Thanks!

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    I have done that on occasion, used then in Poser as backgrounds.  And I know a few other people who do.  And someone who uses backgrounds and layers in Photoshop to produce greetings cards for printing.

  • Tim82Tim82 Posts: 859

    I use some of my scenes as backgrounds in studio on occasion :)

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,389
    edited January 2016

    I just returned from an extended holiday and love all the beautiful, inspiring renders from everyone. The anaglyphs by Horo and Art are awesome. There were 134 new posts to this thread, a lot of catching up to do. laugh

    2016 is going to be another exciting Bryce year. smiley

    Welcome to the Bryce forum Rembrandt, DHandle, Ati, djMikulec and Liana

    Thanks for the comments to my last renders.

    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    Liana said:

    Ok, one question. After making a wonderful rendered pic in Bryce does anyone use them for backgrounds or cycloplanes in Daz? I think I got this right in my head. I have props, that would need some sort of background which I seem to have little to none of. More curious. I have seen the ones in Daz. I have them wishlisted, but was thinking I could make some of my own. If I had something in mind not in daz. Still learning lots to go over. Thanks!

    Yes, you can definitely do that.  Another thing you can do is use your Bryce scene to create a skydome for use in DAZ Studio (a spherically mapped image that you can apply to a sphere.).  If you know how you can simply do it, or if you don't you can purchase and use "Bryce 7 Pro Spherical Mapper" ( ).  I recently ran a large number of my Bryce sky library and example scenes through the sperical mapper so I can use them in DAZ Studio too (at least in 3DL, I don't remember how skydomes interact with iray).  The skydome has the advantage over the backdrop of being able to reflect within objects in your DAZ Studio scene.

  • LianaLiana Posts: 1,035

    Thanks Mermaid. Yippee! My list keeps growing or possibilities of things I can do has expanded anyways. :D

  • Tim82Tim82 Posts: 859

    @ Liana, the only thing that can get in the way of things that you can do with bryce is your own imagination laugh

  • Tim82Tim82 Posts: 859
    edited January 2016

    just a test render, but i liked it  so i thought i would share :)

    1514 x 845 - 580K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,540
    edited January 2016

    David - great scene.

    Tim82 - this is a beautiful scene. But I struggle a bit with the size. The cloud makes the landscape appear small but the erosion on the foreground mountains make the terrain appear very large.
    The shape looks very good (though aspect ratio is only shown correctly when enlarged).

    Liana - as sriesch said, the spherical mapper makes life easy for spherical renders. But there are also other methods available. Check the tutorials in the Bryce main folder: Content\Tutorials\Horo there are four different methods to create panoramas in Bryce, even HDRI ones.

    Mermaid - great to see you back.

    Post edited by Horo on
  • LianaLiana Posts: 1,035

    @sriesch..I must have missed your post. Yea cool! I am slightly familiar with the dome backgrounds due to previous 3D stuff I have textured. I wished listed the sperical mapper. :D Found some other stuff/ideas on Daz for backgrounds, etc.

    @Tim & Horo.. Thanks for the support and info. I will assume the tuts are in the Bryce program? I will have to break down and get it. I was hoping for a sale since I missed the last one. My budget is not as big as my wishlist. :)

    I have been going over Daz3d tuts and I got the master texture videos (on sale) to increase my texturing skills. Of course, it takes me a bit because I use Gimp instead of Photoshop. I am learning a few new non-texture related things. I have to admit I am excited about all this mostly because my previous 2D/3D texturing and 3D modeling was quit limiting in how creative I could get.

    Thanks you guys are great! :D

  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,895
    Rembrandt said:
    Tim82 said:

    ​I havnt shared anything in a while so i thought i would start with this :)

    Great work on those clouds. Absolutely love them!

    You managed to get a real feel of distance in the landscape, something I find difficult to do without the right terrain material.

    Hear, hear!

  • Tim82Tim82 Posts: 859

    your welcome Liana :)

  • Tim82Tim82 Posts: 859

    i thought i would try some more still life sort of stuff :)


    1514 x 845 - 576K
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,540

    Tim - that's a very nice render. Blackberries look very delicious.

This discussion has been closed.