It’s The End Of The World As We Know It, And I Feel Fine!



  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    Go for it, Jeff. Everybody knows the difference in the quality of the posts. You're entitled to pad in the race to the finish. Remember she's going to be driving for 3 hours tomorrow.

    I'm pulling for you.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Thank you my Dear. Did you ever figure out the Notebooks trouble or are you just waiting on tomorrow?

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,096
    edited December 1969

    there are actually some threads you guys post in I am yet to visit!
    that green box thread for example.
    believe it or not, while I post a lot on the forum, it is mostly in a few limited threads regulary, my own queries etc and replys with ideas for some having issues I have had and found solutions for.
    I am trying to make an effort not to reply to people's personal issues now as that tends to go pearshaped and intend to mostly stick to funny stuff and 3D art software related issues etc.
    would love to see video footage of Light of Heaven's fighter moves though!
    he needs to invest in mocap software, a lot of game developers want that sort of animation.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    As an ex Kempo follower I would also like to see Jacob in action. I gave up karate when I got married so my Ex and I could spend more time together. If I had known then what I know now I never would have stopped. Maybe I would still be flexible and limber if I had not of stopped.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,930
    edited December 1969

    I hear that

  • VIArtsVIArts Posts: 1,499
    edited December 1969

    It's too bad Ionlyhave Vue 9 Pioneer. These are some good trees and my favorite kind too.

    I'd prefer a more complete versiuon of vue,but me no can 'ford spend thousand buck.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    It's too bad Ionlyhave Vue 9 Pioneer. These are some good trees and my favorite kind too.

    I'd prefer a more complete versiuon of vue,but me no can 'ford spend thousand buck.

    I'm in the same boat Jacob. I really would like it but then I'dd be buying stuff for it also. One money pit hobby at a time I say.
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,583
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    It's too bad Ionlyhave Vue 9 Pioneer. These are some good trees and my favorite kind too.

    I'd prefer a more complete versiuon of vue,but me no can 'ford spend thousand buck.

    I'm in the same boat Jacob. I really would like it but then I'dd be buying stuff for it also. One money pit hobby at a time I say.

    Unfortunately, my primary money pit hobby is health care.

    Although given how often I've said it's a full time job constantly calling the insurance company to argue with them about why this or that is being denied, I guess it doesn't count as a hobby. More like a job I'm paying for the privilege of having.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Unfortunately, my primary money pit hobby is health care.

    Although given how often I've said it's a full time job constantly calling the insurance company to argue with them about why this or that is being denied, I guess it doesn't count as a hobby. More like a job I'm paying for the privilege of having.

    I'll not go into what it costs in time and money to deal with ESRD. If we did not have a Social Worker at the clinic I would be Nuttier than a Fruitcake by now.
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Oh, you mean you are not.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited August 2012

    chohole said:
    Oh, you mean you are not.
    HEY!! I resemble that remark.

    Whew... Only 7 behind with no cheating so far. All you could help and POST you blighters!!
    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    The trouble is you started responding to her, which is never a good idea. Only respond to other posts,

    Make some really erudite posts about something or the other completely unrealted to anything, and see what happens then.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    It worked, I kept my post count climbing and she got bored. Now I'm free to answer other post. Besides at the time only she and I were doing very much of the posting. I did keep my eyes on all the threads.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Good thinking.

  • BlumBlumShubBlumBlumShub Posts: 1,108
    edited December 1969

    Right, I'm off for an early night. Not sure if I'll be on much tomorrow, I'm having my eyes poked with sticks, or something.

    Nighty night.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Nos da Barry

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Enjoy your stick poking... or something. Render my friend, render.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I'm out for awhile. But I will be back. The final push will be in the next days so please POST. I need things to respond to.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    So how many of those green things do we need before we can call ourselves what we please?
    [like some are "Administrator", some are "Power Member", some are "New Member" or "Member"]

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    It's not like that. The Admins work for DAZ3D and take care of the forums little troubles like people posting renders that we do not need and stopping people from going to war with each other. That is how they get the Admin title's, doing work for DAZ3D and doing it well. Anyone with a none BLACK title has some connection with DAZ3D. I got Power Member at my 1001'rst post and so will you. That's just the title the forums give out for posting. I'm trying to hit four green boxes without doing PAD posts just to see what the new Forum title will be. If/when I hit it my title will change from Power Member to the new Title. No USER has hit it yet. My goal is to be the first one. It will happen when my post count hits 2501.

    No padding and getting to 2501 posts, that is not going to be easy.

  • BlumBlumShubBlumBlumShub Posts: 1,108
    edited December 1969

    Woke up this morning somewhat scared. I often have pain, sometimes really bad pain, but today I get to have an eye test that involves opening the pupils as wide as they will go and flooding the retina with light. Oh boy am I looking forward to that? Well, no, not really!

    Can't drive home so I've had to ask a friend to take me in, which I don't like really, I don't like putting people out. Still, considering I should have this done every year and this year is the first time I'm going, I should just shut up.

  • islandgurl31islandgurl31 Posts: 250
    edited December 1969

    Good luck Barry and I hope you feel better soon :-). As for me we just got home about an hour ago from Indiana. It was my grandson's B-Day and it was fun oc we had to keep a close eye on him as he is autistic. Our Grandbabies are so adorable :-). Our granddaughter I call her little Shirley Temple cause she has curly hair like and our grandson love cars and trains. Kids went swimming and I kept being

    I think I upset my hubby a little cause this little boy's mom threw him in the pool and I freaked out (he had a life jacket on :-). Oc his mom was right there but I am the most paranoid person I know...lmbo. Hubby said he was ok and they were watching, I just couldn't help myself I panicked and was about to jump in the pool clothes and Ohhhhh Yes lil old me has jumped in a pool several times completely dressed including shoes just so one of my kiddos wouldn't drown *blush*!!

    I told my hubby "Would you rather I be a paranoid parent or a parent that lets their kids do whatever they want and not care at all?" He picked paranoid. Shoot my oldest is leaving for college this Friday and I still worry about her :-). She also wants me to stop being so paranoid....sigh. I told them I will never stop even in my grave.I hope everyone had a good weekend and take care. My kitty is wanting my attention atm since she has not seen me all

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,096
    edited December 1969

    my late mum had tests like that, due to early signs of glaucoma
    (and I am overdue for a regular optometrist type glaucoma test too!)
    they are more uncomfortable than painful.
    the eye does not actually have pain receptors and my Aunties etc have had cateracts removed wide awake.
    hardest part is keeping still as instructed as the natural reaction is to flinch at something going in your eye.

  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    Thank you my Dear. Did you ever figure out the Notebooks trouble or are you just waiting on tomorrow?

    I found my disks, but haven't tried using them yet. Now I'm up to my you=know=what trying to get this desktop updated and the Google toolbar keeps crashing IE. Tomorrow is get my laptop back on-line day.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,583
    edited December 1969

    Good luck Barry and I hope you feel better soon :-). As for me we just got home about an hour ago from Indiana. It was my grandson's B-Day and it was fun oc we had to keep a close eye on him as he is autistic. Our Grandbabies are so adorable :-). Our granddaughter I call her little Shirley Temple cause she has curly hair like and our grandson love cars and trains. Kids went swimming and I kept being

    I think I upset my hubby a little cause this little boy's mom threw him in the pool and I freaked out (he had a life jacket on :-). Oc his mom was right there but I am the most paranoid person I know...lmbo. Hubby said he was ok and they were watching, I just couldn't help myself I panicked and was about to jump in the pool clothes and Ohhhhh Yes lil old me has jumped in a pool several times completely dressed including shoes just so one of my kiddos wouldn't drown *blush*!!

    I told my hubby "Would you rather I be a paranoid parent or a parent that lets their kids do whatever they want and not care at all?" He picked paranoid. Shoot my oldest is leaving for college this Friday and I still worry about her :-). She also wants me to stop being so paranoid....sigh. I told them I will never stop even in my grave.I hope everyone had a good weekend and take care. My kitty is wanting my attention atm since she has not seen me all

    Nothing wrong with a little paranoia. My wife reacts to any uncovered pool we drive past, and I will tense for a possible chase anytime there's a kid who might be too far from the parental units.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    It's not like that. The Admins work for DAZ3D and take care of the forums little troubles like people posting renders that we do not need and stopping people from going to war with each other. That is how they get the Admin title's, doing work for DAZ3D and doing it well. Anyone with a none BLACK title has some connection with DAZ3D. I got Power Member at my 1001'rst post and so will you. That's just the title the forums give out for posting. I'm trying to hit four green boxes without doing PAD posts just to see what the new Forum title will be. If/when I hit it my title will change from Power Member to the new Title. No USER has hit it yet. My goal is to be the first one. It will happen when my post count hits 2501.

    No padding and getting to 2501 posts, that is not going to be easy.

    Well don't forget that you have the new users contest WIP thread, that needs feedback all the time, New Users thrive on feedback.

    It's suprising really, if you forget about the ultimate goal, and just keep posting wherever it is appropriate, it is suprising how many posts you can make. I found mine would have spurts and I completely missed some particualr counts on the way, that I would have commented on had I noticed them arriving. I had planned to comment when I got to my year of birth, because it was a somewhat famous year, but went past it without noticing.

    OK we have all had bouts of posting in the fun threads, but honestly I think you need kudos for having made the majority of your posts as useful ones, you are certainly the chattiest of the CVs, but then your post count was well advanced before you joined the group, was one of the reasons you were chosen, for the quality and quantity of your helpful posts.
  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    It's not like that. The Admins work for DAZ3D and take care of the forums little troubles like people posting renders that we do not need and stopping people from going to war with each other. That is how they get the Admin title's, doing work for DAZ3D and doing it well. Anyone with a none BLACK title has some connection with DAZ3D. I got Power Member at my 1001'rst post and so will you. That's just the title the forums give out for posting. I'm trying to hit four green boxes without doing PAD posts just to see what the new Forum title will be. If/when I hit it my title will change from Power Member to the new Title. No USER has hit it yet. My goal is to be the first one. It will happen when my post count hits 2501.

    No padding and getting to 2501 posts, that is not going to be easy.

    Sigh, yeah I kinda figured. But :exclaim: [pretend it's a lightbulb]
    Maybe when you hit the next level wherever it is, then you could choose!
    I actually do know of a forum or two where once past the initiation post times, yes one can choose their own handles. Obviously "Admin" handles must be recognizably so. If I recall correctly one was something like 'I own the board" ... just so there was no doubt ;-)

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    It's not like that. The Admins work for DAZ3D and take care of the forums little troubles like people posting renders that we do not need and stopping people from going to war with each other. That is how they get the Admin title's, doing work for DAZ3D and doing it well. Anyone with a none BLACK title has some connection with DAZ3D. I got Power Member at my 1001'rst post and so will you. That's just the title the forums give out for posting. I'm trying to hit four green boxes without doing PAD posts just to see what the new Forum title will be. If/when I hit it my title will change from Power Member to the new Title. No USER has hit it yet. My goal is to be the first one. It will happen when my post count hits 2501.

    No padding and getting to 2501 posts, that is not going to be easy.

    Sigh, yeah I kinda figured. But :exclaim: [pretend it's a lightbulb]
    Maybe when you hit the next level wherever it is, then you could choose!
    I actually do know of a forum or two where once past the initiation post times, yes one can choose their own handles. Obviously "Admin" handles must be recognizably so. If I recall correctly one was something like 'I own the board" ... just so there was no doubt ;-)

    Never going to happen with the limitations Expression Engine forum software seem to impose. If you notice, members are members, and nothing more or less, whether they are members, Community Volunteers or PAs. You have to click on profile buttons to see the other titles.

    On the old forum we used to be "Daz Forum Team" which was nice and friendly, much better than Moderator or Forum Admin.

  • BlumBlumShubBlumBlumShub Posts: 1,108
    edited December 1969

    Well I can see again, this is always nice. Had my eye test and couldn't see a damn thing, came home and went back to bed. Woke up about five hours later and was back to normal.

    I'm still struggling with this avatar render and I haven't even started messing with the textures yet.

    I was explaining to my 12 year old stepdaughter what the concept behind the image was, and she said "Oh well in that case this, this and this would look better in orange" and you know, she is SO right! Amazing how a fresh set of eyes can make a difference.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,096
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    Jaderail said:
    It's not like that. The Admins work for DAZ3D and take care of the forums little troubles like people posting renders that we do not need and stopping people from going to war with each other. That is how they get the Admin title's, doing work for DAZ3D and doing it well. Anyone with a none BLACK title has some connection with DAZ3D. I got Power Member at my 1001'rst post and so will you. That's just the title the forums give out for posting. I'm trying to hit four green boxes without doing PAD posts just to see what the new Forum title will be. If/when I hit it my title will change from Power Member to the new Title. No USER has hit it yet. My goal is to be the first one. It will happen when my post count hits 2501.

    No padding and getting to 2501 posts, that is not going to be easy.

    Sigh, yeah I kinda figured. But :exclaim: [pretend it's a lightbulb]
    Maybe when you hit the next level wherever it is, then you could choose!
    I actually do know of a forum or two where once past the initiation post times, yes one can choose their own handles. Obviously "Admin" handles must be recognizably so. If I recall correctly one was something like 'I own the board" ... just so there was no doubt ;-)

    Never going to happen with the limitations Expression Engine forum software seem to impose. If you notice, members are members, and nothing more or less, whether they are members, Community Volunteers or PAs. You have to click on profile buttons to see the other titles.

    On the old forum we used to be "Daz Forum Team" which was nice and friendly, much better than Moderator or Forum Admin.
    I managed to earn one!!!!
    it would not let my put my intended one up though
    86 x 100 - 33K
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