GenX2 Update / Genesis 3 Add-On [Commercial]



  • Thanks for the information about the actor specific morphs. I've been a Poser user since version 4 and have a huge amount of content for V4 and M4 in my library (morphs and textures). After Poser Pro 2014, I switched to Daz Studio because of Genesis 3, as I use it in Cinema 4D and it is by far the best figure to use it there. So your tool is a lifesaver, as I can bring all my V4/M4 content to Cinema 4D via Genesis 3.

    I still have to optimize my workflow, as I want to transfer all of my legacy assets and put them into a new library. I only have Daz Studio 4.8 with Genesis 3 installed and my V4/M4 libraries. After reading all this stuff here, I hope it will work easily, as I'm quite new to Daz Studio and hopefully find all the menu entries I need. cool

    Thanks for providing this tool!

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,609
    edited January 2017

    I have a question about usage of morphs. If I convert a morph of say a m4 character am I allowed to share the morph with the creator of the character.? Or are morphs I convert only usable by me? 

    The Readmes states: 

    There are no limitations in using the morphs transferred by Genesis Generation X2. However, it's the responsibility of the user to ensure that using or distributing the transferred morphs does not violate the rights of any third parties like the original creators of the morphs.

    All morphs that are created automatically by Genesis Generation X2 are derived from copyrighted material. 



    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • cherpenbeckcherpenbeck Posts: 1,411
    edited February 2017

    Just one question:

    If I buy GenX2 with add-ons, do I still need legacy shapes or Sickelyields clones?

    Post edited by cherpenbeck on
  • Serene Night: Strictly speaking, copyright questions can be answered only by lawyers, so the following is just my personal opinion. From my point of view, GenX transfers morphs only, which is not a creative act, so GenX doesn't add any copyright itself. If you have a legal license for a morph, transferring the morph for your own use should be part of the license. (At least, DAZ seems to interpret their license that way, otherwise they would not sell GenX in their store.) So, sharing a transferred morph with the copyright holder for that morph should not affect any other copyright, even if the copyright holder doesn't own GenX.

    cherpenbeck: All products that are needed are listed in the required products section of the store pages. For generation 3, you need the clones from the DAZ legacy morphs for Genesis 1, but not the Sickelyield clones. Other required clone morphs are part of the Genesis products.

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 8,950

    Just one question:

    If I buy GenX2 with add-ons, do I still need legacy shapes or Sickelyields clones?

    Yes, unless you're skilled enough to create your own clones.  GenX2 doesn't include any clones of it's own. 

  • Just one question:

    If I buy GenX2 with add-ons, do I still need legacy shapes or Sickelyields clones?

    Yes, unless you're skilled enough to create your own clones.  GenX2 doesn't include any clones of it's own. 

    GenX2 converts the hidden clones into useable morphs and transfers the clones to other Genesis figures. So, you don't need other clones than those for generation 3 Poser figures, all other clones are part of the Genesis figures. But you may prefer 3rd party legacy shapes because they are more optimized for the particular target figure.

  • outrider42outrider42 Posts: 3,679

    I cannot transfer Genesis 2 to 3 at all now. I can transfer V/M4 and G1 to G2 or 3, but nothing else. I have 2 libraries for morph locations that have been built up over time, due to how some things install in public docs vs user docs. All my characters are on Drive C with the Daz install. What do I need to do to get GenX to find these morphs? I prefer to have my stuff in the user docs, I manually install most of my stuff there.

    Will moving all my morphs to one place mess with any scenes that use those morphs?

  • GenX should list all morphs for a Genesis figure, no matter if they are in the Connect folder or in one of the library folders that are known by DAZ Studio. AFAIK, GenX uses the same scheme to detect morphs as DS is doing, so GenX should list all morphs that are in the figure when you load it into a scene. Try the search feature of GenX to find morphs.

    Because morphs are not referred to by an explicit path in DS, it should be safe to move morphs from one library to another, as long as you keep the path relative to the library's data folder. The exception is the Connect folder, you should not move files from or into the Connect folder.

  • outrider42outrider42 Posts: 3,679

    I've never used Connect.

    It doesn't matter how I try to load the figure to transfer, whether it is the figure in the scene, or by drag and dropping morph injections, it always says "Some morphs were not found in the figure." Even though I have two locations for the morph to be found. Sometimes the height might change if figures are different heights, and that's all the plugin transfers. I've tried a lot of characters, whether it is a base figure or a figure that uses some morphs added in. I've also created some morphs in Hexagon, and saved those morphs as a user preset. These do not transfer, either.

    I don't know where the search function is. I don't see it.


  • The "Some morphs were not found in the figure." warning is from the "Get Values from Figure in Scene" feature. The message means, that GenX has morphs listed that it could not find in the figure in the scene, not the other way around. This should not happen if you load the same figure in GenX and in the scene.

    To load a Genesis figure as source in GenX, you select it directly from the "Source" button. Unlike Poser figures, you don't have to locate them in the library, and you can't inject morphs. This is all handled automatically.

    After loading a figure, selecting the morph in the morph list is the simplest way to transfer it. Use the search feature if you are not sure for which bone it is listed.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,609
    edited February 2017

    I am wondering about converting a  M4 character to Genesis 3 male. When I load just base Michael 4.cr2 as source,  i only see the head. Isn't it supposed to load a body as well?


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    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • The list only shows the actors with morphs. The basic Michael 4 CR2 contains only head morphs. You need to inject the morphs you want to transfer using the according morph injection poses. Or you load Michael 4 in Poser, inject all the morphs, and save it to the library as a new CR2 with all morphs.

  • outrider42outrider42 Posts: 3,679

    Well, I finally found the search tab, located on a drop down tab. I tried transferring Belle 6 to G3F. But when I attempted the transfer, I got a new error:

    After Applying shapes to the target... it says "Error loading clone morph for joint adjustment".

    And it just stopped after that, with no indicator of finishing or failing. 

  • Do you have moved some of the clone morphs? GenX assumes that where it finds the main Genesis geometry DSF, it will also find the according clone morphs. Unlike for other morphs, it doesn't scan all libraries when looking for clone morphs.

    When transferring morphs from G2F to G3F, the files in question are:

    - ...\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 3\Female\Genesis3Female.dsf

    - ...\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 3\Female\Morphs\DAZ 3D\Clones\CloneGenesis2Female.dsf

    Please ensure that both files are in the same library, and that there are no duplicates in other libraries.

  • outrider42outrider42 Posts: 3,679

    I have never moved them. I might have duplicates between the public docs and user docs.

  • Is the problem for all morph transfers from G2F to G3F, or only for this particular morph. If it is for all, try deleting the file "GCF_Genesis2Female.dsf" from the Genesis 3 morphs under "D3D Gen X". Maybe the adjusted clone is corrupt somehow.

  • unknownmystery445unknownmystery445 Posts: 414
    edited February 2017

    Can someone help me with this? I've followed the video tutorials on youtube but this still happened, really disappointed with the product good thing I havent purchased the g2 and g3 add ons yet. I was trying to convert the angel for v4, the morphs worked except for the eyes and teeth. I also used the victroia 4.2 starter bundle. Also I wasn't able to find the Victoria 4 morph in the shapings tab when the Genesis is selected even though I've dragged it to the Gen x tab and converted it.

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    Post edited by unknownmystery445 on
  • unknownmystery445unknownmystery445 Posts: 414
    edited February 2017

    When I load the base Victoria 4.2 morph and its injections this is what shows up. The "T" in the apply pose seems to be 0. I can't find the base Victoria 4.2 morph after it has been converted, only the Angel for v4 character morph in the shapings tab when I select the Genesis figure.

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    Post edited by unknownmystery445 on
  • The Victoria 4 shape must be dialed in before applying the transferred morph to get the correct shape. You will find the Victoria 4 Clone morph for Genesis under "*** People *** in the Generation X section of the shaping tab.

    M 421 / V 1 / T 0 means that GenX has 421 morphs for Victoria 4 loaded, that 1 of these morphs has a non-zero value, and that 0 morphs are selected for transfer. Please read the manual for GenX. Video tutorials are fine for getting started, but only the manual describes all features.

    The problem with eyes and teeth may be due to not dialing in the base Victoria 4 clone morph. Also, some morphs come with injection pose files that set the eye position directly as part of the pose, instead of connecting it to the morph dial value. In that case, you will see the eyes go out of place if you set the morph to 0 directly (i.e. with the dials, not the remove pose). GenX will not transfer these eye positions, but you can use the preset tab to convert the injection pose into a preset that sets these values.

  • unknownmystery445unknownmystery445 Posts: 414
    edited February 2017

    The Victoria 4 shape must be dialed in before applying the transferred morph to get the correct shape. You will find the Victoria 4 Clone morph for Genesis under "*** People *** in the Generation X section of the shaping tab.

    M 421 / V 1 / T 0 means that GenX has 421 morphs for Victoria 4 loaded, that 1 of these morphs has a non-zero value, and that 0 morphs are selected for transfer. Please read the manual for GenX. Video tutorials are fine for getting started, but only the manual describes all features.

    The problem with eyes and teeth may be due to not dialing in the base Victoria 4 clone morph. Also, some morphs come with injection pose files that set the eye position directly as part of the pose, instead of connecting it to the morph dial value. In that case, you will see the eyes go out of place if you set the morph to 0 directly (i.e. with the dials, not the remove pose). GenX will not transfer these eye positions, but you can use the preset tab to convert the injection pose into a preset that sets these values.

    I don't have the **people** in my parameters tab only genx but no **people** and I really don't see any Victoria 4 morphs only the Angel for v4 morph. Why is the Vitoria 4 morph missing? What am I doing wrong? Or is the program defected? I've tried several times but I really do not see the Victoria base morph when I select the Genesis figure. I've already tried uninstalling both genx and Victoria 4.2 and installing them again but still the same things are happening. I can't find the **people** and I can't find the base Victoria 4 morph when I elect the Genesis.

    Post edited by unknownmystery445 on
  • The path to the Victoria 4 clone is: Genesis / Actor / Generation X / *** People *** / Victoria 4. Or look into the Shaping tab, with the same path except the first "Genesis". Shaping tab is less crowded. It must be there, GenX cannot transfer a morph without converting the clone morph before.

    The path to the morph file is: ...\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis\Base\Morphs\D3D Gen X\GCF_Victoria4.dsf

  • unknownmystery445unknownmystery445 Posts: 414
    edited February 2017

    The Victoria 4 shape must be dialed in before applying the transferred morph to get the correct shape. You will find the Victoria 4 Clone morph for Genesis under "*** People *** in the Generation X section of the shaping tab.

    M 421 / V 1 / T 0 means that GenX has 421 morphs for Victoria 4 loaded, that 1 of these morphs has a non-zero value, and that 0 morphs are selected for transfer. Please read the manual for GenX. Video tutorials are fine for getting started, but only the manual describes all features.

    The problem with eyes and teeth may be due to not dialing in the base Victoria 4 clone morph. Also, some morphs come with injection pose files that set the eye position directly as part of the pose, instead of connecting it to the morph dial value. In that case, you will see the eyes go out of place if you set the morph to 0 directly (i.e. with the dials, not the remove pose). GenX will not transfer these eye positions, but you can use the preset tab to convert the injection pose into a preset that sets these values.


    The path to the Victoria 4 clone is: Genesis / Actor / Generation X / *** People *** / Victoria 4. Or look into the Shaping tab, with the same path except the first "Genesis". Shaping tab is less crowded. It must be there, GenX cannot transfer a morph without converting the clone morph before.

    The path to the morph file is: ...\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis\Base\Morphs\D3D Gen X\GCF_Victoria4.dsf

    I really don't have it. I checked everywhere like in d3d folder and every tabs in the parameters tab this also happened with someone not finding the morph but in his case he didn't find even the character morph. Mine like I said I do have the character morph just not the base Victoria 4 morph hence the eyes bulging bec it wasn't converted into Victoria 4 morph. One user said that you need to download the m4 v4 for Genesis which costs 19$ and it was a requirement before in genx, is that true? Also let's say that this works after downloading the 19$ product, will the problem happen again when I convert it to Genesis 3? What is the file name of the  Victoria 4!clone, I'll try to find it maybe it's in a different folder.

    Post edited by unknownmystery445 on
  • You don't need the M4V4 Genesis morphs. Genesis includes the clone morphs for M4 and V4, and that's all GenX needs.

    Have you found the folder "...\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis\Base\Morphs\D3D Gen X\" on your file system? It must be in one of your DS library folders. This folder will have the files GCF_Victoria4.dsf and GCH_Victoria4.dsf for the clone morphs, and a folder "Victoria 4" or "Victoria 4 (Clone)" with the morphs you transferred.

    Also, check that you don't have several instances of Genesis installed in different DS library folders. This notoriously calls for trouble.

    Finally, try the search feature in the Shaping tab. Should look like this:


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  • You don't need the M4V4 Genesis morphs. Genesis includes the clone morphs for M4 and V4, and that's all GenX needs.

    Have you found the folder "...\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis\Base\Morphs\D3D Gen X\" on your file system? It must be in one of your DS library folders. This folder will have the files GCF_Victoria4.dsf and GCH_Victoria4.dsf for the clone morphs, and a folder "Victoria 4" or "Victoria 4 (Clone)" with the morphs you transferred.

    Also, check that you don't have several instances of Genesis installed in different DS library folders. This notoriously calls for trouble.

    Finally, try the search feature in the Shaping tab. Should look like this:


    Saw the folders already still no victoria morph, also searched for the GCF_Victoria and there's no file like that in my daz 3d library

  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 1,985
    edited February 2017

    You don't need the M4V4 Genesis morphs. Genesis includes the clone morphs for M4 and V4, and that's all GenX needs.

    Have you found the folder "...\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis\Base\Morphs\D3D Gen X\" on your file system? It must be in one of your DS library folders. This folder will have the files GCF_Victoria4.dsf and GCH_Victoria4.dsf for the clone morphs, and a folder "Victoria 4" or "Victoria 4 (Clone)" with the morphs you transferred.

    Also, check that you don't have several instances of Genesis installed in different DS library folders. This notoriously calls for trouble.

    Finally, try the search feature in the Shaping tab. Should look like this:


    Saw the folders already still no victoria morph, also searched for the GCF_Victoria and there's no file like that in my daz 3d library

    Figured how to generate the GCF_Victoria morph.

    Shape:  Select Victoria 4 (Clone)

    (Edit 3) Shape:  Select Victoria 4 (Clone) and Enable "Prefer Clone Shape"

    Edit: Two morphs are generated, a Victoria 4 Head morph (GCH_Victoria4)  and a Victoria 4 Full Body morph (GCF_Victoria4). On the Parameter's tab, they display as Victoria 4 Head and Victoria 4 respectively.

    Edit Edit:  Hummm.. I'm trying to replicate the generation of the GCH_Victoria4 and GCF_Victoria4 morphs but it's not happening. I was clicking on different GenX2 settings and they showed up. I remember  selecting the Shape: Victoria 4 (clone) and the other setting I was testing was enabling "Prefer Clone Shape".  Those morphs are generating.  I've attached a pic at one point they showed up when I saved one transfer as "angel test".

    Edit 3:  I was able to generate the two morphs by selecting both Shape: Victoria 4 (Clone) and enabling "Prefer Clone Shape".  I attached a GenX2 visual.

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    Post edited by Lindsey on
  • unknownmystery445unknownmystery445 Posts: 414
    edited February 2017
    Lindsey said:

    You don't need the M4V4 Genesis morphs. Genesis includes the clone morphs for M4 and V4, and that's all GenX needs.

    Have you found the folder "...\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis\Base\Morphs\D3D Gen X\" on your file system? It must be in one of your DS library folders. This folder will have the files GCF_Victoria4.dsf and GCH_Victoria4.dsf for the clone morphs, and a folder "Victoria 4" or "Victoria 4 (Clone)" with the morphs you transferred.

    Also, check that you don't have several instances of Genesis installed in different DS library folders. This notoriously calls for trouble.

    Finally, try the search feature in the Shaping tab. Should look like this:


    Saw the folders already still no victoria morph, also searched for the GCF_Victoria and there's no file like that in my daz 3d library

    Figured how to generate the GCF_Victoria morph.

    Shape:  Select Victoria 4 (Clone)

    (Edit 3) Shape:  Select Victoria 4 (Clone) and Enable "Prefer Clone Shape"

    Edit: Two morphs are generated, a Victoria 4 Head morph (GCH_Victoria4)  and a Victoria 4 Full Body morph (GCF_Victoria4). On the Parameter's tab, they display as Victoria 4 Head and Victoria 4 respectively.

    Edit Edit:  Hummm.. I'm trying to replicate the generation of the GCH_Victoria4 and GCF_Victoria4 morphs but it's not happening. I was clicking on different GenX2 settings and they showed up. I remember  selecting the Shape: Victoria 4 (clone) and the other setting I was testing was enabling "Prefer Clone Shape".  Those morphs are generating.  I've attached a pic at one point they showed up when I saved one transfer as "angel test".

    Edit 3:  I was able to generate the two morphs by selecting both Shape: Victoria 4 (Clone) and enabling "Prefer Clone Shape".  I attached a GenX2 visual.

    Thank you for this, I was able to generate victoria 4 morph but when i dial in the angel for v4 character morph with the vitoria 4 base morph also dialed 100% the eyes and the teeth are still bulging

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    Post edited by unknownmystery445 on
  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 1,985

    Hum.. When I dial in the Angel V4  morph transferred with GenX2 it looks like the attached picture.  This is without the V4 full body morph applied.  It appears to me your GenX2 generated morph maybe missing some morphs settings that aren't being transferred.  Just a guess.  What I would do to troubleshoot is load the !+Angel Face INJ.pz2 into a text editor and compare the morph and settings with GenX2.

    As an example: in the !+Angel Face INJ.pz2 look for targetGeom followed by the morph name and a value, look for the same morph name and value in the GenX2 morph list. I loaded the head injection files into Excel, sorted it and show 69 morphs used. To narrow down the morph list, maybe search for the word eye in the .pz2 pose preset, then look for that morph and setting in GenX2.

    This is just a suggestion.

    If you're using the same GenX2 settings I showed and you have applied the V4 Morph++ and Angel V4 pose presets, I don't have a clue what is causing your eye and teeth issue unfortunately.


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  • unknownmystery445unknownmystery445 Posts: 414
    edited February 2017
    Lindsey said:

    Hum.. When I dial in the Angel V4  morph transferred with GenX2 it looks like the attached picture.  This is without the V4 full body morph applied.  It appears to me your GenX2 generated morph maybe missing some morphs settings that aren't being transferred.  Just a guess.  What I would do to troubleshoot is load the !+Angel Face INJ.pz2 into a text editor and compare the morph and settings with GenX2.

    As an example: in the !+Angel Face INJ.pz2 look for targetGeom followed by the morph name and a value, look for the same morph name and value in the GenX2 morph list. I loaded the head injection files into Excel, sorted it and show 69 morphs used. To narrow down the morph list, maybe search for the word eye in the .pz2 pose preset, then look for that morph and setting in GenX2.

    This is just a suggestion.

    If you're using the same GenX2 settings I showed and you have applied the V4 Morph++ and Angel V4 pose presets, I don't have a clue what is causing your eye and teeth issue unfortunately.


    I'm trying to download the Angel for v4 again and reinstall it. By the way how do you transfer skin textures from v4 to G3? I've successfully converted some other v4 characters to Genesis and G3, for the Genesis the textures are applied with just one click but for Genesis 3 it doesn't work. How do you do that?

    update: Angel for v4 worked now! Just reinstalled Angel for v4! So now how do you transfer v4 skin textures to Genesis 3? :)

    Post edited by unknownmystery445 on
  • Nice to see that it is working now as it should. (And I guess I'd rather not want to know why it didn't work before.)

    One more thing to try if morphs don't transfer correctly is to include hidden and single actor morphs in the morph list of GenX. These are hidden by default because they are usually not used directly, but some custom morphs may rely on them nonetheless.

    The "Prefer Clone Shape" option doesn't affect morph transfer, just what target shape is selected initially after loading a figure.

  • Nice to see that it is working now as it should. (And I guess I'd rather not want to know why it didn't work before.)

    One more thing to try if morphs don't transfer correctly is to include hidden and single actor morphs in the morph list of GenX. These are hidden by default because they are usually not used directly, but some custom morphs may rely on them nonetheless.

    The "Prefer Clone Shape" option doesn't affect morph transfer, just what target shape is selected initially after loading a figure.

    Can you post a screenshot? Also can that be  used all the time? Even if there's no problem in the morph?

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