GenX2 Update / Genesis 3 Add-On [Commercial]



  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589

    Let's start from scratch, please.

    Assume I have nothing.

    The current version of Gen 2x listed in the store, if purchased would be the current one?

    Am looking into the idea of purchasing all the Gen products at once

    (Subtract Hiro , Aiko.)

    If I purchase all the addons and program, all will be current?

    Appears that V3 and M3 might be duplicated

    Serious question.

    Have purchased all the Legacy converting items from Cayman, am looking to do a major update of characters.

    Thank you for your time and patience

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943

    From scratch ...


    The base plugin, includes support for the generation 4 Poser figures (Victoria 4, Michael 4, and Kids 4) as well as for Genesis (version 1):


    Addon for the old Generation 3 - as you want all, there is a bundle for transferring morphs for Victoria 3, Michael 3, Stephanie 3 Petite, David 3, The Freak 3, Aiko 3, and Hiro 3 to Genesis


    As you mentioned subtract Aiko and Hiro - you can buy single addons for Generation 3:


    but those two would give you nearly the same price (11.90 instead of 11.95) for the bundle. If you can do without morphs for Stephanie3, David3 and Freak3, you can buy only the addon for V3 and M3.


    To transfer morphs to Genesis 2, you need


    and to Genesis 3, this one:

    (this Genesis 3 addon needs the Genesis 2 addon)


    Neither will transfer HD morphs, as that technology is guarded by Daz3d.

  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589

    Kerya, thank you, will be filing for bankruptcy by day.

    ( at least I will be able to blame yousmiley)

    Seriously, my thanks

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943

    Well, you could wait for a sale ...

  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589

    Sale, understood.

    Have to buy them all

    Right now 25% off for the sucker list.

    Have to repurchase, relearn, but based on early results worth the expense and the time.

    With these programs and Legacy UV, converting what amounts to 15 years of purchases

  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589

    Kerya, thanks again, could have been worse

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  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589

    Question, ( I look a lot older than I did this morning, not playing with a full deck either.)

    Maybe I misunderstood something.

    Have installed program and all the addons listed.

    In the gen x program all the genesis are listed in the source etc.

    I have a female figure (v3). I have converted it (by accident) to Genesis male and to Genesis 2 female.


    When I try and convert the same figure with the same exact settings to Genesis 3 female it states that the figure is

    not accepted.

    Did I miss a step?

    Will the program and the addins enable me to convert a v3 to a genesis 3 female.

    Important because the Genesis 3 female has the new legacy uv converter for v3.

    Thank you


  • When transferring V3 to G1 or G2, you can select between "Victoria 3" and "Victoria 3 Clone" shapes. For G3, only the "Victoria 3 Clone" shape is supported, so you need to select this option under "Shape".

  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589

    Confused, what exactly is "Victoria 3 Clone".

    To elaborate, have v3 figure going back to Poser 5 (Curious Labs)

    Have all her morphs, textures etc. Took this figure with a head, added a texture and saved my figure into Poser.

    Opened DAZ and used this created V3 figure to create gen x g2 male(by mistake) and g2 female.

    What figure should I have used, the one I made, or the one that exisited before I started.

    My interest is primarily the head area, the rest is of no use.

    Thank you

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  • Victoria 3 Clone shape is the morph that turns Genesis into the shape of Victoria 3. Besides the clone shapes for Poser figures (which are used by Auto Fit), there are also some legacy figure shape morphs sold separately. Depending on what shape you use on Genesis, the morphs have to be transferred slightly different. This is what you set under "Shape". The "Clone" shape is the one that is supported in any case, so if you are not sure, select the "Clone" shape under "Shape" for the transfer. (There is an option to automatically select the clone shape by default.)

    Except for setting "Victoria 3 Clone" under "Shape", you transfer a V3 morph to Genesis 3 in the same way as you did for Genesis 1 and 2. (You don't need to use Poser, you can load the original V3 figure into GenX and then apply morph or morph injection poses in GenX.)

  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589

    My apologies, my fault I am sure, new to this program.

    Answer confused me more.

    Simple, I have Victoria 3 model (installed in poser runtime). I apply some adjustments to head.

    Save this figure as cr2. ( if it makes it easier, forget this)


    If it makes the explanation simpler forget I applied morphs. Lets assume the basic V3 figure

    How do I get V3 to be recognized by Genesis 3 female?

    Have recently purchased Legacy UV Genesis 3 for Victoria 3, works perfectly, wish to apply your product to resulting figure

    In all V3 setting, no figure with "clone" is mentioned. I have over 30 runtimes going back 15 years. Spent quite a bit of it on V3.

    Any variation of V3 I have.

    All installations of Victoria 3 are in Poser Runtimes.

    "Depending on what shape you use on Genesis,...". Not genesis, genesis 3 female.

    Figures work on Genesis 2 ( I even converted the Genesis 2 male to the figure by accident).

    I have to have the Victoria 3 figure to Genesis 3 Female otherwise the textures will not work.

    Have spent the last 15 hours on this.

    To make sure all was ok bought all your addons and the program yesterday, just to do this.

    One was a duplicate to insure the latest version.

    To sum up a convoluted posting, I wish to take a V3 figure and convert it to Genesis 3 Female.

    Thank you for your time sorry to be a pain in the ass.


  • Cayman StudiosCayman Studios Posts: 1,135
    edited December 2016

    Bicc, you have to click on the Shape drop-down to get "Victoria 3 (Clone)".

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    Post edited by Cayman Studios on
  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589

    Thank you Cayman, great tip , all this is your fault because of your great Legacy product.
    Am attaching an image, nothing big
    Represents a cost of over seventy dollars, and haven't been to bed since yesterday.

    I would like to add this adendum for the benefit of the poor son of a bitch that
    might encounter the same problem.

    Because of the great results produced by Cayman Studios on the new product Legacy Uv For Victoria 3 I was
    presented with a greater problem. As you might have read I have been collecting for over twenty years.
    Have huge collection for V3 alone. Morphs, hair, etc. Also for my work have to do renders in KeyShot.
    For some reason the setup of the older characters textures work the best.
    For business reasons it was in my interest to combine Cayman Studio with the actual head/face of some
    Victoria 3 models.
    This could have been done solely in Zbrush and/or combination of dials.
    But, my thinking was if I could start with something that closely resembled the original....
    Yesterday I purchased the entire GenX series to be able to create morphs of older models.
    The one I picked was Victoria 3. I had created a figure with morphs years ago.
     I had saved it as a new figure in poser.
    So, I had a V3 created figure and wanted to convert it to Genesis 3 female and use the Cayman Studio plugin.
    Using GEN X was able to convert the figure to everything but Genesis 3 Female, kept getting error messages
    1.Start GenX.
    2. Go to Shape drop down box select Genesis 3 Female.
    3. At this point I was dragging and dropping my premade v3 figure from the runtime to the source.
    Shape Box said Victoria 3. I spent the next serious amount of time checking different amount of boxes(somebody owes me
    a pair of glasses). When all was done hit transfer, ended with series of messages ending with figure not supported.
    Start over again. Check more boxes, same error message.Check more boxes, same error message. Redo
    Took figure and made the target genesis 2...worked....but the textures woud not have fit
    Sent messages here, was told to use Victoria 3 Clone. Went through 100gb of stuff looking for V3 with the name.
    clone, nothing.
    NOWHERE is it mentioned that in Shape selection there is a Victoria 3 Clone.
    So, you select Victoria 3 in the shape box, drag and drop your figure to the transfer and then.......go back to
    the Shape box and select VICTORIA 3 CLONE from the shape drop down.
    I am going to bed now.
    Thanks to all


    v3 test.jpg
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  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,141

    I would like to convert Out of Touch's Olly and Dolly (for Genesis 2) to Genesis 3.  I got them at Renderosity.  I keep my Renderosity stuff in a different content directory/runtime than my Daz content.  Would that change the way I convert Olly and Dolly from Genesis 2 morphs to Genesis 3?

  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589

    Have to do this.
     At about 2:30am the idea of this email was not even considered.
    Over the past two weeks have purchase three products.
    1. Headshop one click
    2. Genx (plus add ons)
    3. Legacy (had all previous Legacy editions).
    Thanks to all three products I have today created a working pipeline that I would never have dreamed possible.
    Because of an NDA I cannot show the results.
    But I am creating a great character/texture approximately every twenty minutes.
    Wish to thank all the PA's for their enormous patience with me.
    I would be remiss if I did not thank all the vendors throughout the years for some
    marvelous products. Especially JEPE whose texture sets, while expensive at the time,
    were fantastic investments. (at one point offered him money to teach me).
    Have a great holiday and thank you all for your patience!!!!

  • I would like to convert Out of Touch's Olly and Dolly (for Genesis 2) to Genesis 3.  I got them at Renderosity.  I keep my Renderosity stuff in a different content directory/runtime than my Daz content.  Would that change the way I convert Olly and Dolly from Genesis 2 morphs to Genesis 3?

    Shouldn't make any difference at all. I have a similar setup; non-DAZ and DAZ content in separate content locations. Every conversion I've done so far from one to the other has gone nice and smoothly with no problems or can't-find-file errors.

    (Fingers crossed, touch wood, put a few drops of machine oil on a silicon wafer...)

  • ZelodonioZelodonio Posts: 19
    edited December 2016

    I'm running 4.9 and have GenX installed. But no Genesis 2 or 3. My addons are also installed in my users/appdata/roaming/Daz3D/Studio4 folder. This is where DIM installed them. In GenX, my source tab only shows Genesis. I tried the connect tab to direct it to my library at users/username/documents/Daz3D/My Library. Still nothing. The d3d dll is in my program file in Daz3D plugins. Any suggestions for a fix? Thanks!

    Post edited by Zelodonio on
  • The "Source" button shows the installed Genesis figures and a most recent used list of Poser figures. To load a Poser figure for the first time, you have to use the "Load Figure" button or drag'n'drop the CR2 from the content library.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,141

    Here are G2 and a G3 version of Dolly.  G2 is the original and G3 is the converted morph.

    G2andG3 Dolly.png
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  • Hey everyone,


    Sorry if this is a noob question.

    Is it possible to convert a V4 character into a Genesis 3 character?

    If there is an existing tutorial could someone please post it?



  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,141
    Fraggle said:

    Hey everyone,


    Sorry if this is a noob question.

    Is it possible to convert a V4 character into a Genesis 3 character?

    If there is an existing tutorial could someone please post it?



    There is a way, I think.  I did manage with Aiko 3, I think.  Right now CMS is not working right.

  • Fraggle said:

    Hey everyone,


    Sorry if this is a noob question.

    Is it possible to convert a V4 character into a Genesis 3 character?

    If there is an existing tutorial could someone please post it?



    There is a way, I think.  I did manage with Aiko 3, I think.  Right now CMS is not working right.


    I'm dying to be able to use some of those great V4 characters on the Genesis 3 model.

  • sandmanmaxsandmanmax Posts: 992
    edited January 2017

    Aiko 4 on Genesis 2 FemaleOooh!  This is fun!  I've been playing with Aiko 4 on G2F.  Here's the result.  So next I'll try moving something to G3F.  I've got tons of V4 characters that I hardly ever use.  I love this product!  Thank you, D3D!


    GenX2 Aiko4 to G2F Small.png
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    Post edited by sandmanmax on
  • Ok - just discovered a little glitch.  I've got some V4 morphs from Syyd Raven that load into community injection channels (at least when I load them in Poser).  They don't seem to do anything in DS.  The only thing I can think to try is to load V4 up in Poser and save off a new cr2 file.  Is there another way?


  • If a morph injection loads into the existing injection channels, it should work in DS and in GenX. However, binary morph injections (those with a PMD file) are not supported by DS, nor by GenX. In that case, you have to inject them in Poser and save as a new CR2.

  • sandmanmaxsandmanmax Posts: 992
    edited January 2017

    That must be what there were - they loaded as "Morphs", not injection channels.  It worked fine when I loaded them in PP2014 and saved as a new CR2.   Here's the result:

    Syyd's V4 Enigmatic Features on G2F



    V4 Enigmatic Faces on G2F Custom 01-Side.jpg
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    Post edited by sandmanmax on
  • I tried to convert Michael 4 into Genesis 3 Male by bringing the M4 shape/clone from G2M.  It's not quite perfect but pretty close.  Is there some other package I need that has Generation 4 legacy shapes for G3M?  I couldn't find one.

    Here are the results (G3M-G2M-M4 left to right).




    G3M-G2M-M4 Grey Front.jpg
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    G3M-G2M-M4 Grey Side.jpg
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    G3M-G2M-M4 Test.jpg
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    G3M-G2M-M4 Test Side.jpg
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  • There's no need to transfer clone morphs manually with GenX. As soon as you transfer a morph from M4 to Genesis 3, GenX transfers the clone morph to Genesis 3 and you can select it under *** People ***. The long chin looks a bit more different than GenX transfers usually do. Have you dialed Genesis 3 also to Genesis 2 or 1 (depending on where the legacy morph initially originates from)?

  • sandmanmaxsandmanmax Posts: 992
    edited January 2017

    No, actually I didn't think to dial in G2M on G3M.  I just used the default character with nothing but M4 dialed in.

    Ok - found the G2M morph - that fixed a lot

    Here are the M4 triplets (I tweaked a few other things - both Genesis guys needed their eyes a touch closer together and I add a bit of cleft chin.  G2M needed a bit more jaw definition.  And their eyes still seem slightly off, but it's good enough for now).

    I just remembered another question.  If I want to convert M4 characters that are based on Morphs++, do I need to transfer all the body part morphs in order to use the character morph?  Or is that what the Create Single Morph setting is for?


    M4 Triplets (G3M-G2M-M4).jpg
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    Post edited by sandmanmax on
  • The actor morphs are a special thing in Poser, Genesis doesn't split morphs. So, all morphs that you transfer from a Poser figure will be transferred as a single morph, even if it is split into several actor morphs in Poser. The only exception is, if you explicitely select the morph in a particular actor for transfer (which are not shown in the morph list of GenX by default).

    Using Create Single Morph is used to merge several morphs based on the morph value settings for a character. This is useful if you want only a single dial to set a transferred character in Genesis. The disadvantage is that you loose control over the single morphs, which you may want to use for tweaking, and you loose some of the "magic" done with morphs in background (like expression morphs that are adjusted to extreme head morphs). So, you can also transfer the individual morphs to Genesis and then create a preset from the character pose that sets the morph values in the Genesis figure.

    But I think Create Single Morph is the preferred way of transferring characters, because it is pretty simple.

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